There’s nothing I hate more than a ratchet in taxpayer’s clothing who tries to be Turtleboy. Just read our blogs, enjoy them, and go on with your life. Don’t let this shit become your life. Don’t call or harass or post addresses of people who appear in blogs. It’s not your place to do that, and no one here is impressed by your bullshit. More importantly, when you do shit like that we get blamed for it. This is Maine resident Lynda Andino, who claims to be a hardcore turtle rider.
But she did something really shitty today, and now she’s gotta become Turtleboy famous for it. Click here to read about it on TB Daily News.
Please consider supporting local journalism by donating to the Turtle fund:
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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:
53 Comment(s)
The lack of self awareness here is STUNNING.
To claim you didn’t directly cause this type of behavior is either ignorance or dishonesty. Not sure which is scarier
Stop this blog before someone gets physically hurt by one of you brain dead “riders.”
What an obnoxious, stupid viewpoint. Any blogger worth their salt wants readers to have the whole truth. NOBODY is advocating, or WOULD advocate, taking matters into their own hands. The disclaimers aren’t coded language, there isn’t some inside joke about not using that information to be a vigilante. Each INDIVIDUAL has to make their own choices and live with the consequences. Stop blaming a scapegoat for people being shitty in general. Your argument is like saying people owning guns causes murder. Or the existence of fast food causes obesity.
“Stop this blog before someone gets physically hurt by one of you brain dead “riders.” ”
Based on that recommendation, you must be advocating stopping all news outlets – correct? Have you seen the comments in FoxNews, CNN, NYTimes (RIP), etc.? They are horrifically racist, bigoted, and violent. They are “readers” of the articles – not employees/contributors of the story. Big difference.
Also, point out in any TBS story where they advocate violence. They don’t. Do yourself a favor and see why TBS thrives and rags like the NY Times went down in flames. Bias rot killed the ‘Gray Lady’ — it was inside job by Dean Baquet.
Get Fucked,
I’m interrupting me vacation rock climbing Stonehenge here across the pond because there be rumors floating around about false comment accounts here at TBS and I want to assure you I’m 100% legit.
Everybody knows the average bloke from England has time to comment on every TB story and ad a little Irish Limerick about a Fall River MA Guttermuppet or a New Bedford fuppaslop because that’s what we people in England do.
TBS Worldwide, everybody should donate to the paypal account.
Now I have to move along because Mick and the boys want me to write the lyrics for their new album.
“Lynda, you ignorant slut” – Dan Aykroyd
I can’t tell you how many “Lyndas” come to my community Facebook page (I’m the admin) and threatening to doxx someone. It usually begins with stuff like :
“Here’s a picture of some asshole who cut me off this morning and I had CHILDREN in my car!”
“My friend had a bad experience at the chinese restaurant — let’s put them out of business.”
“Here’s a picture of a guy at a bar — he hits on women and is always drunk.” (imagine that at a bar!)
Their intent is identifying the person or establishment and destroying a person’s life via trolling and perpetuating hearsay. It’s usually a bunch of soccer moms or jobless cows who want to make themselves feel better about their own shitty behavior and shit-stirring.
I don’t allow it on my page and a lot of times I’m met with, “Fuck you Finn – I’ll go to Turtleboy and make them famous.”. I wish them luck and I ban them. Story over. No need to perpetuate their bullshit or get myself involved.
Side note :
This is why Abi is my hero. The bullshit she goes through wading through the bullshit emails and PMs isn’t worth her chronic IBS. I also heard desk girl Abi only gets paid with cheetohs and mountain dew. Who does that? That’s the real problem with TBS.
Get Fucked,
LOL. Finn’s a legend in his own mind. I agree with your opinion but anyone paying attention to your other posts knows you are posturing and full of shit. Just another virtue signaling, closeted, hardo poseur looking for validation from equally juvenile basement dwelling Antifag wannabes.
“Finn’s a legend in his own mind. ”
Again – what makes you think I’m a man?
“I agree with your opinion but anyone paying attention to your other posts knows you are posturing and full of shit.”
You agree with me and follow me. That makes me giggle. I love having another fan. Do you even know what “posturing” means? I didn’t think so.
Get Fucked,
Whatever you do DO NOT Facebook message this hog beast and tell her to kill herself. That would be wrong.
Does Lynda have any vaj goblins?
The poor things probably perished when they had to go through her ‘Yeast Tube’ (aka the birth canal)
Never had a chance. Poor things
She’s a fukkin HAG!
