The Turtlegram Basically Copy And Pasted Our Story About Judge Webster Thayer’s House That Was Blown Up On Institute Road
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In our last episode of Wonders of the Woo we explored this property at the corner of Institute Rd and Beechmont Street.
We told you about how it used to belong to Judge Webster Thayer in the 1920’s. However, Judge Thayer was a xenophobic, anti-Italian blue blood, and his completely unethical behavior in the case of Sacco and Vanzetti led to their world famous execution. It was bigger than OJ, and unlike with OJ, the evidence against the defendants was minimal. They were executed largely because they were foreign and held anarchist beliefs. And Webster Thayer was at the center of it. That’s why it wasn’t suprising when anarchists blew up Thayer’s house in 1932:
We also contrasted the old Victorian homes in the neighborhood where Thayer used to live
To the newer home which now sits on Thayer’s old property:
Anyway, we all know by now that the Turtlegram and Gazette likes to rip off our stories. If it wasn’t for us they wouldn’t have much to write about. But their latest story they stole directly from us might be more over the top then we’ve ever seen:
Seriously? We just wrote this EXACT SAME STORY a couple months ago. Must be a coincidence. They even tell the exact same backstory that we did. You would think that little Karen Webber would tell her “jouralists”, “No, this is probably a bad look since Turtleboy literally wrote this exact same story 2 months ago.” But unfortunately little Karen Webber isn’t very good at her job so she decided to run with it anyway.
LOL. Remember when this Turtlegram intern said this:
Or when her biggest fan said this:
Please, tell me more about why we should “wait for the Turtlegram to break the story.” After all, Turtleboy bloggers don’t have journalism degrees!!!
I almost feel bad for this girl because she doesn’t realize that the Turtlegram isn’t going to exist in 20 years. She’s entering a dying industry and she genuinely believes the nonsense she writes. #PrayForKatieSeverance.
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2 Comment(s)
the Tattlegram must have run out of old photos of downtown worcester, if this is all they can come up with for their Then and Now Segment.
Plus, I’m a blogger, and all i have is a high school diploma, so suck on that, Katie SeverancePay.
I thought I saw that somewhere before. Bad Turtlegram.