This is Matthew Brown from Keene, NH (formerly from Gardner).
And he’s apparently been trained in the Travis Palermo school of romance, because he’s one of the creepiest social media predators we’ve ever been notified about. And multiple women have reached out about this foreskin fapnado’s tactics. Evidently his plan for finding love is simple – message random woman non-stop until they finally respond out of annoyance, then sends them a screenshot of what he pretends is his bank account showing over $300,000 and brags about how his mammoth sized womb broom will give them multiple orgasms. What girl wouldn’t be swayed by messages like these?
Stop right there. Fellas, ya see this a lot. The whole, “guess not,” “or not,” thing – that never works. It’s a pathetic display for sympathy designed to get a response. Something like, “sorry I wasn’t ignoring you, I’ve just been busy,” even though we were intentionally ignoring you the entire time, and for good reason. He just waits for women to get tired of the notifications before they finally respond out of frustration.
Saying “please” is definitely a hot pickup line for sure. Nothing says “sex me up” quite like a guy begging for it like a crotch fruit who wants ice cream after dinner.
Finally, when you ignore fuck bois like this they eventually get frustrated, stop pretending they’re one of the “nice guys,” and show you their real colors.
Ya know what, I wasn’t DTF before, but now that you’ve taken dinner and drinks off the table I realize how badly I wanted to ride your yogurt slinger.
That’s when he brings out the big guns.
He literally sends that exact screenshot to every woman he preys on, and it’s always got the exact same amount of money. Almost as if it’s not his bank account. And he sends it every single time too.
He’s become so notorious that some women preemptively tell him they want $5K when he messages them.
Huge loss to whatever unlucky girl passed on this winner.
Lots of guys with nearly half a million dollars in their bank account are looking for people to go to “meetings” with in Gardner.
Bro, you go to meetings for junkies and alcoholic. That sounds like shooting fish in a barrel. Why are you wasting your time with non-damaged strangers on Facebook when you have a plethora of pussy cornucopia in front of you?
He also has a tendency to send unsolicited dick pics too.
Stop right there. This vaj starved pervatron not only send a dick pic (without asking) with the caption “your loss” (because how can anyone woman survive without getting batted around by his bologna baton?), he then justified this sexual harassment when the woman responded horrified by saying, “you didn’t respond to ANY of my messages.” As if she’s obligated to. As if failure to do so means he has permission to send a complete stranger pictures of his mushroom machine. How dare anyone not respond to him in a timely manner.
But he STILL tried to get in her pants anyway.
Oh fuck off you flaccid douche twinkie. The only multiple thing women are getting out of you is restraining orders.
Nevertheless he still thought he had a shot by “apologizing,” saying he was sick of girls who “play games” (AKA, don’t respond to his multiple messages), telling her what a nice guy he is, and asking her out for a drink.
On Facebook he’s constantly degrading women, which is a real turn on too.
He’s shitting on women who don’t have good jobs. Meanwhile he just got a job working at Tavern in the Square in Littleton.
He’s demeaning women who have the the audacity to ignore him, and acts like they’re the bad guys after he sends unsolicited dicks pics their way. He calls himself a “real man,” when he’s going to recovery meetings in Gardner. He looks down on “sluts” and “whores” who wanna fuck in the backseat of a car, meanwhile those are exactly the kind of girls he’s looking for online. And my personal favorite is how he says he doesn’t like girls who flaunt gym selfies for validation. Who would ever post something like that?
Not him, that’s for sure.
The most disgusting and twisted thing about this ball washer is that he’s got a teenage daughter, and the women he’s sexually harassing all day are barely older than her. It doesn’t look like she lives with him luckily, but he plays up the whole, “I’m the world’s best dad” bullshit on Facebook by posting private text messages between the two of them.
In conclusion, as much fun as it is to laugh at and mock this loser, he’s actually a sexual predator and should be in jail for what he’s doing. If you walked down the street and showed me your dick I could have you arrested. But if you do it to me on Facebook somehow it’s OK. Makes sense. In the meantime the best way to combat this is public shaming. Stop being a piece of shit Matthew Brown.
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50 Comment(s)
Wow wish I found this a couple months ago. This man is seriously dangerous. I’ve been hanging out with him for the last couple months. I honestly believe he is involved in sex trafficking. He tried to basically pimp me out against my will. He tried to pursuade me to round up girls for him to be pornstars. He constantly tried to make me create an only fans account or other online accounts and said he’d me my “manager” and collect a fee. He posted pictures of me everywhere on the internet and got a group of guys together for a gangbang (all without my knowledge). Thankfully I noticed red flags and broke it off with him. When I told him I didn’t want to see him anymore, he started threatening me and said he would make sure everyone I knew got my pictures and he’d ruin my life and my career. I can only imagine how many other girls he has done this to and how far he has gone. The scariest part is he was getting a group of guys together to have a gangbang all without my knowledge…thank God I knew someone who happened to be on that site and let me know. He has been reported and blocked many times and keeps making new accounts. This sicko mother fucker needs to be stopped.
