Mainstream Media Fails

Walter Bird Literally Pulled Worcester Magazine’s Endorsements Out Of His Ass

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Worcester Magazine released their endorsements today, and in doing so they have officially joined the Telegram and Gazette as a gigantic joke. Used to think these guys were alright, but it turns out they’re just a fraudulent, fake publication that no one would ever pay for, which is why they give them away at Bushel n’ Peck. Here’s who they chose:

Mayor: Puddy

City Council: Puddy, Kate Toomey, Moe Bergman, Konnie Lukes, Khrystian King, Juan Gomez

School Committee: John Monfredo, Tracy Novick, Diana Biancheria, Jack Foley, Molly McCullough, Nick D’Andrea

District 1: Tony Economou

District 2: Jennithan Cortes

District 4: Sarai Rivera

Here’s the many ways in which WoMag just made a mockery of itself:

City Council

First of all, Walter Bird refers to the choices as “we.” No. There’s no we. It’s Walter Bird’s dear diary. Secondly, here’s some things he says about Jumpin’ Joe Petty:

  • We do not believe he is led by a machine
  • Do we ignore the growing presence of college students downtown and millions of dollars invested in 60 or so parks because of who was involved?
  • The north end of Main Street is a ghost town. It must be changed.

LOL. He’s not led by a machine. Right. Don’t even need to address that because we all know that Jumpin’ Joe jumps when and how high Jim McGovern tells him to.

But clearly Walter Bird has NEVER been downtown if he thinks there are college kids walking around downtown. That’s literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life. Apparently he’s just making this shit up as he goes along because a couple sentences later he says that the north end of Main Street (downtown) is a ghost town. So apparently all the college kids walking around down there are ghosts. Gotcha.

Just a reminder that this is what downtown Worcester looks like at 2:00 PM on a Tuesday:


Kate Toomey is just there. She always gets reelected because she makes the rounds of Worcester funeral homes like none other.

Moe Bergman we have no issue with. Wish he’d be a little more ballsy and speak out more often for what’s right, but he’s OK.

The fact that they are endorsing Konnie Lukes on the same ticket as Joe Petty and Sarai Rivera proves that Walter Bird pulled these names out of his ass. Lukes is the exact opposite of Petty. It’s literally impossible to agree with both of them.

The reasoning for Khrystian King was priceless:

  • Every year, we hear talk about more diversity on City Council and School Committee. Yet, year after year, we do not see it translate to the polls. We are putting our money where our mouth is this year, not just because of skin color, but let us be brutally honest. When folks talk about diversity, they are talking about candidates who look like and reflect Worcester as a whole.

So let me get this straight. You are not supporting King because he happens to be black. You are supporting him because he “looks like and reflects Worcester as a whole.” Yea, nothing completely fraudulent or hypocritical about that selection. If you wanna vote for Khrystian King, then go for it. Just don’t tell me that you’re not doing it for diversity while in the same breath say that you’re doing it for diversity.

Their endorsement of Juan Gomez is along similar lines:

  • We also see a dire need for more connections with communities of color, and as president and CEO of Centro, Gomez can be a leader on the Council in that regard.

Yup. We need a Latino person on the council. Therefore you must vote for Gomez. Did Old Balls write this? You know how you can tell Walter Bird is full of shit? On the School Committee he personally endorsed six white people. So despite saying that “we also see a dire need for more connections with community of color” he still chose not to endorse the only person of color running for School Committee – Hilda Ramirez. FRAUD. Walter Bird is a FRAUD.

He did NOT endorse Tina Zlody, Linda Parham, Bill Coleman, Rob Sargent, Mike Gaffney, or Matt Wally. So Walter wants people of color on the Council, just not women of color, fat people of color, or women with colorful hair. Got it.

Sargent and Gaffney are good shit, so it makes sense that Walter wouldn’t pick them. But how does he not pick Matt Wally? The man is a machine pawn in the making. He’s 100% supported by the establishment, he says all the things the machine wants to hear, and he’s basically running on a ticket with Molly McCullough – a candidate that Walter Bird endorsed. So once again this proves that Walter put ZERO thought into any of this and randomly picked six people.


