All-Star Criminals

Hilary Swank Domestic Violence Commercial, Deflate-gate, Josh McNary Rape Allegation, Proves NFL Doesn’t Give A Shit About Women

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I’ve been meaning to blog about this for a while, but last night just really set me off. As you know by now, Turtleboy Sports is a feminist family blog. Unlike the short-haired Smith College grads who have hijacked the movement, we care about REAL women’s issues, not just the right to go months without shaving your pits. That’s why we will never forget how full of shit the NFL is when it comes to domestic violence. And nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more disingenuous than these NFL commercials about domestic violence. It was bad enough when they paid a bunch of NFL players to come on there and say things like, “No more he just has a temper” or “No more she seems fine to me.” We all know that there’s nothing more bullshit than a league that doesn’t give a shit about domestic violence paying a bunch of players to pretend like they care about domestic violence in order to improve the brand’s image. But at least those players weren’t actors. It simply doesn’t get any more insulting to women than to hire an ACTRESS to fake tears and pretend to give a shit about domestic violence. The worst of all these commercials was on again during last night’s game and featured Hilary Swank:

I hate these commercials more than anything. It’s just such staged dramatics. This is a league that refused to investigate why Ray Rice was dragging his unconscious fiance out of an elevator. This is a league that didn’t pretend to give a shit about what Ray Rice did to his fiance until after TMZ, a tabloid news outlet, did their investigating for them. This is a league that suspends players entire seasons for weed, and gives you a slap on the wrist if you throw your wife down a flight of stairs.

I’m supposed to be convinced that they all of a sudden care about women because they got an ACTRESS to awkwardly pretend to cry for 20 seconds? She did a better job of convincing me she had a penis in Boys Don’t Cry


Those commercials aren’t effective, they’re just awkward. These are people that are paid millions of dollars for the ability to convince an audience that their tears and emotions are genuine. And the NFL really thinks we’re that STUPID to believe that Hilary Swank was so moved by domestic violence that she shed genuine tears of sorrow? Get out my face with that jive.

The worst part about this is a player on the Indianapolis Colts, Josh McNary, was accused of rape this week.


I’m not saying he did it, but he was accused of it. The Colts did not activate him for yesterday’s game, but he still got paid $44,000. The best part is, according to this article from the Indy Star, “The NFL investigation is likely to follow.

Ya got that? Likely to. However, the investigation into the Patriots supposedly playing with slightly deflated balls in a 45-7 game is well under way. They MIGHT investigate the rape allegation if they can get to the bottom of deflate-gate first. The NFL is basically saying loud and clear that a losing team whining about how much air pressure was in a football is a much more pressing issue than a woman who claims she was raped by an NFL employee.

But it’s all good though, because they paid Hilary Swank to cry on a commercial. They definitely care about women and domestic violence.

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7 Comment(s)
  • January 18, 2017 at 11:31 pm

    Quoique ce soit peut-être un avantage… Je repense à mon commentaire sur Facebook/5, être inscrit à Facebook pourrait justement permettre d’éviter d’avoir à subir le &linpo;&qbsu;Dad you see the baby ? » (à prononcer d’une voix pincharde et haut placée) et à m’extasier sur un berceau contenant un petit saucisson rougeaud et braillard. Vite, je cours m’inscrire à Facebook

  • NopeNopeNope
    January 19, 2015 at 2:32 pm

    I dunno if this anecdote is relevant, but… Incidentally, last night I made a call to the local PD, because my drunk boyfriend was punching doors, yelling, acting erratic/scary (by no means the first time for that, but the first time I got the nerve to call for help). One of the cops that came just kept repeatedly talking about how he would rather be watching the Pats game, sighing and overall exasperated that he had to deal with the safety of others (i.e. his job) while the game was happening. I was sitting on my bed, literally shaking and crying (yeah, real tears not this fabricated Hilary Swank nonsense) and he was getting annoyed that he had to come out to help. He was acting so condescending and bullying I basically shut down and couldn’t even explain to him what had happened; at that point I wholeheartedly regretted them being there instead of just dealing with the violent routine I was already used to. He then told his partner sarcastically to try to speak with me (his partner was much kinder and treated me like a real person. I am grateful for his momentary understanding; he was able to calm me basically immediately and was the only reason the situation resolved itself in the end). He even made a comment to my friend, about missing the Pats game, when she came to pick me up so I could crash on her couch for the night. The whole ordeal was beyond humiliating. It was one of many nights I wanted to call for help, and I wish so much I never got up the courage to do it. Next time my boyfriend is threatening to kill me, or dragging me by my hair, or destroying the house and in an alcoholic rage I will just deal with it myself, whether I wind up hurt or not. I will never call for help again. Wouldn’t want to stop the cops from watching the Pats. Sorry guys.

    So yeah, in conclusion, fuck these commercials. Most people don’t even care about real victims, much less celebrities pretending to cry. The whole thing’s a waste of effort. You can’t elicit empathy from people who have none.

    • Crabs
      January 19, 2015 at 2:52 pm

      Christ. Report that asshole cop! This guy should NOT be a police officer with that attitude! He wants to watch the Pat’s game?! Too fucking bad!

      Please get yourself out of the domestic situation you are in. You need this guy out of your life and deserve much better.

  • Anon
    January 19, 2015 at 2:24 pm

    You realize those commercials are not made by the NFL right? It’s made by an alliance of national and global foundations and organizations under the cause No More. One commercial featured NFL players and was in no way created by the NFL. Idiot.

    • Margee Pesikov
      January 19, 2015 at 9:02 pm

      Why didn’t they pick me???

  • John Boy
    January 19, 2015 at 2:03 pm

    Wow, you are a sexist piece of shit.

    • Crabs
      January 19, 2015 at 2:35 pm

      How is he a sexist exactly? He’s calling out the NFL on their bullshit track record on domestic violence that by all signs is continuing as business as usual. This commercial is a meaningless piece of shit that accomplishes nothing except pay players and an actress millions of dollars to look sad. At the same time, the NFL is saying that they’ll “likely” investigate the rape accusation against one of their players. Y’know, something that would actually do something to combat rape and domestic violence. How about, instead of paying people to look sad in a commercial they instead put their money where their mouth is and actually do something effective such as investigate these crimes and not just try to sweep it under the rug as usual. Weak-sauce bullshit scam artist tactics from the NFL per usual. This reeks of “Look at us! See! We support women! We’re the good guys!”

      Anyway, I don’t see how Turtleboy is being sexist here. Also, the only piece of shit (other than the NFL) I see here is you, John Boy.

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