Last week we broke the story about a Brockton woman who filed a complaint with the Boston Police after allegedly being threatened by Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins while leaving a Stop & Shop parking lot. According to the complaint Rollins also told the woman “today is not the day to try me,” before illegally using her siren and blue lights to go through a red light in a right turn only lane on Mass Ave. After we reported this story Boston 25 News attempted to interview her outside of her house, prompting Rollins to go on Twitter, accuse the white woman who made the complaint of lying, compared herself to Emmett Till, and said she feared for her children’s lives because the media came to her house for comment. She then came on the Howie Carr show to confront me about the story, once again accused the woman of lying, admitted she was driving her kids around in a state vehicle to run errands, and said she would not be pulling camera footage to exonerate herself due to the 50 homicides in Boston last year. Watch that all here.
The victim understandably was intimidated to come forward out of fear of being smeared as a liar by one of the most powerful public figures in Boston. Her fears were all validated based on Rollins’ erratic behavior.
Last night Boston 25 finally published their story on it and included footage from the Howie Carr Show. Of course they went out of their way not to say that they got the story from us, and didn’t mention the fact that she was debating me on the show. However, they did get some footage of Rollins outside of her house that shows just how unhinged and vindictive Rollins can be when she’s questioned. First she demands to know how they found her publicly listed address in Roxbury.
New video by @boston25 now shows @DARollins exiting her vehicle that was being driven by a @BostonPolice and walking towards reporters. Completely contradicting her tweets about the encounter… her utter shock that the rules apply to her the same as the public is palpable…
— Live Boston (@LiveBoston617) January 14, 2021
As Live Boston pointed out, this contradicts her story in the tweets that someone pointed something at her and that she didn’t know who they were.
She is a public figure. The media is more than entitled to show up at her house to ask questions as they do to any civilian, or even family members of a civilian, who has made the news.
She then suggested that it was irresponsible of the media to come to her house for comment on the alleged incident at Stop & Shop because she’s a black woman, and in light of the Capitol riots she was more in danger due to the color of her skin. After that she told the reporter that she would be responsible if Rollins or her children were killed as a result of media coverage about her (a public official).
“As a black woman, in this country, in this moment, you’re gonna put my fucking house .”
“If I get hurt or harmed because of this, you are on the record for that, or my kids are fucking killed.”
Rollins then launches into an expletive ridden tirade using not only the ‘race card’ but also her kids in an attempt to avoid accountability. As she continues she appears to become further unhinged similar to the allegations made against her from the Stop & Shop parking lot…
— Live Boston (@LiveBoston617) January 14, 2021
She then tells the reporter to leave, falsely stating that her street is private property. When that doesn’t work she threatens to call the police and file a false police report before alleging that the woman from Brockton’s allegations were nothing more than the rantings and ravings of a white woman.
“This is private property, get out of here.”
“You know what I’ll do? We’ll call the police and make an allegation and see how well that works out for you.”
“So the rantings of a white woman can get you here and scare my children?”
Continuing to freak out, she goes full Karen, “who do you think you are”… well they are the press, the ones who hold the powerful accountable. She even threatens to call 911 & file a false report, before launching another racial attack against Ms Lawson…
— Live Boston (@LiveBoston617) January 14, 2021
Couple things.
1. Her street, which has a gate at the front, is a private way, but it’s not private property.
2. The chief law enforcement officer of Suffolk County threatening to make up a lie, and file a false police report, is a blatant abuse of power and she should resign immediately.
3. Her threatening behavior towards the reporter is the exact same behavior the woman from Stop & Shop claims Rollins displayed towards her, which only strengthens the allegation.
4. The fact that she called a citizen complaint, “the rantings and ravings of a white woman,” is not only racist, but will prevent victims from ever making allegations against her or other powerful people.
5. This happened before she came on the Howie Carr Show, and she acknowledges here that the woman who made the complaint was white. On the Howie Carr Show at the 11:55 mark she says that she had no idea the woman was white.
