Bonefish Harrys, a seafood restaurant in Beverly, just made a lot of money and got a lot of free advertising from a Facebook post they made showing a homophobic letter that they got in the mail from a guy claiming to be a Beverly resident. But is it real, or just another fake hate crime? We investigate this in detail on TB Daily News which you can read by clicking here.
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32 Comment(s)
Any chance he goes by Owen by it’s not his full first name? A lot of people go by their middle name.
Dear Pharmaceutical companies, Stop making AIDS medications. There, Problem solved. I wish we could just go back to the old days when homos sucked dick in private.
You know, for a “news story” about a letter to Bonefish, you spent 80% of the article talking about Kurtlan Massarsky who has no affiliation to Bonefish.. Methinks you have an issue with him and gays in general.
You are a failed man. You will remain a failed man until you do the difficult work required to become a decent man.
I’ve little faith you will even understand what I am talking about.
Just know in your heart that making statements like yours don’t make you any more heterosexual or any more christian than you are at the moment you speak them.
But they do make you a bad man. And only you own that, buddy.
Seeing I’m neither Heterosexual nor Christian…. One has to wonder why you care so much about my sexuality or religious beliefs.
More proof that straights are under attack:
In a restaurant about a year ago I calmly asked that no fags touch my food. The waitress was incredibly rude to me… I ended up nose-to-nose with her, three inches from her face screaming FEAR THE TURTLE YOU PIG BITCH! Then some other lib came up to me and I throat-punched him. Next thing I know me and my six year old are being escorted out, all while chanting ALL FAGS ARE WORTHLESS!
Seeing I’m neither Heterosexual nor Christian…. One has to wonder why you care so much about my sexuality or religious beliefs.
It is my belief that Kurtlan Massarsky is a compulsive liar and drama queen.
I believe nothing he says. nI assume he sent the letter
You’re welcome
Notice the date on the letter, 9 June 2019. Unless you spent many years in the military, the average Joe doesn’t use that format. Does this mean Owen Donaldson is a career military man? What difference does it make? Might as well have been written by Terry Lee from the Terry and The Pirates comic strip created by Milt Caniff. He didn’t exist either. Terry Lee that is.
That’s also how they write dates in Europe. Where are the restaurant owners originally from?
Again, shut up Julie
The copycats at the CIA (all glory, but no guts) also write dates that way.
What a waste of human flesh you are kurtsie. So woke tho.
Do you know how many Owen Donaldsons live in Florida with a dual residence in Beverly? Do you know how many of those people claim primary residence in Florida rather than MA because they end up paying less in taxes? I mean these are pretty basic questions before “it’s made up,” but, you know, C- for effort. Nice investigative journalism.
Doesn’t matter if his “primary” residence was in Florida, he’d still be listed in the records in Beverly unless, while here, he lives completely off the grid.
How many Owen Donaldsons live in Florida part time and Beverly part time?
The answer is NONE.
I checked out your TB Daily News site and to be honest with you I think it sucks.
I also think it’s a dick move that you won’t publish any stories from your writers like WMTG, SSTG etc. there.
It’s just your shitty opinions in every article, over and over again and you’re not as talented as you believe you are.
Let your other writers post some stories on that site and earn some click $$, then maybe people will visit it you selfish greedy prick.
I’ll take fake hate crimes for $1200 Alex
Kurtlan Massarsky sitting there bitching about ‘Pepsi’ and cultural appropriation and my eyes can’t roll back enough. Have you seen how many grown ass men ‘appropriate’ the female in Ptown?
So basically this dude makes a living being offended? He goes to work everyday and gets paid to be offended?
So many self-righteous homophobes WISHING this was fake. Come outta the closet already, it’s the 21st century!!!
Is there someone named Donald Owenson, though?
Next move once this turns out to be horseshit? Ladies Night Special! 2 for 1 Fish tacos!!! Fresh trimmed lap flounder served with buttcheeks and a lemon wedge. Market Price
Every womyns softball player in a 25 mile radius will flood the place.
It’s most definitely a fake. They could have just handled it and never said a word contacted the guy and try to work things out. Instead before they do anything they make sure to flash it on Facebook knowing exactly what it was going to do. Anytime a business runs to Facebook first trauma is a business that I would never go to. This is just a real excellent try at free publicity
I saw this circulate on FB yesterday and the first thing I did was try to find Owen Donaldson in / around Beverly, MA. No fucking luck.
I also wrote a diatribe about the fact that this wasn’t ‘Slander’ as it was written, but fuck the minutia, eh?
2) It wasn’t published by the Author. In fact the recipient published it, so Jesus Fuck, even if it met the other elements of libel, all bets are off.
3) It wasn’t false. I mean.. Yeah… These rump rangers are flying the gay flag, Owen doesn’t like queers and doesn’t plan on eating there again….. All true.
4) It caused NO damage (in fact the opposite occurred).
So, nice work Bonefish. Is this called “Jumping the Shark”?
A very respectful homophobic letter.
Maybe foaming at the mouth invectives would be over the top advertising.
Who cares?
Who cares?
All the rump thumpers and virtue signalers. ESPECIALLY the virtue signalers. They have to get in there “good deed” for the day and make themselves feel like a better person for it. Shhhhh……(even if they don’t really believe it).
The guy might not exist but will an American flag go back up when Gay Pride month is over?
I’m guessing no as long as Trump is in office.
How sad is that. What a bunch of douchyin this backwards state