He tried three times to contact me on FB, I responded eventually, then he ghosted me. Pretty sure I reached back out myself the final time, actually.
He was so awful that our first “date” consisted of him, my mother, my two cats and I. We ate pizza, and told stories from our childhoods and our love for animals. We talked in my back yard. We watched a movie, and laughed our asses off. We kissed like teenagers, and slept on a pull out couch in my basement. We had breakfast with my mom, and agreed we were bummed we didn’t live closer. Our second date, I hung out with his mom. We sat in bed and watched a nature documentary, and challenged each other at our piano playing abilities. Our third date, he drove an hour and a half to come eat pizza with me and watch a Netflix comedy marathon.
He had struggles. I knew that. I know that. We all do. And I’m sad and disappointed to see all of this, because I think maybe I got a glimpse into the shit beyond the shit. And it wasn’t this guy. And that sincerely makes me feel awful. I’m sorry for the girls that got the most awful version of him, and I’m sorry for the girls that will never get the best. I saw the potential and the capability….unfortunately it seems the struggles in his life won in these cases. And that breaks my heart. Because the glimpse of someone who was so broken but somewhere in him had the absolute capacity to be better than this, was there.
I’m not condoning any of his choices highlighted here, in any way…..I just feel an obligation to share MY truth, and my experience with him, on a human level.
I simply was shown none of this Matthew Brown, in my own encounter. From day one of speaking, I knew of his struggles in life…and he candidly, but respectively shared them with me. Not as self-loathing, but I believe as an attempt to quietly shout out his desire for help.
He can’t force that card on anyone, for any reason. And it truly makes me completely pissed off that he would. Because in his arsenal of tactics to gain love, support and respect…that is the bottom of the barrel…and he has more in him as a person to give, on a sincere, genuine level, that if he just fucking realized that he could rely on those qualities, this shit wouldn’t have to exist in his life.
This entire thing has just made me so incredibly sad. For him, for whom ever feels affected by him negatively, and especially for His daughter.
Maddie… I never did get to meet you… and by the sounds of it, you’re a fantastic young woman…and you love your dad. And I’m sorry for this obstacle in your life…but I honestly believe that in some way, his love for you may be the catalyst to pull him out of all the shit he’s going through. When he spoke of you… when I heard him on the phone with you…when he shared stories about you…there was such an honest joy in his eyes. Just hold on to that. Don’t let this define anything for you. At the end of the day, you’re the only one who understands the bond you two have. And that matters. And that’s ok. No matter how hard this may hurt you. It’s ok to feel whatever you feel, popular opinion or not. Accept this as a lesson, and a chapter, and a trial in life. Someday, I hope it will all make better sense for you❤️
I hope that everyone involved in this story ends up on the other side OK. Not one person affected truly deserves to feel whichever type of pain they’re uniquely experiencing because of these circumstances.
Thanks for listening to my rant ♀️
Please don’t let me be the next turtle boy recipient♀️
Hey are you a blonde girl by any chance? Last night he posted a nude he got from a blonde girl. It was a topless mirror pic. I was wondering if that was you because whoever it is should know!
I know Matt personally and he has struggled with drugs recently. I’m not condoning his actions, but this is not the full story. I spoke with him personally about it. These conversations are grossly edited and cut and pasted. As you can see there is not a single conversation that is posted in full. These girls talked for weeks and sometimes months to him. He admitted to me that out of frustration he finally said the things that he did. There is a block button or feature on Facebook – at any time these girls could have simply blocked him, it is literally that simple. I think part of the story that does not get shared is that girls on Facebook love social media and the attention of “putting guys on blast” has become contagious to the point where they will intentionally set up guys strictly to do it. There is a reason they respond for weeks or months but don’t have to correct? There must be some valid reason they do. Matt’s bank account and love for his daughter are absolutely real. He had full custody of her for 4 years and has provided for his daughter almost her whole life. Matt has personally submitted an email to turtleboy with a current screen shot of his bank account – and rebuttal to this article which turtleboy will obviously never post to protect his tyrannical position of writing news stories that obviously don’t make channel 5 for a reason – because they severely lack credibility and are based on what he picks and chooses to take out of conversations.
So because messages were answered in the beginning, that warrants harassment and even dick pictures when he doesn’t get what he wants? Try again. You said it yourself – he has a problem. And it needs to stop. Preying on young girls and children is illegal whether they respond or not.
Also – not one single person gives a shit about his bank account balance.
