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The other day in the Turtlegram Dianne Williamson killed it with this column, destroying the souls of pansy ass SJW’s who are whining about safe spaces and trigger warnings on campuses. It’s a great read if you get the chance. Just as we did, she praised the University of Chicago for sending out an email to incoming freshmen that they would not be providing either of those things on campus. Many believe that Dianne may in fact be Turtleboy, based on the similarities in writing style and the overall message towards SJW’s. We assure you she is not one of our writers……..yet. But we would like to point out that she COMPLETELY stole a word that is a Turtleboy original:
Most importantly — and please pay attention — we’ve decided to stamp out the misguided academic trend that has resulted in the creation of “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings” to protect your delicate sensibilities from “microaggressions.” No longer will we cater to this foolish nonsense; we’ve had it. You’re offended by a professor’s lecture? Cry me a river. You disagree with the views of a campus speaker? Stay home. Trust me — if you’re such a nannyburger now, you’ll get eaten alive in the real world.
Nannyburger?? Seriously? Ummmm, first of all, the word is “naniburger.” As in, “punaniburger.” Get it right. Just Google “Turtleboy Sports naniburger” and you will see that we own that word:
So yea, we’re not saying that Dianne Williamson IS Turtleboy, we’re just pointing out that she obviously rides the turtle wicked, wicked hard. Should we be mad that she’s using our words? Of course not. We are flattered. And the fact of the matter is that Dianne Williamson is a HUGE liberal, which once again proves that Turtleboy is not some right wing fanboy page. It’s a place for all rational people who enjoy having a laugh at the people that many consider to be the worst society has to offer.
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10 Comment(s)
I think the only thing she rides is a sybian. The rest of the time she’s sissoring.
Who gives a fuck
I ride my dildo wicked hard in my moms basement
Hey, Cis white male, you need to get a refund from that college. It obviously never taught you the difference between principle and principal. Kiss my lily white ass!
Used to be liberal until all this shit started happening. I went full Republican mode just because I could not stand to be associated with such nonsense, especially as a college student during the 2012 election. Liberals are scaring their own away in hilarious fashion. At least it awoke me to living life with principals and actual values, instead of whining about all my short comings and needing society to make me feel better.
I prefer a good man-dog.
Walter Crockett disagreed with my comment, This is why Trump is winning. The liberals have swung so far left the country cannot stand it. Even most mainstream republicans are afraid someone’s feelings might get hurt. If Trump gets in they’ll all need to go to Canada for a safe space.
Diane can at my Maniburger
Sorry Steve, Dianne likes the clam.Wet and smelly.
Correct. She only rides girl-turtles.