All-Star Criminals

Connecticumrag White Toast Malone Is Also An Animal Abusing Oxygen Thief Who Was Sentenced To 2 Years In Jail For Brutally Killing 7 Cats

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Earlier today I blogged about a cop hating skid mark on society who attempted to brag about stealing the decal off a police car, and ended up getting verbally decimated by a comedian/cop Batman-eqsue combo on social media instead. The result was a social media feud for the ages.

Now obviously the reason this gingervitis stricken pubestachio hates cops is obviously because he’s a giant pile of steaming dogshit, that goes without saying. Well adjusted, law-abiding citizens tend to fall more on the neutral to appreciative side of the spectrum with their opinion of law enforcement. But boy, is this guy a steaming pile of shit, alright.

Fox 61:

“Over the course of the seven months Timothy Olschafskie lived with a local family, he methodically killed seven of their pet cats, police said Thursday.

The 20-year-old from Enfield was arrested on a warrant Wednesday charging him with seven counts of cruelty to animals. He was in custody on $150,000 bail early Thursday and was scheduled to be arraigned later in the day at Superior Court in Enfield.

The arrest followed a six-month investigation during which the family members themselves fell under suspicion, Sgt. Paul Cherniack said.

The cats died of blunt traumatic injuries, which means they likely were hit with a hard object or forcibly thrown, he said.

According to Cherniack, the family, whom he didn’t identify, agreed to have Olschafskie live with them late in 2012. He was dating a family member.

Soon after he moved in, Cherniack said, in January of 2013, “The cats started dying.” The family took in rescued animals.

Olschafskie moved out in the summer of 2013; the last cat killed died in July, Cherniack said.”


And he indeed was convicted and served time for it, too.

Hartford Courant:

ENFIELD (AP) — A Connecticut man has been sentenced to two years in prison for killing five cats belonging to his fiancee’s family — crimes that drew protests outside of court by animal rights advocates.Timothy Olschafskie of Windsor Locks pleaded guilty Friday in Enfield Superior Court to multiple counts of maliciously killing animals. He was charged in the deaths of seven cats and admitted to five of the killings.

Police say the cats suffered blunt force trauma, bone fractures, lacerations to internal organs and skin torn from their bodies on different dates in 2013.

I honestly had my doubts as to whether or not this was the right guy, because comparing pictures,

The last five years have been rough on Timmy. Almost looks like two completely different douche canoes.

But when I found the Facebook post about the arrest, sure as shit,

He had shown up in the comments to defend himself, four years later, probably on the exact day he took his clear plastic bag with his flat brimmed hat and Jordans home from his vacation in the slammer. Because, of course he did. Only ratchets have that preternatural ability to make themselves look exponentially more guilty after already being arrested, charged and convicted. It’s a fucking art form of failure and ineptitude. This guy is Picasso.

Definitely the type of guy who would be arrested living in his “fiance’s” parents house, because what says eternal love, commitment and adult responsibility more than beating some cats to death while you smoke weed all day in mom’s basement?

This clown really is a John Wayne Gacy in the making. That’s some sociopath behavior right there. This guy probably rage jerks off to all the police themed gay porn he can get his hands on in between resisting the urge to harm small animals. He is so incensed at his arrest and subsequent jail sentence that his dick probably looks like a $3.99 roll of Wal-Mart economy ground beef. And look at this face,


You know he cries the whole way through, too.


Moral of the story here is don’t go bragging about stealing stickers off a police car on social media, especially if you have all the wit, charm and psychopathic tendencies of the fucking Unabomber.

19 Comment(s)
  • Blame the parents
    January 23, 2019 at 8:20 pm

    Imagine being the parents of the retarded cum dumpster that he calls his new fiancé? Don’t you do a little research on the new cum slinger your daughter brings home? Id choke this scrawny piece of shit out and tell him the next time he even thinks of seeing my daughter he will end up in the hospital for a long time. Then id ask my daughter where did i go wrong in the process of raising you that you would ever consider a piece of shit like that as date worthy and potential husband material. I might even have to slap the shit out of myself in the process for having a brain dead daughter

  • randiguy2006
    Randall Guy
    January 23, 2019 at 1:38 pm

    Why did you remove “Failed Abortion” from the original headline?

