Turtleboy Investigates

Mikayla Miller’s Lying Mother Calvina Strothers Is Spreading Misinformation And Profiting Off Her Daughter’s Suicide With $40K GoFundMe


In the least surprising news ever Calvina Strothers, the mother of deceased 16 year old Hopkinton girl Mikayla Miller, is cashing in on her daughter’s death with a GoFundMe.

It’s only been up for a couple hours and has already raised $3K towards the $40K goal.

The GoFundMe falsely accuses the police of not investigating her death, and “prematurely” telling her that it was a suicide after finding her choked to death with a belt tied to a tree. The money she’s seeking to raise will go towards, “resources to continue this fight for accountability and transparency.”


In other words, she’s gonna pocket the cash. What costs has she incurred as part of her “fight for justice?” The investigation has been thoroughly done by DA Marian Ryan’s office, and has pulled surveillance tapes from a Wendy’s in Sturbridge showing the children Calvina is accusing of being murderers eating there at the time her daughter died. She just won’t accept the truth, and is grossly using the death of her daughter to profit. Any grieving parent who solicits the help of Monica Cannon-Grant is a person whose motivations should be questioned.

Calvina’s business only recently opened in Hopkinton after she moved from Quincy.

According to online records she was sued by the Commonwealth last year.

Her Facebook page uses the phrase “self care is not selfish,” something Monica Cannon-Grant used to justify whey she was using donated money to go away to a spa with her husband.

A lot of people are expressing sympathy for Mikayla’s Mom, but the fact of the matter is that she is a big part of them problem here. She lied about investigators not contacting her, courted Monica Cannon-Grant, refused to accept the truth about her daughter, and is now attempting to profit off of her death. The money she raised could go to a suicide prevention non-profit that could give other troubled teens like Mikayla an outlet to go to if they ever felt depressed. Instead it’s going to line her and Monica Cannon-Grant’s pockets.




Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: 


102 Comment(s)
  • poopsy says hewo
    May 9, 2021 at 4:13 pm

    ‍❤️‍ ‍‍
    ♋️ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍ ‍‍

  • yay
    May 9, 2021 at 4:05 pm


  • CONN
    May 7, 2021 at 11:26 pm

    No amount of Maloney can fix broken culture

  • Herman deal
    May 7, 2021 at 8:58 pm

    George Floyd

    Congratulations you drug addicted convict fucking n!gger on being sober for ten months
    Way to go you fucking lawn jockey

  • hartf811
    Beverly Farms
    May 7, 2021 at 6:10 pm

    No looting?
    No riots?
    No destruction of city property?
    No attacks on police?
    See what happens when politician don’t justify poverty pimp pandering?
    Thank you alopecia Presley.
    You made the chimps take a civilization pill?

    • 4 reasons by Jane van Lawick
      May 9, 2021 at 3:56 pm

      1 BLM didn’t reach critical mass in Hopkinton.
      2 Temperature was below 80 degrees.
      3 It was daytime.
      4 And it was just too dam white!

  • The Only Intelligent One Here
    May 7, 2021 at 4:05 pm

    What you’ve done here Turtleboy was very expected. It’s the way your damaged DNA works and you couldn’t help yourself even if you tried. What I and others hope for is your hatred, racism, stereotyping and other negativity, consumes you from the inside out. You have nothing to offer on this planet and do nothing but take up precious space. Some of you folks are proud hell spawn and deserve everything that’s coming for you in life; and what goes around comes around. What you dish out will only come back to you. Guaranteed. Remember that, Peaches.

    • Ok, intelligent one
      May 7, 2021 at 5:07 pm

      You gotta explain the GoFundMe though. How do you justify profiting off the death of your daughter which at this point (shocker) looks like a suicide. Oh that’s right, she’s out actively seeking “justice,” with these funds, much like OJ Simpson on the 19th hole.

