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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:
58 Comment(s)
Where is genduso
Only look at me look at me look at me stupid sluts send people nudes
If you stupid whores stopped sending nudes then none of you would be in these situations and you wouldn’t have to worry about your nudes being all over the internet and friend family potential employers employers school your future children or husbands seeing them
Contrary to stupid whore belief Sending nudes is not empowering
It shows that you are obviously a whore who needs consistent attention and validation
Its also immoral
You whores know that your nudes are going to end up plastered all over and yet you still send them knowing this then cry about it after and act like you’re some victim
You’re not a victim in any way
What you are is attention seeking narcissistic whores who have no respect for your selves
None of you obviously have anything of substance to offer and that is why you send nudes in the first place
There is a simple solution to you self made fucked up problems you know what the solution is STOP TAKING AND SENDING NUDE PICTURES then none of you would have these type of problems but as stupid sluts you never think you just act
If more people stood up and shamed these stupid whores and stoped making excuses for them then soyciety might be just a little bit better
You have no respect for your selves so stop demanding other people respect you
Keep you fucking cloths on in pictures stop being whores and 80% of your problems will go away
Dirty pigs
Living in the sunlight loving in the moonlight having a wonderful time
Pussy pass denied
Do you feel the same way about jackoff videos and dick pics?
I do.
Wrong. I use my body (photos & video) to extol what I want from men. My boss, my neighbors, my freind’s husbands, my co-workers, my family, my entire community kniws what I look like. And that speaks volumes. I know it – I can guarantee any male American (not to mention any other straight human male) that has seen my “nudez” has spanked himself straight to spunk.
There’s a reason I do what I do — it’s to my benefit, not yours. Don’t call me a slut, call yourself a victim, because you’re a victim of me. Keep your pants down boy, looking and a dreaming I’m your fantasy. You may squirt now, zip up and go play your facade of holy.
I own you, you dirty little man, your woman will NEVER look as good as me.
Matthew Brown’s hatred of women can be traced directly to his whore mother. As a youngster he repeatedly walked in on her getting gang banged by hispanic and negro men. He also walked in on many Bukkake sessions where she looked like a glazed donut. prove me wrong mathew ( you little bitch)
Sarah’s number if anyone wants it
+1 (603) 479-6671
Sarah’s number if anyone wants it
+1 (603) 479-6671
We had consensual sex. She butt fucked me with a 10″ “black invader” strap-on, it was heaven. She even picked out the other guys she wanted to butt fuck me when she was done. If you subpoena her phone records you will see she was getting paid by other men on seeking arrangements to have sex with my gaping asshole. She is a prostitute and I am a HOMO Her name is Sarah Hunter. I’d be happy to divulge all of our conversations. I can happily show you the pics to link with her profile on there. Do the pictures look like it was not consensual, I fucking loved it up the ass? Look at the smile on my face. It’s my business to do what I want with pictures that were taken con sensually together. Not sure what the news story is here. I’m not in the military she is. I’m just a lonely meat beater and serial bedwetter. call me at 978 489 4085. I got thrown off a plane because they caught me beating my 4″ erect cock
Cute Sarah. Now you know you’re caught. You made a huge mistake because now anyone who has my number has access to your nudes looks like an epic backfire to me
That’s not Sarah, that’s just what we do to desperate try hards around here.
What won’t you text me back! I just wanna swallow your cock
SARAH ALSO DOES DRILLS AT MANCHESTER NH SHE IS IN THE ARMY RESERVE. If anyone would like her pictures or information I’d be happy to supply them. 978-489-4085
I texted you a bunch of pics of my hard dick, hit me back bro!
Go to ATM. Get $200,300,500 whatever.the.limit. For a week.
Then go downtown, find the HAMC (Hells Angels) clubhouse – or Outlaws or Pagan’s or Mongols or Megans… Wave that wad of cash and ask if anybody can give your friend a special tune-up.
First and foremost how does a guy you’ve dated a couple of times have multiple nudes of you?
Her story just doesn’t add up. Only girl who would let that happen is a super slut. A slam pig. A hoe bag.
No decent broad strips for the camera on the second date. I call bullshit.
Sarah is a prostitute on Seeking arrangements. I have texts messages from her soliciting men for sex. I met Sarah and we first had sex in a hotel in Peabody MA where she was paid by a member of the site to video us live. I did not pay her a cent, ever. If you subpoena our conversations you will see that. She is a prostitute and trying to protect herself. Again…WHY WOULD I MAKE A PROFILE TO LURE A ROOM FULL OF GUYS WITH NO GIRL? MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE AND EVEN IDIOT AIDEN DIDNT HAVE THE FORSIGHT TO THINK OF THAT ONE. She is defending herself in her text messages to her friend because she knows she was caught red handed. Why else would she agree to take naked pictures with me? RIDDLE ME THAT!!
