We’ve got an update on the laid back kiddie fucker who got busted by the predator poachers in Marlborough yesterday.
Stephen Jacob Mannas of Concord, a high school dropout who admittedly sees nothing wrong with banging 14 year old boys because Jeffrey Epstein was a pedophile too, mentioned in the video that he was on probation. He’s got court cases out of Concord District Court for DUI in 2016, disorderly conduct and shoplifting in 2017, and strangulation/suffocation and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon in 2018.
For the disorderly conduct and shoplifting charge he got a CWOF (continuance without a finding).
There isn’t a scumbag in America who doesn’t know what a CWOF is. It’s like probation without the probation. You just don’t commit a crime in the next year and it’s like nothing happened, but you don’t have to drug test or anything like that.
For the strangulation and A&B with a dangerous weapon charge he got probation.
And guess what he did after getting this plea inAugust of 2019?
Violated it multiple times. Except for some reason you don’t go to jail for violating probation in this state. You just get more probation, so it really means nothing at all.
A couple turtle riders from his neighborhood in Concord contacted us today and said that he’s walking around like nothing happened, so it appears as if he’s not been arrested by Marlborough Police. I contacted them for comment today but have not heard back. But it would seem like the people of Concord should have the right to know that a man who admittedly and regularly has sex with children, and who is actively on probation for a violent crime, is walking around town like nothing happened. Could be a safety issue down the line, so I would hope Concord turtle riders (which I didn’t know existed until today) would contact CPD or town leaders to see what could be done about this. Just sayin.
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66 Comment(s)
I feel his victim should be able to kill him how that person wants all Sex offenders should be killed by there victim (s) the first time they offend no 2ed chance at all kill them the first time
English. Do you speak it?
on his neck says it all
Hmmm. I mean Bristol stop trolling his page you lost face it
And man up that’s fucking awesome!!
Anyone else think it’s REALLY weird, TB’s obsession with kid diddling?
Just sayin’. I don’t know any hetero adults who talk about this so much.
The public should as the Dad (978) what he and the family (201) are going to do to help (1377) this sick individual. Is the family going to simply watch the legal process or are they going to step up and help their son ?
Because the U.S can’t make criminals of their best livestock buyers.
Another pee pee toucher. Amputation and lead poisoning is in order.
Let me tell you about Concord and the Democrats there.
40 years ago, Concord was a relatively normal town, sort of like a rural Maynard.
But two things happened… President Ronald Reagan saved the nation from liberalism run amok, and created a strong economy. Because of this strong economy, the second thing happened.
That second thing, was that the left wing kooks of the ’60s, became some of the parents of the ’80s. And they didn’t want to stay living in lousy apartments in Cambridge or Somerville. Great places to work if you are headed in to Harvard or a state job or a non-profit or a fund manager job in Boston, but a lousy place to raise kids.
They wanted a nice town, but Newton and Wellesley, where their professors lived, was too expensive. Concord was on the Boston & Maine commuter line, and route 2 gave great highway access to downtown Boston.
40 years ago, Concord had a Woolworths. It’s now Artisans Way. Even in West Concord, near the train station, the West Concord Market became “Woods Hill Table”. Lahiffs Bar became “Healing Essence Center”.
Ruggerios piggery is gone. They used to truck out trash from Boston for the pigs to eat, and it would stink to high heaven. The dirt roads there were places that high school kids would drive to and drink up. There were rumors that the Angiulos of Boston would bring corpses to Ruggerios, and feed them to the pigs.
I am glad you asked, what is there now? It is a neighborhood, called Katerina Heights. You can get in, now, for $2,500,000. But think about what is buried under those beautiful manicured lawns!
You miss Woolworths do ya?
I nominate Stephen for ST’s 2020 fag drag! Congratulations, Stephen!!
I hate these chmo motherfuckers. Anyone down to spend 15 minutes with me to give this shithead a Chicago Necklace in the harbor?
Freddie Mercury Jr. is in trouble.
Unfortunately a lot of these pedo’s become that way through learned behavior and were victims of sexual abuse as a child themselves by people they trusted like family members or High School teachers.
Yer sir ree bob,crime is big business for the commonwealth.the victim is always left out of the loop.
Fast-acting BallistiCure.
Use only as directed.
Side effects may include a sense of justice finally being done.
Y’all are free to move. New Hampshire, Wisconsin, etc. Just saying. You complain about Massachusetts so much no one forcing you to live here. Just saying. Place ain’t perfect but if all you’re gonna do is complain then man up n move on
Oh, you want the paedos to stay?
Yeah Unc, shut up complaining!! If you don’t like violent paedophiles in your state you’re free to leave. Ol’ Puddintaine says they’re free to stay though.
But then again, Puddintaine is clearly a fucking moron, and probably a paedo himself, hence his support for them. What a cunt.
Sorry DS. The downvote was accidental. Fat fingers and not enough coffee yet.
I totally agree.
I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to stay here, keep telling the painful truth about the fuckery these libs have created, and yes… vote!
Not to steal your line, but Puddentain?
Off you fuck !
Just an FYI old gumshoe, if you accidentally hit a downvote, just keep hitting the upvote button, it will reverse it. It often takes 10 x hitting it but it will turn the vote around.
Good to know. Thanks!!
What a cunt !
In need of a good old fashioned Atwells tune up.
That Atwells joke was funny the first 20 times you used. it.
Now? Not so much.
Tough shit.Go hang out with Accountability for all.Enlighten us with your
hilarious takes.
He will not be missed
Just sayin’, you’re a faggot pedi apologist. Feel free to suck this guy off and not let the rest of us know.
I’m not sure how Stephen identifies but if ze is Trans ze could be a good candidate for Drag Queen Story Hour.
Concord. So sweet.
Plastic water bottles are banned.