After that things escalated when she threatened the reporter, and once again justified her erratic behavior by hiding behind the absurd claim that the lives of her children were in danger.
“I swear to God I’m dead serious, I will find your name.”
“Get her out of here, this is the Boston Police. I will have you arrested, I swear to God. My children are gonna be hurt!!!”
Rollins then turns the tables from attacking Ms Lawson to then threatening the reporter, “I swear to God, I’m dead serious, I will find your name” before threatening to make her BPD chauffeur arrest them, which we still are unsure she is allowed to do.
— Live Boston (@LiveBoston617) January 14, 2021
This is scary. This is why victims don’t come forward. She threatened to find out the name of a reporter on camera, but we are to believe to that she wouldn’t threaten a civilian that “today is not the day” while getting into a heated altercation in traffic? We are to believe that this woman who threatened to abuse the power of the state on video wouldn’t also use her blue lights and siren on her state issued police vehicle while frustrated and angry in order to avoid traffic?
The DA’s office then released a statement condoning her behavior towards the reporter by claiming that she was on edge because of the Capitol riots and was weary of “an attack on elected officials.” They also claimed that “she responded as a mother,” not a public official.
Following this incident, rather than issue an apology, she again tried to hide behind her children, in a rambling, nonsensical statement where she even brought up the capitol riots for some unknown reason while still ironically claiming to support transparency…
— Live Boston (@LiveBoston617) January 14, 2021
It’s clear after watching this footage that Rollins is an unhinged pathological liar who isn’t afraid to threaten any civilian or media member who dares ask her legitimate questions about an official complaint filed with the Boston Police Department. Donald Trump is constantly criticized for treating the media poorly, but he has never threatened them in this manner. It should be noted that Rollins is one of the only public officials that gets her own police detail, so she is not in danger in the least. However, citizens of Roxbury are certainly in danger thanks to her efforts to defund the police.
It’s also ironic that this woman, who supports plans to defund the police and has frequently criticized white women for calling the police on black people for frivolous reasons, was willing to waste the police’s time by filing a false police report because a reporter showed up at her house to ask her questions.
Now the only question is, will the Boston Globe cover this story? Because the Globe is really the only media outlet that progressives and liberals read, if they choose not to cover it then most people will not see this. Fake news isn’t just when the media lies, it’s when they choose not to cover stories in order to preserve or push a narrative. The Globe has endorsed Rollins, as they have Monica Cannon-Grant. However, the Globe has remained silent on Cannon-Grant’s violent, racist, and threatening video about congressional candidate Rayla Campbell, along with her ties to Mayor Walsh, Joe Kennedy, Ayanna Pressley, and Rollins.
Rollins referred to Cannon-Grant as a “”Passionate skilled community advocate, and a friend, and said she wanted to “thank my electeds of color,” at an event in which she used the race card to victimize herself from a legitimate public criticism. (1:00 mark)
Cannon-Grant also claimed that Rollins gave her $6,000 so she could purchase abortions for women in the community. (4:00 mark)
This is clearly a newsworthy event. The people of Suffolk County have the right to know when the chief law enforcement official violates the law and uses her position to not only exonerate herself, but threaten anyone who questions her.
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121 Comment(s)
THUNDER THIGHS, a ginormous ass and no impulse control, typical sheboon
These women have NO class.
People have been fleeing from the cities. NY, SFO, Boston. They do not want to be forced to live with picaniny’s. All those new condos going up are going to be section ape under the harris ‘administration’. Boston is going to be over run with “diversity”. You can keep it.
Just want to make sure that everyone received yet another robo call extending lockdown and continued restrictions.This call went out to residents 1/14/2021.
Let me clarify things for you.All things spring and summer 2021 have been canceled. Attending sporting events(dont believe me?look for Sox tickets on Stub Hub),Superbowl Parties,Memorial Day Cook Outs and ceremonies, and yes…The 4th of July is off the table! I’ll have a Lobster tail for ya’!
Thanks for continuing to vote (D)! Suckers!!!!
