
Registered Manchvegas Sex Offender Karl Kiddie Porn Is Looking For A Camper, Posting Pictures Of “Cute Girls,” And Is “Not Looking For Sex Just Sex Chat Naked Pictures”

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This is Karl Kulberg from Manchester:

As you can probably tell by now, he’s a registered and convicted child sex offender.

As you can see he got busted with a bunch of kiddie porn he downloaded and printed out and did nine years in prison.

But he’s out now, and he came to some people’s attention after looking for a camper on the “Real Man’s Garage Sale New Hampshire” Facebook page:

Because there’s nothing shady about a kiddie porn enthusiast in the market for a camper. Nothing at all.

You’d think that someone who was released back into society after committing such a heinous crime would keep a low profile. Not Karl Kiddie Spanker though. He chose this for his bio:

“I’m a grumpy old Republican not looking for relations just SEX chAT NAKED PICTURES.”

Oh yea, that’s just swell. Because I definitely was looking for a relationship with him before reading that, but at least I know what his expectations are now.

And posts like this are completely normal too….

Oh good, he’s posting pictures of strange Filipino women on Facebook. Totes not creepy.

He’s got some fantastic friends he’s hanging out with who are so Manchvegas it hurts…

And between the four of them they almost have a full set of functional teeth.

Here’s what he posted underneath that image….

“nice tits puss tast(e) good to(o).”

That’s definitely something I’d want a convicted child sex offender to tell me. Who wouldn’t want Karl Kiddie Spanker nibbling on their lady bits?

He appears to live in his car and drives the rest of the Manchvegas Meth Patrol around. But they don’t pay him gas money and consequently he’s been struggling to do things like… food.

Evidently the slopbucket brigade has been using him for his wheels, and he’s finally realizing it….

But as you can see, others have figured out that he’s a kiddie porn collector and have invaded his page. The free ride patrol has his back 100% though…..

Of course his supporters also have their own fair share of Google trophies as well.

I know, I know. I’m as shocked as you are that someone who associates with a kiddie porn enthusiast would run afoul of the law.

The crazy part here is that pervatrons like this have a constitutional right to use Facebook, which was established by the Supreme Court last summer, but we get suspended for this on Christmas:

This is who Facebook wants on their platform. Murderers, rapists, sex offenders, and Didi Delgado. But they have a strict “no Turtleboy allowed” policy because we do dangerous things like wish people a Merry Christmas, support the police, and break real news that makes certain people uncomfortable.

1 Comment(s)
  • Wabbitt
    June 5, 2018 at 3:07 pm

    Thanks Karl. With that image I’ll never be able to enjoy a box lunch at the Y ever again.

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