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After our series last month exposing North Shore Eats cheesehog Greg “Master” Bates we were inundated with requests from people to expose other businesses in the north shore. And one that was sent to us by many people was Revive Dance Xchange in Beverly, which is owned by Candy Dennis from Gloucester.
We always like to get all sides of a story, so for this blog series we spoke with dozens of people over the course of the last month, including Candy and several parents, clients, and former employees who gave their version of events about RDX for this story. We are here to provide you with all sides of this story so that you can have an informed opinion. Here’s a summary of what the parents, clients, and former employees are alleging, all of which we thoroughly investigated. Remember, these are all just ALLEGATIONS which we will investigate the truthfulness of:
- Candy Dennis created a GoFundMe for “expensive treatment that insurance doesn’t cover” for her “incurable brain disease,” used the company’s business page to solicit donations, and then went on lavish trips with her family to Disney World and New York, documenting it all on her Facebook page.
- Her alleged brain disease would leave her unable to dance, yet she dances during performances.
- Revive claims to have given out over $217,000 worth of scholarships to underprivileged children. Yet no one seems to know who is receiving these scholarships, and the manner in which they allegedly choose who gets them is unknown and arbitrary. The money comes from donations, recital ticket proceeds, and unregistered and possibly illegal raffle ticket sales. Her family has won these raffles before.
- The “scholarships” are not really scholarships as most know them, since they are merely discounts for tuition at RDX. The scholarships cannot be used anywhere else.
- The dance instructors are often not certified to teach the classes they do.
- Clients were charged “registration fees” for competitions, and upon contacting other companies they found out that these fees are made up.
- Credit cards are routinely charged “late fees” by Revive, even when payments were not made late.
- For competitions kids are required to buy certain costumes from Revive for upwards of $90. These same costumes can be purchased for $35-40 online.
- Clients who questioned her methods have been kicked out of the studio and threatened with lawsuits.
- Clients who left negative reviews on social media were blocked by the company.
- Several things suggest potential tax evasion, including the fact that checks are made out to Candy Dennis and not the company.
- None of the employees we spoke with have ever filled out a W-2 form, and many of them also had children as students, so they were paid in reductions in tuition. Everyone we spoke who worked for her ended up paying her money.
- Former employees tell us she physically destroys registration forms and payment cards every year. So there’s no proof of her “paying” employees.
- Revive’s Yelp page is flooded with long, one star reviews. Yet on certain dates 5 star reviews begin to follow all at once, leading some to believe she is sending people there to offset the negative reviews.
- Former employees tell us they were coached to give 5 star reviews.
- Many allege that she is lying about her professional history and credentials, including working with Dancing With The Stars, and hip hop star Sisqo.
- Also claims she was an Alvin Alley dancer and a top level international ballroom dancer. Except Alvin Ailey was a black man, who created a dance theater program during the days of segregation, specifically for black dancers as part of a cultural movement. Almost everyone who has ever danced for Alvin Ailey is black.
- Mandatory extra practices are frequently added, requiring more money to be paid.
- When she had a falling out with one parent she contacted her daughter and informed the client’s daughter that she could no longer be friends with her daughter.
- Upon seeing the recent wave of negative reviews Candy began blaming certain parents for being the instigators, and retaliated by firing one man’s daughter who worked there.
- Candy told one employee that her father would go to jail if Candy killed herself as a result of the negative reviews.
- Offers massage therapy, and claims that she has a rolfing certification from an institution that does not offer that.
- Candy says is Rhythm Works certified but is not listed on their list of certified instructors.
- Candy claims to have a Certification Masters in Dance from Chicago National Association of Dance Master but that’s not a thing they offer.
- She implies that her business is a non-profit and put donors names on a plaque, which she has since taken down after moving to a new location.
Because there’s so much information here we will be doing this as part of a 5 blog series, and they will be published as follows:
Part 1, Friday – Intro
Part 2, Friday – Yelp and Google Reviews
Part 3, Monday – Brain disease GoFundMe, scholarships, questionable credentials, shady fees
Part 4, Monday – Questionable business/tax practices, Erratic, vindictive, and unprofessional behavior, fundraisers and the illusion of non-profit status
Part 5, Tuesday – Candy’s version of events and rebuttal to allegations
You are reading the first. Part 2 will present both sides. Parts 3 and 4 will present allegations from parents, clients, and former employees. Part 5 will be Candy’s side of the story. Although we spoke with Candy briefly, she has since blocked us. However, we are dedicated to getting both sides of the story, so having her part go last gives her a chance to unblock us and reach out to us to address some of the things that she will see in parts 1-4. Our goal is not to smear anyone here, but rather to thoroughly and accurately investigate a number of serious allegations made by credible sources. This is why you read Turtleboy – because we are dedicated to the truth.
18 Comment(s)
Another “series” ? Yeah, good luck with that. Let me know when the cliff notes version comes out . . . .
Fuck Disney World! After they laid off their IT Department 6 years ago and made them stay to train the dotheads who took their jobs or they wouldn’t get their severance I say fuck Disney World! No more H-1B Visa’s for dotheads!
