
Wareham Pokemon Model/Actress Posts Viral Crocodile Tears Video Cops And Teachers Letting Her 7 Year Old Daughter Get Nearly Beaten To Death By 5 Boys At Recess

Wareham Pokemon Model/Actress Posts Viral Crocodile Tears Video Cops And Teachers Letting Her 7 Year Old Daughter Get Nearly Beaten To Death By 5 Boys At Recess

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So this video from a Wareham mother who claims her first grade daughter was jumped by five boys and the school did nothing is making the rounds in the latest episode of “dumb sheep on the Internet will believe anything”:

The woman’s name is Kelissa Gwendolyn, or “Kissa Gwendolyn” on Facebook. And as you can see, she is an attention seeking narcissist who is obviously lying. Those are the fakest tears I’ve seen since Chad Reidy pretended to be looking for the wife that he clearly murdered. Nevertheless, the endless hears of morons lined up to blindly believe her, rather than questioning her unconfirmed anecdote that seems too insane to believe:

And of course Fox 25 News, which is by far the most bootleg and agenda driven media outlet in Boston, told her one sided story without bothering to confirm if any of it was true.

I’m sorry, but the parent brigade that comes out to play every time some parent shares an unconfirmed second hand anecdote coming from a 7 year old is worse than the “free my boi” and “only God can judge” crowds combined. They carry on as regular people, but they’re really just a bunch of ratchets who don’t break the law.

I mean just use common freaking sense here people. Let’s look at what this idiot claims happened:

“I usually try to look beautiful, but this video isn’t about me trying to look beautiful. I had to pick my daughter up, sorry I’m an emotional wreck right now, because she was throwing up. I just met with the vice principal and superintendent. My baby daughter just got jumped by five 7-year old boys. So today I met with the superintendent and vice principal again because this has been going on, and as a mother I’m speechless because I don’t know what to do. 

A gaggle of 7 year old gang bangers in Wareham kicking the shit out of a girl for no reason?

“They looked her over, she can barely walk on one of her legs, and she has a very big bruise on her thigh from where she kicked her with a boot. She has a concussion and she’s not supposed to be hit in the head because of an incident that happened on the school bus, where there’s no cameras.”

Alright, first of all, school buses all have cameras. They have since the 90’s. Secondly, this poor girl got Rodney Kinged apparently. Beaten with boots, hit in the head to the point of concussion, and now she can’t walk.

“This happened first thing in the morning, and they didn’t call me until 2:30 that day.”

So the girl, who was nearly killed and could not walk, just kind of continued the rest of the school day in excruciating pain? Then finally at the end of the day the principal was like, “better call Mom.” 

“The doctor told me to go to the police station. So I went to the police station, and I went to the police station in the hope that maybe they would step in and do something. And the police told me to take my daughter out of the Wareham schools.”

Right. This is what police do. They tell parents to take their kids out of the public schools. Definitely. God, how fucking stupid do you have to be to believe this? Did you fall for this? Please listen carefully – you are a fucking idiot. Change your ways and stop being such a mindless lemming or you’re gonna lose all your money to a Nigerian email scam before you die. 

“So the doctor tells me to document everything and to go the the police. And I go to the police and the police tell me to go back to the school who I had just met with this morning. And I said, my 7 year old daughter got jumped by 5 boys at recess, no teachers saw it, she has a concussion, and who in their right minds would think it’s OK to put their hands on my baby girl?”

Stop right there. A minute ago Kissa said, “This happened first thing in the morning.” Now it happened at recess. What kind of school starts the day off with recess? Oh, and somehow NO TEACHERS saw this gang of 7 year olds curbstomping another child at recess. Yup, that happens all the time in elementary schools. 

“And I am so hurt. And I have never been this hurt in my whole entire life. And I don’t know where to go from here. Ya know, I watched 13 Reasons Why, and now I can see why.”

Everything you need to know about this troglodyte can be learned in this one excerpt. As soon as she referenced 13 Reasons Why she became a joke. I watched that whole thing. It’s nothing more than a self-centered narcissist who uses suicide as a weapon for revenge. It’s fed into this bullshit that people should be blamed when other people kill themselves. It’s absolute bullshit, and anyone who buys into it is a moron. 

