I can’t believe you’re still here. I’m not even gonna link it this time. Just go to TB Daily News and stop coming here because the newest story on Dasha Kelly is very big news.
Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. If you like what we do and want to support free speech feel free to hit the donation button. Or just buy this award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:
38 Comment(s)
Nothing more than a griftin Tarbaby.
I would like to point out that your TurtleBro is cutting you off and spitting in your face with the way he writes about your loyalty to his own website. Whereas I, your local faggot baby eating jeuw, am hanging out in the comments with all y’all retarded deplorables.
I think it just goes to show that integrity is about what you do, not about how much cum you swallow at the Fells.
I would like to point out that the world would be better off if I was maggot food.
Thanks for being such a dedicated follower of my work. I’d love to have you cum on my face sometime.
Put your intestines where your mouth is and let us gang bang your gay faggot ass. You’re the gay one for letting us all cum in your ass.
I post my number all the time, you lazy fucks never text me. 339-215-9546
This hole is ready for turtle rider cock. Cum in me bro
Black peoples are worthless… worthless, lazy and stupid.
Without the link, I will not make the effort to super sleuth the internet to find an article. I’m sure your hits will be much lower without the link and you’ll go back to providing easy access tomorrow. I’ll also be back to point out that I was right, unless you stop sending email reminders as well.
The comments are the best part and generally have less grammatical errors than the articles. Stop trying to passively get rid of us – just do it already. The foreplay reminds me of the government gently letting white males know they are unwelcome, unwanted and literally the enemy. We get it already. Do it sell out.
Ironically, to be grammatically correct you should have written “fewer grammatical errors” instead of “less”.
This is so common that it is called Muphry’s Law, so i guess it’s not that ironic.
Can i just say, your username is really hot. I would love to take a raw hard ass-pounding from some CalmWhiteDad cock.
I don’t know which part of this was more despicable. At first, it was the incongruity of you calling someone out for grammar when you barely passed the second grade standardized test with your response.
Then I read the rest. Don’t worry; there is hope for you out there. Even if it means returning to the 3rd grade. There is a great alternative school that actually welcomes douchebags. From what I hear, the flights outbound are pretty hard to get, but inbound are open!
Why are women like this?
Sorry, I’ve moved to the mountains and am not available for any homo-erotic experiences in Maskachusetts. The closest ‘groid or openly LGBTHIV+ person is at least 100 miles away. Still too close.
Nice God hates fags and nlggers
I mean, obviously your kid is gonna be a flaming faggot or a raging dyke. That’s just karma.
I won’t comment on this hoe because I won’t go searching for it and there is no link. So I’ll comment on boe jiden, who time at Trump’s presidential desk is limited. Apparently, he’s senile and the entire Afghanistan pullout was a setup to get him to resign… Even the NY Times is screwing him… get ready for anti-president kumala.
Why don’t blacks open their own fund raising web page.
They have their own everything else
They can call it Chumps For Chimps
Or the African Wild Life Preservation Fund
We come here to read the funny comments, dummy.
To the JAJA poster, if only someone put as much effort into her life as you do posting maybe she could be alive and happy today.
Well said, and I totally agree.
I’m sure she would beyond thrilled to know her memory is kept alive on a website that is frequented by Hu Farted, Spic Tormentor, etc. and all the rest.
In her case that would be a true honor
She is just trying to pay for only what she needs.
You know I can’t believe that I am still here either.
But when I wake up I don’t know where else to go.
Guess the nigerian princess scam didnt work out to well.
In New York state 75% of New York’s 450,000 Hospital workers, 74% of all adult care facility workers, 67% of all 150,000 nursing home workers are not vaccinated. They have refused the vaccine, maybe they know something Biden, Baker, Cuomo and DeBlasio don’t, do you think?
Nation wide only 52% of all frontline health care workers say they have received even a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Washington Post.
Nation wide 48% of health care workers on the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19, including doctors, nurses, housekeepers and home health aides, have refused to take any experimental vaccine. Many have powerful natural immunity from having already been infected with CoronaSars2 aka (Covid-19).
People infected with Corona-Sars1 in 2003 still show full natural immunity to all variants of Corona-Sars2 aka (Covid-19). Ask yourself why do healthy people immunized only 6 months ago now need a booster? Why are otherwise healthy people “vaccinated” only 6 months ago now becoming sick when those infected with an 80% similar virus 18 years ago still have full natural immunity.
The mRNA vaccine causes the cells in your body to begin producing the spike protein for an immune response. The spike proteins were thought to be neutral and remain in the shoulder. The y were wrong, the spike proteins damage surrounding cells especially blood vessels. Blood cells and blood vessels need to be smooth to allow blood flow. Spike proteins act as clotting agents sticking to other cells and damaging healthy cells and sticking to and damaging healthy blood vessel walls.
