Fitchburg “Weed-For-Ride-To-Prison” Chick Is Hiring Attorney Dick N. Vulva For Massive Civil Lawsuit Against Turtleboy
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Update on the Fitchburg chick who was offering weed and Subway on Facebook to any stranger who would drive her and her boyfriend to Maine to visit their friend who is in prison on murder charges. Tiara Taylour says that as soon as she gets back from visiting her friend at Shawshank, she will be contacting her attorney for a massive civil action against Turtleboy.
And which attorney will be representing her? Not sure. Although I know someone who never misses out on an opportunity to win an Internet lawsuit:
Damn you Vulva!!! That guy is gonna be our downfall.
The best part about the Attorney Dick N. Vulva routine is when these cock biscuits message him immediately afterwards:
Never gets old. Never will.
She was far from the only way messaging us about Internet lawsuits:
But according to Tiara, she couldn’t drive to Maine on her own because she has a “medical condition.”
Which apparently doesn’t prevent her from walking tight ropes:
Look, does Dick N. Vulva scare us? Obviously. Dude is a shark in Internet court. But we’re not backing down from this guy anymore. Bring it. We look forward to the day we finally bring Dick N. Vulva to pound town, and this might just be the case to do it.
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46 Comment(s)
I’m only going to say this one fucking time:
slander is a civil action where the Defendant spoke about your character, knew or should have known it was false AND you have been damaged(physically, emotionally and/or financially) as a result of it.
libel is the WRITTEN part of this civil action.
Further, if you are a mother fucking half wit, please do not say you are going to sue someone. Here’s why: banks and insurance company’s are one of a small group of savvy and smart clients that never threaten suit. They send a demand letter and then they file in court. No yelling “I’m going to hire an attorney”, or saying “I’m going to get you”, they just file the complaint and sue the defendant into oblivion.
This is my favorite part: out of 100 filed cases, how many do the insurance companies and banks lose after all appeals are exhausted? less than 1/2 of 1 percent, for all you gutter-fuck puppets that no habla math or English, that is less than 0.05. They lose mostly against an attorney general or governmental agency because the legislature fucked up the statute being challenged and AG is taking full advantage. The white knight theory is only for the movies.
So to all you EBT mouth eaters, just go back to your cable TV and just wait to pass away from the “disease”.
All I know is turtleboy had a lot hatred towards this girl to do this much work. I’m just curious as to where all that hatred stems from.
I used to enjoy these comments but all the friggin asshats who just argue with each and call each other names and have absolutely nothing to do with the actual article have ruined it for me. Can all you losers go do each other in and bring back the fun commenters? Seriously no one gives a shit about your infantile beefs.
I grew up in the same town (Arlington) as Attorney Vulva. Sure, he caught a lot of shit growing up with a name like that, but I assure you he is real. He’s represented me a couple of times in the past and his reputation for being a shark in the courtroom is 100% accurate. Hopefully Vulvs will finally take this jerk Turtleboy down! Godspeed barrister!
To add to my confusion is the fact that all these rhode scholars try to sound threatening and continue to not use punctuation, not use correct or proper grammer, cant spell for shit (spell check -great invention) and clearly dont know how to use a dictionary. If i wanted to sound even a little credible , at the very least my rant would be legible and make sense to a human attempt in to read it. Again WTF!
I know i havent been on here that long and i def cant figure out if some of these people are real or not but there seriously cant be a REAL lawyer named dick n vulva. If that is a real person they really really need to change the name. And do these ratchets honestly think they would have a lawsuit with this lawyer they find on TBS? I am still confused from yesterday and will remain confused apparently.
Your site would be way more entertaining if it didn’t transfer me to another random bullshit ad site after a minute and a half of trying to read the actual fucking article
Use an ad blocker then like everyone else with half a brain you crybaby cunt.
Girl should brush up on the murder laws, her friend is guilty as a result of “joint venture”, she participated in an action that resulted in the death and as such is culpable. She knew the backstory and most likely had an idea someone was going to be severely maimed, or in this case killed. She is just as guilty as the actual shooter in the eyes of the law in most states. Enjoy life without parole!
It defends the common law view, namely that when someone foresees that another party to a joint criminal venture may commit murder, and that other person does commit murder, the person who foresaw that the murder might take place in the course of the venture is also liable to be convicted of murder.
source: Oxfordscholarship.com
If anyone would like to call Brian and talk to him about his potty mouth please call 781-812-0505. IF you want to go in and talk to his mom Deb OR dad Dick feel free to drop by 121 Federal St. in Weymouth
Awesome!! A phone number. Fun!