My kinda woman
Sarah is a prostitute on Seeking arrangements. I have texts messages from her soliciting men for sex. I met Sarah and we first had sex in a hotel in Peabody MA where she was paid by a member of the site to video us live. I did not pay her a cent, ever. If you subpoena our conversations you will see that. She is a prostitute and trying to protect herself. Again…WHY WOULD I MAKE A PROFILE TO LURE A ROOM FULL OF GUYS WITH NO GIRL? MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE AND EVEN IDIOT AIDEN DIDNT HAVE THE FORSIGHT TO THINK OF THAT ONE. She is defending herself in her text messages to her friend because she knows she was caught red handed. Why else would she agree to take naked pictures with me? RIDDLE ME THAT!!
She is a prostitute on seeking arrangements I have texts of her saying she meets up with men in exchange for sex. Thankfully I never paid her anything it was all consensual. She is butt hurt because her sergeant found our profile on that site and she’s trying to defend herself. Go head subpoena our conversations. She lives in Revere MA and Manchester, NH her number is +1 (603) 479-6671
I’m calling her TONIGHT!
Sarah is a prostitute on Seeking arrangements. I have texts messages from her soliciting men for sex. I met Sarah and we first had sex in a hotel in Peabody MA where she was paid by a member of the site to video us live. I did not pay her a cent, ever. If you subpoena our conversations you will see that. She is a prostitute and trying to protect herself. Again…WHY WOULD I MAKE A PROFILE TO LURE A ROOM FULL OF GUYS WITH NO GIRL? MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE AND EVEN IDIOT AIDEN DIDNT HAVE THE FORSIGHT TO THINK OF THAT ONE. She is defending herself in her text messages to her friend because she knows she was caught red handed. Why else would she agree to take naked pictures with me? RIDDLE ME THAT!!
Get in line. I’m gonna get her wifi password and hopefully her lady canoe.
Riddle me this. Why would I have made a post like that if she had not expressed interest? To line up a bunch of dudes for nothing?? Can someone explain that validly. She obviously was the one who expressed the interest and told me to make a profile. I can’t wait till our text messages are made public. WHY WOULD I MAKE THAT PROFILE NOT WITH HER CONSENT IT MAKES NO SENSE. TO GET A ROOM FULL OF GUYS WITH NO GIRL? Who has an answer for that one.
I know what to do with a room full of guys and no girl: Collect everyone’s load up my fuck hole.
Too bad that explanation doesn’t work out…otherwise why would I have been seeing her for three months dumbass and taking nude pics and vids with her. Sounds like you’re about as intelligent as Aiden on this one. Einstein.
I didn’t actually read the story, nobody here cares about the story. That’s not what we do here
Yup. No one ACTUALLY cares. You’re both idiots and we thank you for that because your misery brings us great joy.
I cant read the blog because of your shitty web hosting, but all I gotta say is never trust any chick that sends you nudes right when you start dating. she’s sending them to 10 other guys too. That sergeant probably already has jerked off to them on multiple occasions.
My bosses wife cheated on him, and when he caught her she flipped out… robbed their house, wiped out their bank account, even stole their dog, and then ran off with her new man. So he went on her gmail and forwarded a bunch of blowjob vids she made to her entire contact list. I still will randomly beat off to them to this very day lol.
How can anyone show viewers such goofy ass facial expressions on every frickin YouBoob stream and think that you are reporting on serious issues that affect society? Especially when we have to sit thru you trying to bring up a guest including that stoner Sasquach boyfriend of yours and then fiddle around and cuss at your computer trying to bring up the story that attracted all 10 of us riders to tune into.
Your belligerent take on yesterday’s news, sadly, will not earn you Jack squat in the Pulitzer dept. I heard Biden snuck around and bested you in the polls on that racket!
She’s an escort on seeking arrangements. Subpoena the texts and messages. We had consensual sex. She made the profile with me. She even picked out the other guys she wanted. If you subpoena her phone records you will see she was getting paid by other men on seeking arrangements to have sex. She is a prostitute. Her name is Sarah Hunter. I’d be happy to divulge all of our conversations. I can happily show you the pics to link with her profile on there. Do the pictures look like it was not consensual? Look at the smile on her face. It’s my business to do what I want with pictures that were taken consensually together. Not sure what the news story is here. I’m not in the military she is. She is also a prostitute.
