Social Justice Warriors

UNH Chick Records Herself As She Confronts And Facebook Shames White People Having Fun On Cinco De Mayo Because Cultural Appropriation Is Hate Speech

UNH Chick Records Herself As She Confronts And Facebook Shames White People Having Fun On Cinco De Mayo Because Cultural Appropriation Is Hate Speech

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Hundreds of people have shared this Facebook video shared by a black UNH student who apparently as offended on behalf of Mexicans when she saw white students having a good time and partying on Cinco de Mayo. She is so woke it hurts:



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So she probably chose to pick on the most reasonable college student I’ve ever seen. He was well spoken, respectful, and articulate. And in return she whined about how offended she was.

“I’m telling you that this is not appropriate.”

OK. So….what are you gonna do about it? Oh right, nothing.

“You only feel this way because you’re not a part of this culture.”

Newsflash – you are black. You are not part of this culture either.

“This stuff actually affects people’s lives.”

No it doesn’t. Obviously a guy in a poncho drinking Coronas Dos Eqis is not affecting anyone’s life.

“I don’t care what the holiday is celebrating. I’m having fun with my friends.”

There’s no fun on college campuses white boy!!

The best part was when one of her friends thanked the gringo for trying to have a reasonable conversation, as many wouldn’t be as polite with some aggressive losers up in their grille whining about cultural appropriation. Danique wasn’t having none of that:

“He still didn’t learn anything, he’s not reasonable.”

He didn’t learn anything. Nothing better sums up social justice warriors than that statement right there. They always whine about wanting to have a “conversation about racism.” But by conversation they mean you listen, they talk, and at the end you admit that they were right. If you didn’t “learn anything” by admitting how wrong you were, then it’s not a conversation.

Newsflash boogerbrains – being offended is 100% on you. It’s not my problem if you’re offended. If I’m not breaking any laws, I can do whatever the fuck I wanna do, and you can just kind of sit there and take it. Sure, you can post something stupid like this on Facebook, but we’re just gonna humiliate you and then you’re gonna be more offended. But by all means, go for it. Like this guy says (at the 3:20 mark) if you’re offended, no one cares:

Alright, we blogged about how stupid the concept of cultural appropriation is a couple months ago when that wildabeest from Hampshire College beat the shit out of and stomped a basketball player from a visiting school because she was white and refused to take out her braids. But here’s a quick list of why there is nothing wrong with “cultural appropriation”:

  • America is a melting pot. We observe other people’s cultures and adopt the stuff we enjoy. I’m not Italian, but lasagna is the bomb.
  • White people invented basketball and football. But I’m cool with black people playing it at a high level because I don’t have a stick up my ass.
  • The same people whining about cultural appropriation are the ones telling you to embrace diversity. So they want you to embrace it, but just don’t embrace it TOO much.
  • The St. Patrick’s Day parade is the greatest cultural appropriation that has ever existed, and there is NO IRISH PERSON who has ever lived that has a problem with other people getting wasted on this day.
  • Anyone who has the time and energy to worry about “cultural appropriation” is by definition a privileged person. People who are actually oppressed have real problems to deal with.
  • Cowboys are the American icon. But their entire culture, including words they use and the clothes they wear, comes from Mexico.

This is Danique Montique on the left:


As you can see, she is VERY oppressed, and thus needs to stay woke 24/7. You’ll also notice she’s dressed as a softball player – a sport that was invented by a white person and is dominated by white women. But it’s cool, she can dress like that. After all, people of different cultures are allowed to embrace other people’s cultures in a free country.

But Danique demands justice:


Not sure what she wants justice for, but I’m sure it’s really important.

Anyway, as you can see, this chick can’t get laid and obviously is miserable so she doesn’t get invited to parties, and thus she takes out her frustration on people who are actually enjoying life. It’s sad really. Every other college student realizes that once they have a job and family the fun is over, so they have to get the partying out of their system now. Thus they were all enjoying the last week or two of the semester by getting black out drunk and making bad decisions. But no one likes a whiny beyoch bringing down the vibe, and poor Danique was never invited to any parties. Thus she spent the entire weekend going around taking pictures of white people enjoying life:









Imagine being this much of a loser? This chick isn’t even a SJW. She’s just a loser. No life, no friends, no fun. Just an awful, awful human being who tries to destroy other people who aren’t as miserable as her.

Hey Danique – we had a Cinco de Mayo party this year at the turtle house. It was awesome. We could’ve ordered pizzas and drank Keystone Light like we normally do, but since it was Cinco de Mayo we made tacos and drank margaritas and Coronas. Oh, and there was a pinata too. Turtleboy Jr. beat the shit out of it. It was awesome. So much fun. You would’ve hated it.


Danique seems like such a fun person too:

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She’s right. Fun is suspended until further notice. From now on we will be having meetings about how you were offended this week so that other people can conform their behavior to sooth your delicate feelings.

And when she’s not busy policing men in ponchos and sombreros, she’s making sure people aren’t sharing transphobic memes:

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She’s right. It’s actually just two men. Because Bruce Jenner is an elderly dude who was once the greatest male athlete in the world, and whose penis created several millionaire slampigs. Because…science. But nevertheless Danique will “not stand for it.” Whatever that means.