Tubby welcomes the media in to talk about Trial 4, which is a show about the efforts to get the convicted cop killing Piece of Shit Sean Ellis painted in a “poor me” light. This murdering cocksucker Ellis and his murdering pal Terry Patterson shot a police officer in the face 5 times and stole his gun. Patterson admitted what they did but lawyers, over the years, said it was dirty cops and they let the convicted Piece of Shit Sean Ellis out while awaiting trial (4) The DA pussed out and said it would be hard to get a conviction and did not try him again. One conviction that the was not removed and is not in dispute. Murdering Piece of Shit Sean Ellis was convicted of possessing the Service weapon of the dead officer. Tell us Sean, how did your fingerprints get on the dead officers gun? Did he give it to you before you shot him in the face or after? THIS cop killing POS is who Tubby Rollins is helping.
We need to crowd source an Andrea Grocer love bomb for the DA. Who’s in?
That was a Category 5 Chimp Out! The only thing keeping it from being a full blow Cat. 6 was that she didn’t pull her pants down, shit in her hand and then throw it at the reporter.
Folks, this is why you don’t let your kids date anyone darker than a Sicilian.
Rollins may have a meth problem. Episodes of extreme mania and paranoia suggest it. Someone should do an audit of the Suffolk DA’s evidence locker for missing inventory, asap.
Her past drug use is well known.The media wont touch it.Shes not a white Republican.
Alot of bitches that are strung out go to da meth mile area to score dey drugs and sell dey booty.
What is? A habit of Hunter Biden’s.
Meth, meaning methamphetamine or methadone?
Based on symptoms sounds like you mean meth as in amphetamines, Hunter Biden toothless smile and Joe Biden rapes the child and the baby sitter a la Michael Kennedy. I love kids man!
I never much cared for Rodan.
She is not staying 6ft apart from the poor woman trying to interview her.She is getting up in her space.Also NOT WEARING A MASK!!!!
She broke me.
Rachael Rollins total number of Buffalo Wings eaten in one
sitting over/under.
She has sturdy birthing hips.Bet she has coughed out a few pups
along the way.
Das raciss!
You know the correct term is “groid”, not “pup”. Don’t demean canines like that.
Also acceptable:
Wheres her mask?
Thank you for posting the detailed map!
Appreciate it!!
how dare you
Cunt Fried Rice
She is not wearing a mask? Not even around her neck?
Whats privilege?????
She seems pleasant and stable.
Why do they continue to act like this?
When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide
Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
Till I get to the bottom and I see you again
Do, don’t you want me to love you
I’m coming down fast but I’m miles above you
Tell me, tell me, tell me, come on tell me the answer
Well, you may be a lover but you ain’t no dancer
Helter skelter, helter skelter
Helter skelter
Will you, won’t you want me to make you
I’m coming down fast but don’t let me break you
Tell me, tell me, tell me the answer
You may be a lover but you ain’t no dancer
Look out
Helter skelter, helter skelter
Helter skelter
Look out, ’cause here she comes
When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide
And I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
And I get to the bottom and I see you again, yeah, yeah
Well do you, don’t you want me to make you
I’m coming down fast but don’t let me break you
Tell me, tell me, tell me your answer
You may be a lover but you ain’t no dancer
Look out
Helter skelter, helter skelter
Helter skelter
Look out, helter skelter
She’s coming down fast
Yes, she is
Yes, she is
Coming down fast
I hate to say I told you so.
But I told you so!
Look at the big brain on Charlie!
~to the tune of~
“Shannon” by Henry Gross (70’s one-hit-wonder)
Manson lies in his deathbed
swastika carved in his head
I wonder what Tex is feeling now?
He had them under his sway
“Leave something witchy” he’d say
So they left a word in blood meaning sow…
Manson is gone from earth
As is Malcolm Young I see
Maybe he’ll find out real soon
that “Hell ain’t a bad place to be”
Oh shoe on the other foot now!
The media at the house to follow with some questions.oh my!
