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Last month we wrote about what a little turdllinger Ahmed “clockboy” Mohammad is. We documented how he has a past history of being a pain in the ass to his teachers:
- When a seemingly possessed projector kept shutting off midlecture, young boys’ snickers surrounded Ahmed’s desk, where he sat with a hand-built remote control in his lap.
- The boy tried to get out of detention by reciting the First Amendment in the principal’s office.
- Ahmed racked up weeks of suspensions, became convinced an administrator had it in for him and — before he left for the high school where he turned famous — prompted Irving ISD to review claims of anti-Muslim bullying.
- Ahmed blamed an administrator at the school who, Bond wrote, the boy felt “has been terrorizing him since the 6th grade” — hindering him from praying in school and unfairly punishing him.
- By eighth grade, the young inventor was complaining of bullying — not just by students, but by staff.
Since then he’s really been on fire. Earlier this week he met with the President of Sudan.
Pretty cool event, as long as you overlook the fact that the President of Sudan is a war criminal who harbored Osama bin Laden, stole $9 billion, and orchestrated a major genocide in Darfur. Remember when caring about Darfur was the thing to do for the social justice warriors? Yea, that obviously went the way of Joseph Kony Facebook status.
Anyway, the kid is obviously a hero in the people’s republic of Cambridge. After all, this is the city that harbored the Timon and Jafar Tsarnaev, gave them tons of free shit, and then had one of their most famous writers blame Boston residents for “failing the Tsarnaevs.” So it surprised nobody when this gem popped up on Boston.com yesterday:
Boston.com: Last month Ahmed, the teen who was arrested after teachers mistook a clock he built for a bomb, was invited to visit NASA, MIT, and the White House. Now the Cambridge Public Library is inviting the city’s teens to “Stand with Ahmed” by learning to build their own clocks. The main library location will host two sessions on October 24 where kids aged 10-18 can learn what goes on inside a clock and how to build their own clock circuit.
Yea, and right after these kids learn how to make a clock they can call up Ahmed and show him, because he never made a clock.
See, this is why Cambridge has got to go. They serve no purpose in this state. We should take the whole city, dig it up, and airlift it to Canada for eternity. They’d fit in well there. After all this is a city that voted AGAINST the will of the people on all four ballot questions in November.
They’re just trying so hard to be progressive that they can’t see what’s right in front of their eyes – the kid is an asshole. A professional asshole. By telling your children to “stand with Ahmed” you are telling them to learn how to be assholes. Because Ahmed never built a clock. That can be found out by reading what we wrote, or by doing a simple Google search. It wasn’t a clock. It never was. It wasn’t designed to look like a clock either. It was designed to get a rise out of his teachers and that’s exactly what he got. Then Daddy got to play the racial profiling card and he got his free trip to the White House.
What pisses me off about people like this is that they can’t admit when they’re wrong. Instead they go out of their way to hold an event like this to bite their thumb at the rest of civilized society. They can’t just support this kid on Twitter. Oh no, they have to support him at the taxpayer funded public library. Only a complete muff sandwich would bring their kid to this event.
One last reason the PC crowd sucks – they have no sense of humor. They’re just terrible people to be around because they spend so much time looking for ways to find funny things and take offense to it, instead of enjoying life. Like this numbnuts Brandon:
I see Brandon has changed his profile picture to a rainbow. He must’ve patted himself on the back for fixing homophobia after that one. Newsflash Brandon – that meme is hilarious. So are these ones:
Because humor is edgy and has to contain elements of the truth. Your boy Ahmed brought this thing to school:
Yea, the thing about clocks is you’re not supposed to see the multicolored wires hanging from everywhere. Because this looks like every bomb I’ve ever seen in movies about bombs. Bruce Willis or Keanu Reeves always know which wire to cut luckily. But apparently when your name is Ahmed Mohammad your teachers have to check their white privilege and not question your fake bomb for fear of being Islamophobic.
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18 Comment(s)
If “clockboy” was born in this country he could be a problem for us in the future, especially if he’s being financed by Qatar.
Looks like he’ll be leaving the country now.
The Timon and Jafar bit gets me every time.
Islamaphobia, my ass! Ahmed has been a pain in the ass since he arrived….looking for a reason or way to scream Islamaphobia. Phobia means “an irrational fear.” There is nothing irrational about fearing a Muslim who trying to portray himself as a terrorist. Hence, no such thing as Islamaphobia.
Jews are better terrorists, I agree that’s why I have to vote for petty can’t trust a name like gafney. Remember the Jews turned Russia communists can’t let them do the same in America.
This could have been handled much better:
Cops hear of threat
Cops go to classroom
Cops put three in this kid’s brain and call it a day.
It’d all be over but the Terrorist Lives Matter crying.
Is bombing a doctors without borders hospital a war crime,check.
Supporting Israel genocide Palestinians a war crime,check.
Is bombing Iraq after Saudi Arabia attacked you a war crime,check.
Is killing 3 million Vietnamese,laocean,Cambodians a war crime,check.
I’d say he’s Americanized now.
When Palestinians blow up diners, they’re freedom fighters.
When Israel targets Hamas hide outs placed amidst civilian areas (to use said civilians as human shields), it’s genocide.
God I hate being g liberal sometimes…
Being liberal? Try being informed.
That terrorist Obama invited him to dinner with his Isis crew that Putin ran out of Syria. I wonder if terrorist bush can spell clock.
Turtleboy you’re a blatant racist! Or Islamaphobe or…wait, any chance this kid is Transgender?
Turtleboy you’re a…oh forget it…Nice clock.
Where exactly is the part that tells you what time it is? Or does it only countdown? 5,4,3,2,1…ka- boom time!
For heaven’s sake, you technophobes had better never touch a screwdriver or try to take anything in your home apart to fix it. You’d be terrified of all the “bombs” you own.
The inside of a clock doesn’t look like a bomb.
It does when you stuff it inside a tool box and leave all of the wires hanging out.
All he did was rip apart an actual clock and stick it inside a metal box. From what I’ve read, it didn’t even work. It’s not like he bought a bunch of electrical supplies at a hardware store and actually made a clock out of them. Not sure why someone acknowledging that the kid was trying to make a hoax bomb makes someone a “technophobe”
“The inside of a clock doesn’t look like a bomb.”
That’s the point…Ahmed the Clockmaker, he ain’t.
Oh wait, maybe he was going to attach a strap and sell it to Google for an upgraded Google Watch…because it is THAT high-tech.
I’ve been suspicious of this kid since the story first came out.
In the future please use the proper name. It is ” The Democratic People’s Republic of Cambridge”