Rod Webber and failed b-list softcore porn star Lauren Pespisa were in Quincy yesterday doing what they normally do – not working.
There was a blue lives matter rally, which attracts these two maggots like free food stamps. It should be noted that Rod Webber is a 46 year old man who lives with his mother in their $1 million home on Oakrest Rd in Needham. Diane Webber has a cushy job at Curry College as a professor so she can afford to let her nearly 50 year old son play Antifa while mooching off her indefinitely.
Meanwhile Lauren Pespisa is a well known meth dealer and hacker who went to jail for it, and was featured in this documentary at the 10 and 27 minute marks.
She can also be found on couch surfing websites, trying and failing at modeling, and attempting to make it as a topless movie star without tits.
Like Rod, Lauren is a basic white chick from a wealthy Boston suburb (Boxboro) who has had every opportunity handed to her in life and blown it. She is a constant disappointment to her parents due to the fact that she is 32 years old and seems to have no intention whatsoever of ever obtaining employment.
Yesterday at the rally Rod and Lauren decided to try and burn an American flag on the beach, just to upset people. Unfortunately for them someone grabbed it before that could happen, which prompted boo-boo baby bitch to cry to the same police he hates about the fact that his property was stolen before it could be burned.
Better call a social worker Rod. Your mother’s tax dollars should finance them.
After that he did successfully burn a backup flag.
And Lauren and Rod raised their hands in the sky to celebrate what is quite possibly the climax of their pathetic, meaningless existence on this planet.
You can’t even get mad at these people, they’re just so sad and are only doing it for attention. I hate giving it to them, but I do enjoy pointing out how privileged and comfortable they grew up so hopefully their families can read it and be thoroughly ashamed to be related to them. I know I would be.
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37 Comment(s)
I see she lacks morals. Leftists always lack morals.
And what’s with the dude with the beret on? Does he think he’s a Beatnik? Does he have a copy of ‘Howl’ in his back pocket?
I’d comment about how glorious it will be when prospective employers Google Lauren prior to hiring her. But let’s not fool ourselves. She won’t be working anytime soon.
Topless movie star?
8 year old boys have better developed chests than this tweeker skank.
Check out the mosquito bite titties on this one!!!!! I’ve seen bigger raisins on the breadboard!!!! She is also President of the itty bitty titty committee. Pig. A pretty face doesn’t cover up the ugly soul.
I wish I knew they were there! How do you find out where these shitheads are planning their outbursts? I have pent up quarantine frustration and would love to have a few words with these clowns.
His boobs are a C cup and hers are an A
Haha, this is the chick who thought she could stop a bullhorn with her hand. Priceless!
At this point, anyone at one of these “rallies” on EITHER side is looking for trouble or in it for the wrong reasons. I mean look at these lunatics on BOTH sides. These mfs need to go the fuck home and turn off the damn news.
No. Disagree. Our side needs to rally, especially in Massachusetts. This thing, liberalism, is a cancer and its getting worse and worse and worse with each passing day. We need to show all these assholes that we’re here too. That this is our fucking home too. Because, I think they’re actually a lot of conservatives or non-leftists, whatever, in Massachusetts. I think most of this liberal bullshit comes out of the jerry-rigged congressional district of barney frank and cambridge. Fuck those assholes. Fuck them.
Now more than ever is the time to rally. I saw a huge Trump train last weekend on route 3 heading north. We’re here! And the base is fired up.
The future is very uncertain, but, hypothetically we could see a break up of the country pretty soon. Massachusetts, like California and Oregon will “naturally” go to the left. Its up to us to leverage this opportunity for revolution and tell them “hell fucking no” and make Massachusetts a non-leftist something.
Look, this side believes in infanticide and molesting kids…we are right and they are not. Its really that cut and dry. No, I’m not looking forward to this, but, we have to stand up.
Liberalism isn’t cancer. Leftism is.
Liberalism was born in the Enlightenment and it is the ideological principle on which this nation was founded. “Liberalism” was bastardized in the 20th century by leftists (socialists) looking to soften their authoritarian leanings in the first half of the century. After the fall of Stalin, real leftists began rebranding themselves as “liberals” or “progressives” (read David Horowitz), and now they’re rebranding again as “democratic socialists.”
Notwithstanding social conservatism, today’s conservative, or right-leaning political ideology, is more in line with old-fashioned liberalism. We’re actually -conserving- liberalism. We should work to take back and re-habilitate the word.
If these people were related to me I’d never speak to them again. Not only are they ugly on the inside and out, they’re a disgrace to mankind.
Ma Webber could eat a sandwich thru a Venetian blind with those teeth of hers. She would have been great in the old “Mr. Ed” TV show.
I lol’d hahahaha “Venetian blind”
She could eat an apple through a chain link fence.
We should all just laugh at these POS. Mock them, show them for the clowns they are. They want to be taken serious so laughing will really piss them all. When they are shown to be fools they are, and no one takes seriouslly, they lose, what they the think, is their power.