It’s ok for people eating dinner to get yelled at and chastised.
It’s ok to “protest” at someone’s home or business.
It’s ok as long as it’s a conservative/republican and not me.
The biggest loser is the white woke Boston liberals who would die on the sword for her and don’t realize she could give 2 shits about them!
Amazing all the intelligent Bostonians could not see even before she was elected the agenda was off the wall and so was she.
Get fucked you ignorant black cow.
You are all overlooking something very obvious. Look at the photos above again. SHE IS THE ONLY ONE NOT WEARING A MASK!
Enjoy your white guilt.You have not seen anything yet……
Why wasnt dis fat bitch at home celebrating Kwanzaa .
Kamala was celebratin da fweedom and settin da example
If you clowns in the city of Boston think you’re voting out our candidate think again!!!
My what a large rump you have Ms Rollins!
She is a disgrace and the cry of racism has become white noise. That card has worn itself out because it isn’t real
Funny how she pulls the race card when in trouble. Her father is a white man of Irish descent. Would she speak to her father like that?
I found that very interesting myself. She’s hoping her BLACK PRIVILEGE will be honored and that we’ll all go away because if we dont we’re racist.
I think the kids are probably more afraid of her then some possible crazy person that will find her house and hurt her kids. Listen bitch no body is going to put themselves on the line to touch your kids or you. Your not worth jail but your still going to be brought down. Just with no hands. Which is and going to be epic!
Politicians addresses are on the voting ballot . You have to prove you have an address in the district. She wasn’t even living in Suffolk County on Election Day. Till she got elected.
Just think if we went out tonight and bagged a couple hundred thousand a piece working people would still be the majority and thered still be zero50 million lazy fucks left to cull.
Whats was Is supposeds to do.
You can’t demonstrate any higher degree of racism and race bias than this asshole DA. If we were to reverse the races of the reporter and DA, there would be national media parked outside her house not just the one lone network in Boston with the balls to ask some simple questions of a powerful elected official. This is why America is circling the drain.
This woman has clearly lost her head.
And still hiding behind her kids. What a lying sack of shit!
RED FLAG LAW. People need to call the Feds to report a crazy person, with access to firearms, with children in the home. If you SEE something SAY something. Anyone convicted by this mentally challenged DA, need to to be released. Her address is public, for rehoming purposes
As a mandated reporter, I’m supposed to file a 51A on her — she’s the custodial parent of 3 minor children.
1: She said she goes to murder scenes in that vehicle, that’s why she has it. And the 3 girls were in it. QED she’d take them to a murder scene. That’s child abuse.
2: Is she providing an emotionally safe environment for those girls?
As an aside, I wonder if the BPD driver is because they don’t trust her driving it herself…
Why is it that these half White /half Black folks have so much anger. Why do they only relate to the black? Our fearless leader, Marlboro Man Barry, is another perfect example. They hate themselves. Inner turmoil. Thankfully Rollins will be getting her reparations from England. Barbados ain’t ours
Another example of why Massachusetts continues to circle the toilet. get out while you can, and last one out, turn off the light.
I’ve been house hunting, can’t wait to leave this cesspool. Fuck all these hypocrites
Where are you in the ultimate refugee NH town?
The fact that this bloated nіgger has this position in the first place is very sad. Can only imagine how much lower the bar is going to drop over the next 4 years.
You’re totally right. This is why no one ever wants to hire black people for anything, they chimp out at the most minor aggression. And due to diversity hires, we have hot tempered mental midgets like her in positions higher than they deserve, in every profession imaginable. Huge reason the country has gone to shit the more “diverse” we get.
Embrace Diversity!!! BULLSHIT
I laughed when this fat spade dissed Charlie Parker last year about his rapist drug addicted son
All that dildo Charlie could say was let’s hit the reset button
What a pussy
Did she ever pay back the merchant whose sneakers she allegedly stole and got caught allegedly fencing while attending “college”?
Crime pays if you are black.
