
A Message For Ben Daniel, Talcum X, And Facebook

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Hey fam – if you’d like to support Turtleboy and what we do here, feel free to hit the donate button at the top. We basically have to run this site like a Bernie Sanders campaign now since we’ve been blacklisted by Google and Facebook, due to the fact that rabid SJWs keep reporting our posts. Getting blacklisted by Google is a death sentence for most websites, since it’s much harder to monetize. And we all know the damage Facebook has done. We’re never going to stop fighting for free speech, but in the meantime the best way for turtle riders to fight back is to donate to the cause. Without you people none of this is possible. We love you all. 


A turd named Ben Daniel used Facebook to threaten a group of turtle riders today. It didn’t go well for him, and Uncle Turtleboy has a strong message for him. Hope he listens. Talcum X used his platform to tell a blatant lie about a Texas cop raping a black woman he had pulled over. Yet he’s still blue checkmarked verified on Facebook and Twitter, even though he’s intentionally spreading fake news. Facebook’s lawyers are holding the line with Turtleboy, making up some insane lies, and we’re going to make them pay.


1 Comment(s)
  • z
    May 25, 2018 at 11:44 am

    Mr Daniels is an artisan carpenter.

    Here’s something else that has to do with being an artisan and wood.

    Google search “Smoke and Flame Firewood Company youtube”.

    I found that on Reason.com where an Atlanta suburb will fine you with a threat of jail time if your wood pile contains wood not the size of bricks: 4 X 8 and straight.

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