“My daughter is in first grade and she got jumped by boys. This is real. And the police won’t even press charges. They tell me “put her in Bourne,” and inconvenience my life. A single mom trying to work 40 hours a week and run a house. Inconvenience my life because these boys put their hands on my daughter. And now she has a concussion which means she can’t get hit in the head for another two weeks.”

The police won’t press charges against some first graders based off of a second hand account from a 7 year old that no teachers or any other adults witnessed? Gee whiz, can’t imagine why. Then again, I’m sure they’d be more proactive if the girl was really beaten like Reginald Denny. But more than likely the girl was perfectly fine and the cops realized they were dealing with a psychopath. But God forbid this woman “inconvenience her life” by doing what she feels is best for her child. The schools and police should suspend and arrest whatever first graders she tells them to. 

“Sorry guys, give me a second. I’m literally a friggin mess. (30 second break)”

Oh, the drama!!

And I told the police that they have everything documented of her getting hurt, when her hat got cut. They need to handle these kids. We can’t keep pulling these kids out of our schools. Cuz you know what? When I was in middle school I got jumped. And a girl who jumped me her brother kicked me in the head and almost killed me. He kicked me in the temple with steel toed boots. And you know where he is today?

“Almost killed me.” Good thing she’s not hyperbolic or overly theatrical, or else we might question the validity of her story. 

“So I don’t know. I’m gonna post this. And I need help from everybody. I know I have a lot of people social networking on here. But for my baby girl to be jumped. For her and this little kid Alex. For five against two and one of them is a girl. What is wrong with our society?

Oh look, the story is changing. Now it’s “five against two.” All at recess. With no teacher seeing it. OK. 

“And what is wrong with our police to tell me that a 7 year old isn’t conscious enough to know that he gave my daughter a concussion. And that she’s vomiting because she got hit in the stomach. And that she has a bruise on her thigh. And she’s been hit in the head. No, let’s not deal with the problem. Let’s just keep pulling our kids from Wareham schools.”

Oh now I get it. She just hates the cops for doing their job. 

“Until we have no schools. Until the bad people win. Is that what it comes down to? The bad kids win. I don’t feel safe having my baby in school with a concussion for two weeks. And the little boy who defended her he said the exact same story. So I guess wake up America, because this is what we’re dealing with. And as a mom I am broken. And I’m asking for help. And I know I’m not pretty and I know I’m a mess but I’m a mom. This just really hurts inside of me. For a 7 year old to say she hates school and she hates her life because she gets bullied on the bus, she gets bullied in the hallways, she gets bullied by the teachers. She gets jumped at recess, and no one sees or says anything. What if it was worse? This is what we’ve come to. This is what being a Mom has come to.”

HAHAHHAHAHAH!! Hey parents I got a tip for you. If your kid comes home and says they’re “bullied by the teachers,” they’re lying to you. I know snowflakes like Kissa like to toss around “bullying” like it’s going out of style, but teachers don’t bully 7 year olds in real life. More than likely your child is just reading too much into something their teacher said, or didn’t say, and assuming the teacher has it in for them. But they don’t. Because teachers are people who are underpaid and have a shitload of things to do on a daily basis, so they just don’t have the time or energy to bully 7 year old girls. 

Anyway, Kissa’s story might actually be true. Because it’s not like she’s an attention seeking nutjob looking for Internet validation 24/7:

Oh wait, that’s exactly what she is. A self-absorbed, “look at me,” “me and my baby against the world,” egomaniac. Someone who chooses to dress like she’s a Capitol resident in the Hunger Games. She lives for attention and the spotlight, and she knows that everyone will feel bad for her if she put this on the Internet.

She’s also very important and has Facebook Live shows so you can ask her questions about her work as an ICP juggalo:

She is a “model” (which apparently means dressing up like a freak and posting pictures on Facebook), an actress (it’s almost as if she has the ability to turn it on and be overly theatrical and this whole thing could be an act), and an “official hot mess”:

And who wouldn’t believe an official hot mess? They’re perfectly stable.

