
Weymouth Firefighter Who Was Angry About Narcan And Said “Let Shitbags Die” On Facebook Probably Should Take A Break From Social Media

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A firefighter in Weymouth is in hot water after leaving this bombshell on the Facebook machine:

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First of all, the real crime here is that he is one of MILLIONS of people who don’t know the difference between “lose” and “loose.” I know we make a lot of spelling errors around here at Turtleboy, but we do actually know the right way to spell these words. There are MILLIONS of people who don’t know how to spell the most basic words and you see it all the time.

Anyway, he’s since deleted the post and it’s caught the attention of all the Boston news stations and the Patriot LedgerThis is a pretty simple take – you can think these things all you want, but anyone who writes them on Facebook is a moron. I mean, how did he think this was gonna end? You’re a firefighter. Your job is to save lives. I understand you deal with shitbags all day, and I completely understand the frustration you would feel if you keep giving narcan to the same people over and over again.

But why not just say this behind closed doors? Like, how are people still not understanding the whole concept of Facebook? It’s the second most trafficked website in the world, yet people still use it like it’s their Dear Diary. When you’re back at the station you can call these people whatever you want and no one will know it. But when you write it on Facebook, EVERYONE will know it.

Is what he wrote true? The part about junkies using narcan like it’s Advil certainly is. But like, you signed up to be a firefighter. In Weymouth!!! You know who was from Weymouth? The guy from Blow. You signed up to be a first responder in a city that’s known for drug abuse!! In the South Shore nonetheless, where you can find heroin faster than you can find diesel fuel.

Here’s what the guy should’ve done – he should’ve created a Turtleboy. I live in the South Shore and I have a real job. I can’t be writing every thought that goes through my head on Facebook because I could lose my job. Around this time last year though I discovered Turtleboy Sports. Now whenever I wanna get something off my chest I just put on my Brockton Turtleboy suit and start typing away. It’s like therapy. Problem solved.

Oh yea, and don’t say this:

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Nothing worse than people who think they know what free speech is but really have no idea what they’re talking about. Let me make this clear for everyone right now – the first amendment protects you from the government censoring your speech. It DOES NOT guarantee that you will keep your job when you write really controversial and incendiary things on Facebook.

And believe me, I’m all about calling out the wussification of America. But this ain’t one of those times. How do people think junkies became junkies? They were regular people who started doing drugs. Granted, they ultimately made the decisions that led to their current situation. But they’re still human beings. You can’t be a firefighter and write, “let the shitbags die” on Facebook and think it’s gonna go over smoothly.

My question is, why can’t they just detain people who require narcan until they lead them to their dealer? Wouldn’t that be the most sensible thing to do? Has anyone thought of this before? If so, how come we’re not doing it?

The bottom line is, you’re overreacting if you think this guy should lose his job, which lots of people are calling for. Nowhere in there did he say he wouldn’t administer narcan, he just got carried away and said stupid things on Facebook. People act like it’s no big thing to just fire someone. Ummm, it’s like his livelihood. He’s probably been doing it for years and he’d gladly risk his life to save your’s in a heartbeat. He’s seen shit we never could dream of, so how bout we give him a break on this one? I think the Internet outcry alone is punishment enough and he’s learned his lesson. Time to move on.


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12 Comment(s)
  • Gayle
    February 2, 2016 at 6:56 pm

    TB , I really like your question. Work it up. “My question is, why can’t they just detain people who require narcan until they lead them to their dealer? Wouldn’t that be the most sensible thing to do? Has anyone thought of this before? If so, how come we’re not doing it?”

  • Gronkmonster
    February 1, 2016 at 9:57 pm

    Here is the thing..Junkies do OD..Get Narcan from the paramedics and are out shooting up with in an hour …They actually have less fear of using and one less thing driving them to get clean now because the wonder drug will always save them. I believe in Seattle one junkie was saved 3 times in a 24 hour period

    We complain about the Mosaic wasting our tax dollars…How much do you think we spend in a year for police fire and emt’s to go around and give the magic potion so the junkie can run right out and do it again.

    Most drug users seek help and have the best chance of getting clean and staying clean after they hit rock bottom..Usually an OD that almost kills them..Now an OD is just a hicup and a loss of a high..The fear is gone and our first responders see it first hand..Day in and day out I cant blame this guy for being frustrated

  • Bill DeWall
    February 1, 2016 at 6:26 pm

    carron , LOL a filthy irishman calling someone out for substance abuse, probably been getting drunk since before he could crawl
    oh the hypocrisy

  • Bill DeWall
    February 1, 2016 at 5:55 pm

    it’s his own fault he trusted a KIKE

  • Jake from State Farm
    February 1, 2016 at 3:35 pm

    Also, his comment …..”I for one get no extra money for giving Narcan…” was a little self serving ….. is he really mad saving a “so-called” junkie because he doesn’t get extra compensation for it ??? …… that clearly irritated people too.

  • scrapdogg
    February 1, 2016 at 2:25 pm

    Proof positive that a winning powerball ticket or similar circumstance is required to honestly state your mind and be insulated from penalty. The rest of us must suffer anonymously. Junkies who require NARCAN should get a mandatory 1 year stay in a detox facility and a bill for the treatment.

  • Kelly
    February 1, 2016 at 2:11 pm

    You should never post anything on Facebook, that you don’t want everyone to see, because that is the reality of social media. Do I feel badly for the Weymouth firefighter who lost his job, yes, I do, but I can’t believe he was stupid enough to post this on fb. The Narcan issue is a hot one, but again, it is the job of first responders to save lives.

  • Jake from State Farm
    February 1, 2016 at 12:26 pm

    Good take Turtleboy. Drug abuse is a sad thing, that destroys individuals, as well as their loved ones. I can understand the frustration of emergency personnel, but these are human beings fighting a dependency that could kill them. I’m sure this guy realizes he made a mistake saying that. And learned a valuable social media lesson.

  • Jbeanz
    February 1, 2016 at 11:35 am

    You can’t detain because of the Good Samaritan law. i think some tweaks should be made somehow though.

  • bill e bob
    February 1, 2016 at 11:34 am

    Regarding- “why can’t they just detain people who require narcan until they lead them to their dealer? ”
    PD/EMS/FIRE cant turn in people or get them in trouble when they OD. The thought process behind it is that if people start getting into trouble, they will stop calling for help once someone OD’s thus resulting in more deaths.. its a catch 22, but is what it is.

    • Wabbitt
      February 1, 2016 at 12:51 pm

      Except BTB isn’t saying the junkies would get in trouble. He just thinks we should use them as a tool to lead the cops to the drug dealers who are dishing out the poison.

      • bill e bob
        February 1, 2016 at 1:38 pm

        Right, but you think a dealer wont know who sold him out?

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