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The passenger who was with career criminal Mickey Rivera when he was running from police and ended up killing new Mashpee father Kevin Quinn on his way home from visiting his wife and child in the hospital, has died. And of course her family is blaming the cops:
The mother of a young woman killed in a head-on collision in Cotuit following a police chase is now lashing out at Mashpee Police. Kelly Spearman says she is looking for answers from police as to what led to the crash that took her daughter’s life early Saturday morning.
“I’m angry for them chasing the way they did, maybe if they would have backed off a little bit, maybe my daughter would still be here,” said Spearman. “I don’t feel like it’s real, my heart’s broken. She was 24.”
“You took the life of a daughter, a mother, sister – you took her away from our family,” said Spearman.
However, on Wednesday, Mashpee Police Chief Carline said his department is conducting an internal investigation into how his officers handled the chase and if proper protocol was followed:
The internal investigation into the facts and circumstances leading up to the tragic motor vehicle crash on July 28, 2018 is active and ongoing at this time. It would be inappropriate for me to comment on an active internal investigation until all the facts have been gathered regarding this incident. The focus of the internal investigation is to determine if the actions of the police officers involved in the pursuit are consistent with the Mashpee Police Department’s policy regarding police pursuits.
The amount of people praising this woman and painting her as some sort of victim is insane. And of course her ghettomuppet 41 year old mother is blaming the cops for doing their job and trying to pull over someone who had committed a driving infraction. It just never ends. The lengths that people will go to in order to blame other people instead of holding the individuals who actually committed the crime responsible knows no bounds.
Imagine if Mickey Rivera was drunk and the MPD tried to pull him over. Scumbag takes off and cops are like, “Nah, just let him go.” Then he crashes and kills someone. That would go over well with the free muh boi patrol for sure.
I’m not saying Jocelyn Goyette was a bad person or a criminal herself. I wouldn’t have anything to say about her if her mother weren’t blaming the cops for killing her. But the fact of the matter is that she is dead because she chose to associate herself with a piece of shit hoodrat. She was hanging out with him on Saturday night instead of her three year old child.
She was also engaged to someone else.
Plus this…..
The hat. Case closed.
This all started when the Boston Globe wrote this sappy puff piece:
Relatively unknown to her? Oh yea, lots of women are randomly riding around with accused murderers in Mashpee late on a Saturday night.
The deceased also had a “fiance” and a three year old son:
Oh good. So instead of being at home with her child she was out riding dirty with a known gang banger. I hate when that happens.
Evidently her and the fiance have been engaged longer than Pam and Roy:
According to the fam who is now blaming the police for killing their daughter as a result of doing their job, she barely knew Mickey Rivera….
Who hasn’t found themselves in a similar situation? Sometimes you go out to the carnival and end up getting into a high speed chase with a career criminal.
But wait, it gets even more believable. Evidently she texted a friend and said she was “supposed to go out to Cape Cod later with this kid, but now he is switching shit up on me and I’m getting mad.”
It’s almost as if she knew him pretty well and was planning on spending the night with him. Then he teased her with a change of plans, but finally brought her down anyway.
She said she was going to spend the night with her child (ya know, like a normal parent would) but instead she texted her friend back and told her that she was out having fun:
Having Saturday night fun with a gangbanger who once stabbed two women and was out on $1,000 bail for quite possibly killing someone, all while her fiance and child were not with her. Lots of good Moms do that.
Oh, and she dinno nuffin about his felonies….
I mean, how stupid do you have to be to be the “reporter” who believes this fantastic set of lies? Evidently new Globe hire Amelia Nierenberg:
No comment. This is what the mainstream media has become. They will pretty much print anything that is critical of the police while ignoring the ratchetry of the people who are doing the complaining.
36 Comment(s)
Who gives a shit. One less future EBT/Section 8/TANF/WIC/SSDI recipient.
You stand next to shit long enough, you’re gonna smell like it.
She stank. A lot.
Only person I feel bad for is the kid in that family.
I wonder if the now ex-fiance will eventually plow the grieving skeevy mom, seeing as she’ll be taking over as mom to the child.
She’s only 41, I bet she hops on that baby batter blasting burrito in short order.
Why the long engagement????? More freeshit……… Not fer nuttin but the kid looks like he took a few lefts upside the head…….
And I’m supposed to feel sympathy why?
Instead if being home taking care of her family, she chose to get some illicit hoodrat hog on the side.
Fucking disgusting.
Outsourcing her nasty fucking stench-trench and her family wants to paint her as the next Mother Teresa. They know/knew exactly what the fuck she was up to, but that wouldn’t fly on the money grab GFM page they set up. Why is it that “journalists” don’t ask questions anymore? Surprising that the scumbag reporter never thought to ask the one glaring fucking question that every sane person asks: why was this doting, mother of the year out whoring around with a known scumbag on a Saturday night while her child and husband were sitting at home during the wee hours of that night? Well, the rest of know the answer to that question; she was getting entertained by the hoodbooger before the night’s main event where she was going to give up the starfish before being dropped off at home reeking of shit mixed with cum. Birds of a feather flock together.
These people could have kept their mouths shut and their loved one’s memory would have been protected as a victim in this. Instead, they wanted to play the “fuck the police” game and now we all know that she was just another dirty hoebag ignoring her family responsibilities in pursuit of some gangbanger dick. Well played, fam.