Spike proteins travel throughout the entire body concentrating in bio active organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver, eyes, ovaries, testes etc. Where ever spike proteins travel they harm healthy cells. Creating inflammation, poor blood flow and scar tissue in organs which cannot regenerate such as the heart. Scar tissue is for life, if your heart muscle is scarred at age 10 that damage and decreased function remains for life.
No medicine or vaccine has ever been safe for 100% of the population. Normally vaccine recipients are screened ahead of time and some people cannot take certain vaccines. Yet with these experimental vaccines Doctors and Nurses who know better are pushing talking points and propaganda from politicians with no medical knowledge stating every person must have the experimental vaccine and the vaccine is safe. Which is utter rubbish and dangerous.
These vaccines have been attempted since the 1990’s and were ramped up with current mRNA technology in the 2000’s. Not one attempted Corona vaccine ever passed the phase III safety studies on animals. Every attempt by every company and every vaccine resulted in worsening of disease and significant harmful reactions in vaccinated individuals ranging from allergic reaction, longer term toxicity in organs and blood vessels and direct damage to the natural immune system through deactivation and direct cellular damage. Antibody Mediated Dependent Enhancement which makes the targeted virus much more aggressive and the vaccinated individual much sicker than they would have been without the vaccine.
The immune system of vaccinated humans has already been shown to become 1/5 to 1/6 as effective in function against all disease as pre vaccination levels. The booster becomes necessary for vaccinated individuals to remain even at close to normal function against Covid-19.
Resistance to cancer cells, resistance to previous infections from various viruses drops allowing a re-awakening and potential second acute infection by those viruses that still exist in a persons body but the person had developed natural immunity to including the entire herpes family including common herpes viruses that cause cold sores.
A 100& or even 70% vaccination rate among the general population is reckless and will fuel new variants faster and more effectively than a vaccination program targeting the most vulnerable where the cost benefit calculation might make sense.
Healthy people under 70 years of age should get this vaccine. Healthy means you don’t have leukemia or cancer or a severe disorder. People who are overweight or mildly obese typically can fight off this virus with no more than a standard flu like experience and many will experience much less symptoms. Having asthma or high blood pressure does not place a person at high risk without another condition such as cancer or age over 70 and often over 80.
The Delta variant is only 0.3% different from the original virus if you had immunity to the original virus you would still have immunity to Delta unless you had the vaccine and your immune system is now crippled. If you had immunity to Sars1 in 2003 which is 20% different you still have immunity to Covid-19. It is a glaring tell that infections have ticked up since the vaccine in persons who have had the vaccine to a virus that is only 0.3% different. Your body recognizes the Delta variant as the same virus and should easily fight it in a normal fashion. The fact that immunized people are becoming so easily infected with the Delta variant only 0.3% different is what we would predict from persons or test subjects who are experiencing Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). This is a very bad sign but cannot be confirmed and probably will not be confirmed due to selective release of data by Government agencies.
The second possibility is massive systemic damage throughout the bodies of vaccinated individuals due to the spike protein damaging the entire immune system and deactivating key cells and proteins within the immune system.
People who do not get the vaccine may not be allowed to hold a job or shop in a grocery store. When all the dust settles it will probably have been worth it to refuse the vaccine health wise, ethically and for personal freedom something we allegedly have in the United States of America.
If you are in even reasonable health and under 70 or 80 the chances of dying from Covid19 are very small less than that of the yearly flu, stay strong.
You and the Jaja guy should lube up, get together, then lube up some more and then go at it like a pair of greased weasels.
To the Weston lady who gave this grifter $15,000: Do you have rocks in your head? You could have donated that money to Dana Farber, the Make A Wish Foundation, St. Jude’s, or any other number of worthy organizations that actually help children fighting illnesses. Instead, you chose the Woke path and padded the coffers of a lying sack of manure whose sob story didn’t add up for 5 seconds. Whoever said that “it” was a mental disorder wasn’t kidding…
I wouldn’t give shit to any of those organizations either.
For every dollar that’s donated only 3.5 cents actually gos to the charity the other 96.5 cents gos directly into the coffers of management for their salary.
You’re better off donating money to the church to abolish your sins!
Or keep your money and provide for yourself. Nobody else is going to take care of you. Fuck these grifting “non profits” with catered fund raisers, remote “training” sessions held in vacation destinations.
I looked up little Meredith Kellner on Facebook.
‘Anti-Trump’ memes, ‘I stand with Girls’ memes.
She has her photos on private so I can’t see her Subaru with the ‘coexist’ stickers, still on the car faded ‘Obama 2008’ stickers, or her cuck sugar daddy husband.
Rest assured, my description above is more than likely to be spot on.
