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This is a wild story out of Dracut….
Lowell Police found Adrian Kimborowicz, 20, laying on his back on Sutherland Street on Sept. 26, with a gunshot wound to the right side of his chest. Police reports filed in Lowell District Court say Kimborowicz told police little, except that “C-Mello” was one of the people who shot him minutes earlier. Kimborowicz spent the next month unconscious on a ventilator — and likely paralyzed — at Tufts Medical Center in Boston before he died on Oct. 28. The 2021 yearbook for Dracut High School includes two student photographs captioned with “free Mello” — an apparent reference to the 18-year-old Dracut man, Christian “C-Mello” Lemay — whom Lowell Police allege shot Kimborowicz while aiming for another man.
Kimborowicz’s mom, Heidi Kimborowicz, said she learned of the yearbook entries from other students who were friends with Adrian, who attended Dracut High School for years and played varsity football and basketball for the Middies before moving and graduating from Lowell High School in 2019.
“I just felt numb,” Heidi Kimborowicz said. “I couldn’t believe this could get by any of the advisers. I don’t know how they didn’t catch that.”
Kimborowicz has not publicly commented on her son’s death before now — though she often posts photos and memories of him on social media. But seeing calls for his alleged shooter to be freed — especially when Lemay is already out of jail and on house arrest despite the serious, violent charges he faces — prompted her to speak up. Kimborowicz stood in the rain with about 30 family members and friends on Monday night in an effort to confront Dracut Public School administrators on their way into Town Meeting at the High School. Kimborowicz said she has heard from administrators, but was not satisfied with the response and wants both a public apology and for at least some of the yearbooks to be reprinted.
“I want them to give students a choice to return the ones (with the reference to Lemay) in them and to get new yearbooks,” she said. “I don’t think I’m asking a lot.”
Lemay — charged with armed assault with intent to murder, assault with a dangerous weapon, carrying a loaded firearm without a license, carrying a firearm without a license, and discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling — was ordered held without bail on Oct. 13, when he was arraigned in Lowell District Court while Adrian Kimborowicz was still alive. At a dangerousness hearing on Oct. 16, a Lowell District Court judge ruled that Lemay was too dangerous to be released pending trial, and ordered him held without bail for at least 90 days. No upgraded charges have been filed after Kimborowicz’s death, and Lemay has not been indicted by a grand jury.
Though police initially described Lemay as “armed and dangerous,” 90 days after he was also determined by a judge to be too dangerous to be released — in January — his bail was reduced to $50,000 cash. In April, with still no upgraded charges or indictment, Lemay’s bail was lowered further to $7,500 cash, with the conditions that Lemay remain on continuous house arrest and wear a GPS monitoring device to ensure compliance. Lemay posted that bail and has remained on house arrest since. Heidi Kimborowicz said she has heard Lemay has partied with friends at his home as he awaits trial, and seen videos of it.
“It’s heart-wrenching,” she said. “Adrian deserves justice.”
Police reports quote witnesses who say Kimborowicz was not Lemay’s target, and that Kimborowicz was only involved because Lemay allegedly knew he was friends with another man who allegedly stole an eighth of an ounce of marijuana from Lemay months earlier. Kimborowicz was just a middleman, arranging what he thought was going to be a one-on-one fistfight between two other men, according to police reports.
“He said that as he looked at C-Mello he saw him raise his hand, then (point) a handgun at them. He said he immediately feared for his life,” Detective Linda Coughlin wrote in a police report about an interview with a man who said he was the person who was supposed to fight “C-Mello” on Sept. 26.
“He told us that C-Mello said nothing, he then began to hear shots while simultaneously jumping behind a parked car. He told us that he thought he’d heard five to six gunshots,” Coughlin wrote. “When the shooting stopped, he heard tires squealing and realized that Adrian was down in the roadway, and had been shot. He ran to help Adrian and called 911 from (Adrian’s) cellphone.”
“C-Mello” fled the scene before police arrived, and was later identified by a witness via an array of photographs, according to police reports.
Her son is dead, and Dracut High School’s yearbook contains calls for alleged shooter’s release https://t.co/6n2RvYUdam
— The Lowell Sun (@LowellSunNews) June 15, 2021
This story is insane for several reasons.
- Why hasn’t dickwad been charged with murder by DA Marian Ryan’s office? He was arrested when the kid was in the hospital fighting for his life, and he was in custody when he passed. Yet the charges haven’t been upgraded?
- Why was bail reduced twice if he was found to be too dangerous to be released?
- Why is Monica Cannon-Grant, a vocal critic of Marian Ryan, citing this egregious case as a reason Ryan should resign? Oh wait, I know the answer to that one. Some lives matter more than others.
- Why didn’t Dracut Principal Richard Manley call this grieving mother and apologize, rather than give a bullshit apology via email?
- How does “free muh boi” make it pass any high school yearbook editor?
Here are the two kids who posted it:
Imagine spending 4 years at a high school and the only lasting memory that comes to mind when you leave is honoring a gun toting shitbag most famous for killing an innocent person? That’s literally the only thing Jean Carlos Santiago had to say about his experience at Dracut High School. #FreeMello. You’d think that playing in the state finals at the TD Garden would’ve come to mind.
