
Kevin Hayes Says Whiny David Prouty Kids Don’t Matter Because They Don’t Evaluate The Superintendent Like Him

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On Friday we reported about the student protest that took place outside Superintendent Nadine “Tracy” Crowe’s office in the blue building adjacent to David Prouty High School. The Turtlegram was nowhere to be found because they don’t write stories that make administration look bad. But finally today they had to say something when it was announced that there would be an emergency meeting to discuss said walkout on Tuesday:

TurtlegramThe Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School Committee has called an emergency session to discuss a student walkout Friday at David Prouty High School. The session will be held 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Wire Village School auditorium. Carter Bemis, a senior from Spencer, said students at 12:45 p.m. Friday staged a walkout and went toward “the blue house” (the school administration building) to protest school Superintendent Nadine Tracy Crowe.

“About a 100 of us walked out with our signs and I held a megaphone and we called for Dr. Crowe to address us because we feel as though, since our last series of protests, there has been no progress, despite the progress promised to us,” Mr. Bemis said. “Upon calling on multiple occasions for Dr. Crowe to come out and address the protesting student body, she refused. She did not even acknowledge the protest despite the fact that she was in the blue building, which I feel is gross incompetence on her part, as superintendent.”

School Committee Chairman Kevin A. Hayes responded in a phone interview Sunday, saying some students are dissatisfied with the superintendent’s performance despite the glowing review she received last month from school committee.

“The school committee has recently completed an evaluation of the superintendent in which members of the school committee found the superintendent to be proficient in most areas and average in others, which gave her a favorable evaluation,” Mr. Hayes said. “Now, that’s done by the people that she works for. There is no evaluation that I am aware of that comes from the students or the union.”

“Other than the fiscal state of the district, we see no change,” Mr. Bemis said. “They made all these promises of change to come and betterment of the district and they assured us that they were on our side and they wanted to see programs restored and they wanted to see the students get the most they could out of their education here. But, unfortunately, that’s just not the case. We haven’t really seen anything come to fruition. We haven’t seen anything that has benefited the students in any way.”

Mr. Bemis said students also find fault with the timing of a 30-day, unpaid suspension of Charles A. Fahey, 10th-grade math teacher and former athletic director, just before MCAS testing for math. Mr. Bemis said Mr. Fahey was replaced by an English teacher.

“Students have reported English lessons in math class, despite the looming standardized test,” Mr. Bemis said.

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Approximately an hour before the planned walkout, police were guarding the doors of the administration building, Mr. Bemis said. Mr. Bemis said Ms. Crowe called the police on the students. 

“It would have been one thing if it was a riot, but it was a peaceful protest,” Mr. Bemis said. “We didn’t even chant until the police gave us explicit permission to chant. We were a peaceful, respectful protest. We stood outside and requested Dr. Crowe’s presence.”

Ms. Crowe could not be reached for comment Sunday.



Is this the biggest dickhead comment of all time?

“There is no evaluation that I am aware of that comes from the students or the union.”

Seriously? Does this idiot even have any idea how much of a jackwagon he looks like every time he opens his mouth? Even Lyin’ Kimmy Ring can see that. There is no evaluation, “that he’s aware of” that comes from students. AKA, I’m in charge. My opinion as a grumpy old man who is financially benefitting from burning the district to the ground matters much more than what some stupid kids think about their stupid education.

I mean, who says that? Who says that kids don’t matter to the press? Him, Cloutier, and Crowe might be the most incompetent people we’ve ever encountered when it comes to public relations. You know everyone is gonna read this. You know that Turtleboy has made you look as bad as you can possibly get. And this is the best you can come up with? Kids opinions don’t matter. LOL. He makes it too easy.


Newsflash Kevin – kids don’t care about SC evaluations of the superintendent. Kids care about extracurricular activities, their teachers, and having a normal, functioning school. You’ve taken all of those things away from them. That’s all that matters to them. No one gives a shit about your meaningless evaluation.

Kevin Hayes knows we have proof that he’s been getting paid by Crowe to do work on her house. He knows this is a violation of Massachusetts State Ethics laws. He knows that everyone knows this district is the most dysfunctional piece of crap that has ever existed. And he still tries to sell us with the “she got a glowing evaluation” thing. He thinks we’ll all sit here and nod, because for years it’s worked. Because up until this point only Spencer and East Brookfield have been paying attention. But now that we’ve made this jerkweed enemy #1 at Turtleboy, everyone knows what a crock of shit everything that comes out of his mouth is.

And how bout Crowe? You know a bunch of kids are gonna protest outside of your office at 12:45. It’s currently 11:45. What do you do? A normal person with any sort of leadership skills or the ability to prevent mayhem would have some sort of emergency assembly in the auditorium to address student concerns. Thanks to dwindling enrollment you can fit them all in one room anyway.


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Not Nadine Tracy Crowe though. She calls the cops. On a bunch of teenagers who want books and math teachers. Makes you wonder what’s gonna happen at this meeting tomorrow. In a normal school district the SC and superintendent would do something to smooth this over. But this is the exact opposite of a normal school district. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they said that three kids assaulted the superintendent and they’re all expelled. As usual, we anxiously await the fireworks. Hopefully parents show up and actually speak their mind tomorrow. Make a mockery of them because they are a joke.


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10 Comment(s)
  • Reddog
    April 19, 2016 at 9:36 pm

    Holy shit,my post went up.

  • Reddog
    April 19, 2016 at 9:35 pm

    This meeting ought to be interesting. I don’t have any kids in the school system but I’m defiantly going to be voting. I have a Dale Wilder sign currently on my front yard. I’ve seen signs for Martha Berthuime and Jason Monette, but none for Kevin Hayes. Maybe he changed his mind and isn’t going to run now.

  • Nai
    April 19, 2016 at 8:22 am

    Only in this system can you get ‘proficient’ and ‘average’ on your evaluation & they deem it glowing and favorable!
    You would think that the Superintendent would have all/mostly EXCEEDING in her ratings — sheesh! Does average get you bonuses? Not in my private sector world!

  • Sick of this
    April 19, 2016 at 6:34 am

    Awes social media terrorism Aidsey… careful buddy, your man crush on Kevin is showing 😉

  • Sick of this
    April 19, 2016 at 6:32 am

    And your comment section mysteriously doesn’t work again…

    • FiestyLawyerLady
      April 19, 2016 at 6:49 am

      There is nothing mysterious about it. If you think for one second a blog like this is going to censor posts, you’re nuts. It’s more than likely a wordpress glitch.

      • Mencken's Ghost
        April 19, 2016 at 7:09 am

        Wrong – they frequently censor posta that are critical of the blog.

        • Trump's boy penis
          April 19, 2016 at 2:06 pm

          Wrong. They never censor me and I am continuously critical

  • TeacherMom
    April 19, 2016 at 6:12 am

    We’ll be there, but there is NO Citizen input on the agenda….

  • nope
    April 18, 2016 at 11:44 pm

    They won’t

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