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This pissed me off today…..
Honored to attend the bridge, roadway dedication in honor of @AuburnMAPolice Officer Ronald Tarentino Jr. A wonderful tribute to a great man pic.twitter.com/cczrO9Lvq0
— Joseph D. Early Jr. (@worcesterda) May 21, 2018
The nerve of this asshole. I’d like to take this moment to remind everyone that Ron Tarentino was murdered by Jorge Zambrano, a career criminal that was kept out of jail for a variety of reasons. Obviously judges who had the power to lock him up should’ve done so, considering his lengthy and violent rap sheet. But at the same time, DA Joe Early himself decided not to pursue prison for Zambrano because, “it was clear that prison hadn’t worked for him,” and got probation instead.
Ya know who jail was working great for? Ron Tarentino.
Joe Early is a fraud who got a good man killed because a violent criminal wasn’t having fun in prison. Never, ever forget that. If you live in Worcester County, start spreading the word to vote for Blake Rubin for DA in November.
13 Comment(s)
Joe Early was sent by central casting in response to the director’s request for a crooked politician. As his dad used to say, “They ran like rats!”
He is certainly like his father a chip off the old blockhead
Zambranos kawyer is a murderer that Early refuses to prosecute too.
I don’t know what’s more galling – that Early had the balls to show up at a ceremony honoring a man killed as a result of his negligence, or that the family didn’t kick him and the camera crew out the second they showed up. I don’t wish to speak ill of them, but they’re either saints or sheep.
Good morning folks,
The fact that Joe Early showed up to a ceremony celebrating the police officer that was killed as a direct result of Mr. Early’s decision and yet the family stood there and allowed themselves to be used demonstrates all you need to know about the sheep in Massachusetts. The killer was in prison but it appeared to the DA “that prison did not work for him” so the killer was let go and yet the family allows this same DA to show up to a ceremony dedicating a stupid piece of road in the deceased’s honor. Why would the politicians act any differently? I do not blame Joe Early; he is doing what politicians do. I blame the family of the officer. You allowed this politician to use you as a prop. You allow the disgraceful politicians to use you and therefore all of us.
And I am still fucking that killers brother and ratting out people at the courthouse from ny job at the probation Dept
You are lucky your father got you a job MY father only got my arrest record redacted
Allegedly redacted thats what Maura Healeys investigation concluded
I am sure that asshole Early was handing out reelect Early buttons after the cameras stopped rolling. Sadly the dumb as fuck voters will reelect him because of the D after his name
Jail wasn’t working out for poor Jorge ? Who fucking cares ? Unless, of course, you are a liberal asshat Democrat like Joe Early, that is ! When in the righteous fuck are people in Massachusetts going to WTFU and stop voting for these ass-wagon Democrats ? Ever ??? People complain in Massachusetts about being royally ass-fucked living in this state….yet they keep reelecting the same people over and over again who are buggering them ! Massachusetts is a cesspool, and it’s due to voters continually electing feckless Democrats ! You can’t blame the Republicans in Massachusetts, because THEIR AREN’T ANY ! Keep voting the (D) folks ! Any keep bending over !
So if I commit a crime in MA I can just go to the DA and say “yeah this place isn’t working for me. But I pinky swear if you let me out I’ll behave this time?”
Guess I’ll have to remember that one. Or does it only work on repeat offenders?
When I was knitting with Obama son’s back at the Mosaic they would tell me stories about the sham the probation was. How they were banging their probation officers. Heck even with my limited capacity and even though I have been senile a long time I can without doubt say Joe is a FUCKING ASSHOLE.
How does he show his face at a ceremony like this? He has zero shame. Go home Joe – have some pride.
My heart aches for the Tarentino family.