Pop Squad spinoffs are popping up everywhere these days. Here’s a video from the Lunenburg Walmart of two or three guys who catfished a pedo into meeting up with a child to fuck.
When you actually remember to film it horizontally, but you started filming it vertically first, this is what happens. What a tragedy. Not nearly as attempting to meet up with a child for sex at Walmart and ending up on Turtleboy instead though.
My only issue with this sort of vigilantism is that they didn’t tell him they were calling the cops. Basically it was “get help, or else the next time you fuck a kid I’m-a come get your gravy ass.”
Except this rotund piece of shit isn’t going to get help because fucking kids is just kind of his thing. Ya see, his name is Benjamin Brause, he’s a former youth football caoch, and he’s already a registered sex offender. His crime? Juicing a former player up with booze and porn and raping them.
A former Leominster and Lunenburg youth-football coach is free on $15,000 cash bail after being arraigned Monday on charges that he raped a former player after he allegedly supplied him with alcohol and showed him pornography. Benjamin B. Brause, 36, of 36 North Main St., Apt. 2, Leominster, was arraigned in Leominster District Court on two counts of aggravated rape, one count of indecent assault and battery on a child under 14, supplying alcohol to a person under 21 and giving obscene matter to a minor. He was ordered held on $100,000 cash bail over the weekend. In her reasons for asking the bail amount to stand, Assistant District Attorney Courtney Price said Brause allegedly sexually abused a boy he was coaching. She said the boy was between 12 and 16 at the time. Court documents allege the abuse involved oral and anal sex.
According to a narrative by Officer Kimberly Phillips, the sexual acts allegedly occurred between January 2010 and December 2012 at Brause’s apartment and in a parking lot within the city limits. Brause furnished the boy with alcohol and showed him pornographic videos on at least one occasion, according to Phillips’ report. As part of his conditions of release, Brause must stay away from the boy, who is now 17, to stay away from Lunenburg and Leominster high schools, to have no contact with children younger than 16, have no unsupervised contact with any family members under 16, stay from athletic fields in both communities, and refrain from coaching, mentoring or working with children while the case is pending.
This arrest was less than six years ago, and not only is he not in jail, he’s still up to his old tricks. He’s somehow not being monitored so it took two Fitchburg vigilantes with a sideways iPhone to show to the world that he hasn’t learned his lesson.
I think that being attracted to little boys is a disease. But acting on that impulse is a crime, not a symptom of a disease. When you have a cold you don’t cough on people, do you? This guy doesn’t need help because he doesn’t want help. He needs to be locked up so that kids in the area don’t get raped. Although if we’re being perfectly honest, if he were planning on meeting up with a 14 year old boy to bang, I’m pretty sure the kid would go home the second he walked into Walmart and saw this bag of shit in front of him:
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35 Comment(s)
I actually know this guy (and the kid who accused him) pretty well and was shocked to find out he was arrested years ago because he’s such a nice guy. First let me say that I absolutely agree statutory rape is a crime (and not that it’s any better) but that being said, there’s absolutely no way this guy ever forced himself on anyone. The 16 year old who first accused him was/is gay and was an active participant at consenting age at the time (however they claimed it was statutory rape from an earlier time) but if that’s true, the kid continued talking and texting his alleged rapist for well over a year later. Suspicious huh? Instead of ignoring or blocking him like you would if someone raped you, he cracked jokes and was even at times flirtatious. I’m also pretty sure that no alcohol was given to this kid, and I know because I’ve seen the text messages he sent asking for booze for him and his friends and then getting pissed off when he was told no. I was out to lunch with him during the text conversation about the booze and at that time the kid was almost 17. Definitely pokes holes in the timeline. Anyway, I haven’t seen the vigilante transcript so I don’t know the details here or what ages they pretended to be, but judging by his reaction he seems to know he committed a crime. If so, I really hope he gets professional help instead of jail. Jail doesn’t change behavior it only delays it. Either way it’s really messed up to call him “Gravy Filled”. Should really leave weight out of this.
One of these teams just busted a teacher at Worcester’s Notre Dame school. He was already busted and tried for molesting a kid in Ayer as a coach but found not guilty.
there is no cure for sports disguised pedos and he does not want help, beyond getting out of Walmart.