      • Turtle hasn’t worked a real job ever
        May 9, 2021 at 6:54 am

        Same way turtle profited off you cucks for his “suicide” attempt after his wife caught him with a girl that’s not very good looking. Actually very fat. White male who’s came from a good family ends up drunk harassing teenage girls gets fired from a job teaching kids decides to write blogs putting others down meanwhile hasn’t worked in years while begging everyone around him for money. Lol. Sound familiar? How’s he not a ratchet? How come he never talks about his daddy issues ? Or how mom told him to get a real job so he’s running for school board lmao. Ya no issues there. Lmao you people are complete morons thinking you’re more intelligent lmao lmao. How could this lady profit ! Meanwhile turtle …. lol

        • CHA CHING
          May 9, 2021 at 3:39 pm

          Even not being intelligent, skippy, that answer is pretty straightforward. The mother, knowing that her child had mental health issues that needed to be addressed, did ZIP. She had a child who needed help, now she has one less child, and way more money.

          So while you’re ‘lmao lmao’ ing – mommy dearest is profiting. Black lottery.

    • hartf811
      May 7, 2021 at 6:13 pm

      Have another banana Peaches

    • WeAreFucked
      May 9, 2021 at 11:58 pm

      What did he do? Point out that this “mom” is probably going to get a new car soon? Or a designer pocket book?

      Or point out that Monica-Cannons-Grant is racist and blames white people for everything?

      Who is the racist one? Have you heard Monica Cannons speech? Link to a blog where this website ever said anything as racist as that. You can’t, because he’s not racist just because he points out others failures.

      You think Turtleboy is a ratchet? Expose him. Because his blogs sure don’t.

  • CU Next Tuesday
    May 7, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    What is it with negroe broads and red lip stick. At least they could cover the whole dam lip. Probly take 2 sticks though…

  • Now that rigor mortis has set in she'd make a good lawn jockey
    May 7, 2021 at 12:36 pm

    Mount Jemima coming for your pancakes

  • LeBron James NBA an GED
    May 7, 2021 at 12:24 pm

    Y’All are some uneducated racist racists shaking my hand.

    Y’all ignorant white ppl ain’t infecting me with y’all’s hate I hate Y’all’s ignorance! y’all need education smh y’all iz racist AF!

    #nohate #Fwhtmen #blackisbeautiful #blackpower #white=racist #Nowhtmen

    • M D
      May 7, 2021 at 12:46 pm

      You sound like a Mongoloid who took a public speaking class at BHCC. Your 1st # says #NOHATE and you go on to say stop white men. White men are the problem, You are the problem Fruitcake!

      • Gov Baker
        May 8, 2021 at 1:39 pm

        It’s possible that #Nowhtmen mean (Now Hot Men) and #Fwhtmen could mean (F white men) in a romantic way, but I’m not as expert in ebonics as I am in BASKETBALL.

  • Felix the Cat
    May 7, 2021 at 12:12 pm

    Lesbians eat WHAT ?!?!?!

  • Cleamus
    May 7, 2021 at 11:28 am

    When they are alive they are just BLACK.
    When they are dead they turn into gold.

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    May 7, 2021 at 11:04 am

    All of that money will be gone within weeks. On hair extensions, nails, expensive makeup, designer clothes, bling bling jewelry, a leased Mercedes, expensive restaurants……..

    One thing you can be sure it will not be spent on. That would be home repairs, property updates, lawn care, light bulbs, etc,

  • Donald Trump
    May 7, 2021 at 10:21 am

    .| : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :”-‘\,,
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    • Captain Trips
      Captain Trips
      May 7, 2021 at 10:53 am

      Dat’s what I’m talkin about!

  • Donald Trump
    May 7, 2021 at 10:19 am

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    • XxFatexX the “progy” from AOL Chat
      May 7, 2021 at 10:22 am

      You are stealing my Jam.

  • Judge Dread
    May 7, 2021 at 10:16 am

    I’m not gay, but occasionally I like to look at men’s buttholes on my phone.

