
Bristol Turtlechick Popped Her Turtleboy Live Cherry And Uncle Turtleboy Does The Bret Voice And We’ve Got The Podcast For You


This episode of Uncle Turtleboy’s Light Night Garage Podcast is brought to you by the good folks over at Garage Doors Plus in Quincy. Support the Turtleboy sponsors by giving them a call for all your garage door needs, visit their website gdplus.com, or like them on Facebook to support the turtle.






Bristol Turtlechick made her debut on Turtleboy Live tonight with Uncle Turtleboy and Bret Killoran. If you missed it we got you covered. We had over 4,000 people tune in to the show, but had to take it down for technical reasons. Luckily we record all shows to our iTunes and Soundcloud channels. Enjoy.

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