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Citizen journalist Mark Snyder from Stoughton put together a comprehensive list of events that allowed career criminal Mickey Rivera to remain free from justice and thus kill two-tour veteran and new father Kevin Quinn while evading the police in Mashpee:
On Friday, March 20, 2015, Fall River Police Officers responded to several 911 calls reporting shots fired in the area of Whipple and Manton Streets. Additional 911 calls reported that a person was down at the intersection of Osborne and Ridge Streets behind St. Anne’s Hospital. Officers located Anthony Carvalho (12/02/1994), who was treated on scene then transported to St. Anne’s Hospital emergency room where he was pronounced deceased.
An investigation revealed that Kevin Lara, Tavon Pires, Mickey Rivera and a Juvenile allegedly went out that evening with the intention of robbing someone. However, during the robbery of the victim, defendants Lara and Pires are accused of shooting and killing him.
Mickey Rivera was indicted in June, 2015 on the following charges:
1. Armed Assault with Intent to Rob
2. Attempted Armed/Masked Robbery
3. Conspiracy Armed/Masked Robbery
4. Witness Intimidation – misleading police
–On July 2, 2015, Rivera was arraigned in Fall River Superior Court. Judge Raymond P. Veary set bail at $35,000 Cash / $350,000 Surety
–On January 12, 2016, additional conditions were added for the defendant to stay away from his co-defendants and witnesses in the case.
–On December 5, 2016, the defendant filed a Motion for Reduction of Bail Due to Changed Circumstances. The motion, which the Commonwealth opposed, was denied on December 22, 2016 by Judge Veary.
–On September 19, 2017, less than a month after the Supreme Judicial Court’s decision in the Hampden County case of Commonwealth v Brangan, the defendant filed a Motion to Reduce Bail to Amount that the Defendant Can Afford. The motion was allowed, over the Commonwealth’s objection, by Judge Thomas McGuire. Judge McGuire reduced the defendant’s bail from $35,000 to $1,000. The defendant then posted bail. His next court date for this matter was scheduled to be tomorrow for a pretrial hearing in Fall River Superior Court.
Note: The SJC’s Brangan decision instructed lower court judges to set bail at levels defendants can afford. In the same decision, however, the SJC did state that judges could still set higher cash bail in cases as long as judges provide their reasoning for bail amounts that are beyond a defendant’s ability to afford.
“I was very disappointed the court reduced the defendants bail so drastically, based on the defendant’s criminal record and the serious nature of the charges,” Bristol County District Attorney Thomas M. Quinn III said.
In response to media questions regarding a 2015 Taunton stabbing case involving Mr. Rivera:
“Mr. Rivera was charged in Taunton District Court in March, 2015 with armed and masked home invasion, armed assault and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. The charges were connected to a stabbing of two women in Taunton involving several different defendants. The case against Rivera was dismissed by a Taunton District Court judge in December, 2015 because the victims could not identify Rivera and because the only other independent witness was granted a fifth amendment privilege in the case. This left the commonwealth with no good faith basis to go forward with the charges against Rivera. The Taunton stabbing incident occurred prior to the Fall River homicide.”
Not to get all political, but this is all political. This manifests itself from a political mindset of politicians who believe that it’s unfair to put people in prison, particularly if they are poor. The idea that bail should be based on what you can afford is asinine. If you’re a ghettomuppet with no job and no income you get rewarded with cheaper bail. That’s INSANE!!! I had no idea this was a thing until Kevin Quinn tragically passed away, because this is not the sort of thing that makes headlines. They do it under the cover of darkness because they know the rest of us are too busy working and taking care of our families to follow the latest decisions reached by the SJC.
This is Judge Thomas Maguire, the judge whose lack of judgement is directly responsible for the death of Kevin Quinn:
It’s time we start calling these people out when this happens. They have blood on their hands. Had he done his job Kevin Quinn’s daughter would grow up with a wonderful father. Instead she will only hear stories about him. Mickey Rivera was rotting in jail facing serious, violent charges. All was well in the universe. Then Judge Feelings decided that this was mean because shithead McGee was poor. Keep in mind, Mickey Rivera showed no remorse for his life of crime, and he had no children on the outside to tend to. There was zero reason to reduce his bail. But the Judge chose to anyway. And now someone is dead directly as a result of his lack of judgement.