Would a white have that position with an aedged background
She had a full athletic scholarship at UMass — she didn’t need money…
They gave scholatships for competitive eating back then.
Where is Rachael Rollins mask? Isn’t there a Mandate from Gov Charlie Baker to wear a mask? I guess rules for thee not for me?
Good point why isn’t the black mrs Michelin tire man wearing a mask
Actually she should be wearing a gas mask so she’s not rendered unconscious by the stench of her own snatch
An excellent observation!!!! DA Racial Rollins completely ignored the mask mandate required to be anywhere in MA She should be fined accordingly.
In her urban neighborhood isn’t it referred to as a max?
Asking for a friend
Doesnt she know that covid is bad in the hood ?
To all the white women who threw white men under the bus the past year. Only to have your progressive “allies” back the bus onto you and park it. You brought it on yourselves, now we don’t want you.
EAT SHIT! ha ha ha ha ha
Black women hate white women more than anything. Any white woman who votes democrat has a death wish, and I hope they succeed. Any white man who votes democrat is just a faggot and probably lets shines fuck his wife.
Amazingly, the Globe just reported this, particularly that Maura Healy is investigating. Sure nothing will come of it, but am astounded the Globe even mentioned it
Thats full on chimp out mode right there. The ape is indignant that it should be held acountable for its actions. Blacks have been allowed to riot and throw feces from their csges all year long
Without consequences. This ape proves who the real racist is.
Black on white crime is at epidemic proportions and has been for decade after decade.
White liberal judges let the apes commit crime with impunity.
This ape showed who the real racist is
Rollins, fortunately your children can come visit J. A. C, in just a few years. And you’ll never know.
Rollins, you need to resign immediately. You’re not stable enough to be enforcing ANY laws, ever. You’re a pathological liar, that has been caught, for doing something minor, yet keep digging yourself in.
Rachel Rollins is demonstrably unstable and should have been charged with disturbing the peace.
Does she have a “license to carry”?
…and a better question is if she does that to a reporter WITH a camera and access to a broad public forum outlet like television, how does she behave when there is no camera and the person she is victimizing has no outlet? what threats does she toss around then? why isn’t this reporter suing the state of massachusetts when one of their county D.A.’s is making credible threats on camera?
I miss the thumbs up/down buttons but you’re spot on. Each day i say someone pinch me this cant be real, but wtf it is. Typical affirmative action hire and black woman, I use that term very loosely, attitude. She should be forced to resign.
This is a badge of honor for the nig nogs, she’s due for a promotion. That faggot cuck Charlie Parker will bend over and let this mongrel fuck him in the ass on his way out the door.
white, white, white….d.a. rollins seems very concerned with race and the nerve of reporters that treat her just like…just like…just like everyone else!!!
I’m shocked she has kids
Somebody actually fucked this fat black beast ?
She looks like the Michelin tire man dipped in dog shit twice
Can you imagine what her snatch must smell like
As the darkies say. Lordy. Lordy
2 of those kids aren’t hers they are her nieces. Her shit bag criminal family can’t cre for them so she does.
Does Rollins carry a handgun? If I lived in her neighborhood, I’d want to know. Anyway, if I lived in her neighborhood, I’d have called the movers yesterday.
Yes.She does.
The bad guys are winning and people are cheering them on.
What to do, what to do……?
Yeah public record is a bitch. Also, agreeing to be on a documentary that shows the inside and outside of you home willingly… a bitch
Whenever a “person of color” gets put on the spot a few things are sure to follow:
1 – Immediately they toss the race card out
2 – Start yelling and screaming and crying discrimination (The louder the better)
3 – Call the police (How ironic as “they” hate them more than “they” hate you)
4 – “They” are always the victim
Great defense Rachel. I’m convinced you were targeted. Only possible explanation.
Yeah, this asshole claims that the cops and DA are too busy to arrest and prosecute anyone who assaults them but they have plenty of free time to shoo a reporter away from her. These leftist scum are just the absolute worst people on the planet.
