I’m certainly no expert when it comes to running a business, but having an owner of one location who was previously arrested for committing fraud and an owner of another location who was convicted of child rape probably isn’t the best recipe for long-term success.
Yesterday, I published a blog about a fatal rollover accident on the property of Boneyard Barbecue & Saloon in Hopkinton, Rhode Island, and the possible involvement of the co-owner, Partyin’ Patrick Kane, in covering up the details. You can read it here.
Two employees also confirmed to police that the surveillance equipment had been working properly two days before the crash, prosecutors said.”
“One officer described arriving at the Boneyard before closing on May 12, 2019, and finding Kane passed out on the floor, covered in his own vomit and having soiled himself.”

Party. Animal.
When I started researching this blog, I found a couple of things that were very interesting. I knew immediately there was going to be a part 2, as there was way too much information to pack into one blog.

As always, I started with a basic check of Partyin’ Patrick’s criminal background. Unlike every other person from Rhode Island that I’ve written about, Kane did not have any charges for driving with a suspended license. The streak is over. He does have a couple of previous arrests though.

Poopy Pants Pat was charged in 2009 with being a fugitive from justice, which usually means the person in question is wanted for a crime committed in another state. If you know the story behind this charge (or if you have the picture of Patrick and his mom dancing on the bar the night of Derrick Payne’s death) send Jose Emerson a message on Facebook. In 2017, he was charged with conspiracy and obtaining property under false pretenses. Those charges were ultimately dismissed. I also found this article from 2015 in The Providence Journal:
“Patrick Kane, of 379 Fall River Ave., was arrested Tuesday, police said in a news release. Kane has operated fundraising campaigns for several years under business names including “Community Efforts,” they said, and more recently told those he solicited he was raising money for a constable service.
Police Detective Jeff Majewski said via email that the charge — larceny over $250 by false pretenses — stems from a fund drive in Westport in 2013. He said Kane held onto nearly $5,000 in donation checks he had cashed, changed the date to 2015, and redeposited them into his business account.”

Larceny by false pretenses seems to be the theme of the day here. This guy should be hanging out with Josh Abrams and (Allegedly) Hot Tow Truck Girl.
You really have to be a shitty person to solicit funds under the guise of charity and then try to keep those funds for yourself. You also have to be pretty stupid to try cashing checks that you’ve held onto for 2 years. As it relates to the Boneyard, Kane’s previous charge for fraudulent charity work is especially concerning, given this section of their website:

But when you click on the read more link:

That’s not shady at all. Nothing to see here, folks! Far be it from me to tell other people what to do, but if you or your organization has held a charity event at Boneyard BBQ, you might want to check your records.
According to their website Boneyard has 3 locations.

The Facebook page for the Warwick location hasn’t shown any activity since 2018. The final visitor post and a comment under it did stick out though.


According to The Sun Chronicle, Dean Abjornson won’t be running a bar any time soon:
“ATTLEBORO — A city man was convicted Thursday of child rape after a trial in Fall River Superior Court.
Dean Abjornson, 49, was arrested in December 2013 after a 15-year-old girl told police she was sexually assaulted by him over a period of several years. The victim knows the assailant.
He had been free on bail but was taken into custody pending sentencing April 26.
Abjornson was found guilty of two counts each of rape of a child with force and rape and abuse of a child aggravated by age difference.”

The saddest part about that case to me is the fact that it took 5 years from his arrest until he was found guilty. The wheels of justice certainly turn slowly. At least the victim in this instance got some semblance of justice as Abjornson was subsequently sentence to 10-12 years in prison.
William Beggs and Carnig Ashchian appear to be the last owners standing at Boneyard. As far as I can tell, both men are squeaky clean. Given his lack of action after speaking to police about over-serving patrons, I’m not sure that Beggs deserves to own a bar any longer. Either way, both he and Mr. Ashchian need to be more careful about who they choose to partner up with in the future.
Maybe if they had been careful in the first place, Derrick Payne Sr. would still be alive and sitting down to dinner with his family tonight.
12 Comment(s)
Is that Kane in the red shirt in that mugshot? He must’ve gotten Hair Club For Men. Nobody wants to party with a “creepy uncle” type with male pattern baldness. Just my $.02.
Florida and Rhode Island both contain many fucked up stories and many fucked up people. Can you imagine if Rhode Island was the size of Florida? Think about that…
Fish seldom set fires and the strong smell of urine isn’t always a sign of arson, still, the local fire’s first responders might have investigated the cause of the inferno, in between heroics. Perhaps there is some sort of report out there, written up with affirmative action and stamped “self-important” by the chief, before they buried it from prying eyes for a months worth of chicken tenders. Dig deep.
Love the Boneyard!! We always went to the Seekonk location before the fire. Sometimes there were long lines and long wait times to be seated and yes, sometimes the service was shitty but we NEVER had a bad meal there. The chicken wings & tenders are awesome. We’ve been waiting for it to open back up & sounds like it is. Regardless of what these 2 tools did, Ill be going back to stuff my face.
What kind of a multi-location business leaves up the Facebook page of a closed location?
An “I don’t give two fucks” one.
I’m from Hopkinton and have been to this bar a few times. EVERYONE is over served, doing coke and just all around mess. I know bartenders that work/worked there. I’ll try to get some more info and/or point them in the direction of the turtle!
So basically, Kane is a Payne-killer.
too soon?
Jeez, hasn’t this guy seen my show, bar rescue??
The Attleboro location turned into a shithole on its last year or two, last time I walked in it smelled very strongly like urine.
Then it burned down (look into that) and hasn’t re-opened. Based off of zero evidence I say arson.
They actually just reopened in the last couple of weeks. That fire was definitely… fishy
Abjornson looks like a skinner.
Shave that dick-duster off your face!