Swampscott High School football forfeited their game against Saugus because of a hazing incident in which sophomores presented their dongs and got yelled at.
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Boston.com: Last Friday night, some members of the Swampscott High School football team gathered at the practice field, but not to play football. Instead, some upperclassmen told five sophomores to take off all of their clothes and stand on the 50-yard-line. They were about to take part in the “Sophomore 50.”
As part of the “Sophomore 50” tradition, naked sophomore team members perform exercises and drills while upperclassmen players watch and shout a variety of comments, from obscenities to encouragements.
A statement from Pamela Angelakis, superintendent of the Swampscott schools, said the district conducted an investigation after police found the student athletes having a bonfire on the practice field. The school district interviewed the five sophomores, team captains, and other members of the football team to piece together what happened.
Although the statement said none of the players felt harassed, belittled, or endangered by the tradition, school officials decided the teams should forfeit one game because the actions violated the school code of conduct.
“Participating in an event that includes students getting naked and being yelled at — out in a public park — is not an example of ‘treating all members of the school community with dignity and respect,’” Angelakis said.
As a result, the team won’t play Saugus High School on Saturday.
Angelakis declined to elaborate on the school’s discipline of the upperclassmen who took charge of the incident. In the meantime, the football team is required to take part in an anti-hazing program led by the athletic director, and all students who want to be team captains in the future will need to take part in a leadership training program.
I try not to use this word because I guess it’s insensitive to say in 2015, but I just can’t find a better way to describe it – this is the gayest thing I’ve ever heard of. Fuck is wrong with these kids and their obsession with seeing dong? I understand some light, controlled hazing is standard protocol for high school athletics, and I have no problem with that. But there are ways to do that which don’t result in you looking at pubescent dong.
Can’t they just make these guys do dumb things in public? Like put on a dress and make up and go buy tampons at CVS, or light a flaming bag of poop on Old Man McGregor’s front porch? You can have fun at their expense without the punch line being a face a full of dong.
With that being said this punishment is a classic gross overreaction from administrators on a power trip. My biggest problem is that it’s a lazy, one size fits all punishment that doesn’t fit the crime. What about the kids who didn’t go out of their way to look at sophomore dong? They get punished too? How bout Saugus High School? They’re 1-2-1 and could probably use the game as a warmup for next week’s matchup with Revere. This is a school that routinely gets whitewashed by Peabody on Thanksgiving. They can’t just be taking weeks off because some overzealous administrator who hates jocks wants to assert her authority.
Here’s my question – why couldn’t the sophomores just say, “no.” That’s what I would’ve done. What’s the worst that’s gonna happen? You’re gonna lose the respect of a bunch of seniors who wanna look at your dong? Big loss. Plus it seems like none of the sophomores give a shit because at the end of the day these are beach kids in Swampscott and they’re probably naked all summer long.
The only reason this is even an issue is because they got naked in public. Because dudes get naked in locker rooms. It’s a fact of life. Back in my day you didn’t have to force sophomores to get naked – they did it on their own. I remember one time walking into the locker room and one of them was lying in the shower with his junk between his legs doing the Titanic pose. The only difference between that and this is a ceiling, four walls, and the overpowering scent of Worcester Public Schools urine.
Look, the only “crime” that took place here is the crime of dumbassery. Hey morons, if you’re gonna get drunk and laugh at sophomore dong, make sure you don’t light a bonfire on the school’s football field, because you’re basically asking to get caught.
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2 Comment(s)
watch the pronouns too
The word homophobic is gay.