
Disgraced Jacob Hiatt Principal Patricia Jordan Is Now Principal At David Prouty And Is Punishing Student Leaders

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Today is January 8. David Prouty High School has not seen their principal, Eileen Belastock, since mid November. Not once. No one has any idea where she is. In a normal school district the superintendent would reach out to parents and the community and let them know where their principal is. Especially since this is a school where the principal abruptly resigned to take a VP job in Leominster after one year of working with the superintendent. Another VP quit after just two weeks on the job last summer, after being forced to go on a trip to China with the superintendent. The guy that came after him quit just two months into the job as well.


So yea, when the principal just disappears out of nowhere and your school had a Goddamn student sit-in to protest administration’s incompetence, you should probably say something when the principal goes missing for two months. Just a thought.

Instead they sent out an email a couple weeks back that a woman named Patricia Jordan would be the new interim principal. For how long? Who knows. Where’s the real principal and is she still getting paid? None of your business. Because that’s just how things work when your school board is run by an incompetent, corrupt hack like Kevin Hayes, and he hires a woman with ZERO social skills (Tracy Crowe) to get revenge on everyone who has ever wronged him.


So who is Patricia Jordan? Well, here’s her resume on LinkedIn:

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So she was the principal of Jacob Hiatt Elementary School in Worcester for three years. This of course means she was a Melinda Boone hire, and Melinda Boone only hired anti-union, anti-kid, “get the test scores up” principals in order to improve her charts. Not coincidentally SEBRSD is a level 3 school district, and could really use some improved test scores as well. More on that later in this blog.


Then Mrs. Jordan left there to become “District Data Director” in Everett…whatever that means. Although it makes sense, since when she was principal at Jacob Hiatt she forced teachers to join committees who met regularly to analyze data

Oh yea, and this video makes me wanna puke. It starts off with students literally being coached to memorize the schools mission statement and say it out loud in class. Then it shows how teachers at Jacob Hiatt use their professional development days to analyze data in order to improve their standardized test scores. This video is everything that is wrong with public education, and is the reason people are fleeing the profession at record rates:

This is how public education works in 2016. God bless teachers, but anyone who wants to go into this line of work is insane.

Yet according to the SEBRSD website, she’s the “Director of Academic Affairs” for the district:

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Because a small school district needs a Director of Academic Affairs. You do the math. She was the principal at Jacob Hiatt until 2015. Then she left there to get a job in Everett, was hired in Spencer to a fake position, and now is the principal at David Prouty. Sounds legit.

And she got her PhD in “Educational Leadership and Administration” from “Nova Southeatern University.” What the hell is that you ask? Well apparently it’s an online school in Florida that acts as a mass producer of bootleg PhD’s for hack administrators:

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Guess who else graduated from there:

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Oh look who it is, Tracy Crowe, the Spencer-East Brookfield hack superintendent. So since the school won’t give out any information on where the principal disappeared to we have no choice but to speculate. Eileen Belastock abruptly resigned as principal at Winthrop High School in March of 2015. She had no other job lined up and was actually turned down for a few other districts. You know who leaves a job without another job lined up yet? Someone who was about to be fired.

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Anyone with a brain can tell you something is up here. A principal who resigned in disgrace suddenly disappears after a student sit-in protest, and she’s replaced by someone who clearly has a past history with the superintendent.


So we decided to put the call out to parents or teachers who had dealt with Patricia Jordan at Jacob Hiatt Magnet School to see what she was all about. Here’s some of the feedback we received from parents:

