The Bruins beat the Leafs. Again. Bernie Sanders wants to let the Boston Marathon terrorist vote and now the rest of the democrats do too because they’re all too scared of his supporters to go against him. Also, feminists are accusing innocent guys at Emerson College of being rapists, proving once again that the mobs who went after Kavanaugh will continue to use these tactics because it’s been legitimized now. And finally, Mike Gaffney created a new website about Turtleboy and it’s the most crazy thing he’s done to date.
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6 Comment(s)
This whole topic of “Should Prisoners Be Allowed to Vote” has a fairly simple solution;
Felony convictions are a hard “No.”
Everything else is a ‘Yes.”So, murderers, rapists, kidnappers, terrorists, etc. can all fuck clear off.
OUIs, simple assault, misdemeanor possession, etc. are all good to go.Next.