    The Judge has spoken! Case dismissed!!

  • BOOBS!
    May 7, 2021 at 10:16 am


  • TITS!
    May 7, 2021 at 10:15 am


    • Captain Trips
      Captain Trips
      May 7, 2021 at 10:54 am

      Dat’s what I’m talkin about!

      May 7, 2021 at 2:55 pm

      What the fuck is this shit?Kindergarten Keyboards?
      It’s bad enough that you guys want to blow loads on everything in sight. Now we have to deal with Ding Dong School.

      • Jen Pissacki
        May 8, 2021 at 1:25 pm

        (。 ㅅ 。)

      • Jenny Pissaki wuvs u!
        May 8, 2021 at 1:30 pm

        ( ^◡^)っ ♡

  • Freddy Fingers
    May 7, 2021 at 10:15 am

    I miss the King, i wonder what he thinks about all this.

    • The King, Elvis Presley
      May 7, 2021 at 10:17 am

      The King thinks these darkies have a new cottage industry on go fund me’s for kids they never hugged, who end up deceased.

  • I went to school with Spic Tormentor
    May 7, 2021 at 9:53 am

    I really did, Woburn High class of 1999. I still see him at Target from time to time. It’s laughably pathetic.

  • Dr Wu
    Dr Wu
    May 7, 2021 at 9:15 am

    Monica Cannon Grant has the mind of a four-year old.

    AND: the four-year old was very happy to get rid of it.

  • Buh By
    May 7, 2021 at 8:53 am

    A useless waste of taxpayers dollars offed herself. It’s a good start.

  • Chip Striker
    May 7, 2021 at 8:22 am

    You have to think like BLM to really know what’s going on here…BLM made tens of millions off of a white cop kneeling on a junkie criminals neck…Monica did pretty well for her self off of it too….Now just imagine how much they can make if one is lynched? They know it’s not a lynching, and they really want one but they know stupid people will throw money at them…..

    People will catch on though, even the dumb ones.

    And as always,



  • Alexander Rich-Shea
    Alexander Rich-Shea
    May 7, 2021 at 8:11 am

    Hey guys, since the Jaja spammer is here, I thought I’d join!

    Check out my website thegayrabbi dot com for dick pics and terrible blogs.

    In just a few minutes I’ll be dancing naked love on Chaturbate dot com slash magicmica

    Come watch me shake my dick around!

    Stay mad faggots!
    The Gay Rabbi
    Wellington circle underwear freak
    Wellington Circle underwear faggot
    Respectable Wellington Circle Performance Artist Gay

    Also feel free to text me: 339 215 9546

  • Sad turtleboy culture
    May 7, 2021 at 7:51 am

    I leave this useless, barely surviving site for a bit, then comes Aidan, who is running for school committee, and does it again: subverting and putting in a negative spot light a young woman that passed away too young.

    This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..

    This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..

    • what you are doing
      May 7, 2021 at 10:03 am

      can be considered flaming and in some cases, can be illegal.
      You are not offering debate, you are not presenting any new information, you are simply intending to disrupt this service with your posts. Essentially, you are trying to hijack this site through flaming.
      Despite what people think, constant flaming, depending on the interpretation, is illegal.
      I don’t know if Aidan wants to pursue this, but he could look into this and see if this falls under cyber harassment.
      If it does, the web host could give authorities your ISP and trace it back to you and you could face penalties for this behavior.
      Just thought you might think just because we are all “anonymous” on here that you can keep doing this without ramifications.
      Depends on Aiden really.

    • Captain Trips
      Captain Trips
      May 7, 2021 at 10:59 am

      Your doctor needs to evaluate your schizophrenia treatment. It does not appear to be working.

