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Breaking News: Local peace activist Robert Blackwell-Gibbs was arrested at this apartment on West Boylston Street today for domestic assault and battery. According to the police report we’ve seen he allegedly hit, choked, and pulled the hair of his girlfriend.
I know, I know, I’m shocked too. How did RBG ever get a girlfriend? It’s fascinating. If I were him and I somehow through the grace of God found a girl who would be intimate with me, I’d hold onto her for dear life. I definitely wouldn’t hit, choke, or pull her by the hair. Nevertheless, we got this information from a very, very reliable source
This is a guy who constantly rips on Turtleboy Sports for being hateful, racist, and sexist. Ya got that? A guy who beats women has the minerals to call someone else sexist. Makes sense. It’s OK though because he shares stuff like this on the “Communities United Collective” Facebook page that he runs:
And if all that stuff doesn’t convince you that he supports women rights, he also went to the Vagina Monologues:
So he’s allowed to beat women. Because they give you a “get out of domestic violence free” card whenever you attend the Vagina Monologues.
Oh yea, he also wants you to pay him reparations for all he’s been through:
He deserves it. It’s not like he collected unemployment for two years straight:
Oh yea, and he also got kicked out of the City Council meeting the other night for yelling, “Fuck you too” at Mayor Joe Petty. And he was just found guilty in a court of law for jumping on a truck and threatening the driver of that truck as he and his comrades blockaded Kelley Square.
But please, tell me more about how Turtleboy is the sexist, racist, and hateful one in this city. Your tears are delicious and your hypocrisy tastes like bacon.
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30 Comment(s)
March is ‘National Stop Blaming White People’ Month Accept responsibility for your own bad choices . . . . Hug a white person in March
Oh and RBJ? The Boston Red Sox request that you stop wearing a baseball cap (let alone fucking sideways) representing their brand which in addition to their history of generosity for example the Jimmy Fund – has a of history of creating and supporting a great deal of community services throughout this New England region not only just here but the world.
So asshole – take that off you do not deserve to wear it… Put a fucking Yankees hat on. That is what all the thugs wear. It’s like a fucking a gang symbol.
Plus the rest of you are awesome as well. Sorry to leave you out. I didn’t mean that but these two new ones are funny as shit….
Some real funny and creative stuff coming out of here with “tears better” and “Drylaw.” I like it a lot seriously. Keep it coming guys. Thank you.
It doesn’t get much better than this. Good job TB
This is crazy. He obviously forgot rape / abuse prevention tip #11, if you are a fat fuck lazy malcontent, jerk off more to pictures of food. It reduces stress, induces fatigue and euphoria and doesn’t lead to rape or abuse.
YES… another great find as of late the turtle riders have really enjoyed a glorious last few weeks.from the sinking of the mothership mosaic to ricky ross`s special cousin rgb..the hits keep coming,they’re fleeing like Peyton mannings retractors,switching things up,much like boo shameek did from bangin to community organizer and back to baby daddy huslaaa….I too drink these tears of sorrow in like a large litre of cola (super troopers ref)..and a qtr. Pounder w/cheese..ahh the deliciousness of it all….the roundness that was at the square,a white trash women beater after all….Thanks turtle boy
YES… another great find as of late the turtle riders have really enjoyed a glorious last few weeks.from the sinking of the mothership mosaic to ricky ross`s special cousin rgb..the hits keep coming,they’re fleeing like Peyton mannings retractors,switching things up,much like boo shameek did from bangin to community organizer and back to baby daddy huslaaa….I too drink these tears of sorrow in like a large litre of cola (super troopers ref)..and a qtr. Pounder w/cheese..ahh the deliciousness of it all….the roundness that was at the square,a white trash women beater after all….Thanks turtle boy
“BATTERIN ‘ BOBBY” peacenik turned babe beater ! Film at 11!
I Too had a tough time wrapping my brain around the idea of a girlfriend for that Weeble. Another one bites the dust! That post from ’09 about the joys of 94 wks of unemployment made my head spin- counter-clockwise! I hope the woman involved doesn’t allow Batterin ‘Bobby to get away with this.
Boy oh boy are the walls crumbling down for the Worcester hippy insects. Always what comes around goes around. Up next Boom Boom loses her job at WSU. Then Clive at the T&G. Because this what losers do. They lose.
Then as Bill Belichick would say, we’re onto to Ed and Joe….
Insects, lol. Good one.
Probably being paid buy mosaic at the time of the assault.
Imitation Citizen X.
RBG should stick to honey farms cashier. He used to get PISSED when their was a line. The real world is tough Man.
His defense:
A racist cop showed up and tripped him, causing his fist to hit his girlfriend’s face that caused the whole thing.
Hypocritical fat bastard. I suppose the police and judges are all racist too. And the woman? If she’s white then obviously she’s racist for not letting him smack her around…It’s a shame. It’s almost like the world is expecting him to be accountable for his actions and not try to get a free ride based on false accusations of racism. Not fair at all…
I forgot to add that I already know the defense his lawyer will use
He is a victim of un-diagnosed hyper tension and had no place to have it checked now that the Mosaic has been proven a fraud..Once again it is the white mans fault that this indecent happened in the first place !!!
I wonder if Keven Ksen was sitting in the corner watching it go down like he did with the Kelly Sq tard blockade..Will he go to court with Really Big and Goofy again ? Will he drive him to court in the Ksen rape van ?? Man this story has legs!!!
I need to see the woman that would date this dope in the first place !!
At least he didn’t lay on her. Poor woman would be dead.
He should have stuck with knitting.
Like I said the other day, the whole gang is coming unraveled and showing their true colors.
RBG is a waste of oxygen and skin.
I just drove by that area and saw a woman on a stretcher being loaded into an ambulance.
…now I know why.
drop BOOM!!!!!
How did you see the police report
How did you see the police report