Reporter should file charges then sue her in federal court for the threat. That is serious shit as the DA doing that to a citizen. Nazi shit
First criminal charges
easy tax free settlement for any competent lawyer
Finally jail/disbarment for this unqualified POS
Welcome to the new ” black world order”…
What a cunt !
The “F”-bombs are especially adorable.
This unhinged psychopaths absolutely disturbing behavior is what is now considered “normal” in America. And not ONE bloated, hack parasite, black, white or otherwise, will have…I won’t even use the word “courage” here…the common decency to speak out against how incredibly inappropriate, indefensible and inexcusable this is.
What would have happened if the Police were called? Isn’t Trespassing one of the many crimes Rachel Rollins refuses to prosecute???
Can you impeach a DA for being a Black Supremacist?
As anyone who has worked with or for she-boons knows, this is a perfectly normal and predictable reaction by black women if you call them out on anything. If you grew up in the city, have a job where you have to interact with she-boons or went to school and spent any serious time with them, you already know that as soon as you have a disagreement with them, it’s on. Even if you think that you are pretty good friends, they’ll turn vicious on you like a fk’n snake. Facts…..
The fact that this bloated negra has this position in the first place is very sad. Can only imagine how much lower the bar is going to drop over the next 4 years.
Didnt this fat bitch say she was afraid of the covid aids before? If its so afraid of the covid aids then why is she always out and about? She driving around and burning up all the gas you Suffolk countyians pay for. What about my green new deal?
Anybody see what this piece of trash is doing on twitter…
crash override
I’ve never had any social media accounts. It’s only in times like this I wish I did. Would you mind giving a play by play?
When you grab from the bottom of the barrel you’re bound to come up with worms.
She wearing camo cuz she think no one gonna sea hur. She so afraid of da whyte peopoe and da muhhh white superpremisits dat she be wearin da camp yo. Iz a thunk day sazz dat da whyt superpremisits who be rocking da camo wiz scardy of sum shyts.
Dey be yullin dat Wii peopoo dat weahh camo iz all nawziezz yo. So why da faq dis bitch be rocking da camo yo? She half a crackahh and wearing camo so she beez a gnawwziii you. Dis bitch ant tryin ta be all incogkneegrow wit dat camo homie. She a whytesuperpremisits and a gnawwziee for rockn dat lukk yo dawgie g bum funk. Dat bitch showinz her tru whyte colourwrs in dat camo dawg.
Wooooow you tell em Ratchet Rollins you tell them. Stop hiding behind children that are not yours to begin with. It’s used as a deflection tactic to silence people because you dont want to be questioned. Everyone knows this!
How did you know it was a white woman if you did not get into an altercation with anyone on the day you’re being questioned about?
Why is it you wont tell people you’re halfrican? Why do you denounce the white in you? Are you afraid the black people in your community who we all know you dont care for will not vote for you? Why are you getting angry at questions of something that supposedly didnt happen? You being so defensive and threatening over something not happening says it all. You’re a fucking ratchet ass hoe.
50 unsolved murders? What the fuck are you doing with your time then?
If you were not out carting your family members kids around trying to be the cool auntie- fake mommy you would have solved those murders by now.
Why are you so racist against white people? They are half your kind! This is not the first time you have acted this way while being questioned either. You’re as ratchet as they come and you need to step down. You also need court ordered anger management classes because you one angry short fat woman. If you’re afraid of what happened at the Capitol then you should have charged those angry antifa and BLM members over the summer for their acts in Boston. Everyone knows it was BLM and antifa members who started the capital hill shit. Hard to refute that when there is video and messages of them admitting they were going to and did attend the protest to make Trump supporters look bad.
Why were you not afraid of people causing violence a few steps from your front door over the summer but are now afraid of protesters that live no where near you and a protest 100s of miles away.
Bitch you got caught haaaaa.and like the bitch of a dog you are. Now you’re cornered and attacking like the rabid animal you are. Woof woof you dirty slimy bitch you’re caught!