Patricia Jordan was awful!!! For punishment she took all of the toilet paper out of every bathroom that the kids used because a child overflowed the toilet by using to much TP so the children had to ask their teachers in front of the whole class for toilet paper when they had to go to the bathroom. I find this very humiliating to the children. Another instance was there was a food fight in the cafeteria one day.. Which is unacceptable,but anyway… the teachers knew what children started the food fight but punished the whole fourth grade… Their punishment you may ask… Patricia Jordan lined them up outside of the playground and had them watch the rest of the school have recess. No letter was sent home telling parents what had happened so when the kids told the parents about this situation we called the school. Patricia Jordan hung up on parents and told us not to undermine her authority. We then called the superintendent which was a joke…. they basically told us well it’s her word against yours blah blah… We finally got a phone call from Jordan with a not very sincere apology for hanging up on us… not for handling the situation inappropriately. Jordan chased well liked parent liaison Patty Genesse and vp Mary Lubuski out of that school. Jordan was very rarely in attendance at Jacob Hiatt and when she was there she was not accessible to parents. Mostly because of her we pulled him out , lack of respect towards parents and the teachers . Under her reign they were losing the grant they had for the 8th hour of school day.

Hmmmm…No dumping in school? Where have I seen that before?


What is it with these people and their obsession with keeping kids from taking a smash on the clock?

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But yea, it’s pretty clear that Patricia Jordan is everything that Tracy Crowe and Kevin Hayes are looking for in a principal. She refuses to communicate with parents and drives out established and contributing members of the community? You’re hired!! First we need to make the current principal disappear, then we’ll ease you into the job and hope Turtleboy’s not watching. Plus, Patricia Jordan drove this parent out of the district, which is pretty much what has been happening for the last five years in Spencer-East Brookfield.

Here’s another message from a Jacob Hiatt parent:

One of the first times I met her, I had to come get one son because he was sick. As we where leaving the office he said ” Bye Mrs Jordan” and she literally turned around raised her voice and said “its DR Jordan” and made him repeat it. My son was four he could care less about your doctorate. But that’s how she was, she was very stand offish. Never really making kind, loving connections. She seemed to be all about the numbers, very analytical how the numbers were going to crunch not what was best for the children. I don’t know what all the teachers thought of her but the feeling I got with talking to some of my sons teacher were they were very happy when she was leaving. I have always loved JHMS. I have loved everyone of my sons teachers. It’s the reason I drive him back and forth across the city everyday. To say it feels like a whole different school now that Mrs Datta is there is an understatement. She will go above and beyond for what is in the best interest for the kids.

Seriously, is there anything worse than someone who demands that you call them “doctor?” It’s second only to people who want you to call them “pastor.” But they both basically do the same thing – get a fake online degree just so they can make you call them that. Good for this parent for not buying into it.


But once again we see similar characteristics with Tracy Crowe – no personality, obsessed with data, and unpopular with teachers. This is what Tracy Crowe and Kevin Hayes are doing in Spencer-East Brookfield. They are forcing out qualified administrators by making them go on these China trips on Christmas morning. Then when the principals give up and quit the district brings in someone who fits their model – an anti-union, anti-kid, anti-communication hack – so that they can completely control the district. And so far it’s working perfectly.

Here’s another one:

Ok. She was NEVER at school. Never available to parents. Very poor communication with anyone. Children had no respect for her. No follow up ever. No control over students or staff. Horrible principal. Glad to see her go. She never smiled, had zero personality, didn’t know a lot of the kid’s names, no clue how to run a school or manage people at all. She is a good bullshitter…but that’s about all she was good at.

Yup. At this point this is what we call a pattern. None of these parents knew each other (we checked their friend’s lists) so that means they’re all saying this stuff independently. And that makes it very legitimate testimony.

According to a student we spoke with, “Dr.” Jordan held an assembly recently in which she laid the law down:

New Principal Jordan held an assembly yesterday at DPHS one quote ” Bad schools are at the bottom and this school is on the first floor”

Yup, there it is. Her mission statement – get test scores up and get out of Level 3. That’s why Tracy Crowe and Kevin Hayes organized this coup in the middle of the night. That’s why they kept it quiet. That’s why they brought in a ringer with a past history of having no communication skills, no love of being around children, and a singular desire to bring test scores up.


