
Auburn Douche Twinkie Won’t Let Woman With Daughter In Wheelchair Park In Handicapped Spot At Swanson Road School Because He Parked Where The Ramp Will Go, Let’s Find Him

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Reader Email:

Back story: Swanson intermediate School in Auburn for kids basketball league. Saturday December 15. I asked him to move so I could utilize the handicapped spot for my daughter in a wheelchair. I said you’re parked illegally. His response “so is everyone else. Do you really need all that space???” Never been so angry! He was such a cocky douchebag. I told my passenger to get a picture…I’ll send to TB 😉

I believe that license plate says 544YZ1. Correct me if I’m wrong, in case the last digit is a capital i. I really, really wanna find out who this is, so if anyone RMV or toy truck turtle riders wanna help us out feel free to email or message Turtleboy Sports Returns on Facebook. Don’t worry about getting caught, we never reveal sources, because it’s kind of what our brand is built on. If you really want you can make a fake email and send it to us as well. But you’d be doing a very important public service by identifying this douche twinkie. This woman could not park in a handicapped spot, at a public school, because this shithead wanted to park illegally. Consequently her handicapped daughter had to suffer so this able bodied chowderhead didn’t have to inconvenience himself.

Normally we wouldn’t run a story like this based only on the word of one person, for an event that we were not present for. But there’s no way around it – it’s not possible to have a reason to park like that. Ever. If the person driving that vehicle was actually handicapped they’d park in the handicapped spot. More importantly, the striped lines next to handicapped spots are NOT parking spots. That’s why they’re striped. They’re for people with wheelchair ramps to have enough room to get out of their car.

The woman who sent us this has been friends with Clarence Woods Emerson for a while, and since we all have access to that account I’ve seen her post pictures of her daughter before. I can honestly say, that although I’ve never met the little girl, she inspires me. She races in her wheelchair and always has a smile on her face every time Mom posts a picture of her. She has a sister (who might be a twin?) who is able bodied. Can you imagine how hard that is for the little girl? To see your sister doing all these things that you can’t participate in and still put a smile on your face every day. You’re denied so many great parts of growing up, and none of it is your fault. Everything in life will be more difficult for you, and then this selfish maggot goes out of his way to make your life even more challenging.

I’m honestly surprised how many people think it’s not against the law to park on the striped lines. Even if he doesn’t know it’s still not an excuse. The mother told him the situation and he refused to move. But he’s gonna know now, especially when we find out who he is. This is what we do at Turtleboy – we educate the stupid.

22 Comment(s)
  • You tightwad twunt
    December 18, 2018 at 12:34 am

    TB, you cheap motherfucker.
    Instead of putting it on someone else who may or may not get in the shit for making an inquiry, why not google the fucking pay service that gets you registry, criminal and personal info?
    You pay for it at one shot or monthly prices.
    You miserly fuck. I got some coal I want to turn into diamonds. Mind if I stick it up your tight ass for a day or two?

    • Registry Cop
      December 18, 2018 at 9:14 am

      That absolutely makes sense. Perhaps that do not understand the position it puts people in to get this info. 

      Hey Captain Jack, are you going to hand out a free Baconator the next time a broke homeless man comes up to your registrer at Wendy’s and lose YOUR job?  Right. 

      But hey, let’s encourage someone that may not know better to provide the info so “turtle-riding” Captain Jack and his pals can have a laugh at someone else. 

      I’m sure “outing” a douche for parking is worth someone’s job. Think before you post. 

  • Zzzzzz
    December 17, 2018 at 10:42 pm

    These are some weak stories. With all the violence gangs drugs and other crime.. this is lame. Hope this doesn’t become a regular topic.

  • Seymour Dingle-Berry
    December 17, 2018 at 3:49 pm

    Sometimes you can chalk up a boneheaded move to ignorance of the law or maybe even just an honest mistake. No…this is a clear example of someone who consciously and deliberately said “F**K EVERYONE ELSE” which clearly makes him or her a Royal Asshole with douchebag topping.

  • Registry Police
    December 17, 2018 at 3:16 pm

    You do know that “we won’t reveal our sources ever” means nothing in regards to a query of a MA plate with the RMV correct?

    One of these times, someone will actually read this blog and very easily track down the person that queried the plate which resulted in the info given to you. 

    Now, fuck this person for parking like that and acting like that…  BUT, what will you be doing for the poor slob that loses his job for sending you info you should not have?

    Just asking 

    • I am the wind
      December 17, 2018 at 4:12 pm

      You can get plate info without querying the plate (which the initial department querying Police dept will be shown when someone else….runs that plate). It’s registry screen “R6” source: former dispatcher

      • Registry Cop
        December 17, 2018 at 4:36 pm

        You are 100% WRONG. 

        How can you get the info without a query?  Let me phrase it this way, “how do you get an answer without asking a question?”  Think about that and let me know. 

        Whether you do an R1, R5 or perhaps an R8 it is ALL recorded by the individual that is logged into the computer making the query. You are suggesting the RMV is the ONLY computer program that doesn’t monitor and record history. 

        Not to be a dick, but you do not even make sense. 

        When the police query a plate, the very first screen that shows up is the list of recent queries. Any officer in the state can query that plate now and see who has run it recently let alone the Registry finding out. 


