I summarized what happened in court yesterday with Bristol over on TB Daily News. You can read all about it by clicking here, or you can just watch last night’s show or listen on the podcast.
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77 Comment(s)
How did she flip so fast? What is her problem? SMH
split them.
The face you make when you are 5 years old & lick not only your lips but the skin surrounding during height chap season !! Or too much koolaid…..
Is she in any porns?
duplicitous and manipulative people like her suck.
Bristol and Turtleboy are essentially the same person so it’s pretty funny watching them go at it like this
Did she get stung by a bee?
Lmao at the roofing company that’s sponsored this article. !!!lmao only if turtle knew the first on that family hahahahaha no surprise actually hahahahaha
When it comes to makeup, she has the taste and skills of a 12 year old girl at a slumber party. Your top lip looks like it has a pink 1920s Clark Gable mustache, Sweety.
That lipstick “shadow” effect is from running those whore-painted lips repeatedly up and down a semi-erect, fleshy shaft. The lipstick that stays on said shaft is imprinted on the top lip as it rolls over trying to cover those horse teeth.
A ho…fo sho.
You look like you just blew Bozo the Clown. OH!
Ratchet fat c%$t forgot how this shit works eh?
Did your order against her happen?
Of course I’m going to READ all about it because your live show is offensive to my senses. Ask one of your Riders for audio help, for the love of christ.
Not to mention that fucking audio sample rate warning that pops up every 5 fucking seconds. None of that stuff is anything close to rocket science. And the person on the phone who doesn’t mute when not talking. If he wants to come off as some doof in his basement by the way he presents the screen, he’s got it nailed. With not much effort he make it much more presentable.
I figured I’d say it it her ancestral tongue:
Vos a kant !
Hope she knows the breast stroke cuz I’m about to fill a swimming pool with CUM! WOULD!!!
She doesn’t look half bad in that pic.
Hope yer drunk there bud, talking all crazy like that
You’re right – she doesn’t look 1/2 bad…she looks 5/6ths bad! Ho ho!
You got this, TB. Well done! Not for nothing, but it’s defamation lawsuit, not deformation. Also affidavit, not after David. Whatever. Not trying to be the grammar police. Just thought you’d want to know…
First time here, huh?
Anne. You fucking retard.
He knows the correct terms… he intentionally wrote those terms wrong. Honestly, how fucking stupid.
Go away now dipshit
Anne with an E, do you have blonde hair?
Oops I didn’t know. Just trying to help!
Anne, those terms you corrected were actually used by people who Unc blogged about some time ago. Go lookup the Rockland city council sexcapades blogs. After david is actually caught on video/audio.
Omg that’s funny! Thanks for the clarification…:)
Anne, please don’t be another punctuation or grammar police. There’s enough of those already as commenters
What in the hell do the Germans have to do with this?
The happy merchant isn’t so happy anymore. Surprised she isn’t related to any lawyers.
That strange picture of Bristol dressed in white looks like she’s auditioning to be the “Ad-Free Turtleboy” pop-up girl.
What kind of life is this?
3/2/20 12:24pm Asst. Facility Manager of Kingswood Apartments requesting an officer in regards to one of their work trucks being vandalized and set on fire.
You mean to tell me that a career ratchet with a superiority complex makes a career collecting cash money from a low rent ratchet complex?
Bristie Smollett still pretending to be a victim while threatening others with “ummm perjury” at 2:28am, and civil lawsuits at 4:00am, is so Bristie Smollett it hurts.
Bristol left a lit cigarette on the front seat and it smoldered until it went out.
End of Story.
She must of got ahold of Diego’s new testers and left a cigarette in the work truck. Fucking junkies.
TB you definitely did something to her to make her come after you like this, admit what you did, we’d all like to end the speculation . . .
Don’t you think she would have told us by now? I don’t think anyone has any secrets left here.
TB seems to be censoring comments about happy merchants. Guess the ADL threatened him.
The only thing TB did wrong was to trust a Chosenite.
The bitch be looking like Alice Cooper!
No surprise. All members of the tribe are 30th cousins to each other.
In unrelated but equally important news I’m looking to pay a smoking hot Chinese babe $50 to suck my cock like my balls are full of the Corona Virus antidote this Friday night.
Bahahahahahahahaha, Katie lost because she’s a skankasaurus losah. She lost because cheaters never win and winners don’t need to cheat. In short Katie, you lost because you suck. God loves us more ya silly twatpop
There’s a constructive lesson here for all the younger Turtle Riders. Bristol has shown you how not to leave a job. If you do it right you will prosper. If you do it wrong you will fail.