Oh, and she’s never been overly theatrical on Facebook about “almost dying” either:

Nor has she freaked out and gone all “the kids are gonna die and the schools are trying to hide it from us” on Facebook before:

Oh good, more unconfirmed anecdotes designed to rile up the crowd and turn them on her kid’s school. Shocking she’s a single Mom who can’t seem to hold down a man. Can’t imagine why. (Not that I don’t know many single moms who I respect and admire. But it’s these “my and my baby against the world” queefbags who are clearly single for good reason).

Oh, and the superintendent and vice principal say that it’s “OK” for boys to hit and punch her daughter:

That’s exactly how the meeting went. Mom told them that her kid just got the shit kicked out of her, and they were like, “We’re cool with that.”

If you believed this story, take a lap. You just got conned by a bootleg Pokemon model who fed you crocodile tears down your gullet and you swallowed it.



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26 Comment(s)
  • Tony
    June 2, 2017 at 9:24 am

    I can’t even watch 31 seconds of that. What the fuck. My boy at work just looked at my phone and said who’s fake crying in that video!!!!!

  • Wareham I?
    June 2, 2017 at 7:19 am

    Let’s not forget, she posted that status about the school saying it’s cool with them, at 12:24PM.

    But wait…. how’d she have a meeting with them before lunch if they didn’t even call her til 2:30?! Same day as she posted the video saying this morning so she’s definitely a total loon.

  • 33
    June 1, 2017 at 10:27 pm

    I actually heard from someone who knows her, that she doesn’t even take care of her daughter, that her mother does.

  • HA
    June 1, 2017 at 4:09 am

    Dig deep…she faked fibromyalgia 5 or more years ago. She is the worst. So much material to work with, just dig.

  • Erikah
    May 31, 2017 at 10:14 pm

    This article is disgusting. You should all be ashamed of yourselves!!! you are the bullies! All your preconceived notions about this women is not what is important! The fact the children are being hurt is what is important but people would rather talk about how this women ” calls her self a model yet dresses she dresses like a freak”… no wonder these kids are so cruel.. look who they are learning from. Stop hating! Who wrote this article??? So sad. Wisdom needs to find you.

  • Meghan
    May 31, 2017 at 7:34 pm

    Sorry, but this type of violence absolutely does occur in the wareham public school system! It’s really disgusting to drag this victims mother through the mud because of her alternate lifestyle. Yeah, she’s strange but it doesn’t give anyone the rights to put their hands on her daughter! My daughter got beat up her last day of school and either the teachers didn’t see it or just plain neglected to inform me. My daughter came home with bruises on her face because a girl beat her up over a swing! The school ratings for the wareham school district are all below a 5. These reasons are why my family decided to leave. No one wants to do anything positive about what’s going on at these schools and children are suffering. These junkie parents who neglect their children and encourage violence are pushing the decent children down and preventing them from receiving a quality education and it is too sad. Shame on you for making fun of a single parent who is trying to make a big necessary change for all the defenseless and good-hearted children that are getting lost in the wareham school system!

  • Johnny5
    May 31, 2017 at 11:55 am

    I love that half the asshats posting on here say there are no cameras and the other half are saying that every bus has a camera. I also never knew so many bus drivers posted on the TB comment section. LULZ

    • Phil M
      May 31, 2017 at 1:29 pm

      Pulled my two school age children put of Wareham schools this year and safety was the number one reason why. You need to check your sources. This story could very well be true. Despite your click bait agenda. Sad

  • Really?!
    May 31, 2017 at 11:29 am

    I also live in this town and am so embarrassed by this entire thing. Do I believe that her child is “bullied?” Sure, because it is 2017 and everything has a dramatic label. Now do I believe that any of the things that she stated happened on the playground? Absolutely, without a doubt, No. Not a single parent has spoken up and said their child saw a thing? 100s and 100s of comments by all of these parents “that have gone through the same thing” and not ONE of their children saw this happen? What about the parents of these alleged boys? There were nasty things said about them, and their children. If they are these horrible people that they’ve been painted to be, don’t you think they would be saying SOMETHING on facebook?! Also, what about the other child that was supposedly “attacked” with her? Did everyone just forget that part of this “story?” I am not discounting that bullying exists and is an issue in Wareham, but once again it is 2017 and bullying is an issue everywhere! People that are saying “even if this isn’t true, at least its shedding light on the issue and making the admin do something” should be ashamed of themselves. You want the issue to be addressed on a lie?! That discredits everything you are saying and just shines an even more negative light on Wareham, So great job! Do what is best for YOUR child, transfer districts, choose private, teach them the best way to handle the situation for THEM, but once you’ve made the decision, please shut the fuck up. No-one cares. Know what they care about? Their own kid, and if they are happy. So get a hobby, or a job and stop worrying so much about every second of your kids life. Let them grow and learn how to navigate life themselves or they are going to be a really giant asshole as an adult.