Anyway, students are starting to figure out what’s going on. Carter Bemis is a senior at the school and one of the student leaders. He was one of the 7 students that Crowe agreed to meet with after the student sit-in in November. We warned the kids not to do it, because it was a trap, but the meeting went on as planned. He left there convinced that things would change:

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Another student posted this after “Dr.” Crowe met with them:

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“She took time out of her day to speak with us.” See what Crowe did there? She’s convinced kids that transparency is something she can give them if she’s feeling generous, when in reality it’s something that should be standard for the job.

“Dr. Crowe has shown that she has our best interests at heart.” – Mission accomplished. That’s what Tracy Crowe said to Kevin Hayes as soon as they saw these posts.

The kid is obviously smart and will be successful in life. But most adults in the district saw this for what it was – a woman with a PhD lying to kids and making them feel like they accomplished something. They have gotten the bathroom stall doors, but their innocent teachers who are being investigated for no reason, still have not returned to their stipend positions, despite the fact that the “investigation” is completed and no evidence has been provided that they did anything wrong.

The goal of the district’s leadership was to take the kids and use them in their crusade against the hard working teachers. They manipulated them and successfully convinced student leaders that the teachers were standing in the way of progress, as can be seen when he shared this article:


That’s when they started to turn against Turtleboy, despite the fact that we’re the only media outlet who gives a shit about anything related to the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District:

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Sorry kid, your principal was never “very ill.” That was just a lie that was fed to you by corrupt administrators because they knew you’d believe it. I’m sorry that you think we’re the bad guys, but we’re actually on your side. But make no doubt about it, the only reason you have bathroom stall doors now is because of Turtleboy. Enjoy your 4th period dump.

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Then he started sharing Buffalo Bruises – a website that is currently being sued for $500,000 in federal court because they literally just make stories up for a living:


“Turtleboy is just a blogger.” Buffalo Bruises is legit though. Definitely.

Anyway, we all feel really bad for these kids. All they wanna do is get involved and make Prouty great again. If every school was filled with Carter Bemis’ then American schools would be well run machines with zero problems. That’s why it sucked to see what happened when reality hit him and the other students this past week:


Yup. Welcome to life under “Dr.” Jordan at David Prouty. Communication isn’t what she’s known for. More than likely “Dr.” Crowe identified some students as potentially problematic, so they were omitted from consideration.

Things got worse for Carter the next day. Apparently he was called down to the office after he posted that on Facebook, and “Dr.” Jordan let him know who the boss was:


“She might have to bring me over to the blue house.” That might be the sketchiest thing a principal could EVER say to a student. The “blue house” is the superintendent’s office, where state of the art equipment and brand new furniture was recently put in


while students continue to go without books, athletic facilities, student council, functional ceilings, clean water, and arts programs.




Don’t let them tell you that this is the fault of previous administrations. Every single dollar that district has should be spent fixing this garbage. But instead they’re wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in the last year alone to pay for lawyer fees in order to conduct a witch hunt against your teachers. It’s disgusting!!!

Welcome to life under Dr. Jordan kids. This is a woman with a past history of going into new schools (Jacob Hiatt), finding the established leaders, and forcing them out. She knows who you are, she knows you’re opinionated, and she knows you’re a leader. Her and Crowe have already identified you as the biggest problem, and this is how they’re taking it out on you. You deserve better than that. Please understand that they are the bad guys, not Turtleboy.

Oh yea, and you kids better get used to “Dr.” Jordan, because she’s not going anywhere. Turtleboy is from Worcester, so he’s seen how this whole “interim” things works out. It’s just a word they use to call their hack friend when they’re pretending to find a permanent replacement. But at the end of the day they always just end up appointing the hack to the full time gig.

Anyway, if you think we’re gonna stop with this story you’re dead wrong. We are 100% committed at this point to never, ever let this story go away. Because the people of Spencer-East Brookfield deserve better. We live to expose people like Patricia Jordan, Tracy Crowe, and Kevin Hayes, and we will not rest until the district is rid of all three of them.