He’s a great coach
How Dare You!
He can turn any tight end into a wide receiver. Ooh-gah
This guy wanting to rape kids is a disease? If that’s the case them there is no cure, except…..
Free piece of advice:
never hire someone to coach little kids, who doesn’t have kids of their own. 97% of the time they are child-fucking faggots
Mandatory castration for first offense.
Now taking bets on this fat faggot
When is Turtle Boy going to post more fake checks?
When you post some pix of your mom deep-throating my dog.
Sick man deserves all he gets . I’ve been a folower since very early days . I love the blog . But, as a hard working , never been arrested , person with a great sense of humor?? I am so sick of you bashing overweight people .Me being one . You continue to equate FAT WITH RACHET ,and I’m starting to get sick of it. Now that I’m done ,I’m going to go eat guilt free , with humor and great vocabulary intact ! Hope you lay off the fat people who are only hurting them selves
I used to be fat too and even then I could take a fat joke. Get thicker skin( I can’t believe yours isn’t already thick enough it must be to keep all that fat from spilling out onto the floor!) you think it’s funny to poke fun of everyone else but not when it describes you? My advice, stop stuffing your face and try moving it wouldn’t take much because it takes a lot of effort to move your fat ass. Btw fat fuck your unhealthy lifestyle effects my insurance premiums , you hurt my eyes when I look at you, and higher airfares when fewer people can fit because of fatsos, not to mention the extra fuel and food you consume,so you do hurt others especially when you sit on them. Lose some weight disgusting fat blob!
Hey! Shut up, Fatty!
6 words for you.
Intermittent fasting.
It works.
Try it.
Bears don’t go on diets.
If you’re going to go “vigilante” at least have the courtesy to bash that boy scout fuckers head in with a rock
What about all the money you make from advertisers?
How long does it take to walk through Walmart? What was the name of the website Turtleboy did a story on a couple of years ago that was about a vigilante that did something similar? He was based out of CT & would also go to MA. Is he still around ? As for this worthless piece of shit, he won’t ever change. He will just be more careful.
What was the point of this by those two dudes if they didn’t call the police? Do they think they’re tough guy attitude scared this hippo straight ? I mean it wasn’t to embarrass the guy he’s already got his picture posted at the post office
Dr Phil did a show about guys that confront pedos in public. They make a living on YouTube doing this. Same scenario as this. They initiate contact pretending to be a kid then meet up and do a lame impersonation of Chris Hansen. They won’t call the cops because be the cops don’t support them.
Actually, if the YouTube pedo catchers are well known and have been doing it for awhile (example:Pop Squad), the police will actually contact said pedo catchers after they see the video online. Said pedo catchers are often asked to come to the local police station and give a statement and whatever other info they have on the suspected pedo. Police actually love these guys. Their just not allowed to publicly encourage others to do this, because it can be potentially dangerous. It depends on the circumstances, but many, many of these pedos are arrested and charged because of these YouTubers. Check out Pop Squads website. They’re doing God’s work.
Next up…. Who is responsible for letting this sloth out of prison ?
Fuck that person, and fuck this fat,worthless, piece of shit pedophile.
What in the Hell is wrong with any parent who leaves their child alone with a coach or teacher? Don’t they realize that both occupations are the prime hunting grounds for pedophiles and pederasts? Smarten the f—k up, Mom and Dad.
Typical Trump fan
Your mother is a typical Bernie supporter
At least that’s what she told me when she was licking my ball bag last night
Get Fucked
Single losers used to try and act prideful. Now, if you are over 30 and there are a couple other factors, it’s assumed that you’re a pedo. And 98/100 you are.
Are you high or just plain dumb?
Okay so did this perv get arrested for attempting this yet again? Glad these 2 nitwits catfished him but do they really believe this shit stain is being sincere as he THANKS them?
Another pervert “youth sports coach”. Disgusting.
Maybe Maura hold it Healey will look into locking this shitbag if we tell her was wearing a MAGA hat
He needs to go into a bathroom and eat a gun. This is my weapon, there are many like it but this is mine….
They’re paying for it.You eat it!
On your faces ladies! Exercise!!