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The rape shield statute in Massachusetts law is designed to protect rape victims from essentially being slut shamed by slimy defense attorneys. It prevents evidence from being submitted at trial that suggests that the sexual reputation of a rape victim was the cause of his or her sexual assault. Such evidence could prejudice a jury and make them less likely to render a guilty verdict. However, there are exceptions:
Section 412. Past Sexual Conduct and Alleged Sexual Reputation (Rape-Shield Law)
(a) Rape Shield. Except as otherwise provided, evidence of the reputation or specific instances of a victims sexual conduct shall not be admissible in any criminal or civil proceeding involving alleged sexual misconduct.
(b) Exceptions. The following specific act evidence may be admissible:
(1) evidence of the victims sexual conduct with the defendant;
(2) evidence of the victims recent conduct alleged to be the cause of any physical feature, characteristic, or condition of the victim; and
Number 2 would include something like showing that a rape victim who had bruising received those bruises from riding a mechanical bull. Number 1 is the exception that applies in the case of former Trooper Robert Sundberg and current trooper Angela Guerrera.
Robert Sundberg was found guilty by a jury largely because Judge Heidi Brieger did not let critical evidence to be presented to the jury that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trooper Guerrera was lying about several aspects of her complaint. Judge Brieger was appointed in 2012 by Deval Patrick. She graduated from Smith College, a far left women’s only college in Northampton. Prior to being appointed as a judge she worked as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the organized crime drug task force.
Judge Brieger’s reason for not letting in this evidence is because it was not permitted due to the rape shield laws. Earlier this week I obtained this banned evidence, and it’s clear that it meets the exceptions listed under the rape shield law. Let’s look at it.
For whatever reason she wrote sideways on top of the submitted evidence. What it says is that “the evidence is denied insofar as the evidence is precluded by MGE 412.” She also recognized that the evidence shows clear signs of consent, but claimed that “consent once does not imply consent forever.”
But as you will see, the evidence wasn’t presented to prove that he had consent every time he slept with her. The case against him centered around his character, his jealousy, his drinking, and his rage. The prosecution painted a picture of him as someone who was capable of rape, not that there was physical evidence of rape, much like the Senate recently did with Justice Kavanaugh.
The evidence was presented by the defense to prove that she was lying about him stalking her, lying about now having knowledge of being filmed in a sex tape, and lying about his abusive nature in their relationship.
Trooper Guerrera claims that she was raped by the defendant on December 2010, June 15, 2015, and April 22, 2016. It also suggests that other rapes happened within that time frame, yet she not only stayed with him, she moved in with him and brought her two kids with her.
If she was repeatedly raped by this man then why would she bring her kids around him?
Trooper Guerrera and Robert Sundberg were planning on buying a house together, but in the Spring of 2016, right before she alleged that she was repeatedly raped by him, he backed out of the real estate deal.
The submitted evidence purports to show that throughout this time in which she was allegedly a repeated victim of rape she continued to send him sexually provocative text messages, participated in threesomes and partner swapping, and made a sex tape. She also told a friend that she had “baby fever,” suggesting that she wanted to have a child with him.
It should be noted that around this time Mr. Sundberg was invited to Disney World by his mother because she wanted to treat him and his kids (her grandkids). However, his ex-wife was also invited since she is the mother of this three children. Angela Guerrera helped break up their marriage as Bob Sundberg repeatedly cheated on his wife with her, and was caught three separate times. When Trooper Guerrera found out about this trip to Disney World she reportedly lost it and was enraged. When you combine that with him backing out of the real estate deal she had the motive to fabricate a claim like this.
In 2011, after the first alleged rape, Trooper Guerrera and Sundberg participated in an orgy at at the Liberty Hotel in Boston. He invited his friend and she invited her friend Iracy (sp) DaSilva.
This evidence is relevant, and should’ve been admitted as an exception to the rape shield law because it shows “(1) evidence of the victims sexual conduct with the defendant.”