She’s very upset with UNH for not defending “marginalized students” on campus:

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Because apparently we now need protection from respectful guys named Michael in ponchos.

One of the chicks featured in the photos didn’t like that this funbag was blowing up her spot like this:

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This did not go over well:

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Ahh yes, “Becky back at it again.” For those of you unfamiliar with the term, “Becky” is a word racial slur used to describe white women. Because as we all know, white people LOVE naming their kids Becky. Now, if you were to call black women “Shaniqua,” this of course would be considered racist, and rightfully so. But you’re allowed to shit on white people because…..slavery.

The thing about this whole thing is, Danique is black. And she’s offended on behalf of Latinos. But yet one of the few Latino people commented on her page didn’t really seem to give a shit:

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Yea Jorge, if you’re not gonna be offended then she’s gonna be offended on your behalf. HATE SPEECH IS NOT FREE SPEECH!!! Except it is. Because hate speech doesn’t really exist. It’s a figment of your imagination. It’s an arbitrary term that anyone can use to describe any words that make them feel unpleasant. “Hate speech” is in fact free speech, and the fact that you’re offended doesn’t change that.


Other people, like Gabby Greaves, who is NOT Mexican, is using this as an opportunity to get white people to pay reparations:

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Because racism is cash money!!

People at other schools started sharing her harrowing tale as well:

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Xaulanda Thorpe goes to Boston University. One of the most expensive private schools in the country. VERY oppressed!!!

When confronted with rational thoughts Danique always listened to other people’s opinions:

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LOL. Just kidding. She’s not trying to hear the thoughts of anyone who doesn’t agree with her, because she’s right and you’re wrong. And different points of view are hate speech.

Others used it as an opportunity to blame all white men:

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Alexis Blanchard is one of the good ones by the way. She may be white, but she’s still woke as fuck. And her privilege is checked!! But wait a minute, isn’t it racist to label ALL white men as condescending entitled brats?

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Oh right, reverse racism doesn’t exist. That’s because it’s just called “racism.” Sure, you can regurgitate via copy and paste that racism = power + prejudice. But that’s not what racism is. Racism has an actual definition. You can Google it. The fact that you’re making up definitions as you go along is meaningless.

That’s when the white saviors jumped in like they always do, because everyone knows that white people ARE THE FUCKING WORST!!!

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Zachary Adinolfi used a hashtag everyone!! White boy solving racism one tweet at a time!! But yet here is Zachary wearing a sombrero and a t-shirt that appears to be depicting a culture that clearly is not his:


Uh-oh!! Looks like someone needs to check their privilege!!



Then there’s this basic bitch Becky, who used to enjoy Cinco de Mayo, but after taking some classes in Hurt Feelings 101 and Feminist Dance Theory, she is now officially woke:

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Yup, I definitely read that. Definitely.

Finally there was Morgan Gray – AKA the whitest person who has ever lived:

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If you’ve ever said, “it’s inspiring me to use my privilege in ways to help others,” then you’re just trying way, way too hard to prove that you’re one of the good ones. But no one is impressed, and every normal person is laughing at you because you are a joke.


The best part about this is, there’s nothing they can do to stop this. They can whine and complain, and all we’ll do is call them out and embarrass them as we should. People who think like this are a disease. And the only cure is public humiliating. Laugh at them. Nothing they say should ever be taken seriously.


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22 Comment(s)
  • Publius
    May 9, 2017 at 11:04 am

    The best Turtle Boy blog in awhile. SJW really know not what they whine about.

  • Jerry
    May 8, 2017 at 9:38 pm

    Christ, that was one of the cringiest things I’ve ever read. Thank you TBS for being the only respected news outlet to stand up to these maniacs. I’m tired of seeing the “oppressed” population demanding to have their collective asses kissed, and being pandered to. This nonsense has gone on for long enough, and I’m glad people are finally standing up to the PC police.

  • Meh
    May 8, 2017 at 12:13 pm

    So let me get this straight, and tell me if I am wrong here… so it is ok for someone who isn’t even Spanish bitch and carry on? Funny thing is, this bitch goes on to talk crap about anyone that’s white. It’s ok for blacks to call poor whites cracker or white trash?
    Slavery ended a long time ago. Stop blaming others for your own issues. This is like when some one dresses like a gang member then gets pissed if people move over to the other side of the street. If this chick is so proud why isn’t she dressing like an African? That way people may actually listen to her if she looked like she knew what she is talking about.
    Last I knew, there was no “white lives matter, white entertainment television or a united white collage fund.” So now you are supposed be rewarded because your not white. If you don’t want to be seen as the “bitchy crazy black chick” then stop playing into the stereotypes. For Christ sake we just had a black president! I don’t see a woman in that spot, but as a female, I really don’t give a shit. Worry about you, shut your mouth and keep it moving.

  • Dirty Sanchez!
    May 8, 2017 at 11:07 am

    Can I give a “Dirty Sanchez” or would that be a misappropriation of another’s culture?