Does she give a good bloje?
Yeah if you want vids and pics text me. My number is made public here. Happy to share them
Hey bro, if you like dick pics hit me up, 339-215-9546 and I’ll let you bang out my hole in the woods
But you’re married!
Government of Alberta will be implementing several restrictions effective Sept. 16.
All Canadians must mask up at work, and any Canadians who can must work from home. Individuals must provide proof of vaccination, or a recent negative test, simply to enter a business – and the unvaccinated will not be permitted to attend any private indoor social gatherings as well.
Indoor social gatherings are defined as.
-Vaccinated: Indoor private social gatherings are limited to a single household plus one other household to a maximum of 10 vaccine-eligible, vaccinated people and no restrictions on children under 12.
-Unvaccinated: Indoor social gatherings ARE NOT PERMITTED for vaccine-eligible people who are unvaccinated.
Hey we just fired our fry cook cause he was to tall and fat. I suggest you toss in an application. You are short enough to not catch the fumes in the face. The management feels you would be a perfect fit on the team. We’ll even let you eat the fries you are getting to thin Unc. Stop by when you can for an interview.
Once we have vaccine passports in Massachusetts everything can go back to normal.
Except you will have to show your vaccine passport and wear a mask to participate in society.
What’s going to be your new job, Adderoll? I don’t particularly recommend. OnlyFans after seeing yo ur audition tape.
Awww, Aidan. This is going to make so much sense to so many people so very, very soon.
Aidan doesn’t have time to blog lately because hes preoccupied right now. He’s been harassing the shit out of local PD to try and frantically stop his own dirty laundry from airing.
They have some bad news coming for you, Aids.
Speaking of retaliation against women who break up with men….this is a fantastic story about all of your hypocrisy.
Good to see you still carved out some time in your day to air out someone else’s dirty laundry, though.
You’re one of the pedos that TB exposed and now you’re all butt hurt about it.
Well go tell your neighbors they’re all living next to a Level 3, or whatever the fuck you are. instead of crying on here.
He’s the pride of G-Vegas, baby!
As for your idea of forwarding your dumb blog to state reps…as if you would have any influence with anyone in polite society….. Ha! What a Bozo. The only thing an association with Turtleboy could do is weaken any support for the measure.
Not so much, buddy. More like someone who knows a lot of things Aidan does not want other people to know, and made sure it went somewhere where everyone will know.
You’re no better!
So when you came in today, why did you disappear into the bathroom for 45 seconds? The next customer slipped and fell.
I guarantee that this loser doesn’t have $15 dollars in the bank let alone 1.5 million.
Coming from a guy caught jerkin his gherkin…… What a pathetic waste of flesh…….
I’m the next Turtleboy. You and your shitcock are old news. Mathafuhkah!
So get this shit, I sent nudes to a chick once. Wasn’t a jerk off video but whatever. I had a burnt pizza on my dick and a pair of wire cutters. Wanna know what happened? I got that wifi password!
I have 35 views mostly from people watching me over and over to laugh hysterically. I told you not to send me to so many people. Now look at where your life is. I didn’t ask for this, Jules didn’t ask for this, the crotch fruit didn’t ask for this, actually no one asked to see you angrily pound your tick tack. This was not my intended use.
Whats this all about?
Yeah! WTF?
Aidan I never got a jerk off video from you. You’re gonna pay when I put my strap on on. Now go make me a sammich, bitch.
Which blogs did Julie write?
So, when your blog goes to shit from being exposed as the sexual predator you are, telling women you’ll kill yourself if you stop talking to them, you have the balls to run your mouth about nudes being sent?
The bigger question is, which McDonald’s will you be applying to?
Cmon, Every guy sends those videos to women. Look how well it turned out for Josh Abrams. “I’m Sorry Christina.” Your video was renamed as “I’m sorry, Jules” and is circulating throughout the people whose lives you ruined or tried to ruin. Now, we know you’re going to lie and say it’s fake but the video was examined and determined to be authentic. So as you sit with your dick in your hand (pun intended), a very large group of people are sitting back and enjoying you get what you deserve.
McDonalds is paying $17/hour and has employee meal discounts, tuition assistance, and burger university.
“Hanging out for 3 months” and he has nude pics of you.
Obviously you didn’t look into him first, and perhaps you should keep your clothes on until the relationship is more than brand new.
She’s basically getting what she asked for by not looking into someone she was dating and for being quick in the sack.
Have some respect for yourself.
Whats she gotta against gang bangs?
They are fun!
Bitches gotta learn.