Of course he was appointed in 2009 by Deval Patrick, and was praised for being such a great visionary:
Thomas F. McGuire Jr. said his path to a Superior Court judgeship was littered with sewers, trash and strip clubs. The city native was sworn in to the bench Tuesday during a ceremony at Fall River Superior Court, just a few feet away from a portrait of his uncle, former Superior Court Judge James McGuire.
So he got his job because his uncle was a judge. Got it.
McGuire was welcomed to the circuit with a rousing standing ovation after repeating the oath read by Gov. Deval Patrick.
“The governor has bestowed a great honor, but far more importantly a great responsibility, and I appreciate that and will live up to that honor,” McGuire said.
Yea, you were given a great responsibility and you failed. A good person is dead because of you. You should resign. But you won’t, because judges in this state routinely get away with their roles in killing innocent people and have zero accountability.
The swearing-in was a formality; McGuire already has sat for trials in Dedham Superior Court. Tuesday’s ceremony gave McGuire’s many admirers a chance to shower praise on the state’s newest judge,and to commend Patrick for his selection.
“In nominating Tom McGuire to the bench, you have chosen someone that is the epitome of good and fair,” said former Mayor Edward M. Lambert, who served as master of ceremonies.
“You have chosen a good man, and there is no doubt Judge McGuire will continue in his career to garner respect of friends and foes alike.”
Translation – this was just a circlejerk for one of the good ol’ boys.
Lambert has known McGuire since high school and worked with him when McGuire was corporation counsel for the city. He said the longtime lawyer has built a reputation on thoughtfulness, wisdom, thoroughness and consistency.
“The wisdom of this judgeship selection will be realized not only good and far but with honor and distinction,” Lambert said.
Wisdom? Please, tell me more how wise it was to reduce his bail to $1,000 so that he could continue his path of murder and destruction.
Patrick admitted that selecting judges is a tough proposition, with a “rich trough” of candidates across the state. The deciding factor, he said, often goes beyond the knowledge of the law and finding “people who know people.”
“And I know I got this one right,” Patrick said.
If we’re going to blame judges, then we have to blame the people who appoint them to. This is Deval Patrick’s legacy in Massachusetts – hundreds of politically connected activist judges who subscribe to his philosophy that criminals are inherently good people worthy of multiple chances instead of incarceration.
This was infuriating:
“He extracts that experience with a deep empathy and passion for people,” Patrick said. “If he brings that brainpower and heart, and I know he will, you’ll be an excellent judge for a long time.”
A deep empathy and passion for people. Translation – he is easily conned into believing that animals like Mickey Rivera are redeemable and worthy of our empathy. When he says empathy and passion for people he’s not talking about Kevin Quinn, he’s talking about Mickey Rivera.
This is a direct quote from the judge himself:
“The one thing I will always keep in mind all of the time is that goal, to hear people who come before me and try to understand their predicament and apply the law as fairly as possible,” McGuire said.
That about sums up the mentality of many judges in this state. They believe we should try to understand the mentality of criminals. He was poor. He had a rough upbringing. He was just selling drugs to feed his starving family. He has the “disease” of drug addiction. He was trying to turn his life around but the system is unfair.
It’s all bullshit.
What we need are judges who try to understand the mentality of law abiding citizens. People like Kevin Quinn and cops like Michael Chesna, Ron Tarentino, and Sean Gannon.
As usual, Charlie “thoughts and prayers” Baker is noticeably quiet about this. He has the platform and influence to pressure the state legislature to start holding these judges accountable, but he chooses not to. Because at the end of the day Charlie is too afraid of pissing off liberals and losing his spot as the most popular governor in the country.
All I know is that come election season this is the only political issue that matters to us. We will only be endorsing people on the Turtleboy Ticket who are tough on crime and believe that criminals should be held responsible for their behavior.
28 Comment(s)
please find his(murderers) go fund me and shut it down i can only write one complaint but if turtleboy gets shutdown for nothing this dirtbags shouldnt be able to profit of of this. Although he did kill himself which is heroic he didnt die alone he killed a cheating skank who loves bad boys and an actual american hero
This judge should be there on Monday when Kevin Quinn is laid to rest in the Bourne National Cemetery.
He should be right there to see the anguish and rage of family, friends and fellow Marine Vets at a needless loss of life that was entirely preventable, had he not gone against repeated recommendations to keep this scumbag locked up.
Semper Fi and fuck you, you honorless POS in a robe.
