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The other day we published this blog about disgraced former Southbridge Public Schools superintendent/state receiver Jessica Huizenga, who is a finalist for the superintendent job in Lynn. Our concerns were many:
- She left her administration job in Cambridge after being caught plagiarizing
- She went to 13 conferences in just 12 months during her tenure in Southbridge, paid for by the taxpayers, even though she was supposed to be committed to “turning around” the Southbridge schools
- She sent an unprofessional letter home to all parents, stirring up fear about President-elect Trump
- She promised Southbridge residents, who were in desperate need of stability in their beleaguered schools, that she had a plan to fix it all. But ultimately she did nothing before leaving
- She was put on leave for unknown reasons, and resigned shortly thereafter. No explanation has been given, but many have rumored that she had an affair with an Ohio consultant, who she seemed obsessed with on social media, and who was flown to give several speaking engagements in Southbridge.
- She jumps from one job to another burning down everything in her path.
Well, as it turns out she’s also a finalist for the superintendent gig in the Pentucket Regional School District (Groveland, Merrimac, West Newbury), as a turtle rider forwarded us this email sent by the School Committee:
WEST NEWBURY, Mass. – May 2, 2018 – The Pentucket Regional School District (PRSD) School Committee last night narrowed its superintendent search to three finalists: Dr. Justin Bartholomew, Brent Conway and Dr. Jessica Huizenga. The public is invited to meet the three finalists later this month. The PRSD will host a candidate reception for each finalist 5-6:15 p.m. on May 15, 16 and 17 in the high school library.
“Our superintendent search subcommittee did an exceptional job at producing three blue-chip candidates for the school committee’s consideration,” said PRSD Chairman Andy Murphy. “Now we enter the final process of due diligence to select the best candidate for the district – although I firmly believe we are in a ‘can’t lose’ position given the quality of the finalists.”
Ms. Huizenga has an extensive background both as an educator and a consultant. She is currently director of strategic engagement for Achieve3000, a provider of online learning solutions. She previously was receiver for the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education where she oversaw all management, operations and academic programs for Southbridge Public Schools. Prior to that she was assistant superintendent for curriculum for Cambridge Public Schools.
HAAHAHHAHAHA!! This was my favorite line:
“Our superintendent search subcommittee did an exceptional job at producing three blue-chip candidates.”
What??? Oh yea, they did a GREAT job. Sure, they didn’t just Google her name to find out about the plagiarism in Cambridge or her abandonment of Southbridge under suspicious circumstances. That seems like a lot of work. Nevertheless, they did an exceptional job sucking up taxpayer money to choose her as one of the three finalists.
Oh, and did I mention that she got all her degrees, including her PhD, ONLINE!!
The year was 2003. Jessica Huizenga has since earned both her master’s and her doctorate degrees online, from the UMass Lowell Graduate School of Education (GSE), and was named as interim school superintendent of the Freetown-Lakeville, Mass. school district in 2011. Prior to that, she was principal of the Adams Middle School in Holliston.
Yup, this is who the Pentucket and Lynn Public Schools are considering to run their educational system. What could possibly go wrong?
Residents of West Newbury sent links to our blog about her (which is so reliable that the Boston Globe and Washington Post frequently site and link our articles) to town selectmen, to let them know about how dangerous this woman is. Here’s the email they got back from Selectman Glenn Kemper:
“We need to watch what we put out there. This seems like a very one sided point of view with a particular agenda. The search committee googled all the candidates before the interviews. I would ask anyone with questions come to the School Committee meeting when these finalists will be interviewed and ask questions you have on your mind. Glenn.”
One sided? We pointed out facts. Many of which came directly from her page. There’s no other side to this Glenn. What kind of elected official would be so lazy and negligent? But please, tell me more about how the search committee “googled” her before the interviews. Because here’s what comes up on page one:
These people who want to pretend that Turtleboy isn’t real news are doing a real disservice to the people they represent. It’s pure negligence. We get it – you don’t have it in you to admit that you get your news from a blog called Turtleboy. But the fact of the matter is that by doing so you’re willfully ignoring facts. Facts that affect the children and taxpayers in your district. If you ignore the facts we publish then you’re not doing your job.
Remember though residents of Pentucket, you’ll have your chance to ask the candidates directly from 5-6:15 p.m. on May 15, 16 and 17 in the high school library.
Oh, and one more thing – since we exposed her she set not only blocked us:
She also set her Twitter account to private:
How can any school district contemplate hiring someone like this who clearly has so much to hide? What kind of superintendent would put their Twitter accounts on private? You want to be a public official but you’re hiding announcements from the public? The timing of it all screams “guilty.”