Right Way: Even if you hate your employer, give two weeks written notice. Leave politely. Don’t steal anything on the way out. Avoid speaking negatively about your former employer, even in private. You can have your own thoughts but keep them to yourself to avoid any blowback. Remember, anyone to whom you trash your former boss is thinking that you will do the same to them down the line. Avoid this temptation. Keep the conflict off of social media (cancer). Build your own thing in a new job or venture, and exceed your old boss. Live well.
Wrong Way: Trash the old boss publicly. Steal his assets (customers, sponsors, fans, etc.). If you do this expect a reaction. In the case of our friend, she had potential. She invested a lot of time and money. She had a good start, and boom – all gone in a flash.
Kids, take my advice. Employ impulse control and emotional intelligence. You’ll win in the long term.
Everyone lost in this case. Bristol lost her brand and a new business with great potential. Uncle took a hit to his reputation and was made to look bad. The fans lost a great voice and future entertainment.
Sage advice, but sadly will be lost on most of this generation.
I said my piece. They have to make their own way. It’s their world now.
Terrifying piece of truth right there Sir Wilfred.
On a related topic, we are concerned for your health as your recent posts are not bookended by your traditional statement regarding the composition of the Social Medias. I pray you are well and not afflicted with the MaiTaivirus?
This restless knight is doing just fine. Thanks for your concern.
To be very clear:
Social Media is Cancer
Everyone stay well.
Ok, this is going to go on for so long, You all need to send out for some Chinese Food.
Before I head off to prison, I’d like to give her some Harvey’s Bristol Creme
Bristol I got your # I need to make you mine Bristol don’t change your # 8675309 I got it I got it I got your # on the wall I got it I got it for a good time for a good time call 8675309 !!!!! 8675309!!!!!!
That’s actually my buddie Wally’s number.
What a feckless cunt.
I was always told never to trust the individual with two first names.
I’m an innocent man
Of course she’s doing the old duck-faced selfie.
Ratchet is as ratchet does.
If you vote me down, you are a homo.
Down Voted
Get Fucked
Fake Finn,
I’m flattered that you continue to mimic me – but there is only 1 of me. I was sick (don’t worry – *not* coronavirus) and took a break.
Get Fucked,
I’m so glad this is what our court systems are being used for.
MySpace fight between two mental midgets.
They aren’t even married either… ludicrous
I love this and can’t wait for more to come. This woman deserves everything that she is getting. She is disgusting white trash. She is a lunatic that spends her time on Facebook reporting everyone like a year old. But seriously look at the trash she surrounds herself with Ashley and Masshole wife are just as gross as she is and honestly those kids that were taken from her are very lucky. They actually have a decent chance at life now.
Kate had her kids taken away? How the hell did I miss that???
Will you two just fuck and put a stop to this?
Give each other Cleveland Steamers instead
The act of leaving a shit stain on the rib cage of a woman while receiving penile pleasure from friction between the mammaries.
Dear Bristol/Kate: Since you appear to be traveling through the court system without an attorney, here’s some free advice. Statements made in court are privileged, meaning you cannot sue someone for what they say in court or submit to a court in writing. If you don’t like what happened in Attleboro, consider taking an appeal — if an attorney tells you there is a non-frivolous basis for one. And don’t file another lawsuit on the same facts. So-called collateral attacks are strongly disfavored. Life is short. Something the great Johnny Cochran knows only too well.
What is that on her upper lip? Misplaced lipstick? Razor burn? Bloody Dirty Sanchez?
Ringworm from sucking off dog cock
I believe she is using the ratchet queen kylie jenners make up tutorials.. Ratchet queen says if you want bigger lips and can’t afford surgery and weren’t genetically blessed than you can simply line the outside of your lips and apply lipstick to your skin to have the appearance of a larger kisser…. As you can see it doesn’t work and makes ratchets look more like a ratchet joker instead of a ratchet queen …. As a big lipped bitch i highly take offense to posers of this nature as they will never know the true torture of growing up with a plump kisser and being called vile names by horny boys lmfao just kidding well about the last part of taking offense im not a liberal cunt i could care less… But seriously if you miss your own lips putting on un godly amounts of make up maybe you should not be wearing so much make up… And drop the face tune filters .. Not everyone is naturally beautiful and thats ok as long as you have a good personality oh wait.. Kate is screwed she has none
A shit ton of makeup obviously applied by the visual impaired, plus filters, ends up looking like the 2pm crew at Foxy Ladys.
I guess the saying still stands..”You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig”
She’s not good enough for the foxy lady, more like take out from the glass slipper.
I saw her dancing on the counter at Mickey’s during lunch today. Gave her $5 to put her clothes back on.
Girl dont go away mad
Girl just go away
oh the makeup! the eyelashes! it’s soooo bad.
She’s vying for the Joan Jett on heroin look