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So we don’t have all the details on this yet, but here’s a fact we do know that has been confirmed by reliable sources – the audit of Mosaic Cultural Complex has come back and it was extremely dirty. Mosaic’s records failed. Just like we knew they would. I mean, we filed a Freedom of Information Act for one check that they’ve received and it revealed that they weren’t keeping any records and were giving all the money to Keesha LaTulippe so she could sell diversity trainings for her Red Tab Consulting business.
And that was just one check for $17,000. Since then they’ve gotten over $65,000, and previous to that it was over $300,000. There’s no way any of that money went to hypertension screening, which by law was the only thing it could be used for. They pissed it away on steak dinners and poetry slams because they knew they could get away with it. As long as the City Council protected them and didn’t look into their shady dealings they were in the clear to bill the city with no questions asked.
Then Turtleboy came along. We are their worst nightmare. Why do you think they try to hard to discredit us? Why do you think we’re always the topic of conversation at City Council meetings? Why do you think they inaccurately try to hard to call us a hate blog? Why do you think so many of them came down to the City Council meeting to oppose the audit? Because they know we fight for the people and we are obsessed with the truth. And the only three City Councilors who stood up for the people were Michael Gaffney, Gary Rosen, and Konnie Lukes. And what did they do to those three? They call them racist. Because that’s the only card they’ve got. But our only card is the truth.
Sarai Rivera, Dicky Rushton, Joe Petty, and George Russell all agreed to do the audit because they thought it would prove that Gaffney was a blowhard. According to Dicky Rushton he only voted for the audit to “answer those questions where there, should not, not, not actually have to be answered”:
AKA, he did it to prove that Mosaic was clean. But the problem is that Dicky Rushton is always wrong. Too bad for him it’s now proven that he was Gaffney was right all along, and so was Turtleboy. No wonder Julius Jones got kicked out of that meeting – the gravy train was coming to an end after years of free shit, and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it except talk about “Turtlebigot.”
LOL. I wish I could see the look on Boom-Boom’s face right now. If it was anything like her reaction to the audit then we’re missing a real show:
We’ll keep you posted when we find out more. Good guys win! The Turtleboy Sports Revolution is very, very real. It gets shit done. It exposes bad guys. It fixes our society. Vote the Turtleboy Ticket and all your wildest dreams will come true. Time to buy a TBS Revolution sweatshirt!!
We urge you to support the Turtleboy Sponsors by doing business with them. Without them none of this is possible. Click on any of them to check out their sites or Facebook pages.
Want to have your business advert seen by over 1.2 million people per month? Email us at Turtleboysports@gmail.com for more information, and check out our website about types of advertising we offer.
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34 Comment(s)
Seriously, can you link to the audit or a legitimate report of what was found? I’ve come to expect truth & honesty (with evidence) from TurtleBoy, but you’re basically saying “Hey! The audit (that might not even be done yet) make people look bad!” I expected it would, but you’re not showing any evidence that it did. Also, nobody else is reporting on this; I’m wondering if the audit is even completed at this point. I’ve always appreciated that you’ve done some research for your articles and provided links to sources, but this time around you haven’t done that at all. When RGB says “Yo turtlebigot made it all up”, I have literally nothing to point to that says otherwise.
A lot of hard evidence has been presented this is not innuendo. Regardless of political leanings only true nitwits would not care, or those with hand in cookie jar.
In the end, Ed Augustus will give Mosaic a pass just like he did when the feds came after the several millions that those fraud housing non-profits walked away with? Hey Ed any news on the 5 May St. property? You couldn’t give it away, perhaps you will have to pay somebody to take it off your hands.
We were “murded”.
Hey Jiffy – back at it again huh? You cowardly little troll. I bet you’re the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I’ll be watching you.
Hey, so you prefer a reach-around when you’re getting fucked in the ass. Just talk to your boyfriend about it, and let him know what you like. Communication is key. BTW, how’s your mom’s ass doing? She was a little sore when I left the other night. Oh wait, you know that, you were watching me. Fucking loser.
Jiffy I will haunt you Jiffy every time you post Jiffy. I’m in your head Jiffy and you know it Jiffy. Do not sit back and think that you have any kind of upper hand Jiffy because I will follow you and haunt you Jiffy.
I’m obviously winning already. Haha!
Spurts (Spuds) – Nice job over time trying to poke holes in rational thinking, issues and thoughts on examining a current failed political ideology both locally and nationally. How does it feel to fight a losing battle?
But tell us more on how the many of us here are wrong and the lone you are correct. You must have got picked on a lot growing up not like you ever did grow up.
Final Countdown: November 3rd. Good bye radical liberalism. See ya!!!
