All-Star Criminals

Sonya Conner’s “It Wasn’t Me” Defense Might Be The Most Hilarious Defense In World History

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Remember when Worcester State University Professor Sonya Conner was taped blocking traffic at Kelley Square with the rest of the Occupy idiots? We do:

Screen-Shot-2015-01-19-at-10.35.22-PM (4) Screen-Shot-2015-01-19-at-8.33.34-PM (3) Screen-Shot-2015-01-19-at-8.32.55-PM (1)

We’re actually the ones who identified her. Come on now. You think I wouldn’t be able to pick out the love of my life from a hippie lineup? Be serious for a minute.

Well, my girl Sonya is denying it’s her apparently:

Ms. Conner’s legal representative, Adam D. Schmaelzle, said his client believes she was targeted for these charges. He said police identified her as a woman wearing an entirely different outfit on Jan. 19 and said it is possible officials confused her with someone else.

“She’s thought to be a part of a group of individuals in this city who speak out about different issues,” Mr. Schmaelzle said.

And Old Man Gordon Davis doesn’t think it’s her either:

“Personally, I don’t think the city has any evidence they can use in court,” Mr. Davis said. “This is just harassment and intimidation.”

Yea, there’s no evidence, except for the Youtube video that they voluntarily put up online. Besides that you’re right. I mean, it’s not like video evidence has ever been used to convict someone in court right?


LOL. Silly protesters. I noticed she has her own high priced attorney too. Apparently she wanted no part of Hector Pineiro’s pro bono services like the other three got. Wait, isn’t that like, the definition of white privilege? The upper-middle class white woman who gets her own special attorney. LOL.

Seriously though, has there ever been a group of protesters more gutless than these fools? Whining and complaining about having to go to court and get a stern taking to from a magistrate. These are the same idiots who constantly justify what they’re doing by pointing out that Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested for protesting as well. And as you know, blocking Kelley Square for no reason is basically the same thing as bringing down Jim Crow in Alabama.

Just a quick reminder that while the protesters are crying about being in court for a couple hours, the REAL civil rights protesters not only went through actual physical abuse and racism:

image_08_05_030_R07-2010 (1) Nashville_violent_sitin (1) USAfreedomR (1)

They actually WELCOMED being arrested. That was the whole point. To get arrested for trying to shop at the same store or take a dump in the same toilet as white people, so everyone would see how ridiculous it is. They wanted to put their faces out there so the government would be forced to act.

Meanwhile what are Worcester’s social justice warriors doing? Denying they were there and begging for the charges to be dropped. How much of a coward is Sonya Conner? She organizes these protests, talks shit about our police, blocks our roads, and then when she’s called out on it she acts like she wasn’t there. And what’s her alibi? She was wearing a different outfit on that day. Ya got that? Because everyone knows that women only wear one outfit per day. Rock solid defense you’ve got there Sonya Cakes.

You realized what happened here right? She’s finally getting feeling the heat at work. After we wrote that scathing expose, which revealed she had cancelled a class in order to stage an illegal protest that blocked city traffic, a class she was SPECIFICALLY told she could not cancel for this protest, the higher ups at WSU must’ve taken notice. She doesn’t have tenure, and if she loses her job she’ll probably never find work again because she has no real skills. So she’s holding onto the “It wasn’t me” defense for dear life. Hey, it worked for Shaggy. Let me know how it works for you Sonya baby.

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20 Comment(s)
  • Lancer88
    April 17, 2015 at 8:26 pm

    Sonya Conner cares as much of this “waste of time” court case as she does this idiotic website. She is the smartest professor in the city. I see TurtleBoy you don’t refer to her as Dr. Conner. Oh I know why, you couldn’t even teach high school kids. Pick on someone else that you have at least half their intelligence, Dr Conner is out of your league.

    • RJ
      April 17, 2015 at 8:58 pm

      …Craig Mello won the freaking Nobel Prize.

      Sonya Connor the smartest professor in worcester. Get out of here with that jive.

  • Shvergen!
    April 17, 2015 at 7:44 am

    Don’t worry about that job. You don’t need to work anymore, Sonya baby! Come to daddy…

  • Mary J
    April 17, 2015 at 5:13 am

    LOL at this situation. Sonya makes it blatantly obvious she is affiliated with this group, stands with them at various events and even canceled a class to make a mandatory trip to protests. She was event told via WSU that she could NOT be at Kelly Square. But she went, in support of the cause. And what happens when the sh*t hits the fan? She ABANDONS the people and cause. Separates herself from them (photos, showing up late, no appearance with others) and finally chooses to get a big buck defense attorney to hold her case and walks away from the local civil rights lawyer who is handling her comrades pro bono.

    Sonya, you’re a pale coward. You reinforced all previous notions and should be ashamed of yourself. You just gave us a perfect portrayal of the privileged white woman fraud.

    • BobnMic
      April 17, 2015 at 1:11 pm

      ^ Which is proof positive that the entire movement is fraudulent.

      • BobnMic
        April 17, 2015 at 1:14 pm

        ^ Lacking in any sort of specificity and/or credibility.

  • coffeemate
    April 17, 2015 at 5:05 am

    I’m over this TB. Let it go already.

    • WormtownorBust
      April 17, 2015 at 7:21 am

      N00dz please!

  • Wabbitt
    April 16, 2015 at 11:56 pm

    It wasn’t Hot Cheeks Connor – it was the one armed man!

  • Factman
    April 16, 2015 at 3:34 pm

    She realized she is the only one of these activist with a real job. she wont be making the rounds around Kelly Square again.

  • WormtownorBust
    April 16, 2015 at 2:45 pm

    The blog post is useless without n00dz.

  • Rena
    April 16, 2015 at 2:08 pm

    “I noticed she has her own high priced attorney too. Apparently she wanted no part of Hector Pineiro’s pro bono services like the other three got. Wait, isn’t that like, the definition of white privilege? The upper-middle class white woman who gets her own special attorney. LOL. ”


  • Frogshit
    April 16, 2015 at 1:47 pm

    This shit show is almost to the point of comical. Looks like this Sonya lady had big balls til the shit hit the fan.
    Whoops… Gotta’ run for cover now, might have to pay the price for acting like a fucking idiot in the middle of Kelley Square.
    But she’s a tried and true “Activist” for sure!

  • Devils Mouthpiece
    April 16, 2015 at 12:23 pm

    Pathetic, just pathetic. The trains are getting closer, don’t take your eyes off this hippie (cant use that term enough) collision.

  • Aidan Kearney
    April 16, 2015 at 12:16 pm

    A guy who pretends to be multiple anonymous writers, who can’t make an argument without basing it on someone’s appearance or income, calling someone a coward?

    • John Horgan
      April 16, 2015 at 12:29 pm

      A person posting anonymously while bashing someone for posting anonymously? Outfuckingstanding.

      • Aidan Kearney
        April 16, 2015 at 12:38 pm

        No I’m bashing him for being a hypocrite and a fraud. I don’t care if he puts his name to his work but it’s hilarious he’ll call someone who has a coward.

        • Finnish Goalie
          April 16, 2015 at 12:39 pm

          But she won’t put her name to her “work.” She’s claiming she wasn’t there.

          • Aidan Kearney
            April 16, 2015 at 12:55 pm

            That’s not exactly the defense as I read it. She’s saying she’s being targeted for prosecution because of her past activism and for that reason police are claiming incorrectly that they have her on tape. If you read Sam Allen’s whole article you’ll see she’s only been accused of stepping into the gutter. Much like I have done here.

  • Not-A-Hippie
    April 16, 2015 at 12:00 pm

    That posterior is undeniable.

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