Hoodrat Heroes

Rockland Town Manager Allan Chiocca Is Suing Bobbin For Boners Because He Said He Doesn’t Do Blowjobs On Tuesdays And She Insisted She “Just Wanted Some Cock”

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Every time I think the Bobbin for Boners affair out of Rockland Town Hall is coming to an end the story always seems to revive itself. I don’t have time to explain the whole thing to newbies, so if you wanna catch up read the blogs hereTL;DR –

  • Voluptuous Selectman Deirdre “Bobbin for Boners” Hall claims she was sexually assaulted by town manager Allan Chiocca after getting drinks at bar
  • Chiocca denies it and says she came onto him, threatening to not renew his contract if he didn’t let it happen
  • Turns out she was having an affair with other selectman Eddie “Porkchops” Kimball, who is also married
  • When Eddie Porkchops wife finds out about the affair she texts Bobbin for Boners in a threatening manner, and in order to get revenge on Mrs. Porkchops she goes out for drinks with Chiocca, they get sloppy drunk and head back to Town Hall where she gives him a slobjob to remember
  • Eddie Porkchops freaks out during a selectman meeting and mentions that he’s written an “after david” several times, alleging that Chiocca came onto his side piece, and accusing someone of doctoring the tapes from town hall

  • The truth is finally revealed when a tape comes out showing them going into Town Hall together, he initially says he has cold feet but she convinces him to go back inside and makes him instantly forget about the town’s budget.
  • He then claims he was coerced into doing it because she threatened to not renew his contract if he didn’t allow his knob to be deepthroated
  • Eddie Porkchops initially refuses to give up his seat, leading to a recall effort, before he finally relents
  • Chiocca isn’t going to be hired back by the board who isn’t buying his victim story

In a new development, Eddie Porkchops and Chiocca, are now both suing the town, and Chiocca is suing Bobbin for Boners hereself. His complaint is pretty wild, and you gotta read this part to see just how thirsty she truly is. Evidently their time at the bar started off innocently enough, as she attempted to talking about getting railed by Eddie Porkchops, but Chiocca attempted to deflect and talk about more professional topics that didn’t revolve around Eddie Porkchops spam javelin.

Finally she just came out and said it – she just wanted some cock.

“I’m not your guy.”

Bullshit dude. I’ve seen the tape. You were definitely her guy.

I’m not buying it and you shouldn’t be selling it. You definitely wanted to, and you were definitely her guy. No way Bobbin for Boners offers you a midnight surprise after a few drinks and you turn it down. It’s impossible.

Nevertheless she wanted some meat dagger because she desperately wanted to prove to Mrs. Porkchops that her husband wasn’t the only guy in town hall who was getting a free ride. So she persisted with her “I need some cock” routine, and he had one of the greatest excuses I’ve ever seen.

He doesn’t get blowjobs on Tuesday. He’s literally incapable of it. Maybe if it was a Thursday he’d grant her permission to give him a tongue bath. But never on no Tuesday. That’s the Rockland code.

Give it up dude. I get why you’re doing this – you’re unemployable now. But no one actually believes you weren’t a willing participant in this, and the other two have lost their jobs so it’s probably time for you to go too. Or don’t. Because I never get tired of blogging about Rockland politics.

30 Comment(s)
  • Slick Willie
    October 12, 2020 at 5:31 pm

    I wouldn’t turn down a Lewinsky from her

  • Biff Turbocock
    November 29, 2018 at 3:27 pm

    Google / youtoob “Quincy-based foreclosure counselor Deirdre Hall” to see a glimpse of her before she was TB famous.

    • Sir Wilfred Death
      November 30, 2018 at 7:24 am

      While watching Mrs. Hall shuffle papers what comes to mind is Lysol. Lots of Lysol. And that accent. She should be chewing gum while talking. That would make the package complete.

  • Let me up, I've had enough
    November 29, 2018 at 2:00 pm

    What I don’t get is if all that she was after was a little “side hog”, why the fuck didn’t she just pick up some guy in one of the many bars in that area. I don’t care how nasty or ugly a chick is, if she is asking to be plowed, there will always be at least one dude that will stick his dick in if she asks.

  • LocalYokel
    November 29, 2018 at 11:10 am

    After David.