The long-comment-poster, or Jaja guy, was found dead today by his mother who he lives with. Apparently, he was naked and face down on the couch. When she pulled him off, she discovered he had 2 sander type machines that he had removed the sandpaper from, lubed them up and put his penis in between them. I’m assuming he thought it’d be like an ultra hand job.
When he ejaculated he shorted the electricity and was electrocuted.
Aidan makes it seem like he made all this happen
Like his own life, this lady kept making poor choices. Just like Aidan was so hapoy to have more money pour in from unsuspecting fans, three times!
Luckily, two out of those times, the rug was pulled from under him.
He is a 40+ year old man, bashing on poor minority females, because they canno sue the pants off him, like that yoga lady did.
I do not care if you think I am pathetic, at least I will never be at Aidan’s level of pathetic.
This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..This blog is disgusting. It is trash spoken from an uneducated person. I love how he listed what happened to jalajhia as if it was her fault. You won’t apologize for the article? Why even write a follow up then? Did you feel victimized? Did you feel remorse? Definitely not remose. It is interesting that you felt the need to write an article defending your choice to attack a victim. there is something seriously wrong with you. You love trashing people who you feel are beneath you. It is also interesting how low you go. By this…I would have to assume you’re not much higher up in the ranks of the people you choose to write about. You pick on people that are struggling with drug dependency as well. I mean any self respecting person that has a life doesn’t care about taking the time to splash this filth and lies all over internet. Normally, i just pass by these stupid articles, but our family new the victim and I had to say something. Your behavior is so trypical and predicting. I knew you would write an article trying to explain and redact what you said in your previous article of jalajhia. However, you’re so fucked up in your own mind that this article exposed just how fucked up you truly are as a person. You were 100% right? What? You took all the information on the surface and you were too emotionally stunted to see all the other factors? There is no way you have kids or “crotch fruit” as you like to call them. Let us break it down for you since you have such tunnel fuckin vision. First off, she was not “fucking him”….he groomed her and RAPED HER! She was underage when and if he was having sex with her. I dont care if she consented. She was underage and incapable of making the choice to enter into a sexual relationship with a man that was 15 years older than her. Also, lets talk about the grooming process. For a child who has no one looking out for them, I am sure that shithead showed her behavior that she believed was love. If she was being neglected by family, i imagine a cunning piece of shit like him knew what she needed and gave it to her. He groomed her until he could gain her trust and get what he actually wanted.The aunt had indicated she dated him 10 years ago. If he had started then, she would have been 8 years old. Do you have any idea what kind of shit this would do to her mentally?? If he was RAPING her..how far back does that go? She was a child be molested and groomed if their was any relationship. Neglected by family, raped by a family member’s boyfriend, pregnant, murdered, and discarded on the side of the highway like a piece garbage you throw out the window. She was a victim in every sense of the word. She was left there until police found her and all while this is going on, you are writing this filth online. Then, you go and write a second post defending your behavior because of the reasons listed above which are all things that happened TO Jalajhia. Read that back to yourself. You went too far! You always have. You picked on the wrong person this time and I hope you’re getting your karma. Although, judging by the stories you write about people, you are already experiencing karma in your life. You are a miserable person. You stated that her family is shitty….what does that have to do with the victim???? How is that her fault that she was raised in a shitty environment with no proper guidance? Our human brains do not fully develope until the age of 27 and in some cases, later. When u combine a poor upbringing with a young developing mind: The results can be devastating as it was in this case. Everyone took advantage of this poor fuckin child including you. She was a victim in all ways possible. A victim of neglect, a victim of racial injustice, a victim of violence, murder, and now a victim of your horrible posts. I did a lot of stupid shit at the age of 18 and most of us have. I didnt know better and didnt have the support i should have. I learned and changed my whole life around when someone, just 1 person, gave a shit about me. My life is valuable and so was hers. Think before you post!!!! It is sad because im sure if you see this comment you will exploit my errors in my writing or defend yourself. In the end, you’ll end up falling into a deeper hole because you couldn’t apologize…sounds like a mental disability to me…..
He likes to do this because their vagina comes precooked.
Just heat and eat.
That response was longer than the valid legal document that contains factual evidence that she committed fraud, douchenuggetry, and literally exploited kids for her own benefit.
Dis ho needs the digits
Fuck off, TB
You jus pikin on her cause she black.
You know she be needin dat many to pay her beels.
She been done worked at da kahseeno.
She know it easier to play da game den to work.
So lee da sistah alone.
Hey you white crackas!
Dem Jordans and hair weaves don’t come free sugah!
I gotsa payz for dat Range Rover I leased befo dey take it back.
Sheeeiiitt! KFC done raised dey prices! Shit gettin bad yo!