It also refutes the claim that he was an overly jealous boyfriend, if he was willing to be in the same room as her as she performed sexual acts on someone else. It would also give the jury a better idea that she was retaliating against him for pulling out of the real estate deal.
The next piece of evidence that was denied involved a man named Jefferson Davis (dead serious), who participated in sexual acts with Guerrero and Sundberg. In other words, in this 2015 event (after she was allegedly raped by Sundberg) she was tagteamed by her boyfriend and his buddy.
The Commonwealth’s case centered around the alleged controlling nature of Mr. Sundberg, and among other things she alleged that he accused her of cheating on him. Certainly it would cast doubt in a juror’s mind if they knew that this man who was supposedly jealous allowed other men to have sex with her in front of him.
Then there’s the sex tape. Trooper Guerrera told police that he filmed her in December 2015 (months after the second rape occurred), and that she had no knowledge she was being filmed. The video depicts a loving and consensual intimate relationship.
On the tape you can hear her saying “can we record it?” Even more damning, at the end of the tape she says, “fuck, oh I got the camera, I mean the phone….you gotta dry that off.” In other words, she excreted love fluids that got on the camera, which she admittedly knew was there the entire time. This completely destroys her credibility and would no doubt have led to a not guilty verdict.
Later in December of 2015 Guerrera and Sundberg went to a party sponsored by a man named Kevin Carroll in Acton. Trooper Brian Moran interviewed Paul Petkowich, whose business the party was held at, and he said that female strippers were invited. He also said that Guerrera was the only woman who was brought to the event (besides the strippers), but that she seemed happy to be there and willing to participate.
One of the strippers gave her a lap dance and began to touch her breasts through her shirt while Sundberg was sitting 5 feet from her. She did this on her own, and without his prompting.
Then came the sex toys. Both Sundberg and Guerrera put a dildo in their mouth while lying down on the floor, and a stripper stood over them and inserted the dildo into her penis fly trap. This certainly would refute the stalking claim.
All of this was inconsistent with the picture she painted of their relationships and of his behavior.
The rape shield law exists to prevent humiliation and embarrassment of a rape victim with unrelated evidence. However, this evidence wasn’t submitted to smear her, but to show the court the real extent of their sexual relationship. This evidence refutes the claims that he’s jealous, and by not being able to present it at trial his constitutional rights were violated.
The exceptions to the rape shield law exist in case the law is “in conflict with a defendant’s constitutional right to present evidence” that might show a jury that she is unreliable or lying.
It’s the judge’s duty to decide whether or not the relevance of this evidence outweighed the “prejudicial effect on the victim.” The Judge clearly believed her story and did not want her to be embarrassed in court, so she prevented Sundberg from showing a jury the real extent of their relationship.
There is no possible way a jury of 12 could convict this man after reading what you just read. This evidence clears the bar of the rape shield law and should have been presented in court. Instead Trooper Guerrero was allowed to present herself as a victim of 6 years of rape, abuse, and stalking, despite the existence of evidence to the contrary.
There were 12 jurors on this case. If just one of them is reading this blog right now perhaps they will have second thoughts about how they voted and it could help in his appeal. If one of you is reading this right now and would like to speak anonymously, please email turtleboysports@gmail.com. We would love to speak with you.
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68 Comment(s)
She should be charged for photoshopping the hell out of that POF pic (her face is completely blurred, and also, where did her triple chins go?). How did this trashbag ever become a “trooper” in the first place… yet veterans who have honorably served our country (but have tattoos, or maybe got a speeding ticket when they were a kid) were passed over for this conniving and useless broad? Disgusting. The best part of all, playing the victim as she accuses someone of “setting her up” for the DUI arrest… yet here she is doing something even worse to someone she had considered decent enough to let live with her kids and purchase a home with. Hypocrite lowlife.