District 1

Personally, Turtleboy has nothing against Tony Economou. But he’s just too tied to Petty and we don’t trust anyone like that. You gotta throw the bathwater out with the baby. Oh yea, and Cindy Nguyen happens to be ANOTHER person of color that Mr. Diversity advocate Walter Bird elected NOT to endorse. Instead he’s going with the entrenched, upper-middle class white guy. What. A. Fraud.

District 2

No matter who wins this district we all lose. Candy Carlson and Jenny Cortes both suck. But if Turtleboy had to pick he’d pick Candy, only because Cortes did two really shitty things:

  • He was an outspoken advocate against police at North High School and aligned himself with the Circlejerk.
  • He sent several emails to Turtleboy Sports sponsors threatening to boycott them. He used to have his biannual campaign fundraiser at a restaurant in District 2. But because they supported Turtleboy Sports he moved it to District 3. He took business directly out of the District he wants to represent and advocate for because he’s so butthurt about a blog. Nice guy.

District 4

If you endorse Sarai Rivera, then there’s no way around it – you are an asshole. What else do you need to see about her? She’s a slumlord who doesn’t pay taxes, she harasses police officers doing their job in Main South, she’s verbally abusive to anyone who disagrees with her, she supports calling Mesfin Beshir a “house nigger,” she protected Mosaic, she’s a fake pastor who compares herself to Jesus, and she mocks her immigrant opponent for misspelling words. She is the antichrist. Anyone who isn’t endorsing Jackie Kostas is likely an asshat.


School Committee

First of all, they didn’t endorse Brian O’Connell. There’s a reason this guy destroys everyone in every election – he’s good at his job. He understands what the citizens of Worcester want more than any other candidate. He stood for cops at North High and he opposed Melinda Boone since the get-go. Teachers like him. Parents like him. Taxpayers and voters like him. But Walter Bird found six candidates he apparently liked more.

John Monfredo is a huge joke. First of all, he’s been accused of some serious shit in the past involving children. But, besides that the only thing he ever does is tell you to read to your kids at night. He was a yes vote for Melinda Boone time and time again, and he opposed cops at North High until the very bitter end when they had no choice.

Tracy Novick. Nuff said. Walter Bird endorse Tracy fucking Novick. A woman who has opposed cops at North High (calling it an armed encampment), said that the job of a vice principal is to be punched in the face once in a while:

Screen Shot 2015-10-30 at 10.10.49 AM

Par for the course for principals to get bruised up by kids. This is Tracy Novick’s vision for the WPS.

She endorsed Melinda Boone steadfastly, doesn’t look constituents in the eyes at meetings because she’s writing her blog that no one reads, and sued the city so that drug addicts can beg for money to fuel their addictions. Tracy Novick is a disease and a joke, and apparently so is Walter Bird.


Diana Biancheria we don’t have an issue with. We’re not endorsing her because we don’t really trust her intentions. She’s voted the right way on everything but at the same time she is at every Petty fundraiser that has taken place. Turtleboy can’t trust someone like that.


Jack Foley teaches at Clark, voted against cops at North, and supported Boone. Nuff said.

Molly McCullough we have no problem with…for now. Her relationship with the machine makes us skeptical, but we’d take her any day of the week over some of the other stiffs currently on there.

Nick D’Andrea was obviously a great pick. Can’t tell you how necessary it is to get this guy on the School Committee. A turtle rider, a father of kids in the WPS, a man with a vision. His policies stand in stark contrast to Novick, which again proves that Walter Bird pulled these endorsements out of his ass.


