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District 4 City Councilor Sarai Rivera has been very vocal in the past about forcing business and property owners to shovel their sidewalks. In this 2013 article from the Telegram Councilor Rivera was pushing the city to get tougher on the property owners in her district who don’t shovel snow:
Good idea. We agree Sarai, property owners who don’t shovel their sidewalks are real dooshnozzles!! But ya see, Sarai owns a “church” (she’s an online pastor) on Austin Street, which is not only a real eyesore for that neighborhood, they also don’t shovel:
See how the fire hydrant is shoveled out? This means the property owners sent someone there to shovel, but they ignored the sidewalk and only shoveled the hydrant.
It just so happens to be across the street from a low income housing building and right near elderly housing. The reason we went down there today is because several people who live in this neighborhood contacted us about this. A lot of children who go to Chandler Elementary School cannot walk to school because this sidewalk is never shoveled, thus forcing them to walk directly on this very narrow street. Residents tell us that this has been going on for years and nothing is done about it, despite complaints to the city. Gee, I wonder why that is? Oh yea, because the slumlord who owns the building is the one who dictates policy.
The City of Worcester’s laws on snow removal policy are crystal clear:
Worcester City Ordinance (C12 s23) states that owners or occupants of property with sidewalks bordering on any street is required to remove snow and ice from sidewalks ten (10) hours after snow ceases to fall.
Sarai Rivera is breaking the law and getting away with it. Shocking. Especially since she is intricately tied to Mosaic, and said a prayer less than an hour before the Mosaic-organized Kelley Square blockade occurred. Here she is giving the blessing at a “Black Lives Matter” rally, with Mosaic CEO Brenda Jenkins, at Mosaic headquarters on Piedmont Street:
Because her property on Austin Street is a “church” and she is a “pastor” she gets away with not having to pay property taxes on this lovely piece of property.
But it doesn’t mean she’s exempt from the laws requiring shoveling.
It’s just so typical of Sarai. She’s held office for four years and somehow the neighborhoods she represents have managed to get worse. She employs a team of 15 year olds who skip school to help run her campaign. Her campaign manager is Kevin Ksen, who also helped organize the Kelley Square blockade. Oh yea, and she’s also a psychopath, as can be heard on this voicemail message she left her sister:
“The kids call you ‘Ti-Ti Ho.”
A “pastor” said that. It’s OK though, because she’s the victim here. She’s the one being picked on and persecuted. Ya know, like Jesus was:
The bottom line is that not only does this house look like shit and keep decent people from wanting to come to Worcester, but it’s directly impacting the quality of life for some of Worcester’s most needy populations. Her indifference forces the elderly, disabled, and children as young as five, to walk into oncoming traffic on slippery, barley plowed Worcester roads. And she wants to run for Mayor in 2017. God I hope she does.
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16 Comment(s)
Obviously another deadbeat and scammer. Pay for my life suckers, give me your cash pronto !
Seriously Councillor get your shit together… So fucking lazy it’s sickening!!
Liberals are perfectly content with living in their own filth. Maintaining property would be quasi-gentrification and isn’t self congratulatory enough for them to waste their time and money on it.
What a shithole. She doesn’t pay taxes on it and she still can’t fix it up? Cheap fuck
“How is that property not condemned?” is a bigger question! The back end is wide open and looks as if it is going to fall off…what is the city waiting for…a body to turn up there, or another Cold Storage situation?
That dangerous eyesore is proof alone that Rivera doesn’t give a poop about the city, or she’d be cleaning it up or razing this “church!”
What is it, a church with a congregation consisting of pigeons?
Go to the City of Worcester’s Web site and search for Online Customer Service Center…there are forms there to report unshoveled walks, graffiti, etc. This one fits into a whole host of categories…
sarai rivera, the biggest hypocritical c*** i have ever seen.
tell me again how she got reelected to city council?
oh, right, because D4 is a sh*thole.
” barley plowed Worcester roads”
Freudian typos bring out your Bukowski,TB. Millbury Street should have that quote on a bronze plaque.
William Kennedy would also golf-clap
So riddle me this; if the fine is $75.00 per day & required to remove snow and ice from sidewalks ten (10) hours after snow ceases to fall. – then why is there no citation issued?
Oh, that’s right as if you issue the fine she will rain down hail and brimstone =or= fines are only for people who don’t sit on the council.
Scumbag bullshit peddlers like her give rational liberals like me a bad name.
Typical liberal. Rules apply only for the little people!
Auntie Ho don’t shovel no snow. She gots to go.
As a city councilor she’s doing what the city itself does. When snow is eventually plowed, the city pushes it up onto the corners of the intersections where the handicapped curb cuts are, making it IMPOSSIBLE for a HCP to use sidewalks. Not just after storms, but stays stacked up until it melts.