All-Star Criminals Nudniks

Slugpump Foster Factory Mom Who Never Was Held Responsible For Letting A 2 Year Old Die Is Collecting Disability But Still Wants A Stimulus Check 


There’s a Facebook page called Mutual Aid Worcester and it’s bringing out some of the worst society has to offer. It’s run by a bunch of SJW’s, many of who have been featured on Turtleboy Sports in the past, and they basically tell people how to get free shit from the government. There’s also a lot of this going on.

Some of it is useful because there are people struggling to get by during this crisis, but a lot of it this:

Did I miss the memo where SSI checks stopped coming in? Why exactly do you need a stimulus check if you’re still getting the same check from the government that you always go? Maybe there’s something more to this, but the whole lockdown has turned into a Bernie paradise. Don’t worry though, she might not be able to take care of herself but she can care for a dog.

Makes sense.

Here’s another one that stood out.

Kim Hayes is better known as Kim Malpass. Five years ago she made the news (and Turtleboy) when a two year old foster child named Avalena Conway died in her care, and another baby was found unresponsive. The birth mother was a junkie who lost the poor kid when she went to jail and ended up protesting outside of Kim’s house in Auburn with her ankle bracelet, chinstrapped boyfriend.


The mother, Jessica Conway, died two weeks later of an overdose. But Kim Malpass was never held responsible for her part in it, and Avalena Conway never received justice.

Her home was a foster crotch fruit factory. There’s a lot of great people who take in foster kids, but there’s also guttermuppets who do it for the check. Kim Malpass was the latter. DCF investigated and found out that she was letting her career criminal boyfriend AJ Mallett live with them.

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She had a 51A filed against her for neglecting her own three crotch fruits, and allowing her boyfriend at the time to abuse them. They also found out that the kid were missing an insane amount of school.

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The night before Ava Conway was found dead Kim Malpass wet out, got shitfaced, and was puking everywhere when she got home. She repeatedly lied and covered up what was happening in that house:

Avalena Conway-Coxon’s foster mother continually lied to investigators about her boyfriend living with her inside Pheasant Court home where the child and another young girl were found unresponsive in August. Anthony Mallet, the boyfriend of foster mother Kimberly Malpass, even told investigators that he was taking care Avalena and foster child Samara, on Aug. 14, the night before the two girls were found unresponsive. The report issued in the case by the state Department of Children and Families shows foster mother Malpass frequently denied that her now 33-year-old boyfriend, who has long criminal record, was inside the home.

The mother of two other foster children living in the home told authorities on March 4 that Mallet was living at Pheasant Court. The mother said she knew Mallet used drugs and told authorities he was seen as the disciplinarian in the home, the report states. A state worker checked the home the same day and saw a man upstairs, but Malpass refused to let the worker inside. Malpass told DCF officials the following day it was her brother.

“Mr. Mallet told the investigator that he had been living in the home for a year and a half and that Ms. Malpass and her children had lied to DCF about his presence in the home,” the report said.

A report alleging neglect on the foster child referred to in the report as “J.E.” was filed on March 5. A DCF investigator ran a background check on Mallet and discovered his criminal record. Mallet had been charged with unarmed robbery in April as well. Malpass bailed him out.

The discovery of the lies and the fact that Mallet told investigators he had been staying at the 2 Pheasant Court home has officials saying they will be looking at the social media use by foster parents. Based on the report, it was obvious Mallet and Malpass dated when officials saw pictures on Facebook.

She also said that she was no longer with Mallett.

A DCF investigator eventually concluded Mallet was in the Pheasant Court home more than Malpass reported to them. Malpass, in late March, told DCF officials she was no longer in contact with Mallet.

But yet she posted this on Facebook in 2018.

Shockingly he was actually the better parent.

But the report shows Mallet watched Avalena and Samara on Aug. 14. He cared for them, changed their diapers, fed them and put them to bed. Malpass was out drinking. Malpass returned home drunk and began throwing up. Mallet, according to the report, told investigators he took two Xanax from Malpass’ pocketbook and went to bed.

The Auburn Police knew her pretty well too.

“We’re very familiar,” Sluckis said, “but to what extent, I’m not going to get into that.”


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15 Comment(s)
  • Anselmo's Pre-Ghost
    April 17, 2020 at 8:05 pm

    Picture in yellow shirt under the exit sign.

    Josh Abrams has really let himself go!

