All-Star Criminals

Inside Massachusetts DCF, Part 2: Chaotic System Makes A Difficult Job Sometimes Seem “Insurmountable”

Shortly after I put out a call to speak to social workers currently working for the Department of Children and Families, messages starting rolling in. “Do you just want to speak to social workers?” I started to see flooding in my inbox, “What about Foster Parents?”

And what about them? We focus on the workers, and speculate as to whether or not they do an adequate job. We focus on the parents, and condemn them for not doing their job at all. We focus on the little lives that become casualty to a complicated and bogged down system, like Jeremiah Oliver and Avalena Conway-Coxon, who became the poster children for a system charged with protecting the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable children, and seemingly, failing to do so.

But what about the foster parents?

Part 2 is available on, or by clicking here.

8 Comment(s)
  • Fuckdcf
    May 9, 2019 at 10:19 pm

    Dcf is a scam they get 10,000$ a month for eat child in the system. They lose grants if the numbers are not up! I can tell u tons of dirt behind the scene! I no longer have any affiliation with dcf I left working years ago cause they are so dysfunctional and full of lies

  • Hihothesemotherfuckersgottago
    May 9, 2019 at 4:07 pm

    Turtleboy you would love to hear about a case of a child kidnapped by dcf for 2 years and had no reason or explanation as of why! This woman went threw hell and no judge would side with her til finally she never gave up and finally a judge listen to her because she wrote a lengthy letter and come to find out dcf did kidnap the child and absolutely under any circumstances this child was in danger . The poor child was abused and neglected for the 2 years and now the poor mother and grandmother who are absolutely amazing people have to and been threw hell!! Now all of a sudden people want to hear her story ! I personally think you would love to expose

    • RedFlagginIt
      May 9, 2019 at 4:40 pm

      Super duper red flags here…

    • May 9, 2019 at 4:47 pm

      Hard pass.

  • Chubby Chaser
    May 9, 2019 at 2:35 pm

    Nobody gives a fuck about this topic except you and stupid poor people. How about a little less writing and a little more selfies? Tease us with a pic of you wearing a bib and sitting behind a 32 oz. Prime rib and a baked potato for Christs sake. We need eye candy!

  • Chubby Chaser
    May 9, 2019 at 2:28 pm

    “flooding in my inbox”, I see what you did there and it’s Hot! How about some more chubbilicious pics baby?

  • Chahlie Fakah
    May 9, 2019 at 12:59 pm

    If you don’t have to deal with the criminal state just say no.

  • Betty Ford
    May 9, 2019 at 11:55 am

    Another great installment Bristol.

    Most of us probably know these things deep down, but its good to get firsthand affirmation. Some of these situations, when youre up close, its heartbreaking.

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