Walter Bird did NOT endorse Donna Colorio, Hilda Ramirez, Brian O’Connell, and Cotey Collins. Donna Colorio would be a great addition to the School Committee. It boggles Turtleboy’s mind that people would even consider voting for Tracy Novick over her. The Ramirez non-endorsement makes zero sense as well, considering that her and Tracy Novick LITERALLY have identical voting records with Joe Petty. You cannot possibly say that you endorse one and not the other without admitting that you are completely full of shit. That’s Walter Bird – completely full of shit.

Vote the Turtleboy Ticket on Tuesday:

Mayor: Michael Gaffney

City Council: Gaffney, Sargent, Lukes

School Committee: Colorio, D’Andrea, O’Connell

D1: Nguyen

D2: Turtleboy

D3: Turtleboy

D4: Kostas 

D5: Gary Rosen

We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages. 

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30 Comment(s)
  • Publius
    October 30, 2015 at 9:55 pm

    There are college kids downtown for sure, anyone who spends time downtown knows that, many bums too. MCPHS, QCC even a Becker dorm. Many turtle riders too.

  • Gronkmonster
    October 30, 2015 at 9:42 pm

    I know for a fact Jeffrey Spurts Neal lives in Worcester…He had to knock on my door and let me know he moved into my neighborhood …Dam laws

  • Brendan Rys
    October 30, 2015 at 1:15 pm

    I’m in a very quiet airport lounge in DC and I laughed inappropriately loud to myself at “Jenny Cortes”…

  • Haha
    October 30, 2015 at 10:23 am

    “Used to think these guys were alright”
    Until they had an original thought that went against what I say people have to think. Now I’m going to demand all my followers to boycott them.

    “The fact that they are endorsing Konnie Lukes on the same ticket as Joe Petty and Sarai Rivera proves that Walter Bird pulled these names out of his ass.”
    I know your reading comprehension skill are crap, but what did Walter say was the reason that he is endorsing her? Oh yeah, he believes in having both sides represented in office. Unlike you which demands the council becomes an echo chamber of only like-minded people that agree with your stances.

    “He did NOT endorse Tina Zlody, Linda Parham, Bill Coleman, Rob Sargent, Mike Gaffney, or Matt Wally. So Walter wants people of color on the Council, just not women of color, fat people of color, or women with colorful hair. Got it.”
    You didn’t endorse all but 2 of them. So, the same could be said about you.

    You know with all the hate you have put out towards anyone that might want to have a different opinion in this election, it makes me wonder if you are genuinely worried about Gaffney loosing. People confident in winning usually don’t resort to such tactics. I don’t blame you, I’d be worried too. Maybe in 2 years you might want to try less fear-mongering and more talking about what your endorsed candidates can do in office. Judging by your posts, that might be an impossible feat for someone with your “writing skills” (and I use that term very loosely).

    • spell much
      October 30, 2015 at 12:27 pm

      Losing is spelled LOSING. It is NOT spelled LOOSING.
      One who wishes to criticize “writing skills” should have some.

      • Haha
        October 30, 2015 at 12:32 pm

        Good thing I was referring to her ability to write complete and thoughtful pieces and not on spelling. I might have been a hypocrite otherwise. Also, if the worst thing you found about my post was one word being misspelled, I’ll call that a victory.

    • Skeptical
      October 30, 2015 at 2:38 pm

      I agree on most points here, except for the smearing.

      Petty has smeared others, and even outright lied and claimed credit for things he never did.

      But then again, where won’t you find self-serving hypocrites in politics?

      People should argue for why their guy is the most fit to lead, not point out the bad points of other candidates. However, research has shown the opposite is more effective. Unfortunately, negative news sells.

      • Haha
        October 30, 2015 at 3:08 pm

        “But then again, where won’t you find self-serving hypocrites in politics?”

        Well, they are out there. Usually its the little guy off to the side with a total vote count that is only like 2% of the total vote. Its why I respect Bill Coleman. I mean I probably won’t vote for him for mayor (partially cause his popularity is so low it would be a wasted vote and partly cause I don’t see eye to eye on his methods of fixing the city’s ills), but the guy sticks to the topics and what he can do for the city. Even though I don’t agree with him, he has actual plans complete with ways to implement them. I have yet to hear him slander the other candidates and, man, is he persistent. He continues to run and run and even when he continues to fail to make the cut he just tries again. If the mayor seat was based purely on determination they guy would be in his 10th term.