This filthy spic bitch should be forced to patrol streets with her own kind. Transfer her to the third world shithole city of Lawrence. Filthy drug dealing violent spics roam8ng aimlessly.
Brooke street has a shooting every werk. With open borders these animals are invading North Andover. North Andover forces white girls to sign pledges to stay away from black and brown lawless violent criminal invaders.
Immigrant commits 2 bank robberies in Massachusetts and gets 6 months in prison… threatened to shoot people during both robberies but didn’t have a gun. If a American 8th grader made those threats after being bullied they would be in court and permanently tossed from their school.
Bampumim Teixeira, 30 years of age, was born in Guinea-Bissau and raised in Cape Verde. He came to the United States with his aunt when he was in his twenties. This week he was arraigned from his bed on two counts of murder and other charges because he slit the throats of two doctors. They were engaged to be married.
Teixeira was only released from prison in April after robbing the same bank twice. A lenient liberal judge Lisa Grant gave him only nine months in prison because a year in jail would have meant deportation.
You know how liberals are – they don’t want to lose one single immigrant. The judge is a pro-sanctuary city, pro-illegal immigration judge who had been appointed by Deval Patrick.
This is no mistake or accidental misinterpretation of the law.
This is pure man hate and judicial misconduct.
Not only should he get out, this judge should face the music for willful obstruction of justice and contributing to the loss of liberty of that man.
They’ll probably never get the lying twat for perjury but justice comes in many forms such as an unattended, single car crash that takes her life on a lonely stretch of Rt 2 at 03:00, for example (Purely hypothetical and in no way a threat).
I feel bad for her kids. Nobody ever picked their parents and these kids drew the short straw with mommy whoringest.
Your work is exemplary. I have been friends with Bobby and Ange for over five years… Just Bobby now that Ange decided to freak out and lie after he couldn’t take anymore of her crap. Instead of housing her and her kids he gave her a short period of time to get the hell out of his life. He would have saved himself a great deal of trouble if he had just walked out of his own apartment. Bob and Ange had a turbulent relationship but a healthy one. There was no shortage of love and passion, just a shortage of all the other stuff that makes a relationship real. Everything you are saying is true and the white hats in the MSP now have to worry about the backlash once Bobby is acquitted. This whole thing sucks and I hope in good time Bobby is seen for the good man that he is. As for Ange, using the protection of the law to cry rape without backlash casts a long shadow over the individuals who have valid claim and are questioned because of cases just like this. It cheapens their claim and shines light through the holes in the system. I hope justice is dealt out both ways in this circumstance.
Where is Randall the man-doll? Where. Where where. ?
Haaaaa. My comment was deleted about how trash this article is but the N word stays on other blogs.
Oh but TuRtLeBoY iSnT RaCiSt
Fuck outta here
@ you’re trash
First, nothing you have said or declared amounts to anything. You have NO evidence that your comment was “removed.” The premise that this article is “trash” and your are not willing to refute the claims with STRONGER evidence, logic and the Socratic evidence is beneath is all. Second, your justification for your incredulity that others posted what you determine to be far more offensive remarks relative to yours undermines anything you MIGHT have said factually that refutes the evidence and or claims presented by UTB. Spare us until you can coherently rebuke his assertions.
Dont go with filthy wBack spic whores. You lie with shit you eat shit
Literally and figuratively.
This is so nasty.
Now, can you scan the Statement of the Facts, Grand Jury Minutes and the District Attorneys motions? We realize turtleboy is a badge hag. I’d like to see how he got 15 years. This decision was placed on a jury so they obviously believed her rather than him. I don’t care how much sex she had with him or is she was a prostitute on the side. When she finally says ‘no’ that means no.
We can’t hear you with all that dick in your mouth!
Turns out she’s a slut. Big surprise. Knew that before reading this article.
And Judge Brieger – she looks like one of those wide-eyed leftist nut cases.
who is rode vs wade and who is polk??