Plastic bags are banned.
Concord… September 11, 2013. At the high school, the day starts, not with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, but with an Islamic prayer.
Concord… chose to be a sister city to a place in Nicaragua when commies wanted to destabilize central america.
Concord… removed street lights to combat global warming/cooling…
Concord… Where the high school runs a play, “falsettos”, where a dad has to choose between his family, or his gay lover.
Concord… Where the high school teachers run the “coming out” agenda…
This is perfect.
All the diddlers should live in Concord.
So enlightened. So liberal…
Don’t forget they were champions years ago banning Styrofoam containers for restaurants!
Last election for President…
Hillary – 8460
Donald – 1951
Mannas should be confined to the streets of Concord. This is the world they created.
Sad to think Concord is home “to the shot heard round the world”, the cradle of liberty. Now it’s home to affluent, politically correct, Fascist liberals.
Damn!!! Unc! u make me wet! I love all this! To me you ate a real man, calling out all the fucking scumbags! The real man on the “front line” ! no joke! If every man stood up like this we’d be good!
ooops! are** not ate! lol
drunk commenting
freudian slip you want to swallow his cock and eat his sperm
a man is a man! pin me down & ……
thanks for noticing!
I’m a very local neighbor, with 2 teenage kids, & I wrote to the chief of police earlier today
He’s the father of the child and he gives him head.
If people use bats and render them useless, more trees will need to be used to replace them, which will creating more global warming. I think putting a person such as these in jail with general population is much more environmentally sustainable.
He should start a blog about people’s Facebook like turtleboy the grooming ex teacher.
I see what you’re trying to do here.
I’m sure ever since that chief of police got caught you’ve been thinking “So fucking what, High School history teachers get caught and fired for trying to touch teenage students all the time so what’s the difference” but it’s not going to work because teachers only try to hook up with 14 yr. old students for educational purposes you idiot.
Best explanation is that the state and local government workers have put themselves on paid furlough. Some show up for work, others don’t, but none do anything at all. Few taxpayers notice the change.
The get COFW’d and probation. They violate probation and get more probation. Classic mass.
I’m a bad driver, and bugs end up on my windshield frequently
Oh Magoo, you’ve done it again!
Speaking of the invocation of transparent defenses, regarding the guy that enticed this kid, I can’t help being reminded of the Pete Townshend defense when he was caught w boy porn on his computer.
“I was doing research”
After nabbing a couple of pervs, this guy could have free reign to look at all kinds of out-there, diddler stuff with a built-in reason if called on it.
Just sayin’ as they say
…this guy is never going to lay down a hot track like Pinball Wizard, and windmill a guitar like Pete.
Which is to say nothing of his solo stuff; “And I moved” from Empty Glass – magnificent!
Fucking faggot.
Oh yeah, no question Townshend was a great songwriter. But he’s got s ome issues. I never got into “Empty Glasses”. Have to give it a listen.
The Massachusetts Judicial System was a joke 30+ years ago. Today? Fucking useless…unless you are a ratchet. Then, it’s a God-send.
This fuckery is a direct result of 40+ years of total Democrat control of the Massachusetts Legislature. Yeah, there’s been a few aniemic Republican Governor’s sprinkled in, but when you have a Legislature and Governor’s Council dominated by Democrats, this is the result. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the Governor nominates the Judicial picks. But when the hack machine Democrats control the flow of all of their political favor friends into the pipeline, the Governor just goes along to get along. Wink* wink* nudge*nudge.
The people of Massachusetts have only themselves to blame. They elect and reelect the very ones who control this fuckery.
Do we learn? Nope!
Rachel Rollins is the newest prime example.
You reap what you sow
And what you’ve sown is a Judicial System that favors the ratchet.
The ACLU fucked this country up beyond repair. They don’t defend the rights of law abiding citizens. They only work for criminals rights.
He invoked the Woody Allen defense when they confronted him:
“The heart wants what the heart wants”
Sadly, I can see a time in the not-so-distant-future when he will have the blessing of the progressives. He was “born that way” after all.
These guys will be given taxpayer funded, anatomically correct robots instead of ankle monitors and declared “safe”.
Why behave when you’re not held accountable??! Explains the blase attitude getting caught trying to hook up with a kid
This is extremely disturbing that they are allowing these maggots to walk free especially given the circumstances the country is in at the present time. Kids are all out of school, yes they have online classes, but they are not nearly as long as a regular school day would be and some schools don’t have classes everyday. This is a pervs dream economy no work, kids everywhere and law enforcement not doing shit to hold anyone accountable, well unless of course you get a fucking speeding ticket.
There’s never a good sniper around when you really need one . . .
Is he a street preacher by chance?
If we all obeyed those in-the-know and stayed the fuck inside our homes none of this shit would be going on. Fucking Mannas… STAY HOME ASSHOLE LIKE THE REST OF US.
Don’t go out for anything. INCLUDING: Food, Water, Toilet Paper, Work, Blow Jobs by Teen Boys. Don’t go out for nothing. We’ll all live happily ever after. Just another week or two and everything will be back to normal.
Amazing what one can do in the US and still walk the streets.
Yes and people have gone away to the slammer for much lesser crimes, unbelievable.
He better not hold a yard sale or else he’s in REAL trouble
Maybe he’ll play basketball while on the streets. That’ll get him locked up!
Louisville slugger to the head for this chomo
“….and, it straight outta the park!”
“Fenway Pahk on its feet fah Teddy fuckin’ ballgame! He went yahd on that one, out to fuckin lansdowne street!”
Gosh wow all this social distancing from this God awful Commie Cold is making the pedo parade come out in full force! Can’t wait to see this thrown up as the legal defense because, well you know, this is Massachusetts and kid diddling is a “disease”. Riiiigghhhtt.