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17 Comment(s)
  • November 27, 2016 at 11:43 am

    I’m amazed, I have to admit. Seldom do I come across a blog that’s
    both equally educative and interesting, and let me tell you, you
    have hit the nail on the head. The issue is an issue that too
    few men and women are speaking intelligently about.
    Now i’m very happy that I found this during my search for something relating to

  • NotaSheeple
    May 18, 2016 at 10:23 am

    This is idiotic. Turtleboy you can’t even do your research. Dr. Jordan worked in Everett, MA BEFORE Worcester. She taught in Everett for years and helped revitalize the entire districts math program. Check your facts sir, Everett is one of the top school districts in the state. It has many more social and economic issues than tiny little Spencer does. Patricia comes from a background rooted in care of a child’s education. She has put her own money and time into every position she’s ever had. Everyone’s entitled to their opinions but when you tell lies, be prepared to be called on it by those far more intelligent than you.

  • Matthew
    January 18, 2016 at 5:59 pm

    Let’s face facts Turtleboy is simply a blogger. Yet on the other side of the coin I do like to check out his articles. Not for the reason I think his opinion should carry weight, but simply because he presents information. Certainly information I triple check with multiple sources before giving credence. Though I may not always enjoy how he presents the information I cannot personally fault someone for wanting to get people thinking/talking about local problems that certainly play some part in my own life. This article has left me with a lot to think about and for that Turtleboy I thank you.

    • aaaa
      March 5, 2016 at 5:22 pm

      Pictures don’t lie.

  • Concerned Parent
    January 18, 2016 at 10:58 am

    Families are leaving in droves – for sale signs are becoming popular lawn ornaments in Spencer. Something needs to be done soon or our town will cease to be the thriving family friendly community we all know and love.

  • Dave
    January 12, 2016 at 4:39 pm

    I am SOOOO glad for school choice!

    I moved my son and daughter from SEBRSD to another district 6 years ago and have never once regretted it…especially now in light of all that’s been going on for the past 4+ years.

    Though the district has visibly been in decline for quite some time, to put things in perspective;
    In the late ’70s, David Prouty was known as a very good school and the graduating Seniors numbered over 200 (I was one). Fast forward to 2015, there are numerous well publicized problems, and I doubt the count of Seniors broke 100 (yet the town’s populations are certainly greater). What does that say?

    It doesn’t take a genius to see why people have been moving their kids to other school systems, and I doubt it will change anytime soon. Spencer/East Brookfield residents need to demand more from or remove these officials if they ever expect any positive change.

  • Reddog
    January 11, 2016 at 1:38 pm

    Why aren’t my posts going up? Has Kevin Hayes infiltrated my I pad?

    January 11, 2016 at 12:08 pm

    Guess who else graduated from Nova SEU?
    That’s right Worcesters interim Superintendent
    Simply not qualified to lead the Worcester Schools

  • DPHS Senior
    January 11, 2016 at 11:01 am

    Send help

  • grampoo
    January 11, 2016 at 10:30 am

    Very much enjoyed reading this article. It continues to reinforce my beliefs that a leopard does not change its spots. And yes I am referring to some of the players in this on going fiasco. I will not name individuals I shall leave that to the readers to figure out.

  • Spankster
    January 11, 2016 at 8:51 am

    Turtle Boy. In the future you will use the correct form of address. HERR DOKTOR

  • Spankster
    January 11, 2016 at 8:51 am

    Turtle Boy. In the future you will use the correct form of address. HERR DOKTOR

  • Jordicia Patran
    January 11, 2016 at 7:47 am

    Something tells me Turtleboy will be blocked on Prouty servers by this morning (if he wasn’t already after the protest reporting). Nothing shows guilt more than trying to hide allegations against you.

  • Reddog
    January 11, 2016 at 3:27 am

    Why aren’t my posts going up?

    • Univac
      January 12, 2016 at 5:54 am

      This stuffs going on in every school. Principals and superintendents are getting advanced degrees thru the McEducation University, sponsored by Walmart and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, with the goal of destroying the American Educational system. The plan is going very well so far.

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