      May 7, 2021 at 3:22 pm

      Just because it is obvious that you don’t fully understand. The reason these things need to be brought to light are these things should never be considered socially acceptable.
      We should not coddle under age people who drink do drugs and fuck older men.
      Drug addicted people need to be reminded that it is their fault and should not be considered ok.
      And raising money for (wink,wink) an ‘investigation’ is
      mostly bullshit and an out and out scam.
      And if bringing this to light bothers you then you should go and get hooked on drugs fuck older men and set up a go fund me.

  • Show me the Money Monica
    May 7, 2021 at 6:54 am

    I thought Monica Can Can was paying for the investigation through her NON PROFIT. What happened??

    • Observer X
      She's on the 19th hole, just like O.J.
      May 7, 2021 at 1:13 pm

      “Looking into it.”

  • whatevuh
    May 7, 2021 at 6:32 am

    One thing I noticed right away, where is the dad? (probably in prison)

    • Captain Trips
      Say No to Nogs
      May 7, 2021 at 10:57 am

      They are black. 78% chance he’s not in the picture.

  • Mikayla, Calvina, MoDolla
    May 7, 2021 at 5:58 am

    If I had a mother whose first reaction to my death was to use it for a money grab, I’d probably kill myself too.

  • Brett Killoran
    May 7, 2021 at 12:38 am

    something something, I am actually the real spic tormentor!

  • I went to school with her
    May 6, 2021 at 11:46 pm

    Something, something, made up shit, now give me my 9 upvotes.

  • Bebo Pabon
    May 6, 2021 at 10:46 pm

    Oh, do be mad dad!
    You and I can scam the shit out of these turtle riders. I am not banned from any social media, yet.
    With my good looks and your child molester charm, we can take gofundwe by storm
    Whaddaya say dad?….. dad…. dad?

  • Spic Tormentor
    May 6, 2021 at 10:27 pm

    Something something nogs or boons or whatever… now give me my 30 upvotes!!!

    • Matt Dizio
      May 6, 2021 at 11:53 pm

      Something, something, I work at Target, now give me my 10 downvotes.

      • Spic Tormentor
        May 7, 2021 at 12:35 am

        11:53 on a Thursday night and you’re obsessing over me in the TB comment section. lol.

        • Matt Dizio
          May 7, 2021 at 6:53 am

          Something, something, reading timestamps like an anal retentive douchebag, and I’m the one obsessed, get over yourself and give me an up/down vote.

          • Spic Tormentor
            May 7, 2021 at 9:55 am

            6:53am, and you wake up thinking of me. lol.

  • Chip Striker
    May 6, 2021 at 10:07 pm

    She’s cutting into Monica’s profits on this death.



  • Plain and simple...
    May 6, 2021 at 8:56 pm

    Fucking retards!

  • observer
    May 6, 2021 at 8:23 pm

    News update
    I watched a clip on the “News” of the meeting in Hopkinton
    Ch 7 had a helicopter and two news crews there, they must have been expecting Burning Looting etc
    Few white people in a large crowd (I thought there would be 1000’s there, since the town is full of BLM signs)

    May 6, 2021 at 7:48 pm

    Unnatural sexual behaviors need treatment, not encouragement.

    Stop the hate! Kids are dying!!!

  • Inflamed Anus
    Inflamed Anus
    May 6, 2021 at 7:47 pm

    Ahh hell, I’ll donate $10 if I can fuck her and slap that fat ass, with a condom on of course, learned my lesson with Monica! My only saving grace is she hates white, so hopefully she will never come after me for child support because everyone will know her baby be half white. That’s what I get, sweating waiting for the paternity test phone call the next 18 years, and some weird discharge coming out of my dick!

    • Barney Frank
      May 6, 2021 at 8:09 pm

      It could be worse, you could spend some quality time with me and have some weird discharge coming out of your ass.

  • Evicted fuckin neighbor
    May 6, 2021 at 7:09 pm

    So get this shit, this one time me and my ex neighbor Bret went to the pond to go fishing. He told me a story about how his boss tried to off himself with and extention cord. I was like that dude has to be making it up or he’s a pussy. If I had a cord I woulda done it. We both laughed and smoked some meth. Who’s got that Netflix password? #canoestories

  • WTF
    May 6, 2021 at 7:05 pm

    They’ve found a way to subvert the lottery.
    Much better odds with the new system.