To the two flag burning nut sacks!….You should have done society a solid and wrapped yourselves in them first! ASSHOLES!!!
I’ll give ya an eightball if you let me fuck your asshole. Not your speed? Couple of oxys if you let me pound that poopshoot. Maybe if I smack you in the face hard enough with my cock we can fix that lazy eye of yours. Also it’s gotta be on camera, your hardcore porno debut. Filthy little slut
Lauren has pierced piss flaps, so hot
Hi Lauren you grimey little trollop
“My hands are high, my feet are low, and this is how I Pespisa-co.
Pepsi-Co, pep-Pepsi Co. “
Anyone happen to have a rainbow flag I can burn? I want to see them lose their minds.
Whatever else happens with my life, at least I have a house and I am paying off the mortgage for it!
I understand that Burning a Flag is covered by the First Amendment. Setting anything on fire in public is some sort of arson and inciting a riot. Regular people can’t light a campfire on the beach or sidewalks, but these people can. Fucking fat bum living at home with mommy is dysfunctional, he probably sniffs her undies and uses her dildo when she’s working. Fat freak loser. The other one was never any kind of model, just because Daddy said you were beautiful doesn’t make it true. Who paid for the Flag they burned? Probably his Dirty Dildo Riding Mom. I literally hate everything about Liberals, such a bunch of Freaks and Bums
Lauren, I would like to offer a hard substitute to the soft core porn problem you have experienced!
Fitting the crustaceans finished their noble protest in front of the clam joint.
Viva la delusional revolution.
Clearly these failures need socialism, Mommy and Daddy won’t live forever and any money left behind won’t last either. Of course they have no skills whatsoever to support themselves, so that leaves contributing members of society to leech off of.
That was effin priceless.
Anybody who wears a hat like Rod’s is a woke douchebag. That’s just Turtleboy science.
Anyone else find it ironic Lauren was outside The Clam Box?
The smell was definitely her, not the food!
she has miniature titties
haha model mayhem, that is so 2006.
I agree with TB, once you realize how pathetic some of these people are its hard to get mad at them. These two tards are clearly losers. Leftism/liberalism/progressivism/marxism etc is an ideology of losers. Naturally a loser wants to equal to everyone else. And it makes sense that an ideology that says, hey its not your fault for being a loser its those people and feel free to blame all your ill concieved and reckless behavior that made you a loser on them. Oh and keep being this way and never improve. That sort of thing resonates with losers.
The circle I’m having trouble squaring is that when I do an errand in Hingham I see a lot of people supporting this ideology. Yes, the people from hingham are reprehensible liberals and I firmly believe a person living in a $3mm house has not business lecturing me on “morality”. Doubly true for income distribution and all that. But that’s the rub. You see, on the other hand it takes all the attributes outlined in the “what is whiteness” placard formerly displayed in the Black history Smithsonian in Washington DC. This was the one that says showing up on time and hard work are all whiteness and, therefore, bad. ?? What the fuck?
The people living in that $3mm mansion on East Street (the one with all the biden-harris and blm signs) didn’t get to the point in their life to afford a $3mm house by not showing up to work or just showing up whenever they wanted too. Adjusting, of course, if they didn’t inherit that house or money. There are many such houses like that in Hingham. How can they be so enthusiastic about this ideology that basically is a loser ideology?
Sure, the answer lies in our fucked up education system. But, these people aren’t in school any longer.
Worse still is how they are at work, speaking of work. I do know since I’ve worked with many of them. Backstabbing, passive aggressive, political…generally an all around asshole. Again, work place assholes have NO business lecturing me about morality.
Education and the brainwashing that occurs within I think explains a lot. But, it goes to show just how fucked this whole thing is. People from hingham basically celebrate and regard those loser asshats above as sacred. Hell, they probably want their kids to turn out that way?
That’s why I think we need to “opt out” or secede in place. Because for me the placard that describes “whiteness” is the surest path to success.
I know why she’s mad, failed model, but what’s his problem? He’s probably hitting that ass, so why he so upset? Also, is that his broken down truck at mommy’s house??
That loser that wanted the blue lives matter flags removed from hingham fire was from that fine community too
I finally figured it out, this cunt looks like the stupid bitch on Bering sea gold. They are both retards.
Got a camera you can’t afford and a 3″ pecker? Call yourself a photographer and watch all the cheap daddy issue girls who STILL wouldn’t look twice at you, take off their clothes to quench their need for approval.
The term “dolphin teeth” is getting thrown around here pretty loosely lately. For future reference, it’s not people with jacked up teeth, it’s people like Dianne Webber who’s gum to tooth ratio is off the charts. Little baby chicklets in her head instead of a set of normal adult teeth. Makes you want to toss a bucket of mackerel at her. And considering her adult child still lives at home at 40+ you could conclude that anyone that has dolphin teeth are awful people.
ahahahahahaha. great comment
America, a country so great that even people who hate it won’t leave.