Ask him how that “boycott” went…. Loss after loss for his “team” and yet he keeps acting like it never happened. Much like Old Balls ignoring how much shit he talked about winning WoMag’s Blogger of the Year and then not even taking 2nd place, betting “$10,000 of Willard Romney’s money” then cowardly acting like it never happened, he just keeps coming back for more. The guy is a lonely little troll.
Spurts, why are you such an avid reader of TBS? Seriously, this sites gets more clicks by you than most others. C’mon ….. you love this site (admit it) LOL
Where can we find the audit, I have only seen this on Turtleboy so far
You can’t, because nobody has seen it yet. This is just your typical Turtleboy smear using rumor and innuendo. The election’s coming up and the Turtles are getting desperate, and lying has always been a mainstay of the Conservative playbook. You’ve gotta love how all of the Turtlebots have already given themselves an out for when this story falls flat on its face. Yup, none of the real news organizations will report it because the fix is in. Only TB is righteous. Hahaha… The only thing you get when you put stupid people in the Conservative TB bubble is an exponential increase in stupidity.
Littlespurtsboy eagerly comes back for more clicks. TB says thanks!
Gotta love it! Hes just like Old Balls, cant keep TB dick out of his mouth.
At least he didn’t bash gays, spread racist hate speech or talk trash about woman and then blame TB for all of it like he usually does.
The comedic relief is worth every 1/10 of 1 cent he’s making on me.
Because liberals NEVER lie.
Does “I did not have sex with that woman” sound familiar to you?
Don’t bet on the AG or our spineless rag of a newspaper but Diane Williamson has the talent to really nail these rat bastards. The question is does she have the guts? No doubt the corrupt Petty machine would blow a gasket but who gives a rat’s ass about what those lazy, incompetent, clueless clowns think. TB is doing a great job but it’s going to take more to turn the tide. With her influence Diane could be the key. So you go girl and think about riding that turtle.
It will be a non story except on TBS..No convictions for fraud and they will still get money given to them..This city is a joke and its only getting worse..I will vote for Gaff but I doubt he can do all that much to change years of corruption
Petty should demand the AG immediatly investigate. Get state police investigators in there right away.
If only one Boston TV station runs the story but the T&G doesn’t, it could mean big trouble for them.
Fraud is fraud and there’s a decent chic the AG will tak a look at it.
The AG will never investigate these shake down artists. She’s owned by special interests like this that feed at the corrupt public trough.
You got that right. She will investigate turtleboy before she investigates mosaic. Shes a true feminazi, abortion celebrating, rug munching pos
Ohhhhh, how sweet it is!
Let’s see how much press this gets. My guess – not much. Or any.
Great job Turtleboy and Michael Gaffney!!! Glad some people are willing to stand up for the hardworking taxpayers in Worcester!!! We need more people in our city government willing to stand up for what is right and get Worcester back on track…….vote for change for the better…..vote the Turtleboy ticket on November 3……you can bet, me and my husband are!!!
Can they be tried for fraud? If anything went in the mail (like the check) it’s mail fraud. Throw away the key. This is a RICO case if I ever saw one.
Larceny by False Pretenses multiple counts. (as many times as they have been receiving checks from the city) M.G.L. c. 266, s. 30 and c. 277, s. 39. And/or multiple counts of Larceny over $250 by a single scheme.
Conspiracy. Larceny. False Pretenses. COMMONWEALTH vs. JAMES W. RICHES, 219 Mass. 433. “that the money thus received was divided between the defendants and used for their personal profit.”
The City of Worcester may also file a civil law suit against Mosaic if the city’s law department sees fit in an effort to recoup funds paid out but that might be trying to get water out of a stone.
If it smells like garbage it must be garbage. It’s disgusting that taxpayers not only got robbed with the funding but also with the cost of an audit.
The AG should be made aware of this and If not I’m sure someone that reads this blog will.
Voters….Wake Up!!! Vote for change and more especially for those candidates who will be a catalyst for change. Those that have the balls to ask the tough questions and make tough decisions .
I don’t live on Worcester anymore but own several properties and pay over $20,000 in taxes here and have no voice.
I wonder if Clive will write a column about the audit results. This should be interesting…
You shittin’ me! Civey musta got his balls in a sling. Tha boy’s been on his best behavior for weeks!
Funny how Old Balls and his wife jet set off to Scotland just before the news hit. Hmmmm
Great job TB and now when is the next meeting this should be brought up to be released before the elections or election is postponed until it is released if not released in an adequate time the attorney General should be notified if this is released afterwards or at least make the auditor available for question at the meeting there could be criminal charges here because it looks like a cover-up