They did the same thing to my husband at his job once. It worked out in our favor though. He got a large severance that was about six months salary, found a new job in two weeks, and a year later they asked him to come back at double the salary he left at because the Indians messed everything up.
He would come home so annoyed, working with these guys for two months that could barely speak English. A couple weeks before they were supposed to take over one of them said to him “you need to start showing me what to do.” My husband said he just looked at him and wanted to stay “what the fuck do you think I have been doing the last six weeks?” He told this guy repeatedly he should take notes and he never did.
I’m a dance teacher at several studios in MA. Sadly, the bullet points above happen at most studios. Aside from the weird GFM. Just no to that.
While I have dance degrees & extensive training/experience, most do not. Most studios give “scholarships” and they are simply either free or discounted tuition. Costumes- ALL studios upcharge for a costume than the price online. ALL. Did I say ALL? ALL.
A $70+ costume isnt all that unusual for more serious studios. Only teachers have access to true prices online. Unless it’s a clearance/closeout, resale item, the price will not be online. Parents cannot see it.
Some studios pay teachers under the table, it’s not uncommon at all. That’s usually for teachers that work very little hours (less than 3 classes etc)…
I could go on & on. If you need more info, Turtleboy. I’m here.
Is that the chick that was shaving her legs in the Disney pool with all the little kids around?
Disney once (with little kids) = OK
Disney again ( or without kids)= Sucks Burnt Donkey Dicks
I think she’s moonlighting in NH. on the 93 north project cutting through centuries old granite with those bionic front choppers.
I would let Baltimore cops curb the teeth out of my head before any of that candy came near my mourh
Is she a member of moms of south shore by any chance?
Shit, I don’t even need to read the rest to see the fundamental problem here: When you pay out your hard earned money in a dance studio run by a big, fat slob, you shouldn’t expect much of a return on your money. Look at fattie in the leotard…her belly button is a long, horizontal slash, kinda like an ass crack in the middle of her stomach. Yeah, not a good investment.
Imagine that camel toe!
Don’t get me wrong I have nothing good to say about the the dancers,dancing, and ridiculous amounts of money she has charged my dil. for lessons and yes she is one that has stayed with her for years simply due to the friendships with other girls my grands have forged while going there, but that horizontal fold Candy has is probably due to a c-section birith. I will post the rest of my reply and what i have personally witnessed as far as the skills and practices of this outfit at the end of the series.
Sounds like Candy Dennis was taking notes on how Abbey Lee ran her business.
I’d flip through the dial and sometimes watch 5-10 minutes of “Dance Moms”. It always surprised me that Lee never got knee-capped with a lead pipe. I know reality TV is pumped up for the drama but this place seems to be using many of same methods.
It’s a W-4 form and not a W-2. that employees fill out. How much does she pay for floor repairs after she “dances” like Jumbo the elephant.
I love the ‘lavish vacations’ crowd.
I go on vacation once a year locally and it’s not lavish. Sure, we eat out and everything but it is NOT an expensive vacation. And yet we enjoy it just fine.
People from the ‘lavish vacation’ crowd, some of whom are friends of mine, complain about being buried in debt, about being unable to pay bills, and so on and so on.
Basically, they are ‘broke’ all of the time, but somehow go on cruises more than once a year, etc. etc.
I have no credit card debt at all. So I don’t have bill worries that I would need a ‘lavish vacation’ to try to forget about.
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist IQ to live within your means
My sister has a boss who brags that she spends $20K a year to go to Disney World. 6-7 people in total. Every-Fucking-year. And the brag is a humble-brag on how expensive it is and how she really can’t afford it. But if she is going to go, it’s going to be 1st class because that’s what everyone else expects when they go. 1st class.
Ok, you go once. You see the fucking mouse. Yeah. Golf clap. You need to repeat the performance every year?
Had a just retired co-worker who did the mouse for 30+ years. The mouse and the Daytona 500, like clockwork. Their spending was much for modest, but it was 30+ years. Sometimes they stayed on the property sometimes off.
I was there once in the 80s. Got stuck in the whatever ride was and listened to “It’s a small world after all”. For about 20 minutes. We weren’t moving and they didn’t stop the song. Over and over and over. I hate that fucking song.
We have gone twice in the last ten years, the last time was a few years ago. The only character we saw was Ariel and that is because we thought we were in line for a ride.
My kids were bored and wanted to leave after only an hour and we forced them to stay because we didn’t spent over a thousand dollars for only one hour. That place is just overrated.
I have a friend on fb that goes all the time. When I say all the time it’s not an exaggeration. He will go every time they open a new ride, if they have a special occasion like staying open 24 hours. He goes on a whim, many times just for the day, and we live 1600 miles away. It’s weird. He is 40 years old and has no kids, and it is usually him and his older brother that go. I don’t get it.
I approve The Mooch approving this blog.
I also approve THE MOOCH!
Almost everyday since his divorce was finalized The Mooch has woken up next to a fuckin’ 9 – I’m talkin’ a fuckin’ New York 9, okay? – and still, the best part of The Mooch’s day is finding out Turtleboy exposed some new scumcunt who had it comin’. The Mooch approves.