The reporter looks like Christian Slater
So if they went to the fair and we’re heading back home, why the hell were they heading in the complete OPPOSITE direction? None of this makes sense. I think they were either picking up or selling drugs while in town for the “carnival” but that’s just my guess. Also, if he was speeding and driving erratically what would everyone be saying if the cops DIDN’T purse him and he crashed? Cops literally can’t win with these situations, and obviously no one would even be in this situation if the asshat wasn’t BREAKING THE DAMN LAW.
That bish madre justa clean up after da donkeys for Pepe then one day bish was gone with two of the donkeys an’ one of the whigirls and Pepe’s low rider. Pepe pissed, he hadda replace that whigirl Emma favorite donkey he gonna come fix that big mouth bish an get his donkeys back…stoopid Bush shoulda stuck to fluffing the donkey dongs at Pepe’s
Remember the famous Bronco run that started all this fuck da police shit.
I blame OJ!!!
Best rig I ever owned. Thanks AC!
Inside this rant was one bit of news: the PD investigating whether the officers used “proper protocol.” The fact is, most PD’s have policies regarding hot pursuit precisely because of what came of this (something much worse.) waiting to arrest this shitbag at home later still gets him in the slammer. On the scanner, I’ve heard the MSP call off pursuits many times, instead issuing a BOLO to other units and local PD’s to track and apprehend. It’s a fact that having Kevin with us is better than what happened.
They probably do have policies against high speed chases, but I haven’t read anything saying when (in the attempt to stop) this crash happened. Did they turn on the lights, he then immediately accelerated and crashed in split seconds? Or was it a long drawn out chase? Should the police not try to pull anyone over because a dickhead like this could run and kill people? How quickly do you need them to shut off their lights and discontinue pursuit as you listen to your scanner pussy? Is listening to your scanner just like being in a police chase in your mind?
I have no idea how long the pursuit lasted or didn’t last, or if they even chased or he just took off and you don’t either, so shut the fuck up.
A shitty parent doesn’t take some responsibilty for the actions of their child. What a big surprise!!
Great news. Mow thats a 2 for 1 sale with a happy ending.
2 scumbags gone in prime child bearing age.
3 OR 4 bastard welfare collectors would have been hatched out this hoodrats rancid snatch..
Momma tryin her best to hit da jigga lottery yo.
Gotta stocks da cabinets wit hennessey for years yo.
Her go fund me says she asked him to slow down and stop. How do they know this? Did she tell them
A classic example of what the single biggest threat to this country in living proof right here:
Dumb people.
People who cannot think and always resort to blame someone else for their own situation and problems.
Another form of ghetto lottery. Sue the town
The powers to be in this state will blame the police to take the heat off another hack judge who let a career criminal off with low bail
No more welfare! Work or starve!
Whoever has the deepest pockets is at fault.
That headline gave me an aneurysm .
It’s almost as if the writers are trying to out do each other’s headlines. Jesus. I appreciate TBS but the headlines are aggressive. Less is more.
Mom,your daughter was a cum dumpster.The virtue of an alley cat.
So if it’s 11:00 PM and you’re at home with your son wondering where your Hispanic hoodrat chickenhead puta wife is, she’s out getting her culo blasted out by another Hispanic career criminal in a KFC parking lot. Don’t worry about it though. She’ll get turned into meatloaf in an accident while fleeing the cops, and her mom will make her look like a victim and blame the cops like all the other Hispanics do for the problems the Hispanics themselves cause.
I will just say that I’m glad her family did something noble by donating her organs.
I’m sure the comments will soon be filled with shared sentiments regarding this dysfunctional family.
Please consider being an organ & tissue donor and make sure your family knows your wishes.
I feel bad for the person who gets her organs…I’d rather die than be filled with Ratchet DNA.
How can she donate stuff that I paid for? All hers and her mother’s shit came out of my paycheck.
In 20 years the United States will be a demographic third world hell hole. You aint paid enough yet. Wait til they pull a South Africa and start taking white homes bank accounts and retirement savings. The fake white priviledge theory will be a justification for doing so.
Forget saving because you have paid enough to these thankless animals. Whites have been working slaves for years. Whites are responsible and ha e not been reproducing because they work too hard. Third world animals breed like rabbits.
The demographic shift is coming soon and these animals will get bolder. Saving and working hard will only leave these animals a bigger piece of pie. America cant pay its debts now. Live for today because your retirement will be a nightmare. These animals will say you only benefitted cause the system was rigged toward whites. They will steal all your wealth. Whites will be old the animals will be young . Spend everything go into credit card debt like a ghetto boi. Leave the animals nothing.
Like they do with blood, your organs are sold for a high-price.
If she (Jocelyn, the passenger) was engaged, then why was she in a car (alone) with the scumbag (Mickey)?
Let’s hope the people who got the organs has much better DNA. That good will defeat her bad.
My dad is alive because of an organ transplant so this is a cause very special & important to me.
Stupid games/stupid prizes.
But, even if it didn’t, the Bulls hat is a tip-off. Somewhere down the line a stupid prize would have been presented.
This time it looks like the ‘dindoonuffins’ DID do ‘somefins’. Ran from the cops. Now the girl who ‘just happened’ to be in the car is dead. That’s ‘SOMEFINS’.
The end result of banging gangbangers
No sympathy here
Two less useless people – unfortunately, it cost a good person his life
The first picture has the flat brimmed Bulls cap I didn’t need to read any further