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This is Anthony Bazzani from Fitzwilliam, NH:
He’s a truck driver who evidently has a sweet tooth for young girls. This wasn’t discovered until recently, when a 16 year old girl’s mother thought something was fishy and took her cell phone. She found a bunch of messages from Grizzly Groomer, who she happened to know through her boyfriend who is also a trucker. So basically this guy befriended a dude and then started hitting on his underage stepdaughter. Here’s the text messages:
I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for why a grown man would want to “hang out” with his associate’s 16 year old stepdaughter. Almost as explainable as starting off the conversation with “still got a boyfriend?” Ya know, the BOY from first period.
And this message totes isn’t creepy either…..
What 16 year old girl wouldn’t wanna wake up to this?
And to make matters even creepier he told her he was gonna be in Turners Falls for the night (she lives in Franklin County) and not only does he want to see her, he also wouldn’t say no to some noodz….
Telling a child to “send me some pics and stuff.” That’s not pedo behavior or anything like that.
But wait, it gets better – he got married LAST WEEK!!!
And evidently had an Al Borland themed wedding. Looks like the marriage is off to a great start. Oh, and she’s got three teenage daughters, so she should sleep well at night too.
The girl’s stepfather shared these damning Facebook messages with his wife of 4 days, and when confronted with them he somehow convinced her that the girl’s stepdad was a hacker. Keep in mind, this is pretty close to Colrain, so we’re not exactly dealing with rocket scientists here.
The messages actually started in October of 2017:
When she was 15. So he’s been grooming her this whole time. This is the kind of dickturd who knows EXACTLY when the age of consent is every time he crosses a state border in his truck.
Well, in a sad turn of events this morning the 16 year old has gone missing with her 17 year old cousin, after getting in a huge thing about it with her Mom who confiscated her phone:
Luckily Chester the baby batter digester is in Florida, so he’s got an alibi. But nevertheless, the fact that he was even speaking to this CHILD in the first place was what led up to the argument with Mom that led to her running away from home. What kind of sick twisted fuck gets his jollies from an emotional train wreck of a teenager?
They were last seen in Erving, MA off Route 2. Eventually they’re gonna need food and shit, so they’ll be back. But in the meantime if you see them call those phone numbers on the flier and let the authorities know where they are.
18 Comment(s)
Tell the mayor give me 1550.00 I’ll pic up the trash.
Sad how wrapped up in FB ratchetry people are, that the mother’s boyfriend posts the texts on the pervert’s wife’s FB page…instead of contacting the police.
BTW – those photos of the missing girls aren’t too helpful…can’t figure out from the first batch which is the 16 y/o and which is the 17 y/o. None of the top set of px look like the photos of the 17 y/o from the flyer. Oh, and having to figure out what they might look like w/o the dog filter isn’t too helpful.
I hope the girls are alright.
All phones sold in Western Mass automatically apply animal filters to pictures. There’s a region code in the serial number. They also come with the Just Farmers mobile app already loaded.
Nail his sack to the floor and torch the building.
It’s the only way to be sure.
It looks like the truck driver because he’s such an asshole but there’s a lot of possibilities. Is the biological father in the picture?
or a backward talking dwarf..
This guy is a mess top to bottom but what’s with the hat? Does it help prevent him from getting distracted? I know y’all are no fans of the flat brim but as a truck driver the only place he can safely operate is when going through tunnels.
Five foot five and 180 lbs? Fat and stupid is two strikes against her, living in Western Mass is the third. She will have a bump in her tummy by Spring. So it is written, so it shall be done.
In Western Mass this makes a woman more attractive. It shows that she comes from a rich family and is used to being provided for. However, her family may not be accepting of a thin drifter-looking man as may only be interested in gaining access to food and shelter.
We have here a long haul trucker with a thing for underage girls. If he proves his alibi by revealing the location of a different missing teenage girl does that get him off the hook?
If the mere sight of this creep doesn’t send up red flags all over the place for your daughter then you have failed. If you have actually introduced this man to your daughter than you share the blame for whatever outcome may unfold. Sometimes people are exactly what they appear to be and it’s every parent’s responsibility to er on the side of caution.
Couldn’t agree more. If you allow your teenage daughter around this pedo-looking motherfucker, you have FAILED as a parent. Your most important job is to protect your kids from predators like this.
He was in Florida. Shoot him anyway.
How come I haven’t read this story in the T&G? Missing teen girls… Hello… ?
Cream of the crop here. 16yr old spending weekend at boy friend’s house.
I’d put more of that on the mother (and father if he was around) than on the 16 year old. 16 year olds are supposed to have parents who attempt to keep their children from harm…whether from their own selves, their boyfriends, or their mother’s boyfriend’s associates.
BTW TB – since when is a mother’s boyfriend considered a ‘stepfather?’ IDK if ‘common law marriage’ is in MA, but otherwise, the guy who found the px is not the ‘stepfather’ – he’s the mother’s boyfriend.
Every small New England city and town is effected and being ruined by drugs and the addicts that use the drugs, the suppliers and traffickers in this country, cartels in Mexico and producers as far away as China and Afghanistan. The users are robbing and killing the rest of society through taxes and directly by driving high and violent crime.
Let’s embrace one aspect of Socialism/Communism and publicly execute, immediately and without trial any person trafficking or selling drugs. Sentence the users to years of hard physical labor with no parole or goodies. This is an aspect of Leftist centralized planning the Bernie Bro’s and Hillary voters didn’t know they were voting for. The Democrat Hero’s Fidel Castro, Che Gayverra and Mao would approve.
Gotta know is there any connection to the Greenfield homeless camp from last Summer?
The Town Common homeless camp, shooting gallery and drunk fest, exposed all the Greenfield area SJW’s who would condone and help facilitate a sexual predator, cuz get your laws off my body and stuff.
These kids are too young and don’t know what they’re getting into, I pray the girls are found safe and are guided in a new safe and happy direction in life. They really need positive strong adults in their young lives not abusive rapist scum. Advice to the peso’s wife, file for divorce immediately, you can get out of this Scott free if you move quickly, he doesn’t love you… at all. He only loves fulfilling his cravings.