  • Jaci
    May 30, 2017 at 11:22 pm

    So I worked for the town of Wareham in the school bus dept. I will say the school system sucks, there is alot of issues that get swept including bullying. The superintendent does not really do what’s best for the kids and alot of parents want her gone. So do I think this little girl was bullied yes. I know there are cameras on all the busses so for her to say there wasn’t a camera is a bunch a crap! When ever there is an issue on the bus the pull the hard drive and review it. I understand why alot of parents made comments.

  • craig
    May 30, 2017 at 8:01 pm

    While I normally enjoy your “news” and agree this lady is a fruit cake, I’m discouraged that you haven’t done more research yourself…. Aside from this lady being a wing nut, I have no reason not to believe her story. Unfortunately, I just moved my 7 year old daughter from Decas with a month left due to a lack of “safety” being provided by administration. This is our 5th child to attend Decas. We’re lifelong residents in town. Normal people. I coach two 8th grade sports in town and have for over a decade. I love Wareham and wish things were different but fact is, they’re not. There’s been 5 children that I know of who have left Decas this year alone, due to the ongoing lack of safety being provided by administration. We’ve met with teachers, assistant principals, principal and even sat with the Superintendent with next to no solution. Unfortunately, we were told their hands are tied. Now, that doesn’t mean her story is 100% true. But based on our experience and the experience of 5 other families that we know about, I have reason to believe it could have happened. Her delivery of the story is terrible. I agree. I understand you questioning her credibility. She looks and sounds like a flake. But I can assure you, these things have happened at Decas School. And yes, there was asbestos there too. They just finished the abatement process…. Anyway, I do enjoy your stories. Always good for a laugh. But the news here is what Decas School turned into. Wasn’t that way when I went there. Or when our 4 other children went. Now aged 14-22. Our 22 y/o just graduated from UMass Dartmouth with a marketing degree. So we’re relatively normal people and I can tell you, we’ve experienced similar issues this year at Decas.

    • Sunflower
      May 30, 2017 at 9:24 pm

      1st off there are always 2 sides to stories but I can tell you there are not cameras on all the buses and 75% of the cameras don’t work they were not professionally installed and have failed our system. All buses from K-2 out of decas should have monitors and Mr.Andrews says budget does not allow for this and they don’t even pay minimum wage for monitors. This all starts from the top superintendent should be addressing these issues and protecting our kids. The size of child nor appearance should make a difference for anyone to pick on a child. Bullying happens everyday just look at the above posts many individuals are bullying this family cause of their looks and a mother speaking out maybe if more of us spoke up things could change. None of us can judge unless we have done their job. Again super needs to maybe not take her raise and donate it for monitors

      • Jaci
        May 30, 2017 at 11:28 pm

        When i worked on the bus in wareham 2 years ago all the busses had cameras and they did work, now that could have changed now. Also I agree with you all elementary school busses should have monitors. Unfortunately only the preschool and special needs busses have them . The monitors do get paid minimum wage.