  • Linda Coralyn
    Cha ching
    May 6, 2021 at 6:48 pm

    This story is all over the place. Gimme a grant stated she was tied to a tree, which leaves one to believe she was restrained, but that info isn’t anywhere else, and mcg… doesn’t need any more of an explanation. Stories state she was jumped by between 2-5 teens, the insinuation being she was jumped because she was black. But one of the teens involved was a girl she had broken up with, so how is her race or sexual preference an issue? Finally – the gofundme. What is it about grief that makes one say -“ I’m gonna make me some money offa this here shit???”

  • Metro West Guy
    Jenna Roscitti
    May 6, 2021 at 6:43 pm

    Profiting off your own child’s death is vulgar and obscene, to put it nicely. All she is doing is besmirching the name and memory of this girl with this money grab unless she can prove that every cent went towards trained investigators, forensic experts, etc. GoFundMe should require the recipient to present an itemized expense list that those who donated can also see, that ought to help stop many of these grifts.

  • Boe Jiden
    There are those...
    May 6, 2021 at 6:21 pm

    Who wish what the purveyors of sensationalism to be true. That a child was lynched at the hegemony of White Supremacy. The acquiescing lap dogs sit with no bone of contention and a hanged head of shame without reason. A sad commentary of the current state of affairs. With a whirlwind of falsity and drama there are those who profit from the fools of virtuousness. A cycle of sadness and the meaning of events lost. With no true understanding or gain for humanity.

  • Arnold Ziffel
    May 6, 2021 at 6:18 pm

    Lipstick on a Pig.

  • Boston Irish
    Barney Frank
    May 6, 2021 at 6:16 pm

    Jessie and Al didn’t make it?

    • Hugh Mungous
      May 6, 2021 at 6:41 pm

      Even the justice brothers could tell this was bullshit from day one, no money to be made. They are leaving it to the single a affiliate of social justice Rabble rousers.
      Monica Canon Gunt

  • The New Thing
    May 6, 2021 at 6:06 pm

    There are a few legit GoFundMe’s out there but now it seems like they are just like restraining orders in Ratchetville, everyone is starting one for something.
    Buncha fucking scumbags.

    • Mr. common sense
      May 6, 2021 at 6:13 pm

      Let the liberals give her all the money she wants…it could be next month, next year before they realize they’ve been duped

      • Captain Trips
        Captain Trips
        May 6, 2021 at 7:22 pm

        I’ve never given a dime to any gofund me. I sit back and laugh at the idiots who get scammed.

        PT Barnum was right.

  • hartf811
    Way' is tge white womens at?
    May 6, 2021 at 5:54 pm

    Glam shots and Go Fund me.
    Same old same old.
    Blacks are all the same.

  • Dees nutz
    May 6, 2021 at 5:45 pm

    Report the fund as investigation completed.money for personal gain off of tragic situation. False presence. Fuck this bit has out of money…

  • Get the Funk Out
    May 6, 2021 at 5:33 pm

    I would donate a hefty sum to a “Back to Africa” fund for POC who hate white people and/or the USA.

    Just go. Sign a waiver for a One way ticket, I’ll pay for your housing and healthcare too.

  • bill fleming
    May 6, 2021 at 4:16 pm

    Monica and the mob are demanding the investigation be turned over to PI John Shaft

      May 6, 2021 at 8:03 pm

      DCI John Luther would do a far better job.

  • Aidans noose
    May 6, 2021 at 4:13 pm

    Whining about people 24/7/365 is only pushing you further and further towards a noose and sturdy beam.

  • $40,000.00
    May 6, 2021 at 4:12 pm

    That buys a lot Henny a a trip to the casino!