Liquor in the front, poker in the rear
People are DISGUSTING, what a sick cunt this Police Officer is. Squirting… wtf.. aka pissing all over the bed, why not shit yourself and blast out some diarrhea when you climax to show everyone it was even better than a piss-gasm. The cop in jail is a sick fuck, tell me he didn’t suck his share of dicks probably other troopers hoping that never comes out. Closet queer hooking his BROS up with his whore gf because he gets off on watching the guys, he’s seen his girl enough so it isn’t about her.
Multiple naked people including other aroused men on one bed… wtf dude! Nothing sexy about that unless you’re a fucking fag. Body fluids flying every where “squirting” piss and jizz all over, sick fucks. If I shake somebody’s hand and it’s sweaty I wipe off my hand. The king sized bed orgy sounds like a pack of swine fornicating in their own shit.
Do you still wear a bathing suit in the locker room shower?
The only guy afraid to tag team a broad with his buddy must have a baby dick.
All wheels, No cannon.
I’ll concede the piss party because we (non liberals) all know females don’t have nuts.
Y… why are you still in the closet? It’s okay if you like showing your huge manhood to the other guys, and them showing you theirs. It’s not gay if there’s a female between you two, right?
Keep convincing yourself that. Oh… and enjoying it when your bro’ gets some of his manjuice on you at the end, nothing wrong with that. Just don’t lick it up… that’s gay.
No sword crossing
I’m not gay; he sucked my dick.
yes you are
Denial, try again.
If you shower with your swimsuit on it means you have a small penis. Better get that swim suit off and show the other men your genitals to prove your not gay.
That was a good burn.
Did you write that?
Calm down.
If I’m ever in bed with a woman who squirts all over the place, I’m going to throw up. Any guy who thinks that’s hot is a sick fuck.
Nobody else (to my knowledge) is fucking any woman I’m currently with, especially in front of me. If my girlfriend suggests a friend, clearly I’m not doing it for her. If I say “sure, bring him over….” I’m clearly confused about my own sexual orientation.
At this point there are 5 “dislikes” on my post above. That’s five girls who like to get double-teamed, five guys who are gay because they like to see dick, and don’t know it, or a combination of the two sexes.
Or it’s women who can’t help but piss all over the place when they orgasm, and men who think that means they did a good job getting her there.
Jeez Donald, can’t you just go golfing or tweeting or something?
Lock her up with Juicin Jeremy Winslow.
you had me at gang bang……also that old blonde turkey vulture in the potato sack has piqued my curiosity but i digress
She kind of looks like a dick with arms
Holy man-face, Batman! Judge Brieger has one helluva 5 o’clock shadow! Gotta be one of them ABC-123’s.
Judge bag of bones looks like a female Shrek, her entire face is swollen, get an epipen!
Smith College is where that lying black bitch Obonga Boogy broke into a closed building last summer and fell asleep on the job then complained she was racially profiled by the police while eating her lunch in the cafeteria. The national media and Boston media, never told the truth even after her lies were debunked.
Putting a dildo in your mouth and havin a stripper squat over you now refutes stalking claims?
Meh, maybe not the stalking claim. But it sure does put her judgement in question. Behavior like that in public? This girl ain’t a shrinking violet, that’s for sure.
Glass houses, Angela. You can’t attacking someone else’s character without holding yours out, too.
No. It establishes a pattern of inconsistency. The female trooper was NOT the defendent. It also establishes a precident for reasonable doubt. You remember, reasonable doubt when deciding an individual’s innocence. Because the burden of proof is not on the defendent but on……?
Sorry I just don’t see how taking part in consensual adult activities means you can’t be raped
They were actually trying to disprove the stalking / jealousy claims with this.
The first rape supposedly happened in 2010. Why didn’t she leave him then?