  • Barney Frank
    November 29, 2018 at 10:54 am

    I said this before…Eddie Porker probably is swinging some serious meat and Bobbin loves getting it in the shitter.Getting her turd shooter stretched wide open so She has to use a tampon in her fart blaster just to keep the shit from running down her legs. Big swinging meat is the only thing that makes her happy and of course going ass to mouth with strangers she picks up off the streets then kissing her husband. I am sure she has gone to the dark side more than once! I am sure her mouth, ass hole and pussy is nothing but a steaming petri dish of creepy crawlers.

    • Guy Who Watches the News
      November 29, 2018 at 11:05 am

      Why did you fart on live TV?

  • I hate Thursdays
    November 29, 2018 at 10:04 am

    I don’t eat pussy on Thursdays.

  • Mean Guy in the Comments Section
    November 29, 2018 at 10:00 am

    I would describe her body from the waist down as the lower half of a capital H. She could straddle a ball return gimmick at a bowling alley and dry out her privates without spreading her legs.

    She better gobble all the cock she can now, because her expiration date is approaching quickly.

  • dave
    November 29, 2018 at 2:54 am

    where is her husband in all this? poor guy…unless hes into cuckoldry.

    • itsjustme
      November 29, 2018 at 4:05 am

      Home, watching their poor kids.

  • Would smash, just like most of you
    November 29, 2018 at 12:32 am

    Yes, yes I would.
    Definitely would go for the cheerio with ATM but then she only gets a kiss on the forehead.

  • Rockets Redglare
    November 28, 2018 at 9:49 pm

    Voluptuous? Please see an eye doctor…

  • Yup
    November 28, 2018 at 9:42 pm

    She’s a tall thick bitch but sexy nonetheless. The blow job would have been declined, but the pussy would have been accepted.

  • itsjustme
    November 28, 2018 at 7:30 pm

    I really don’t think he initially changed his mind when they first left, if you watch the tape it looks like she pulls the old ‘oopsie I left my purse inside, silly me.’ So they go back in to get her purse and that is when she jumps him.

  • Only on the taxpayer’s dime
    November 28, 2018 at 6:17 pm

    It would never pan out this way anywhere else but the public sector 

    • randiguy2006
      Randall Guy
      November 29, 2018 at 10:09 am


      • Only on the taxpayer’s dime
        November 29, 2018 at 11:41 am

        Ok, private colleges and other recipients of public funds. Better?

  • suckittrebek
    November 28, 2018 at 6:14 pm

    When he said he dont do bj’s on tuesday he was probably just fishing for a rim job.

    • Hugh-Bo Mont
      November 29, 2018 at 1:19 pm

      A rusty trombone.

  • Sir Wilfred Death
    November 28, 2018 at 5:36 pm

    They don’t make a condom thick enough to keep you safe with Dear Deirdre. Not to mention the crotch critters and strange rashes you would go home with. This chick is just gross.

  • murdochpatsymcreynolds
    I Smelt the Felt at Rockland Town Hall
    November 28, 2018 at 4:35 pm

    Porkchops didn’t really say he’d written an “after david” did he? That has to be one of the greatest malaprops of all time.

    • itsjustme
      November 28, 2018 at 7:27 pm

      He did!! Lol, several times. The tape is in one of the blogs.

    • Maybe
      November 28, 2018 at 7:41 pm

      I think he meant “sure we did it but I didn’t do her after David…..or the other 4 guys!”.

  • TheBigOldDog
    November 28, 2018 at 4:23 pm

    Just heard Bobbin has a thing for BBMs! Hubby was Porkchops’ size when they started dating. Guess he should have kept the weight on!

    Turtle, did you miss the FRONT PAGE story in the Patriot Ledger about Porkchop threatening to sue now too?vOh, and the Health Agent is under indictment!

    It’s not like we pay among the highest tax rates in the state or anything…oh wait!

    Time for the State to step in!

  • Next exit is 69
    November 28, 2018 at 4:22 pm

    I am obsessed with this woman. I would do all 3 holes. Hell, I’d even wine and fine her after..Hey Deirdre… Give me a call!

    • Sponge Bob Squarepants
      November 28, 2018 at 5:37 pm

      back off Next Exit, Sally Wide Hips is my bitch yo!

    • Mom's Basement
      November 29, 2018 at 7:32 am

      You’ll have to get a job with the town first. If you get in tell us all how Porkchop’s dick tastes.

  • Y
    November 28, 2018 at 4:18 pm

    Mr Hall:

    • TheBigOldDog
      November 28, 2018 at 4:24 pm

      If you are 300lbs or more you have a shot!

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