    • hartf811
      Funny Peeples
      May 6, 2021 at 5:59 pm

      Sales tax on Henney and the 30 % to the state from the casino winnings.
      The only way white working folks can get their “investment” back.
      Little black girl was queer.
      Friends banished her for being black and queer.
      She hung herself with the extra long belt that transited her ample black backside.
      Why are white people to blame?

  • Popcorn! Hotdogs!
    May 6, 2021 at 4:10 pm

    Git your popcorn ready!

    • John Shaft
      May 7, 2021 at 2:56 pm

      No one understands him but his woman.

  • Orion
    May 6, 2021 at 4:06 pm

    Always about money and clout in these situations. Such a disrespect to her own daughter’s memory by her terrible behavior.

  • Go Fudge Me
    May 6, 2021 at 4:05 pm

    100% of GoFudgeMe campaigns are for drug-loving ratchets. End of story. I hope this tub of shit gets $100k from dumb liberal sliver-haired suburbanites. She’ll be dead in a week from the coke and smack.

  • The Spic Tormentor
    Spic Tormentor
    May 6, 2021 at 4:03 pm

    If your child dies and your first instinct is to find ways to profit from it then you might be a spook

  • The Spic Tormentor
    Spic Tormentor
    May 6, 2021 at 3:58 pm

    Obviously she needs the money since I can’t imagine there is a large demand for horse hair weaves in Hopkinton and that’s why her business is failing.

    I’m sure she can mark down violence in boston for a bug fat $0 donation

  • it's me
    May 6, 2021 at 3:56 pm

    I like the “Self Care” excuse, the next time a member of the public calls the cops on me, when I’m just masturbating in my vehicle, I’ll use the “Self Care” excuse when the officers question me and if need be, Ill use it again when in front of a judge.

  • Captain Trips
    Dumbest Question Ever Asked
    May 6, 2021 at 3:33 pm

    Where’s the Father?

    • Ron Jeremy
      May 6, 2021 at 7:46 pm

      The most confusing day for these types is Father’s Day…especially when the mothers attempted to break Creampie Cathy’s record. Just ask Maury.

  • Joe
    May 6, 2021 at 3:29 pm

    If anyone ever spots a legitmate gofundme account, please let everyone know because it might just be the first.

  • Osiris
    May 6, 2021 at 3:08 pm

    I estimate between $50,000-150,000 will be donated to her GoFundMe.
    95% of that by woke white Americans who are utterly ashamed of their role in the mistreatment of POC throughout history. They’ll donate cash, but don’t you POC dare move next door to them, live around their neighborhoods, send your kids to their kid’s school or grocery shop where they shop.
    Then they’ll be calling the police they so eagerly want to defund.

    The new America.

    • G Ber
      Cory York
      May 6, 2021 at 4:02 pm

      The town of Acton is having a fundraiser for Vagina because the privileged folk of Wacketon feel bad. The bitch be rich soon.

  • Even “I” Think…
    May 6, 2021 at 3:08 pm

    …this shit is wrong.
    Daaamn, guuurl…you N-A-S-T-Y.

    Moby Cannon-Farts

  • hartf811
    Beverly Farms
    May 6, 2021 at 3:03 pm

    Slaves harvesting the only crop they have left.
    Their own feral dead children.
    Ni99ers are cancer.
    Stay the fuck off my beach!

  • Alexander Rich-Shea
    A new bitchfight
    May 6, 2021 at 2:58 pm

    This time with the mom of a dead girl. Kkklassy. Vote TurtleBro

    • FUCK YOU
      May 6, 2021 at 3:45 pm

      He’s 2 – 0.
      He did the same to the New Bedford girl’s mom and aunt.

    • G Ber
      Judge Judy
      May 6, 2021 at 4:15 pm

      Yep and proud of it, go fund me thieves are true criminals, and maybe even stupider than you.

      • Alexander Rich-Shea
        May 7, 2021 at 7:38 am

        No Karen

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