Thanks! I’m going to text him some nudes!
Maybe in the right venue to start. But it’s a long way to stardom.
His name is really Vulva??? God day to you!
She really needs to go to school and retake an English and spelling class. White trash at its best.
In sure she got a ride, maybe not to Maine or in a car, well maybe.
Grow up little girl. Trash day is here. Bye bye
Great articles. I was personally involved in that thread you might have even posted one of my comments lol. If I can be of help please let me know. Fyi the threats she had made where against me.
Did anyone tell her that Dick N. Vulva charges a $10,000 retainer to take this shit to court? Where is she coming up with that money? Fuck you long time !
I love how all these losers threaten to get attorneys. No $$$ for a ride but has cash for a retainer. Bwahahahahahaha
(FYI-Mr Vulva’s fees are triple the norm)
I’m giving away blowjobs tonight! For the love of God, will someone please post their real address!?!?!?
8====D ~~~
“Slander”, huh?
I think that’s called “libel”, prunetits. Slander is spoken.
I might be from Worcester, but there’s no coming back from Maine
HAHAHA you’re all pussy. I swear none of yall will fuck with me. I’d eat yall pussys alive. Wheres the faggot king turd burglestein. Still waiting for him to post his address. Little Kevin Lynch and that group of retards he continues to call “his family” wont come to weymouth. HEY DUGGAN! WHERE YA AT??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH FUCK WITH ME
Come to my house you little birch so me and David can pig roast you! One in the front one in the back for those of you who don’t know. Smooches you little cunt
You gonna run with that excuse that you didn’t see the other thread where I posted it? I’ve been waiting, but your slack ass didn’t show up like we all knew you wouldn’t. Like I said, I gotta be somewhere at 8p to hit a lick, but back by 11…so feel free to stop by then.
Yeah, imma comin for you old man! Motherfucker. I ain’t never sucked no old dick before. So you better have some viagra and shit cuz I don’t wanna have to work too hard Rumpled Foreskin!
Bitch…my dick is so big I don’t have a foreskin. I got a fiveskin. And it’s gonna get buried in every hole you have. I might even tie your hands behind your back and chickenwing you right between the shoulderblade and nut on the back of your head. You can style your hair afterwards because my nuts are really full right now.
Aww, you sweet talkin me now you ol’ wrinkly ass prune.
LETTTSSS FUCKING GOOOOO! YOU OLD FUCK. if you actually posted your address i didnt see it. LEts see it agian? Yeah fuck you you old fuck. I think i may have just rain a train on your daughter id recommend her. grade A slut
Look above shitbag.
Where you at you old knuckledragger?? I get to your place im gonna break your cane over your senile old head and wrap your stretched out ballsack around your neck. CMON FUCKER! WHERE ARE YOU! OLD FUCK!
Hey old man, what happens when you jerk off you old fuck. Does dust come out? HAHAHAHAHA FUCK WITH ME!
I waited & waited & waited. Where da fuck were you…PUSSY???
You can dust my nuts and fluff my balls. Just don’t sneeze before you can gulp down all of my DNA slurpee. It might be the only meal you get today and your skinny ass is already borderline malnourished.
Ain’t no time like the right time…and that’s now!
You back off Turd’s dick, Brian!! Burg is MINE!!
P. S. Still waiting on your reply Turd, lover xox
Would you eat hanginpossum?
Not again. I thought you choked on a cock and died.
Seriously guy get a life! You should comment on the articles but I guess you think you are Mr. Tough Weymouth guy and for some reason think people give a shit. WELL LET ME TELL YOU NO ONE FUCKIN CARES HOW TOUGH YOU THINK YOU ARE. You used to be kinda sorta funny in a stupid way. I missed you a little only cause I couldn’t believe the stupid that came outta your cock sucker. Now I realized how much of a fuckin hemroid you are. Get a clue no one wants you here you shit stain. GO PLAY SWITCH WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND.
why does attorney vulva have the same name as my vaginal parts?
well he also has a dick so….yeah. Anyone get it yet?
my entire comment was a joke so….yeah we get it
Not ONE of those fucking schools teaches English?
You can’t fool me. That’s pornstar extraordinaire Ron Jeremy. And I just want to thank him for his years of service (*sniff*)
Go back and look for it you lame ass fucko. It’s in the other thread about this same chick. I ain’t your fucking secretary, but you’re gonna be taking a lot of DICKtation so you can add that to your resume when I’m done fucking your bloody toothless mouth.
That was supposed to post under brian’s comment.
What I was gonna ask you though regarding your thanks for Ron Jereny’s service was to ask how long he serviced you.