    • Ur point
      January 23, 2019 at 8:19 pm

      Does it really matter? It’s obvious he was a failed abortion. He is a evil sick fk . Any person who hurts animals is, and the world would be better off without them. So they are a failed abortion. Doesn’t matter if they took it out of the title and call him a cumrag instead. It don’t change that he is a waste of human life

  • Casper
    January 23, 2019 at 1:23 pm

    Mark my words, he WILL commit murder one day.

  • z
    January 23, 2019 at 8:29 am

    Just think if a Red Sox hat or Pats cap had the same meaning as a Bulls hat.

    Maybe it does in certain circles.

    • Y
      January 23, 2019 at 9:24 am

      Please don’t associate our teams w/the ratchetness of the Bulls.

      • z
        January 23, 2019 at 1:26 pm

        Not the teams fault that some people gravitate to a logo.
        I’m guessing it has something to do with the AIr Jordans back in the day and now just “is”.

        If Jordan had played for the Celtics, we’d be seeing the obligatory Celtics cap. Most wearers wouldn’t have
        any idea why.

      • z
        January 23, 2019 at 1:27 pm

        Not the teams fault that some people gravitate to a logo.
        I’m guessing it has something to do with the AIr Jordans back in the day and now just “is”.

        If Jordan had played for the Celtics, we’d be seeing the obligatory Celtics cap. Most wearers wouldn’t have any idea why.

  • Smack her too
    January 23, 2019 at 8:15 am

    This ugly ass beady eyed bird looking thing, actually has a girlfriend? I want to know what’s up with her. What are her issues? Is she slow? Special needs maybe? I can’t see her being a perfectly normal woman and her being with a cat killing piece of shit like him. There has got to be something wrong with her, I bet she kills cats too

    • Captain Trips
      Captain Trips
      January 23, 2019 at 9:54 am

      She: ‘Hey what’s your favorite pastime?

      Him: Killing cats.

      She: You’re the man for me!’

  • Sick of these Ratchet Fucks
    January 23, 2019 at 7:20 am

    Jesus. What a first class loser. There isn’t one redeeming quality about him. Love the last name. Sounds like he’s trying to get back to prison because he misses the “Old-Shaft-Ski” right up his pooper. Destined to wander the streets on our dime forever. Unless somebody offs him.

  • whatevuh
    January 23, 2019 at 6:13 am

    He should move to Webster, he would fit right in . . . .

  • Anthony Grossi
    January 23, 2019 at 12:50 am

    Nice Hitler stache in the selfie

  • The angry taint
    The angry taint
    January 22, 2019 at 10:49 pm

    This fucking cock eyed puke should have his head put in a fucking vise and everyone takes turns tightening it. Better yet use fish hooks and hang meat on him and put him in a tiger pit… oh hi leigha

  • Right between the eyes
    January 22, 2019 at 10:42 pm

    Why do people gotta fuck with animals. Small and helpless. No way to fight back. I swear to god I hope that someone reads this blog and sees this pile of shit after and he ends up with severe head trauma from them beating the shit out of him so badly, Maybe smash his ugly face against the ground 20-30 times. Or just take the waste of space out completely. We can only pray that this scum gets what he deserves. Anyone who hurts animals and children deserve to die, it takes a special sick fk to be like this guy. I’m sure that there are more then 7 cats. He killed. That’s just how many he got caught on, now think of how many he probably got away with.

  • Sausagewallet
    January 22, 2019 at 10:30 pm

    He never stood a chance. This bucket of steam could never spell his own last name. Flat brims, poor facial fair, and cat killing was his future.

  • Drago
    January 22, 2019 at 10:18 pm

    This halfwit probably raped the cats and killed them so they wouldn’t snitch.

  • Common Sense
    January 22, 2019 at 10:14 pm

    Why is he afraid of cats? Because they are tougher than him is my guess. He is a typical skinny, tiny dick loser. Facebook is right up his alley as it’s the only place he can be a tough guy.

  • Y
    January 22, 2019 at 9:31 pm

    Come C Me.
    – Every pussy on Facebook

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