Bail isn’t a liberal issue, it’s a legal/justice issue. You’ve got people on here calling for long term imprisonment without an indictment, trial or conviction, directly at odds with the US and State constitutions. I’ve got to wonder why so many people on here hate the rule of law.
The judge isn’t responsible for any of this, the criminals are, alone.
@Redd Foxx…so when Judge Feeley released an illegal immigrant heroin dealer back in the streets is that a legal or liberal issue? Judge Feeley came out and admitted that if it was a US citizen he would of certainly have given him jail time. Feeley didn’t want an illegal deported. Legal or liberal issue? Judge Feeley also interpreted the heroin dealers crime as an economic crime. Dealing heroin laced with fentanyl is a violation of the federal controlled substances law. Legal or liberal issue?
Max bail for criminal Rivera was recommended by the prosecutor based on previous crimes. The judge cut him a break and reduced it to 1K based on the perps ability to pay. Now there’s a dead Marine and a shattered family with a baby that will never have her father, solely due to a lenient judge and a career criminal.
Democrats aka liberals are absolutely against the rule of law by advocating for sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. Lenient terms for criminals.
Your liberal bias is showing Red
I’m not clear on what any of this has to do with liberalism. Was the heroin dealer facing federal charges? That’s a separation of power issue, typically referring back to local enforcement is considered conservative policy, but I’d bet there’s a lot hiding beneath the surface that informed his decision.
Bail is certainly not a liberal issue. Any political interpretation of the law would still have bail either revoked or used as coercion for appearance at trial. Lowering the amount has no bearing on that. Again, not liberal at all, practical legal application here.
The only thing that comes close is if he’s on the record as not wanting to get an illegal immigrant deported, but you didn’t quote him saying that.
Growing up, conservatives wanted to preserve and honor the constitution, not throw it out every time it was tested. Today’s self identified conservatives seem more interested in vengeance against the accused than any conservative values, and the definition of liberal gets shifted every time they’re made at someone new.
The most corrupt liberal infested shithole state in the country. Facts presented to the worthless Boston legislature about the dangerous incompetent Judge Feeley. Directly responsible for the death of a Maine sheriff. Case dismissed, Feeley stays with a 200k salary and tax payer lifetime pension.
Puppet head governor Charlie Baker. Useless. Illegal alien loving enabler Boston Mayor Marty Walsh. Useless. Social justice warrior useless libtard Attorney General Maura Helaey. Senator Elizabeth Warren full blown libtard proposes higher taxes and abolishment of ICE. Senator Ed Markey another libtard, same higher taxes proposed and abolishment of ICE. Sanctuary city Mayor Joe Curtone. Another idiot Lawrence Mayor, sanctuary city.
List goes on and on. Disgusting lawless tyrannical government. Massachusetts is completely fucked. Will. Never. Change. Ever.
Get your families and move out of this state when you can. Even if it takes years to do so. Move. That’s the only thing these worthless politicians and government puppets understand, loss of tax dollars. Sickening.
I hate to favor more government, but it almost seems that ice and border patrol need to expand their scope and double, maybe even triple their workforce and have the authority to supersede local government and swoop in and pick these fuckers up and handle them. Its blatantly obvious that our state government can’t do their job. Trump has a lot on his plate but it would be great if he started talking about massachusetts and its inability to keep violent criminals behind bars and how that relates to the deaths of police officers and veterans.
This is why I finally left Massachusetts. I took my business and my tax payments elsewhere. I just can’t work hard every day to support this shit. Granted where I am is not perfect, but I sure do get more for my tax dollars where I am living now so to spreak.
Boston Herald 7-31-18:
Republican lawmakers pressing to remove a Salem Superior Court judge from the bench over sentencing and bail decisions saw their efforts snuffed out yesterday on the floor of the House.
Rep. Jim Lyons (R-Andover) called for his long-shot bill of address to initiate the removal of Judge Timothy Q. Feeley and asked the House to suspend procedural rules so it could be brought to a vote.
Rep. Byron Rushing (D-Boston) objected to the rules being suspended, and that was it.
For months, Lyons and others had pressed for Feeley’s removal after he gave probation — instead of jail time — to a convicted heroin dealer in the middle of the opioid epidemic, and in connection with his lowering the bail of a man who would later shoot and kill a Maine sheriff’s deputy. Lyons’ proposal had 40 co-sponsors, including two Democrats.
“We as legislators have the authority and the duty and the responsibility to provide the checks and balances necessary when we have a judiciary that goes rogue,” Lyons told reporters yesterday morning before trying to force a vote on his removal bill.