        Chin up, Bill, you’ll get in some day.

        • Skeptical
          October 30, 2015 at 3:12 pm

          I would have to agree.

          I don’t agree with Bill on everything, but he has integrity, and he genuinely cares. If only everyone in the world was impartial and actually gave a shit.

  • Shitonbird
    October 30, 2015 at 10:20 am

    Bird does not even live in Worcester, how fucked up is that?

    • Yayuh
      October 30, 2015 at 10:27 am

      He does live in Worcester.

      • October 30, 2015 at 3:33 pm

        He lives in West Brookfield. #factsonly

    • TurtleBoySpurts
      October 30, 2015 at 10:34 am

      There’s no evidence that Turtleboy lives in Worcester, but you’ll give that a pass, I’m sure.

      • Finnish Goalie
        October 30, 2015 at 11:57 am

        I thought you were convinced of the brain trust’s identity?

        • TurtleBoySpurts
          October 30, 2015 at 1:04 pm

          Now, even you’re smart enough to know that my certainty doesn’t constitute objective evidence. Besides, the onus is really on the Turtles to prove Turtleboy lives in Worcester if they’re going to insist that residency be the standard for “legitimate” political commentary. Barring that, my initial comment remains correct.

          • Skeptical
            October 30, 2015 at 2:40 pm

            It goes both ways. If you want to say that Jeff, then you need to also admit that your post claiming that you *know* who TB is is also not to be taken as proven fact.

            But you are right, if you are to admit that then it is true no one can prove where TB is. TB could be across the world if that’s the case, we would never know.

      • Jeffrey Neal is a Giant Pussy and a Dangerous Perverted Deviant
        October 30, 2015 at 12:47 pm

        “Remember though, I could kill you with my bare hands.” – TurtleBoySpurts

        Now you tell me dick-wad. You want to talk about threats? Which part of this statement that you sent around the world is NOT a threat?

        We all know what exactly the only one thing that you can do with your bare hands and you can use your perverted deviant mind to guess. Fucking loser.

        • Jeffrey Neal's Stalker Wears Lingerie
          October 30, 2015 at 1:52 pm

          That’s a nice neglige you’re wearing. Is that new?

          • Jeffrey Neal is a Giant Pussy and a Dangerous Perverted Deviant
            October 30, 2015 at 10:07 pm

            You suck so bad it’s horrible.

          • Jeffrey Neal is a Giant Pussy and a Dangerous Perverted Deviant
            October 30, 2015 at 10:45 pm
      • Wabbitt
        October 30, 2015 at 10:37 pm

        Because where a blogger lives really matters. But when a guy is running for elected office you need to actually be from the place you want to represent.

  • Jeffrey Neal's Stalker Wears Lingerie
    October 30, 2015 at 10:00 am

    Haha, just more evidence that the Turtles represent nothing more than a noisy but insignificant minority of the Worcester electorate. Tuesday’s going to fall hard around here.

    October 30, 2015 at 9:46 am

    Who the hell is Walter Bird and why is he staring into my soul? Very scary picture to post especially right before Halloween.

    • Finnish Goalie
      October 30, 2015 at 11:53 am

      How’s the business over on Richmond?

      • BIG BOB
        October 30, 2015 at 12:40 pm

        hey finnish goalie. you couldn’t stop a beach ball. I would take Goldberg over you any day.

        • BIG BOB
          October 30, 2015 at 1:16 pm

          only kidding. but its great thanks!

    • Fillet o fish
      October 30, 2015 at 2:33 pm

      Please – no more photos of Ms Oconnell-Novick. Please.

      • October 30, 2015 at 3:33 pm

        Just Novick. Her name is only O’Connell during election season.

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