You are conflating a deductive (absolute) assertion with an inductive (relative) claim based on outcome. Given that the burden of proof is on the the accuser (via the state) and NOT the accused (the defendant) the likelihood of rape occurring given the evidence UTB presented (but was not included as admissible evidence) is in doubt and therefore would support the legal conclusion: beyond a reasonable doubt, in the defendants favor with respect to the jury’s decision.
Didn’t see a comment from “Bob.” Me thinks he protest too much. Pride goeth before the fall. What say you Bob. Is this UTB expose not enough evidence for you yet? Well. We’re waiting…..
Where is brother Randall? It seems as if he is called out before his mom hangs up the phone and allows him to go online with dial up…but when called out, he now doesn’t appear. Perhaps he caught pichacu in Boston harbor. He appears on ALL the blogs when mommy isn’t on AOL but where is he now? Is he in the confessional right now with the padre? Franklin….are YOU there?
The last time I was in town she was my personal security. I sniffed more than her hair…
Are these parties for police only?
Turtleboy, you might have just cleared a man’s name, and hopefully this can somehow lead to a public upheaval and then appellate court victory. That judge really wanted to stick it to Harvey Weinstein huh? Crazy.
This is some of the most important work you’ve ever done.
Females working jobs that were meant for men are always an issue. Police and the military being the most troublesome. Always some unnecessary drama
Brav motherucking O
Slut shamed????? I highly doubt anything would shame this slut.
I love the fact she’s a swinger (once is an experiment, after that, you are a full blown swinger) AND a squirter.
ahahahahahahaha,,,,well done sir!
Music sounds a bit like TB podcasts….
Well, fuck me. Now I have to go rub one out.
Randall, where for art thou? I await you in the confessional with my robe slightly open. I don’t care if I’m defrocked. You just repent and accept the sacrament such as the gimp that you are. Be my altar boy Randall.
Father Mahan I cant wait to see you for sum holy CUMunion
These are the people who cuff you. I’m sure there was no cocaine involved. This girl is your typical power hungry narcissist, that sees the ends justify the means so long as her desire is met, benefiting from society treating women like children and not holding them accountable to the fullest. She would definitely put a man behind bars and not think twice about it. Just like she would break up a family and not think twice. She took this dude for a ride. And now she discards of him like a true psychopath. If she was a man shed be a murderer, instead she finds other ways like self victimization and abuse of authority to achieve her goals. What a worthless cunt.
Forget the Bob Kraft videos TMZ. Please pay for the orgy videos showcasing the finest male and female troopers in action. I heard through the grapevine that porn videos exist showing Troopers , Boston finest and Transit police working as a team to relieve stress from the job.
She’s a deviant. Good thing they assigned her to try to recruit for the State Police. Such a quality person with high moral standards. Are the state police being pressured by politicians to hire minorities and females so bad that they just hire anyone? They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with their female hires
What in the fuck is going on with the MSP?! Are all these troopers drunks, coke users, sex addicts, and on, and on?
Yes, yes they are. They’re just like the rest of us. Except worse.
Great investigative work, now lets see what happens.
If Trooper Sundberg likes gang bangs, he is in for a treat in Jail. All he has to do is close his eyes and pretend Angela is taking him in her mouth rather than Bubba
So, she’s a squirter and likes to be spit roasted and passed around? Nice. Any guy with a brain knows you don’t date whores, you have fun and move on.
That judge looks like a young Donald Sutherland. No wonder she hates men.
This chick is a MADMAN. I want to party with this chick.
Hey Y, If you let me tit fuck her, you can get a double footie. You game?
Perhaps a Devil’s Triangle (or Eiffel Tower)…
No matter what you dig up, the outcome will not change. Yes, we know she’s a liar and a skank, but its not going to change. #me too has made sure of that. I mean, yoy got Liarwatha believing the story against Joe biden before anyone heard the story! With that mentality, nothing’s gonna change. Not ever….
I deny it all and Liawatha is a cunt.