The state constitution empowers lawmakers to remove a judge with a simple majority vote, followed by approval from the governor and the governor’s council.
Thirty-two state representatives wrote a letter to Chief Justice of the Superior Court Judith Fabricant regarding Feeley.
Fabricant saw no issue with Feeley’s judgment, saying: “Judge Feeley has served on the Superior Court for the past 10 years. In that time, he has ruled on innumerable matters, both criminal and civil, and has earned widespread respect for his scholarship, dedication, courage, and compassion.”
“I have absolute confidence in his ability to continue to perform his duties as required in all matters,” Fabricant added.
Feeley’s probation sentence for the drug dealer raised concerns after a hearing transcript showed he commented that he would have sent the man — a legal permanent resident with a green card — to serve time if he were a U.S. citizen and wouldn’t face deportation.
The man, Manuel Soto-Vittini, was later taken into federal immigration custody after a review of his conviction, which violated his terms of status in the United States.
Lyons said Feeley’s consideration of Soto-Vittini’s immigration status amounted to a violation of equal justice.
“Equal justice under the law is not trying to use dispossessions to lessen the effect of immigration consequences,” Lyons said. “His focus was not on protecting the mothers and the fathers and the policemen. His focus was on protecting an immigrant from being deported.”
Rep. Geoff Diehl (R-Whitman), a U.S. Senate candidate, said the bail-lowering and breaks given to a convicted drug dealer could actually embolden criminals.
I’d like to see the state police raid this judge’s home, looking for contraband common sense… they’d come up empty.
Maybe these cops need more practice at the range. Dunno how these animals aren’t shot dead like say down south?
How many more Mr. Speaker? How many more must die?
Wanna keep myopically voting for Democrats?
This is what you’re gonna keep getting !
Liberal Democrats appoint like-minded liberal Judges.
No great mystery here. It isn’t rocket science.
You reap what you sow, Massachusetts sheeple !
Will Massachusetts voters ever wake up?
This judge is only empathetic because he doesn’t have to live in the neighborhoods he releases these sub-humans back in to.
The events that have taken place this summer are finally starting to red pill people on the effects of putting these leftist liberal democrats in positions of power.
It would take decades to root out and remove this cancer, but Massachusetts will be Brazil by then.
Little shit stain Deval did to the state what Obama did at the federal level. Fortunately, now the federal circuit courts are being filled by real judges. And unfortunately, it’s near impossible to get rid of appointed judges.
They’re called bleeding hearts because some poor person’s (or more) heart is really going to bleed when they let the vicious P’sOS back on the street
Came out in Globe today that this scumbag was also arrested for DUI in June and even though they could have held him for 90days on violation of his previous bail, they let this animal free to ruin this beautiful family’s life. Cape and Islands DA “Liveshot” O’Keefe has yet comment.
Don’t blame me, I don’t vote for these Democrat morons…
Brian, this is your mother. The police are looking for you. They want to talk to you about not showing up for court for the shoplifting and Class B distribution charges. I told them you’re not home and I don’t know where you are.
I have a 2 PM meeting with Steve Quist at a rest stop on 495 Be home right after that
“Understand The Predicament” Of Career Criminals. There is no Predicament for Career Criminals.
They classify junkies as victims.
Now we are classifying Career Criminals as victims?
1st time offenders (depending on the crime) maybe should get a break. Career Criminals? No. They obviously have weighed the risk / rewards and decided the reward is worth the risk.
Idiots. There are people in jail for having a plant in their yard, and they let this spic criminal run the streets. The life he took was his actions; but the fact he was able to do it belongs to the state and this judge. How many more Rivera’s are out there today?
“All I know is that come election season this is the only political issue that matters to us.”
Do we even have a choice in this state? This is what the liberals want, and people will vote straight Democrat tickets regardless of policy or results.
What’s the difference between:
A) Santa Claus
B) The Tooth Fairy
C) A judge in Massachusetts who has never made a political contribution ???
ANS. C doesn’t exist
So Stanley Rosenberg lost his job as Speaker of the House because he failed to protect that august body from his cocksucking joint grabbing rest area commando husband. But no one died. These judges fail to protect the population of an entire state, and get to keep their jobs, and people die. Fuck this state.
Most excellent article TB, thank you.
Isnt it great to be a judge in this state ? We can do what ever the fuck we want and get paid 170k a year and 16 weeks of vacation
Don’t vote for liberals ever.