Stop pretending you’re not half white either. No one like a trader. Black dont care if your half white just like whites dont care your half black. They both care when you pretend you’re not such. Funny thing is you act all boisterous and ghetto around blacks but when you’re around whites you act all prim and proper. Damn woof woof you one fake ass woof woof. No one likes a fake no matter what color or background you are. Hahaha I love it you know you’re fucked now and because so you’re acting out. You been exposed for the lying fraud you are hahahahahaha.
These people are to nice to you. I wish I had the chance to interview and expose you! Ide probably end up on the unsolved murder list but not because you’re to lazy to do your job but because you would hate the questions I asked and wouldn’t put up with your shit like these reporters do. It u1
Pretty racist-sounding to assume that someone who might be light-skinned is automatically White. Yes, how peculiar that she remembered that detail yet wasn’t even involved in any sort of altercation…
As far as those kids are concerned, she wasn’t too bothered by Justice Kavanaugh’s (a fellow Attorney) young girls being shoved into the spotlight during those cockamamie hearings, where he had to prove his innocence against groundless, baseless, and meritless allegations of criminal behavior 35 years earlier.
Izard a nawt raceses wen she idmitt datt she had wyte yo. Yo dun no yo sayin yo. Dis fine dick ass gurl say she be haff craka yo.
Damm yo uu iz a dun dun
You’re racist for attempting to say someone else is racist for pointing out that someone who is half white is racist.
You’re racist for assuming that someone who is light skinned and racist it not half white and racist.
You’re racist because you dont know what you’re even talking about.
I didnt assume anything I know the facts and the fact is that ratchet rollins is half white. You’re the racist one.
Her father is Irish you dumb fuck. I’ve known this for years. This is why she got elected into office in the first place you nincompoop!
Next time you want to call someone racist try and do some research into the matter before you open your stupid mouth! You think you’re smart when you’re not in the slightest!
Let me guess you think everyone who’s walking around and has light skin is not mixed. You’re a racist, racist, racist. Your discredit and up voting your self does not work here it proves you’re a dumb racist.
If your stupid racist self was not in fact racist you would have came here with facts and logic to back up your case. In your case you lose. Ratchet Rollins is in fact half white. In fact ratchet rollins is Irish you fool. Run along now lil one the grown ups are commenting and children should be seen and not heard!
Use your all powerful google and look it up dumpling
Be gone you little Racist dumpling! Try harder. Do better. Stop being such a racist bigot. you racist bigot!
I win you lose and I will always win because that’s just who I am! There are winners and there are racist dumplings and you’re a racist dumpling!
waiter, check please!
You dumb fuck. You must have flunked the bew diversity biology.
Everone knows dat da black gene is dominant and da ehite gene recessive.
Rachel Rollins and her permissive attitude towards crime and social disorder demonstrates why whenever “they” move in its time to move out. Just sayin’…
I watched this last night. I was flabbergasted about her complete lack of knowledge about the law, i.e. their right to be there (public street) vs. private residence. The reporter, who was very respectful, even stated several times: “I’ve never approached your house, I haven’t seen any kids out here.” This is from one of the presumed legal authorities in the state.
And of course she pulled out the race card within a minute. What a POS she and MCG are. I hope she gets canned, but sadly the state will probably do nothing. I’m glad TB Fox25 have put her on blast though. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person…
You can be sure that Rachel Rollis doesn’t know much of real value. She’s a product of affirmative action, having “studied” African American Studies at UMass Amherst! Just sayin’…
Me thinks Federal indictment coming
Swamp draining
Um no.Not in 2021 America.She will be praised and greatly rewarded for her “bravery.”
What an absolute Fat Disgusting Pig. Rollins can’t have a conversation and explain why she is upset. Nope, starts yelling and raising her voice which is completely unprofessional at best. Moves on from yelling to THEATS of making things up and using her own personal Police Officer. What did she mean by saying “I will get your name”
Could not of possibly been a good Lawyer acting like that.
Fat Disgusting Racist Cunt bring a persons Color into the conversation.