OK Uncle TB incites there morons and then when one of them acts he outs them and says how bad they are for doing exactly what he wishes would happen,
Sorry Uncle TB, you created this cesspool, you allow the racist comments, the single digit IQ posters to run wild…. 80% of the hate TBS gets is not from the blogs, it is from the comments. OK you have one or two home runs with the State PD stories that were spoon fed to you…. but you have a lot of strikes too.
Oh lets do stories on abuse of HP parking spaces. That is hard news.
Uncle TB what are you going to do when this blog fails? After your hosting costs, paying the bloggers some meager amount based on some metric, paying legal fees for the ever increasing amount of lawsuits…. win or lose you are still paying for a defense, all the restraining orders…. how much are you actually making? You will never be able to go back to your previous profession, you are undesirable as an employee…. too controversial, too many bridges burned.
Stand alone blogs without social media support and monetization are not sustainable. You are in GoFundMe territory with your begging for money ( full disclosure I bought the book and donated to the legal fee fund more than once but no more)
You stabbed Greg Hill in the back IMHO, you eluded to a deal in the works with other broadcasters that never came to fruition.
The meltdown of the army and false report flood sums it up. It’s all posers and babies now. I’m just gonna turn my blockers on and save some cash.
Uncle is right. The first amendment-protected blog is one thing but straight up direct harassment is not.
So, go cash your EBT check and straighten up that poster of Liz Warren you have in your basement bedroom.
Thanks in advance
No Spam,
There is a huge difference between leaving comments on TBS and then actively trolling the individual in a story. With your logic, Fox News, CNN, etc. shouldn’t report on the Jeffrey Epsteins or the Aunt Becca (I don’t know her name honestly) of the world. Have you read the comment section in Fox News or any news site? People leave shitty, racist, bigoted comments (keyboard warriors). It’s up to intelligent people to ignore, scroll by and — more importantly — NOT GET INVOLVED.
TBS reports on stories that affect our communities and highlight injustices (opposite of what SJW do) perpetuated by corrupt organization and morally corrupt individuals. Mainstream media is solely driven by $$ and political agenda.
This is one of the most poorly written blogs ever to appear on this site. Maybe it’s the subject, but if the point was to prove this idiot was the cop caller it could have been accomplished without all the non-sensical screenshots involving multiple anonymous messages and people and then the equally muddled commentary that just added to the confusion.
In the future, maybe Uncle can hand this sort of stuff over to Bristol or SJW Hunter to write about – although I’m sure the reason AK is writing it is to CYA when the inevitable restraining order is filed. And none of this would be necessary if TBS had gone after the town and the officials that allow this scam to continue. Focus on what got you here (ie – Mosaic, etc) instead of the Fakebook-based ratchet/drama blogs that lesser writers here excel at.
“don’t harass people” “insert link to the countless blogs where you give email, phone, and business address’s to contact places to harass”
But what ever you do, DO NOT LEAVE A BAD YELP REVIEW. Do not tell this employer what kind of employee they have working there. And my favorite..”everyone is turtleboy”
Go cash your EBT check and straighten up that poster of Liz Warren you have in your basement bedroom.
Thanks in advance you fucking wanker
Everyone KNOWS capt. Trips is Bretts burner account. Get the fuck out of here HYPOCRITE gypsy. Who lived from couch to couch for past 2 years. Fucking EBT recipient. You will never gwt a real job after TBS. AK will NEVER get a job at store 24 let alone a real job because his reputation sucks. You both are foo’s boys! Washed up nobodies. You are what you all write about. Talk about karma soup.. Would you like crackers with that boys? Stupid is as stupid DOES!
Brett takes it in the ass
I’m currently in talks with China and North Korea to export these problems to their countries.
Seth Moultons 2 brain cells connected and it appears as though he has an epiphany.
He wants everyone to know that the Democratic party is moving too far left and most people dont want that. Thanks Seth.
Guess what Seth it took you this long to figure out that most people wouldnt vote for you as president.
Seth was NEVER a viable candidate.
Who is Sethy Moulton? Oh never mind.
His reach exceeds his grasp. Thats for sure.
Its not cool to harass the featured turtle shit heads. Believe me, what comes around goes around. It may not be today or tomorrow but sooner or later, it catches up with you. Would I like to punch pussy Matt Lawrence in the face? Yes, multiple times, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna travel to his house and do it. Would I like Hadassah to face time for her crimes, yes, but like the mass majority of the readers here, I am content to let the regulatory agencies ultimately take care of her. I think it’s the turtle haters that do a lot of the harassment stuff in order to make the rest of us look bad. Karma, it’s real.