Here’s my question – where else is she a finalist to be a superintendent? How many places has this woman applied to? Let’s make this clear Jessica – wherever you apply, we will find you. And we will send these to the school committees in those towns. You can do a lot of things with the rest of your life, but you can’t be a superintendent anymore. People like you are destroying public schools in this country with your bloated, top-down bullshit. You blame teachers for schools failing, even though you don’t know the first thing about what it takes to be a teacher. And we just can’t have you screwing over any more children and taxpayers.
20 Comment(s)
This woman became superintendent of Milford, N.H. last year and so far there have already been 48 resignations. What’s more is despite teachers, their unions and parents all complaining about the sharp decline in the quality of Milford schools, the school board is still sticking by her. I wonder if they have stock in the companies she consults for…or if they’re skimming off the top purchasing her products, but how someone can remain an educator or education administrator after blatantly plagiarizing material is beyond me. I’m in college now and not a single class goes by where we are warned of the dangers of plagiarism, but she seems to have been promoted for it.
She is one of 2 finalists in Lynn. Read about her interview in the Lynn Item. She blames social media for the bad press about her
She just got the interim superintendent position in Milford, NH. That is messed up.
If you want some good corruption stories in the school systems look no further than the berkshires.
Lanesborough has that psycho bitch Kim Grady using mafia like extortion to get ahead. Despite DOZENS of formal complaints about her over the years from staff
Pittsfield has Jake ” I couldn’t pump my own gas if I wasn’t shown step by step” McCandless who is nothing more than a political hack on the top end of Brendan Sheran (google that corrupt, MTA ass kissing fool)
Adams-Cheshire has Rob Putnum… I don’t need to say much more, just google that whole district and then go youtube his hippy guitar songs
Appreciate the credit given for exposing this fraud and her journey to become a new superintendent somewhere. Kind odd choices for school districts. Lynn and Pentucket…Clearly two opposite demographics. She could boost her ego by increasing mcas scores in lynn, or have a cake walk of a job with pentucket schools. To be continued…..
I read this in \Chronicle guy’s voice.
“An old fashioned home in New Hampshire, with a light in the window for thee.”
She looks like she’s built for speed. In most of these flaming turd towns it doesn’t matter if Jesus is the Superintendent; the kids are still screwed anyway. They’re lucky if they get out of their high school being able to form a sentence.
She reminds me of the sports “experts” who never actually played a sport but read a lot of books about sports.
There are edited/doctored comments showing up now. Look at the comments on the first blog about Jessica. Very disappointing Turtleboy!
I believe it. It has happened to me before. If not full deletion then manipulation. Now I screenshot everything.
So much for the free speech that turtleboy supposedly supports.
No this cum drinking whore will not be Superintendent anywhere ever again .let her go suck cock on backpage for a living .
I really can’t decide if I like more. Jessica or Genduso.
Genduso would prob be easier to deal with.
What a piece of shit as well as many Superintendents in Ma. Phony fucks who go to “vocabulary school” to learn the gig. She epitomizes the state of Superintendents in this state. Thanks to Jonathan Saphier and his band of phony colleagues. Turtleboy check that asshole out. RBT. Research for Better Education consultant. They are responsible for this bullshit in Ma Edication. Believe me I know. The new strategy is do time in Ma. Get pension and get a New Hampshire job for pension number 2. Check out who’s doing that recently. He used to be Superintendent in Brookline the moved to Essex Tech, now to North Hampton NH.
Ahhh yes. Good ole pentucket hiring another crook. I wonder how much money will disappear this time.
I wonder what other trash they can hire.
Also West Newbury had absurd amounts of corruption for a small town. Between Mirra, Vaughn, John Cenas brother cop, the cops banging HS girls in their cruisers, former chief Dennis, cops covering up for drunk driving cops and so on and so forth.
Oh yeah and the two sex offenders that were allowed to live next to action cove and scoops ice cream.
Q. Okay missjenga…..
Q. OK foodstamps.
J. Why do you want this job?
Q. Blah blah education blah blah woman blah Hispanic blah Clinton.
J. Whoa! Hold on there taco bell, what are your qualifications?
Q. Blah blah social justice blah blah racism, blah blah white supremacy blah.
J. So, you deserve this job because you are a female Hispanic lesbian white man hater?
Q. Yes.
J. Ok, Goya, how many cocks can you fit in that freakishly huge flytrap of yours??
Q. DAT be racists !!!!!
I never fucked a doctor before.
She could blow a rhino with that big ass mouth
I’d throw ropes on that face until it was frosted like a wedding cake.