But I guess it wasn’t as memorable as his friendship with a killer.
Then there was Alexandra Irwin.
She was an honor roll student and star of the soccer team. Evidently her entire experience at Dracut High School was “painful,” but probably not nearly as painful as getting shot by C-Mello. Nevertheless she describes him in white girl voice as one of the “real ones,” and demands he be released from prison so he can shoot more innocent people.
I remember submitting my senior bio to the yearbook committee with vague, coded references about keg parties, and our 55 year old yearbook adviser was smart enough to sniff them out. What’s the DHS yearbook advisor’s excuse? I’m not gonna shame them because they probably meant no ill will, but they obviously knew who “free Mello” was, since he went to school there. And in general, “free anyone” is hoodrat talk you expect to see in the comments section underneath a Lowell Police drug bust post on Facebook. If you’re that out of touch then let someone else run the yearbook.
The grieving family has asked for a simple request – reprint the yearbooks for those who want them. It’s not that hard, there’s probably not that many kids who are gonna request it since they’ve probably had their books signed by now, and any expense incurred is the least they can do for this massive fuckup.
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14 Comment(s)
This article is soo one sided buddy it’s not even funny your defending a kid who grew up in the whitest family of dracut and thinks he’s some gangbanger rapper from Lowell who also rapped about shooting and killing people and posting pictures of him and his boys with guns. He would also rob multiple kids every month that are ALWAYS younger than him and I bet a lot of you didn’t know he had to testify for another murder soon that he was apart of but people don’t wanna bring that up… and the craziest part of all of this is you are acting like the suspect was already charged like WTF?? He literally got released on 7,500 BAIL FOR A MURDER CASE DOES THAT NOT RING A BELL THAT HES INNOCENT??? AND SOMETHING ELSE YOU DONT WANNA TALK ABOUT IS HOW ADRIANS FRIEND WHO WAS WITH HIM THE NIGHT OF ALL OF THIS DIDNT EVEN SHOW UP TO THE FIRST 2 COURT DATES BECAUSE HE KEPT SWITCHING HIS STATEMENTS BECAUSE HES A FUCKING LIAR AND DOSENT KNOW WHO IT REALLY WAS . AND NOW HIS MOM IS LOSING HER MIND AND WANTS TO GET ANYONE THAT SHE CAN IN JAIL.
You dumbass little cock sucker, bail has nothing to do with guilt or innocence. It has to do with risk of flight, This little spic faggot couldn’t survive anywhere except with his mommy because he’s a stupid spic like you. I should track u down and give you a proper ass whoopin you fucking retard
-”I’ll track you down and give you a proper ass whooping, you better not fuck with me buddy!”
Says the Fed
You sound like a fucking little kid most people fighting a murder charge never get bail at all and if they do it’s WAYYY FUCKING MORE THAN 7.5K. I’ve seen sooo many people with cases not even close and much higher bail you fucking retard. You a white boy who lives on the lake and has mommy and daddy’s money. Drop your fucking addy if your so tough pussy
you sound like a spic with a mouthful of jizz, must take after your whore mother. Maricon
It might be hard to believe for some of u sheep who let ppl shove info up your ass while you blindly believe it. Adrian was a wannabe thug rapper who got in multiple fights and also was kicked out from that same school. And you want to go bashing high school students about a quote when the “killer” hasn’t even been convicted of the crime? Seems like Adrian’s mom is just looking for the nearest scapegoat to deal with her guilt of being a terrible neglecting mother. Look more into this story and you’ll see Adrian was no where close to an angel. Should’ve done the Allen Iverson step over to that punk. Hopefully he likes his box.
Hey man you forgot to mention the fact that the kid Adrian got kicked outta that school back in 2017 for spitting on a kid and then wasn’t even allowed on dracut public school grounds he graduated from Lowell high also was on a trial for robbing a kid at gun point also had a case for accused rape don’t let these people fool you posting pics that are old ass pictures like this kid was a sweet kid he was a bully robbed little kids for weed also his mom kicked him out because of all the problems he was in he had lived with his grandma your letting these people fool you his mom a little late now deciding to speak up for him and help him she should’ve helped him when he was still here maybe none of this would’ve ever happened she’s trynna paint anyone out to be the villain where the hell was her fight when he was alive to help him better himself instead of just booting him to his grandmothers lol smh
Adrian was actually at that basketball game cheering JC (Jean Carlos) on! He went to the game with JC’s family!!!!! And this is how they treat him and his memory! You can see him in the first basketball picture in the background, he’s tall, wearing a white shirt and red pants. It makes me so angry!!! I knew he shouldn’t of ever trusted them!
Alexandra – when you’re 18 hit me up. I can help with college tuition. You’ll just have to work up a little sweat with some dudes I know. Glad to help.
Everyone knows that Jean Carlos and C-Mello were goya gulping fuck buddies.
College should be less painful for Alexandra. It looks like she already got a head start on the freshman 15! She will have a biracial kid and no baby daddy before 21
“Spic tormentor” lol your probably some broke 20 year old white guy who never leaves the house and wouldn’t say any of the shit you comment in person EVER
shut up maricon. yo momma is puta
Maid Marian Ryan is a douche bag. I’m making a road trip to Dracut