It’s back to school time which can only mean one thing – Moms in your local Facebook community group are gonna whine about how mean other kids are to their crotch fruit. Here’s one out of Millbury that I wanted to address.
If you’ve ever ended a post with “if you have nothing nice to say then keep it moving,” it’s because you know that you just posted something incredibly stupid and anticipate being called out for it.
Thank GOD my Mom didn’t have Facebook when I was going through puberty!!! I was humiliated when my Mom talked to her best friend about my “rocky adolescence.” And that was in a kitchen in my house and no one else heard it. Now imagine your Mom posting about your insecurities to a bunch of strangers on Facebook. Cruel and unusual.
Newsflash – this has been going on since the beginning of time. Girls who are late to the puberty train get catty about the girls who’ve been riding it since 4th grade. They’re sad and jealous so they say mean things, and as a parent you just pull your kid aside and talk to them about it. If it persists then you go the teacher or principal. At least that’s the way things used to work before every duck faced dildo saggins reproduced and got a Facebook account with an iPhone.
Can I just take a moment to talk about this sentence?
“I will be contacting the school in the morning but figured I could post something here hoping some of the parents would see and have a discussion with their children as well.”
Oh fuck off already. If you’re gonna contact the school then contact the school. Stop acting like your attention seeking humble bragging (that’s what this is) about the size of your daughter’s gerber servers is motivated by a desire for other people to have a sit down conversation with their kid about the dangers of bullying. You see people do this bullshit, “I’m making this post so you’ll have a talk with your crotch fruit about it” a lot on Facebook. And in the history of this platform not once has ANYONE ever pulled their kid aside and said, “Honey, I just read this hefalump’s post on a Millbury Facebook group, and I was inspired to sit down with you and make sure you’re not mocking the rate of adolescent development of your peers.”
All posts like this do is get people to feel bad for you. It’s selfish and attention seeking, and it’s humiliating for your poor vaj goblin. You think she’s embarrassed because a couple flat chested girls at school accused her of stuffing her bra? Wait till she finds out what Mom’s been posting on Facebook. Then again, I think this kid may be used to it.
Not sure why, but it’s just a feeling I have.
P.S. Also not sure how she reproduced twice.
Unless turkey baster Tina got creative. Nevertheless, she’s bold, brave, and beautiful.
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28 Comment(s)
If theres anything being stuffed, its her face…fatty.
South Shore:
I’m more stoopider after having ready that.
The woman is not worthy of the public thrashing you just delivered.
You’re a bum.
Best wishes,
Being her mother and writing a post about it, I think would be pretty embarrassing to her kid. Is it really that important that people know that your child really has tits! Think about it, your fighting a argument about whether or not your daughter has tits. Don’t you see the problem? Congratulations you just made your daughters life so much harder, cause they know when they taunt her it will not only upset her but it will upset her mommy more. You should be ashamed you even got yourself into this. Let you kid be a kid and be her parent. Don’t make it harder for her. Next you will be telling everyone her bra size and showing tags as proof. Smh WTF
$100.00 beats she becomes the “mom who fucks all her kids friends” everyone knows there is always one. My money is on her!!
She’s extra-largely pink, like a great glob of sea pork washed ashore on a lonely stretch of beach.
Another writer that shoulda ran down their dad’s leg. Where’s the real Turtleboy worthy news?
What am I missing? Between girls, if one says your boobs are fake and they aren’t, don’t you pull up your shirt and move your bra aside and show them that they are real? Why the debate? Or is the mother really boasting that her daughter has boobs, or big boobs? Are there guys she’s trying to interest in her daughter? What’s going on here?
Yeah! We all want to see the 11 year olds tits! All the girls do it!
That pic with the creature or whatever she is kissing, could be guy could be girl.
As Ben Sharipo famously said “if I had a dollar for ever gender I would have two dollars and a lot of counterfeits”
What really matters is this ABC-123 type who, in that pic with boy toy, looks like she had a pair of balls implanted below her eyes, is disgusting.
So I wouldn’t put her past her and it to try to attention seek and then when people are like STFU she will scream homophobia and immediately email VOX and Slate and turn this into a major twitter issue.
The best way to defeat these people are to shame them, ignore them, and never ever apologize.
Send both of them to the stocks sometime in February.
Me and my “partner” wanna have a baby. Give me a vile of sperm and an applicator that looks like Jodie fosters knuckles!
“Vile” lol
This crack whore post atleast twice a week about her scrap metal business, so she can support her opiate habits.
I was I knew how to put an image here because that first picture of her reminds me of the South Park episode when Cartman is Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife, Beth. Look it up. Hysterical.
Bwhahhahahhah. Totally!
Perfect!! Never saw that episode. I gotta check On Demand. Thank you for making my morning
She’s fat. I bet her daughter’s “breasts” are a result of too many cheeseburgers, not puberty.
omg i lov SOUTH PARK, is true she does looks like her lol
Looks like she’s dating that dude from the US girls kickball team who doesn’t like Trump. Good for her!
She’s not trash man. Stace Casa told me Helen tongue cleans & waxes a hairy monkey like a methed-up wetback at a high-end car wash! I don’t think this article is being fair either. Helen has some giant sized mammos man, she has had breastie-envy her entire life. I actually scissored with Miss Lizotte at a one-nighter back in 2014. It was some of the best forced-fisted squirt action I have ever had in my entire lezbo life. The last thing the daughter is going to need to worry about is bra stuffing rumors, she most likely is going have DDD-cups by the time she is 15 and probably be a top 50 ranked ttitooed hooker on porn hub at 18. So give her some slack you jack offs. Free the Nipple, Free the Monkey, Free my wandering lips so that I may taste the juices of Eve for the rest of my life. Yum yum yum yum yum. Whew, glad I got that off of my chest.
When I was a kid and went to the barber we used to call that crap on the hair Greasy Kid Stuff.
Car head rests, chairs, hat’s would get fucked up when your head came in contact.
“I will be contacting the school in the morning but figured I could post something here hoping some of the parents would see and have a discussion with their children as well.”
Was there an adult that over heard it? I didn’t think so.
At best this will happen.
“Read this. Know anything about it?” “No” will be the answer even if they know something about it.
No parent is going to get into a shitfest with their kid if the kid say “No”.
The parent might say “Well, if you do, stay out of it.” The End.
And that of course only might happen if the parent is hitting the Millbury FaceBook group.
Mom thinks what, they are going to put everyone in the auditorium and the kid is going to publicly
point out the girls?
Someone ought to tell mom “Snitches get stitches”.
Photos, I need photos to understand the magnitude of this injustice.
What fat, disgusting, lowlife trash. The worst thing about human feces like this is that their kids follow in the footsteps so society is forever stuck with these oxygen thieves. This animal should be on display at the Franklin Park Zoo or at very least be crated. Do you want to bet she stuffs her fat grease trap with Market Basket steak and Lobster courtesy of MA taxpayers as she rips down her Newport Lights? Why can’t monsters like this be spayed? What kind of animal sticks their dick in that?
What kind of guy sticks it in that? Apparently no guy does anymore. She’s getting the lubricated silicone penis and tongue bath from her girlfriend “Butch” now I think.
That’ll fuck her kid up more than some other kids at school telling the daughter that she has big tits for her age.
But momma doesn’t care about that.
The daughter probably has boobs because she’s fat. Like me. I have boobs. Because I’m fat.
I said the same thing up there in the comments, but I guess you beat me to it!
Me too I have boobs. Because I’m fat. and I am a guy
Peter Griffin: “Like those side boobs? You shouldn’t. Those are my side boobs.”