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This will probably be the last blog we publish about Harambe the gorilla who was tragically put down when a four year old boy jumped into his enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. Probably. When the video first came out it was unclear exactly what the boy looked like:
When Turtleboy first saw it we thought the kid was white. The original video was not this clear. It just seemed like something that was more likely to happen to white people. And apparently many others had this same gut instinct, but many of them happened to be black lives matter terrorists who saw this as a new opportunity to push their misguided agenda on the public:
of course it was a white kid that SOMEHOW got into a gorilla exhibit lmao y'all really don't care about your kids
— black queen timi ✨ (@Mukluks_) May 29, 2016
I said last nite the gorilla was protecting the child, them crackers just killed him Cuz he was black
— damontemnemonic (@msjonesgrandboy) May 30, 2016
That gorilla was taken from it's homeland, put in captivity, and then killed to preserve White life. That sounds familiar.
— Isa Ibn (@IsaIbnOfficial) May 29, 2016
That gorilla was black, unarmed and 17
— Wakanda Flocka Flame (@karyewest) May 29, 2016
The only problem with this of course, is that the kid turned out to be black:
Freaking hilarious. Just once again goes to show you how little these “activists” care about facts. Also once again proves that white privilege is not a real thing. Because according to these “activists” the gorilla would not have been shot if the boy was black – the only shot Harambe because the boy was white. Except the boy turned out to be black and Harambe still got shot. Just sayin.
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37 Comment(s)
Check your facts, the little boy is black!
And all those so called activists don’t include themselves as RACIST? Bullshit. They are the reasons racism still exists to this degree. Leave white people alone already. They are not directly responsible for your unhappiness. Try not raising your kids in a ghetto, not allowing them to challenge rightful authority, insisting they get an education, ensuring they get a job (because we ALL know a minority will get the public job over a white person,) and become productive members of society instead of bitching about how life isn’t fair. Look at the MILLIONS of minorities who have made it and are doing just fine. They aren’t crying about the evils of racism because it doesn’t exist if you can rise up against it in a productive way. Your lazy ass, false sense of entitlement, hatred for humankind, all while defending thug life is what keeps you down.
You think that after the little spear chucker slave fell in, the zoo was like “Shoot the smelly black monkey” and the cops were like “Which one?”
Not cool. THAT, my friend is RACIST. Pure and simple.
Its asshats like these race baiting tools that make registering for Twitter just to trolllllllololololololololol sooooo worth it.
The kid was black. Have we finally turned color blind ? Nah. It was pretty clear in video.
Yeah, but why actually watch the video when it wouldn’t fit into their racist agenda, and knowing full well that all the other Blm morons aren’t going to do their homework either?
Did I read those comments correctly from these BLM activist that Harambe was shot because he was black?
That is sooo ridiculous, isn’t it?
Wow, i can’t believe you did articles about me on this racist blog! Thank you for being a fair weather supporter/friend and no longer covering me! You only kissed my arse when I was winning! Its okay though, God forgives all! Bless you and your racist articles, my turtle son!
Obama was overheard saying if he had a gorilla it would look like Harambe.
Odd…I thought it looked more like Michelle.
Lmao….thats so wrong. Funny but wrong
I heard on the Internet – so it must be true! – that Michelle Obama is a trannie and the two girls are adopted.
Explains the big hands and Adam’s apple….
thats one ugly trannie
LOL. Doesn’t matter which Obama you’re talking about – they’re all porch slave NIGGERMONKEYS that belong in a ZOO!!
Methinks you’re trolling for the other side. Or you’re a Neanderthal caught in a time warp.
Coach Paul Noone says that Aidan Kearney is a race baiting racist! The only people that read these racist articles are middle class white people! Prove me wrong. You give the police a bad name!
Well, duh. Middle class white people are the only people in Worcester who can read in English.
And people say this blog isn’t racist!
Hey I don’t write the articles. I just make unwanted comments. Turtleboy can’t control who reads his blog.
People say I’m the racist! Thank you turtle riders for showing your true colors! You’re all just as racist as Aidan Kearnye!
Nah it’s just me. I won’t let people steal my racist thunder.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Aidan. Bless you Southie!
Want to call me to make amends?
Ironic screen name “hood intellect”. Is that like jumbo shrimp?
Much like the other pseudo intelligentsia that are self appointed arbiters of all things Cracka, Hood Intellect projects noises and scribblings from out of his vacant cranium and through his arse.
“Hood Intellect” is oh so appropriate. This guy needs to STFU like yesterday.
Is embarrassment & shame a thing anymore?
Only in the white and Asian communities
Surprised you did not include the Sharpton meme, 17,black and unarmed.
Also, that gorilla was born in captivity. He was not “taken from his homeland”. Morons.
While the world focuses on this, has anyone mentioned that 69 people were shot in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend?
Priorities, ya’know.
Holy SHIT! 69 People?!? In ONE WEEKEND??!!!
That is absolutely horrible. I mean I know Chicago has some serious crime problems, but that is horrific.
Wanna know why the suicide rate is so low in the black community? Because they don’t kill themselves, they kill each other.
and the number of white perpetrators of these shootings?…… You know, cuz black lives matter and all.
I preface this by saying when I say black, I mean blacks who were born in this country, because for some reason, immigrants from Ghana and the like, are some of the hardest working people I’ve ever met and they don’t have the “give me all the handouts cuz I’m a victim” gene that most US-born blacks have ingrained in them from birth.
If one black leader would just state the fact that black people are the biggest threat to black lives, I might actually listen to anything they had to say after that. But instead I’ll just let them cry racist wolf, and watch as the only people who can help their situation, average white Americans, be called racists daily and care less and less about blacks’ imaginary plight.
It’s because recent African immigrants know what real danger, poverty, and injustice are like. Those born and raised here (and I’m not even saying most – just a highly vocal minority) just want a hand out because of a horrible injustice that ended 150 years ago. And they act like petulant children when they’re expected to work for what they want.
Makes me wonder why we have such a racial divide in this country. All those BLM comments are very well thought out and precise. Bad whitey.