Well said Caped Crusader. Spot on
Everyone knows batman is AK burner acct. That he “supposedly” NEVER checks comments on TBS website. Such a fuckface liar. You’re days are numbered foo.
Do you seriously not understand writing style to this extent? You’re simply not intelligent.
Oh Do recognize writing style. Highly intelligent. Also AK son was his tell in court. Kept screaming Batman. Batman! Lolz
Not even close fuckface. Too hard to believe some people feel the same about issues? Chose this handle because I am a huge fan of the old show. Keep reaching though. Just curious but do you see turtles in your dreams?
I didn’t know that, infact I had no clue and I read this blog pretty regularly. If you know something we don’t then tell and prove it. If you’re just guessing then admit that but state your reasons why think its true. I have a couple of Aliases and I’d be pissed if someone tried to pin UT or Brett on my comments.
She has the trashiest New England accent ever. Who would rape her? Not me my friend.
you have such power uncle tootoo boy. fucking homo
Go cash your EBT check and straighten up that poster of Liz Warren you have in your basement bedroom.
Thanks in advance
suck cock Brett (homo)
I’m not a fan of people who swarm Yelp comments and lie about the service to stick it to a business. It’s one thing to bitch on Yelp about some action a business has done, it’s another to lie about you not getting good service instead of bitching about the action.
Calling the cops is the same thing times 100.
I hope they show her extreme prejudice.
Ruth Bater Ginsburg has a bile duct stent. This is done in real advanced cases of pancreatic cancer according to The Gateway Pundit. Fake media omits this part of her treatment from the real story.
Not only did this woman do something stupid, she IS stupid. She writes like a second grader. It’s I “know” lady, when you know something – not “no”. You have no concept of they’re, their, and there. Reading all her messages, I kept getting distracted by her obvious stupidity.
What’s up? With the pink memo? EVERYONE knows Brett lives in maine. Isn’t his wife’s name Lydia? Hahhaha…she totally looks like she. Exchanged blood at alter with FF Brett. Good offense TBS. Let us KNOW how it works out in the end. Fkn HYPOCRITE PARASITE!
True, this… we all know that only 4 or 5 people live in the entire state of Maine. So if it isn’t one of the 3 or 4, then it’s gotta be Brett’s wife.
Give me a break.
…….you’re a special kind of fuckin shortbusbaby huh?
On top of being a coward using a fake name and a burner email to post I mean….lol
If you think Unk would protect me, after doing something like this, you aren’t a Rider at all.
And never was.
Try Harder pocketpussy, you suck at this.
Please little girl, go play in traffic.
Hey BS: I’ll say it again:
Go cash your EBT check and straighten up that poster of Liz Warren you have in your basement bedroom.
Bret would own you in one punch beta-boy
Thanks in advance
Allow me to say it again Brett!
Everyone KNOWS capt. Trips is Bretts burner account. Get the fuck out of here HYPOCRITE gypsy. Who lived from couch to couch for past 2 years. Fucking EBT recipient. You will never gwt a real job after TBS. AK will NEVER get a job at store 24 let alone a real job because his reputation sucks. You both are foo’s boys! Washed up nobodies. You are what you all write about. Talk about karma soup.. Would you like crackers with that boys? Stupid is as stupid DOES!
I love how you think you know who everyone is — your fascination is creepy and flattering at the same time. Who the fuck has time for burner accounts? Suck it.
Get Fucked,
I don’t have a dog in this fight but The Common Man loves the Store 24 reference. If you really wanted to give me a chubby, you would have worked in a Bay Bank reference as well.
You KNOW you have a private call to action fb page A*i*da*n. Where YOU demand from the 1k “elite” turtleriders ( call of action ) each morning to target ” the terrible” ones. You’ll see 29th YOU LYING parasitic mongrel. YOU aren’t as innocent as YOU profess. LMFAO. End of tbs!! Defend that shit asshole! Karma is a SOB. HA-HA-HA
You’re a fucking lunatic.
Hey BS: Go cash your EBT check and straighten up that poster of Liz Warren you have in your basement bedroom.
Thanks in advance
Eh she seens like someone who would own it for attention.
Until she realizes that it’s a crime, and with her record, jail time.
Everyone’s a hardo until the cuffs get put on foo.
Anyone know if they have an ample supply of Newport 100’s in prison?
If not, she’s fucked