  • DudeRanchStripClub
    April 17, 2020 at 8:56 am

    Whats the opposite of Asylum and how do I put more Trans people into it?

  • Silencio Dogood
    April 16, 2020 at 10:51 pm

    i thought you were going to stop writing about Kate.

  • Depressing as shit
    April 16, 2020 at 9:26 pm

    This kind of article and the frequency with which we see new ones just makes me want to blow my own brains out. Especially since I can’t make them blow their own brains out. Is this worse in New England, or is in every state?

  • Jack Mehoff
    Jack Mehoff
    April 16, 2020 at 8:54 pm

    I was at the Lawrence social security office a while back. I was in my early 60s and just had some questions about future earned benefits. In addition to the 2 armed guards, the place was filled with foreigners under 40 years old looking for SSDI. What the fuck is wrong with this country ? Stop paying these phony lazy fucks for doing nothing. This douche shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near kids and forced to get a fucking job or do the world a favor and kill herself !

  • The man.
    April 16, 2020 at 7:08 pm

    I know this family too. Her brother andrew works at the rt 12 garage, kind of a scumbag and wont marry his girl because of government assistance bullshit. If they get married it goes away. Pretty sure there is illegal pot growing going on too. They are thieves and liars. “Fiances” for life. Look onto it. Probably a good blog series on all of them

  • Maura Healey's Ex girlfriend
    April 16, 2020 at 6:52 pm

    It would be nice if our elected officials hired workers and encouraged (really encouraged) to dish out welfare, sis, ssd, food stamps, wic, basically any social program based on merit. Can we please get back to requiring able bodied citizens to get a job or jobs? Fuck all these make pretend phony ailments. I don’t care if you’re a junkie or reformed junkie or have anxiety whatever you take xanax or clonopins for, get off your ass and get off the dole. And fuck these illegals. I don’t care what color, race or gender you are. Deport these fuckers. Term limits! End rant.

  • Jess
    April 16, 2020 at 2:38 pm

    I know her sister Tamari (she’s white, despite that name), and I can tell you the entire family is a fucking dumpster fire. Tamari’s boyfriend is known for trying to come on to her 12 year old daughter. Anyone born into that family is fucked.

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    April 16, 2020 at 1:41 pm

    Large hoop earrings are the female ratchet equivalent of the flat brimmed Chicago Bulls cap.

    And look at those teeth! That chick could eat corn on the cob from a foot away!

  • Fuck
    April 16, 2020 at 1:16 pm

    Because most people who claim SSI don’t receive enough to keep themselves taken care (whether it be unnecessary life styles or legit just not getting enough to live because they never paid enough in) so they work under the table, with the lock down a lot of jobs that were under the table had to close their doors as they don’t operate up to snuff. But if you can hold down an under the table gig you should get off the fucking floor and eat at the table like the rest of us.

  • Ad sense
    April 16, 2020 at 1:16 pm

    Side note:

    I’ll never get tired of the yellow sweater girl from the 1 Trick Kills Erectile Dysfunction ad

    April 16, 2020 at 1:15 pm

    Be on the lookout for one pair of eyebrows…female…approximately 20-30 years old but undeterminable due to alcohol and or drug use…color unknowable…

  • Betty boop
    April 16, 2020 at 12:16 pm

    How does this bitch even get disability? I am seriously ill and have worked 2-3 jobs at the same time since I was 14 but no dice, mostly because I’m white and married.. .She must have the disease they get disability no problem.

    • We're Doomed
      April 17, 2020 at 1:08 am

      Because the system is broken. I’m right there with you. We suck it up and try to do what we can, even when physically unable to do most things (in my case I still do, and just hurt every day at the end of the day). We also think we are taking money from those who really need it (like my very disabled 70 year old mother), yet we find out all sorts of people like this collect. We are the forgotten ones, because we don’t cry for money. These people do. Let’s not forget the biggest issue here: this horrific so-called human is a foster parent. I’m sickened by that thought. I thought foster parents would have to be held to slightly higher standards than this. Everything is broken, obviously. Fend for yourself the best you can.

    • Puddintaine
      April 17, 2020 at 10:05 am

      Waaaaa. Poor you. Lmao. Pussy ass whiner cuz u can’t get a government handout. Wow what a fuckin crybaby pussy. Just trying to get on the government teet n pissed cuz someone else has

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