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Remember when the Indianapolis Colts fans and media accused the New England Patriots of being cheaters? Remember Deflategate? Remember when Bob Kravitz and Gregg Doyel became household names because they were so “offended” by the imaginary cheating by the Patriots? Remember when they said that an honest team like the Colts, who purposely lost 14 games in a row to get Andrew Luck, should be in the Super Bowl after losing 45-7? I do. And I only bring it up because it turns out the Colts had the biggest cheater in the NFL on their roster all season – Laron Landry – steroid freak extraordinare:
The Colts knew this guy was a roid head before they signed him in 2013. Exhibit A:
He only missed the first four games of the season for testing positive for juice, because in the NFL they obviously could give a fuck less if you’re on steroids. Then he played against the Patriots both during the regular season and during the playoffs as a starter. He had six tackles and a stuff in the playoff game.
Well it turns out the whole time he was juicing. Obviously. Because he failed yet another steroid test the other day:
So my question is, when do we hear from Bob Kravitz and Gregg Doyel about how the Colts should forfeit every game he played in? When do we hear from them about how the Colts coaching staff should be fired for not catching onto this obvious cheater? I decided to ask the man himself. Since he’s too chicken shit to respond to Turtleboy in the past I figured I wouldn’t hear back from him. I was wrong:
Just a reminder, this is what Kravitz said about the Patriots back when people still thought Deflategate was real:
“If Roger Goodell has an ounce of integrity, and he’s not spending all his time going to pre-game soirees at Kraft’s mansion, he will not only fine Belichick and take away draft choices, but suspend the head coach for the upcoming Super Bowl.”
So obviously Bobby K is a man who thinks rules should be followed and harsh punishment swiftly put into place if rules are broken. Obviously then he should be calling for Chuck Pagano to be fired and for the Colts to lose draft picks. Right?
Haven’t heard back from him. I’m sure if Tom Brady got caught juicing or Julian Edelman got caught using stickum he’d be just as upset right? LOL.
Basically this proves what we’ve known all along. Bob Kravtiz doesn’t give a fuck about cheating or the integrity of the game. He acted like he was offended that the Patriots broke some dumbass rule about PSI and even that turned out to be bullshit. But he wasn’t really offended. He was butthurt, just like the fans of all 31 other NFL teams. They hate us because they ain’t us. Never forget that.
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5 Comment(s)
Landry’s career is likely toast at this point.
Funny how nobody cried about 6 Sea Hawks that tested positive since 2011 for Adderall huh (including Sherman “I didn’t know I was drinking it” suddenly became “half the league does it!”).?
This is the first time heard of this story. That is a fun one to read.
F the colts and the 30 other teams.
I’ve read a large number of the blogs you have posted and this maybe my favorite.
That deflategate shit was such bullshit.
This particular blog wouldnt have even been writen if not for deflategate.
A footballl player on the roids is not a story except in this case.
Great job here to TB. I think you make a great point.
Didn’t even need the humor, which i enjoy the most usually.
“You’re copying a website called “Buffalobruises.com” and somehow doing a worse job than they did.
As opposed to a site called Turtleboy Sports, which never talks about sports?
Just saying.”
Had to satisfy this nimrod from the Clive article a few days ago 😛
Wow you got me!
But you still live in Worcester which means you lose, always. Nice try though, lil buddy.
Wait did you guys just blog about sports? I’m confused lol