        • Y
          December 17, 2018 at 7:09 pm

          Assuming you’re correct, then how could they deduce who ran said query and provided the info?
          Would they really investigate and interrogate each person on the list (of ppl making inquiries)?
          Someone should step up and out this asshole ASAP!

          • Two Patch Crappy Jack
            December 17, 2018 at 10:12 pm

            So then query the plate, get the info and either expose him on here, or report him to the authorities. Or.. Here s an idea. Let Turtle riders out him and you stick your head up your ass

          • Registry Cop
            December 18, 2018 at 9:06 am

            Hang on…  first, fuck this guy who parked in the HP spot. 

            My point was, TB asks for this info and does not understand the ramifications of people providing said info. 

            You have to have access to system thetefor a login. That is how it would be known WHO retrieved the info. Perhaps a tow yard has multiple people using one login but then it gets out on who the login is registered to. So that’s answers HOW they would know. 

            Would they?  Well, if this douche wants to, he can absolutely find recourse in how his info was shared with TB or ANY media outlet that puts his info out there because clearly the dissemination of that info is a breach. 

            ***i will have to refresh my memory but I believe there is an MGL which covers using the RMV for “personal” reasons and this would be considered “personal” 

            Now, fuck me all you want and call me a “windbag”. But when joe shit the tow driver queries the plate and sends TB the info because he wants to be a “turtle rider” and ultimately loses his job, where will he be then?  Well, he will be exposed on here for starting a go fund me I’m sure.

            I was simply pointing out the severity of doing something to entertain people that are now shitting on me. Yet, not one of you would risk your job, your livelihood to do something would you?

            And again, how dare I correct someone that also shares inaccurate info regarding the results of a query without a query. 

            You do not have to say thanks, but just don’t say anything at all. 

        • I am the wind
          December 18, 2018 at 12:26 pm

          Fucktard….when a plate is ran via Q2 it leaves a query that other depts will see when they do a Q2 on that plate. If you’re the first guy to run it it won’t show anything. Sure, the RMV records things you do and warrants you run as does your depts MDT but if you, in the case of this example of a douchebag parker pulled up and used the R6 screen it won’t show a query when someone runs that plate via Q2.

          • Registry Cop
            December 19, 2018 at 8:27 am

            Whoa!  Relax Barney Fife. 

            The point is, ANYTIME you query a person or a plate, it’s recorded who logged in and did it. 

            I did not specify whether it was done via MDT or a Q2, I simply responded to another moron who claimed you got the info without a query (makes sense). 

            Also, the point wasn’t “other departments” seeing it, the point was there is a record of it being run no matter how you do it. 

            So, tell me this….  what’s the penalty?  I will gladly send you my plate, you run it and pass my info along. Then, you can let me know what happens when I make a bitch that you used your credentials to get my info for “personal reasons”. 

            “Fucktard” told me all I needed to know about who you are. 

  • Captain Trips
    Captain Trips
    December 17, 2018 at 2:49 pm

    There should be a law legalizing vandalism of cars parked like this.

    • Two Patch Crappy Jack
      December 17, 2018 at 10:37 pm

      That’s to “Registry Cop” by the way… What a windbag

  • Ray Patriarca
    I hate asswads
    December 17, 2018 at 2:32 pm

    Someone needs to “key” the fuck out of that shit-buckets car.
    Fucking asswads !
    Years ago, I had a woman swing open her door and crease my chrome strip on my door. I was sitting in the car, window rolled down. When I brought it to her attention, her response was “get over it !” No apology. No remorse. No embarrassment. Just “get over it”.
    So….once she walked into the store, I “got over it”. All over it.
    I caved her quarter panel in with my size 10 boot.
    Yep, I got over it !
    Fucking twat….. explain that to your hubby. Lol

    • Greg
      December 17, 2018 at 2:35 pm

      As someone with a handicapped son, I must say thanks for doing this.  Unfortunately, this seems to be the only way to make people realize what they’re doing when they park like that. 

    December 17, 2018 at 2:32 pm

    Next time someone does this fellow turtle riders. You should take pictures too send to TB. Then call our brothers & sisters in blue. They will write them a 100 or 150 dollar ticket (I think that’s the amount so dont hold me to it) then have their vehicle towed away. That’s another 150 for the tow and possibly another 100 for storage. So if the amounts are correct. Now you’re out 350 or 400 bucks for being a fucking idiot as well as being turtleboy famous. I think that will help them understand that those are not convenience spaces.

    • Hugh-Bo Mont
      December 18, 2018 at 10:32 am

      Yes. The woman should have blocked the car in the spot and called the cops and told them she can’t unload her daughter.

  • Diane Woods emerson
    December 17, 2018 at 2:28 pm

    All the people with ramps need to start opening them into the cars. not enough to damage the ramp but just enough to fuck up their day. I so would. Then , Gee officer I didn’t see anyone there. Ooops

  • warpedhead
    December 17, 2018 at 2:25 pm

    Should have called the cops $300.00 fine a and a tow…..

  • Vigil Ante
    Vigil Ante
    December 17, 2018 at 2:02 pm

    These people need their windows smashed and tires slashed.

  • Clitty Litter
    December 17, 2018 at 1:56 pm


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