    How ’bout a “Filthy Lopez”?

    Forget it! This Skank bag would shrink my “doodle” the moment I saw her!

  • John Kujo
    May 8, 2017 at 9:57 am

    Smh, the fact that you went out of your way to make an article about this thing rather than letting it go only shows how annoyed you are on this subject. Like yeah I do find this whole CA shit annoying but goddamn let it die rather than make an article… You’re just like the Danique, can’t change the world behind that blog and keyboard.

    • Dirty Sanchez!
      May 8, 2017 at 11:14 am

      Oh, Poor John Kujo, you’re just an SJW! No, Turtleboy (or any of the TurtleRiders) bringing this “into the light of day” is what we need to stop the PUSSIFICATION OF AMERICA! We have become a nation of fucking pussies, where we have to consider who we might offend before we speak our minds!!! Fuck that!!! You’re offended??? Then too FUCKING BAD!!! Grow yourself a pair of testicles and be a man!!!

      • John Kujo
        May 8, 2017 at 12:25 pm

        LOL “You’re just an SWJ,” bruh didn’t claim I was. I said I found the whole CA(culture appropriate) annoying too so try reading a little harder? I know the words hurt your head but come on fam. Also I said let this whole shit die on both part. I dunno what you missed from my original post but goddamn are you stupid haha.

  • UsualSuspect
    May 8, 2017 at 8:32 am

    What a miserable existence, just stay in your room and study, leave the fun people alone!

  • Talisman
    May 8, 2017 at 7:46 am

    “Cultural Appropriation” is the most ridiculous, hypocritical and racist diarrhea of the brain the SJWs have ever came up with. Notice it’s always white people that are the targets for their alleged indiscretion and it’s always about a culture that the whiner doesn’t even belong to. By their rational, all blacks should never set foot on a basketball court, EVER. And don’t even think about double appropriating a basketball video game. In fact, any black person that despises this country this much and holds this amount of animosity towards whites, needs to go back to Africa because apparently, this is not the place for them.

  • Chico and the man
    May 8, 2017 at 7:24 am

    I think she needs a dirty Sanchez

  • Turd Burglestein
    May 8, 2017 at 6:43 am

    Dammit man…she’s taken the video down already. Just for future reference, you guys should look at downloading these videos and re-uploading them to your youtube channel so the video is preserved. I think the site is called keepvid(dot)com, and it also allows you to save videos from fakebook and all other social media platforms.

  • Independent Thinker
    May 8, 2017 at 6:34 am

    What a loser. Probably has no friends.

  • Deer Tick
    May 8, 2017 at 4:37 am

    The sombreros are silly but fun. To truly honor the Mexicans, put on a floppy hat, grab a leaf blower and a rake and clean up the campus!

  • May 8, 2017 at 2:40 am

    i don’t celebrate it either most folks don’t know about the Battle of Puebla and think it’s Mexican Independence Day or something…usually just fratties in sombreros anyway; i just waited a day and celebrated the Confederate victory at Chancellorsville,5/6/1863!

  • Swag
    May 8, 2017 at 1:06 am

    This girl is seriously an idiot, and is actually hurting her own argument by being so naive. Just because you’re black, that doesn’t mean you’re automatically fit to debate about social issues. This girl thinks she’s bringing attention to important issues in society, when she’s actually just distracting everybody with uninformed, emotional arguments that result in frustration. These kinds of interactions lead to everyone involved being less likely to listen to people with actual good points in the future.

    Also, nobody realistically gives a fuck about the origins of Cinco de Mayo or whats being celebrated. It’s just another themed party providing an opportunity to be creative, have fun, and create memories with friends. If you get offended by something like this, you’re insecure and need to thicken your skin or figure it the fuck out.

    • Meh
      May 8, 2017 at 12:01 pm

      Yes!!!!! I bet you there are pictures of her dumb ass drunk on St.Pattys day!

    • cubeangel
      May 9, 2017 at 6:12 pm

      Swag, any chance I can get to stuff my face is awesome.

  • Turtlehead
    Your name here*
    May 8, 2017 at 12:00 am

    Omg if that black bag of grossness came up to me, I wouldn’t even think twice about knocking that ugly skank out. Fuck her and fuck anyone associated with her and fuck you just because I felt lime saying it

    • Mike
      May 8, 2017 at 1:33 am

      She’s a fucking BEAST MUG! I’d scream “MONSTER” in her face.

  • Shameful Future Generation
    May 7, 2017 at 11:53 pm

    This chick needs to be shown what racism really is… respectful white boys in ponchos, are definitely not it.

  • Charisma Beauty
    May 7, 2017 at 11:45 pm

    Does anyone know what Ms. Montique is majoring in to have so much free time on her hands so as to annoy people so much? Let me guess, gender studies or some such foolishness. In the larger scheme of things she is a minor irritant much like a mild hemorrhoid flare-up.

    • Career Counselor
      May 8, 2017 at 9:13 pm

      She will have fun trying to find permanent, meaningful employment with an attitude like hers.

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