Kylie Kirkpatrick reign of terror has been aided and abetted by the mainstream media, who has lied for her and helped Kylie gain fame and fortune. Yet even though they are now well aware not a single media outlet has retracted a story. I contacted a dozen reporters over the weekend and only heard back from two. Click here to read part 7 of the Exposing Kylie Kirkpatrick series.
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26 Comment(s)
No surprise, it’s called the Providence Urinal for a reason.
I worked with Linda Borg
She’s a total liberal hack
She’s also a bull dike lesbian who lives with her partner Janice who looks like Joe Torre with tits
Contact that lazy fucking cunts’ editor
I’d ignore you too.
Your mother didn’t ignore me last night when she had my balls down her throat
Her kid looks like such a little faggot.
He likes ballet, so yes, he’s a cake.
Anyone else find it suspicious that i mentioned that my kids only bought lunch ( on PIZZA DAY) in a comment on one of the earlier blogs exposing this hogbeast and now less than a week later her son offered to buy his “friend Dean” lunch on pizza day?” ? … I think someone reads the comments section on her TB blogs .. Hi hogbeast Kylie you lying scamming low life!!!
Admit that they were wrong and do actual footwork to get it right? LOL what do you think this is, The Daily Planet? Nope they’ll just ignore it and move on to the next fake outrage story. That’s what the so-called “news” does these days.
Nice ride Al.How much trunk space you got?
I would give Kylie Russian breast release.Then burn her with cigarettes for hours.
At first I look at the kid and think he does not stand a chance in life.
Upon further review we are probably looking at the future governor of California.
As the saying goes: “you can’t” or “you won’t” verify the information. Go figure.
Not many folks in Providence read the Providence Journal anymore. A few get it for the decreasing number of paid-for obituaries and real estate listings and otherwise probably use it for their bird cages. I think the PJ sold and moved out of its former building a few years ago. Several former PJ reporters recently opened an RI office for the Boston Globe, to fill the news vacuum not covered already by GoLocalProv on the internet. The late former Mayor Buddy Cianci used to refer to the PJ as the “Providence Pamphlet” as it steadily declined in page numbers with each passing year.
What’s left of the paper probably resides in a computer in another state. Probably a good thing for this reporter. By sending in her stories from her smartphone, everything — accurate or not — becomes a “one-off” that can be forgotten as soon as she hits the “send” button.
She says she’s busy because she covers a large education beat. Evidently not very well. The national media recently declared the Providence school system a disaster area, one of the worst in the country, after an investigation by the Johns Hopkins Education Institute — conspicuously not by Ms. Borg or the Providence Journal. Guess she was too busy to cover the students urinating on the teachers’ desks, among the many other tidbits in the Johns Hopkins report. Better luck next time. Apparently missed the story of a lifetime, which was right in front of her face ….
That cunt looks like what Ryan is going to look like in about 40 years after his transition
That IS Ryan ST. That was a time warp photograph.
She’s been too busy to follow up on the story because between her attendance at Liz Warren and Bernie rallies, who has time?
Can’t or won’t verify TB’s claims? Prior to the internet if you tried to correct Linda she would cover her ears and repeat “Na-Na, Na-Na, I can’t hear you!” What a slug.
That scumfuck Kylie is still a pig and I want to punch her every time I see her ugly face. I’m in New York and I can smell her nasty ass from here.
WTF? Another state rep betsy boomer clone…. almost as prevalent as a flat-brimmed bulls hat ratchet
Probably doesn’t understand about turtle boy and all that and maybe she’ll come around knows what happens I’m sure she’s going to be learning she’s probably learning this very minute
She has no time to investigate lmfao. You dont need that much time. The work has been laid out for you! all you need to do is read it. Seems like she has plenty of time to score woke clam points though. Who wants to bet she hates white men?
The best thing someone in media can do is come out and say “This original story was incorrect and here is why”. New information coming to light must be presented with the same vigor as the original story.
Just looking at her picture give you all the answers you need.
What a stupid cunt.
TB, DOX her and lets get her fired! Turtleboy nation can activate to take down another bimbo not invited to her high school prom.
She is a borg of the feminazi Dim collective.