Rachael has a family full of Criminals and she hates the Police and White people
Fuck Off you Fat loud mouth Douche Bag you have now proven What you are.
Yuck Lose some weight Tubby
Nice report, TB.
The “progressives'” strategy is to continually lower the bar for many African-Americans, so that their often crude and lunatic behavior can be passed off as acceptable. It’s not working, despite years of affirmative action, endless other bar-lowering efforts, and generous suspension of disbelief by persons not of color. In that vein, Kristin Clarke, Biden’s insane nominee for head of the Justice Dept.’s civil rights division, claims among other things that “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities.” Tucker Carlson reported on Clarke on 1/11 and 1/13 (the mainstream media is trying to hide her comments). Maybe instead melanin is one of the causes of this bizarre and indefensible lunatic behavior by Rollins, Clarke, and some other Blacks. Rollins and Clarke are embarrassments and further all of the negative stereotypes about African-Americans.
Hard to believe this filthy POS actually found a guy who would impregnate her. He is still trying to get the smell off.
We have the DA playing the race card now, that’s how fucked up the world is these days.
Great job by the original complainant, the news reporter and you for exposing her for who she is.
Fat black and stupid is no way to go through life
Can you imagine a white politician saying this shit
You do not need the race card…
Stupid is no way to go through life…. That really covers it. I know quite a few fat black people who I like very much. It is the “stupid” that really defines everyone… Oh and “ratchet” too!
(But don’t call anyone a stupid ratchet, that really is a use of redundancy.)
You still banging pre pubescent boys in the ass you fcking freak
She half white. She’s still a race card playing ape
This fat baboon believes that because she’s a spade she can do anything she wants
The reporter should have told her go ahead call the fucking cops
Where does this fat cow think she is in a gated community in Beverly Hills
She lives on a shit hole side street in Roxbury
To all the woke whites out there that support this insanity…when the civil war starts and the bullets are flying ask your uneducated elected officials of color and community organizers to give you shelter. Let me know who it works out for you.
O stop it. we all know that no bullets are going to fly during a civil war unless it’s from the demokkkrats side. All you conservatives are straight up pussies and will continue to do nothing. Bullets have been flying, cities have been burnt down, fellow conservatives that you have all said you will stand with and defend have been murdered and none of you have done a thing. You let antifa infuriate your protest at Capitol hill and make you all look bad. Your friends and family have all been censored. None of you do anything about it besides talk. As wrong and insane it is at least the left fights for what they believe in now matter how distorted their views they still faught for them and have killed your fellow Patriots over it. You will do nothing but whine bitch and moan about it hiding behind your excuses of your livelihood and you will continue to eat crow and love it. None of you are going to do a damn thing about it but what was listed above. If you were true Patriots you would have done something to stop this years ago. They have stolen the election and have done anything and everything to gain power and now you want to supposedly fight back haaaaaaaaa. None of you will do a damn thing so stop selling tall tails and wolf tickets because we know you wont do shit. You’re all pussies and afraid of kids with pink hair and terrible tattoos with holes in their faces. They wear all black cloths because black cloths are used as an intimidation factor and face it it has worked you’re all afraid and will do absolutely nothing but hide behind your phones and computers made in china. So much for the boycotting of none American goods ammirite. Pussies every last one of you afraid of your own shadows. Keep whining pussies
Hate to say it but you make valid points.
Oh please. Decent people abandoned the cities back in the 1970s. Your kind can burn every city to the ground and I’d cheer you on. The cities are the nest of my enemy. Bring your riots out to the suburbs, where decent military-grade weapons owning people live, and then let’s see what happens. Just sayin’…
I must say you make some valid points that I like.
Could you imagine living in tight quarters with a bunch of coloreds? Theres not a white woman alive that vould handle that stench!
I didnt even send the school buses to save fellow neegrows when George Bush’s weather machine flooded my chocalate city of Nawlins
Is this the same Rachel Rollins who allowed Netflix to film inside her home for “Trail 4”? Did she think about her kids then??