    • Kara
      May 31, 2017 at 12:06 am

      I’m going to start this comment by saying this site is a JOKE. How about we fact check you for a second, hmm okay #1 Not all busses in Wareham Ma have cameras. They use some older busses that are not equipped with cameras. How do I know this? I’m a parent of students that go to this school that ride on a bus that takes them there and have talked to the principal regarding this issue who has said that only a handful of buses that are in this town have cameras. Most of those busses don’t drive the Elementry school kids. Its also funny how now the first day back to school since the news broadcast was aired that the school officer Officer Bapteast was actually at the school all day doing his job letting kids know that he was there and that he dosent stand for bullying. He even took part in monitoring recess time, Also the principals you know all 3,All of them along with EXTRA teachers were outside during every recess to make sure that no child was fighting or getting hurt. Hmm that’s a little strange seeing how they never did that the whole year. Crazy how with 2 weeks left of school they actually want to do THEIR FUCKING JOBS. Wow miricals happen after all. Nextly, Ms. Brayley the nurse is the worst when it comes to making the phone calls reguarding any injury or sickness to a child. She won’t call until 2:15 you know pretty much the end of the day to let you know your child has been hurt, then when you confront the school about why it took so long it’s a whole long line of excuses or we sent home a note to document what happend or the best one is when they claim they called earlier in the day but that call never happens. Nextly,are the people or person who runs this shitty site a parent of any student that goes to this school? All this towns school department does it put up a front that makes it seem like safety and no bullying of students is tolerated but the fact is that as soon as any reports it they just try to sweep it under the rug so it dosent tarnish there reputation. This mothers job has nothing to do with what her daughter went through at this school. There isn’t enough teachers or monitors to watch all the kids or help them in the classes let alone at recess when there is like 4 classes of 30 kids out at once with maybe 3 teachers. They can’t see everything.

  • Tilly
    May 30, 2017 at 6:38 pm

    People make me sick , I don’t care what Kissa does for her job, which is really no ones business, by the way. This has nothing to do with her. It has EVERYTHING to do with her daughter getting bullied at school and NOTHING being done about it. I have known several kids both boys and girls that are or have been getting bullied in the Wareham School system whether it be on the bus or in the schools. Right from 1st grade up to the High School. Shame on all of you that feel the need to dig up trash on Kissa, I’m sure you all have your own trash that you don’t want aired out. I hope for your kids sake they don’t get bullied at school or elsewhere. See if it were your kid what you would do.

  • Big Raymond
    May 29, 2017 at 7:46 pm

    She looks like the “over-attached girl-friend” meme, in that bizarre yellow pica-chew costume.

    Ginger Fueled Female Insanity (GFFI), head for the hills, the crazy is strong in this one.

  • Put your kid first
    May 29, 2017 at 10:29 am

    Dear Kissa, you are the reason that your daughter is getting picked on. It’s totally unfair and I would also hate the kids for doing it but for your daughter’s sake you need to keep a lower profile and try to act normal.

    • Screaming STD!
      May 29, 2017 at 12:26 pm

      Looks like a walking ad for a STD! Sorry “NoseFace” wouldn’t even do her with your dick!

  • Long Arm of the Law
    May 29, 2017 at 9:45 am

    7 years old is the youngest age that a child can be held criminally liable.

    But that would require something like… hmmm probable cause?

    And there’s no way you spoke to doctors and police and they told you to document her injuries, unless you were making it up. Trained medical professionals aren’t going to document injuries that you tell them about, they need to see it themself.

    Stop lying and quit modeling. You suck.

  • Bird
    May 29, 2017 at 9:11 am

    She should have used the money that she spent on tattoos to get her buck teeth fixed.

  • bigdaddy
    michael marcotte
    May 29, 2017 at 9:03 am

    Looks like she might enjoy being jumped on by 5 guys

  • Colbert
    May 29, 2017 at 9:01 am

    That looks like a hornet’s nest. I think I’ll stick my penis in there.

  • Noseface
    May 29, 2017 at 8:38 am


  • BlackandWhite
    May 29, 2017 at 8:16 am

    We don’t know the whole story (and I sincerely doubt we will hear the truth). However, I do know that bullying like this happens all the time in schools. Most of the time, the administration “sweeps it under the rug and turns a blind eye.” All the tears & drama aside … If this (or any) child IS being bullied, then something positive needs to happen to prevent future incidents from happening.

  • ninja turtleboy
    May 29, 2017 at 7:15 am

    her kid probably wouldn’t get made fun of if she fed her right and actually took the time to brush her hair. sadly, she looks like an easy target to other kids

  • Sterling Turtle Rider
    May 29, 2017 at 12:59 am

    The way she tells it, it’s Wareham Recess X with the curb-stomping over there; could -almost- be believable, if it weren’t for the changes in the story, the drama, and the fact that this lady reeks of desperation to ‘make it’ into the modelling world.

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