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This is CT State Rep Angel Arce from Hartford:
And he’s in a world of #MeToo shit right now, because this 57 year old, who looks like he’s some sort of character that Jim Henson created, was revealed to have been sending creeptacular messages to a 16 year old in 2015. The girl is now 18 and decided to celebrate her womanhood by putting this skeeveball on blast……
The Hartford Courant published a series of texts the 57-year-old Hartford Democrat allegedly sent to the teen in 2015. They included:
- “good night love and sweet dreams and thank you for coming into my life.”
- “Really hun trust I think we going to keep a lot of secrets between us”
- “I wish you were living in Hartford. We be hanging out all the times”
- “You so beautiful and gorgeous”
- “Hope you know how to keep things to yourself when we conversate”
- “I’m going to help your mom get that job in Hartford.”
Oh yea, that was smart. Because if there’s one thing that 16 year old girls are good at, it’s keeping secrets about weirdo friends of their mothers who are trying to get in their pants. How do you get to this point? How do you become so naive that you truly believe a 16 year old girl would look at Eyebrows McShady over here, and say to herself, “Ya know what, I’d like to toss around his spam javelin for a while, followed by some cuddling”?
There’s nothing about this man that oozes sex appeal. At least Carlos Danger was young and had a full head of hair. This guy has literally never turned on a woman his entire life.
This happened on Wednesday. Today is Monday and he somehow still has a job. Seriously, how is this not an instant resign? Dude, you’re fucked. Give it up.
You’re not even denying it. There’s literally no way out of it. You’re a democrat and the entire democratic held house, along with the democratic governor, have urged you to resign. There’s no coming back from that. Why would you even wanna go into work? How tone deaf do you have to be to think that every single person you encounter at the Statehouse isn’t looking at you like the guy they need to keep away from their daughters? I know, I know. You had a good thing going. You got a job right near home, collecting a comfortable salary with a nice pension. You were an entrenched politician who had no chance of ever losing reelection. Life was good.
Then you started telling a child that “We be hanging out all the times.” Game over.
17 Comment(s)
Anyone who thinks “conversate” is a real word should automatically be disqualified from running for an elected position.
LOL the comment about looking like something Jim Henson created was Turtleboy funny. Love when you just say something funny like that. It’s why I always come back…for that one magical comment that gets me laughing.
The astonishing thing is other Democrats calling on this pervert to resign. Just a year and a half ago Mr Perv would have been invited to the White House for dinner. Trump sure has changed things.
Any noodz?
(Asking for a friend)
I have noodz of this young intern who worked my shaft at my office during her summer vacation.
We have got to get these two together!
Where’s the line it’s a cultural thing. Back home in PR, Dominican Republic or some place else in Latin America, take your pick this is seen as mentoring and is highly appreciated.
Instead of texting a teen, it’s easier if you grab him/her off the street and into your vehicle. That way you can do anything you want with them.
Why does it always seem to be Democrats?
Coz they are the only ones with free time to stalk underage girls and post snarky comments on blogs as they collect EBT
Roy Moore switched parties?
What the fuck is a filthy Democrat cocksucker doing on this site? Go back to backpage.com
Because they’re the sick perverts. Sure, there are a few RINOs who are sick fucks, too, but the democrat party is the party of perversion.
WHY?? What in the hell makes these creepy old guys think that they can land a girl under 18, and why do they want to? OBVIOUSLY they are children and cannot keep secrets, they shouldn’t have to worry about gross old Shrivels McBalls trying to be the first one to get “in”…..
It’s absolutely disgusting on so many levels. And wrong. And Icky.
and, he don’t speak too good English neither
He should be retired. With skull fragments.