Excuse me? “Preying” on young girls and children!? If these was even remotely factually by any stretch of the imagination there would be police involvement. Your unverified and uncorroborated statements are tantamount to libel or slander – even defamation of character. Anywhere in the article does it show young girls or children? Could o you show me this pictures. These claims are just as turtleboys – invalidated and untrue. If there was something illegal here a real news story would have been posted it wouldn’t be on turtleboy.
Sarah, Stop making excuses for him and enabling bad behavior. It’s people like you that give this predator a narcissistic complex..excusing their bad behavior and justifying it. I happen to be a VERY close friend of his daughters mother. The statements you are making about him recently using drugs are false. This has been an ongoing issue for over 4 years..mental illness, drug addiction, in and out of hospitals and jail. You speak of things you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. Leave his daughter out of this and stop protecting someone who is clearly a danger to himself and society. Perhaps you should seek some mental health help for yourself.
FYI! Madison’s mother LOST custody when she was sectioned four years ago due a severe drug addiction to opiates with her then ex Wesley Partelow of Fitchburg. Matt had to take FULL emergency custody in Worcester court and had custody for 4 years! He has single-handedly provided EVERYTHING for his daughter while paying child support. MAtt is owed 4 years back support which he could hold Emily in contempt of court for arrears and have her arrested. Emily broke into Matt’s house, his parents house, his aunts house – her own uncle Robert Pontbriand who formerly worked for the mayor of Fitchburg produced a spreadsheet indicating Emily had stolen $60,000 worth of money and valuable mainly from her grandmother and grandfather! Emily broke into Matt’s house on multiple occasions and robbed him. The car that Emily is currently driving was GIVEN to her by Matt. It is a silver 2015 Ford Fusion and is STILL listed in Matts name because he is letting her use it out of the goodness of his heart because she waitresses at friendlys and can not afford a car to bring her daughter places. Emily provides NOTHNG financially for her daughters future. The reason Matthew has so much money is when he found out he was having a daughter – he worked two jobs, went to dental hygiene school and started his own business. That is how and why he saved almost $600,000 between his bank account and his investments in precious metals – it’s no joke. He realized his useless daughters mother would not provide financially for their future so he took it upon himself. If anyone would like the court documents Matthew is happy to furnish them from 2008 when he took full legal and physical custody of Madison for almost 4 years. She doesn’t deserve to be any part of this and she is the only one suffering because of it. I hope turtleboy and his fans and posters realize that the one person who is suffering from this is an innocent, fragile 14 year old girl who wishes she had normal parents. Maybe this will be enough to end this absurd post and have it removed
This article has nothing to do with his custody battle with his ex, but has everything to do with the fact he is a creep and a predator. Your comment hasn’t changed that fact whatsoever. Way to air out someone’s irrelevant dirty laundry and probably break his daughter’s heart more than it already is. Impressive job. Maybe you should date him, you’d be taking one for the team.
Ok “Sarah” AKA Matthew Brown.
Thank you! Anyone who actually knows the real history will know that this person is definitely not “Sarah.” Nice try though
Sarah you’re an ignorant cunt and a pathetic excuse of a human being!
I also know Matt personally and spent a lot of time trying to help him. You’re also not telling the whole story either. Yes, people can block him, that is true. But he’ll also yell out his car window at girls- not something they can control. He lost custody of his daughter for a reason. While paying child support is great, that’s not raising a child. And he made it very clear that monetary support is all he sees being a parent as doing. Madi asked to live with him and he said no because he can’t party with her around all the time. I really wish that he was willing to put in the work to get better but it became clear to me that he is not there yet. I hope that he finds himself ready to do the recovery and mental health work one day. But mostly, I hope Madi can get the mental health support she needs. I know what it is like to be an emotional caretaker for a family member, she will have lasting affects because of her dad’s actions and I hope she knows that it is not her fault.
I hope this article helps Matt see that his actions and how he treats people has consequences. Money can’t buy you happiness and it can’t buy you the ability to be a decent person.
Best of luck to Madi and Matt and their families.
Well said Ashley, and what you speak is truth. Only thing is I wish people would leave his daughter and her name out of all this. It’s hard enough being a teenager never mind having to deal with this. She has a loving, caring mother who is making sure that she has all the help she needs to get her through this. The most important thing out of all of this is her.
What in God’s green earth does his “real” bank account have to do with literally anything? I don’t care if you have $20 in the bank or $2mil, sending a screenshot of it and saying “We can’t have a drink anymore but we can fuck” is LUDACRIS.
And you’re right. There is a block button. There’s also a concept called being a decent human being, maybe you’ve heard of it? I don’t know about you, but if I message someone 47 times without a response, my next logical move isn’t a screenshot of my bank account.
And for the record, a set of these screenshots is 100% complete. Thanks though.
-3 points for the hog pic but + 2 for the “Two Seater” shirt.
I wish I could screenshot on here. This piece of shit tried to pick up my 15 year daughter too so he’s also a child molester. I still have his picture and the text he sent on my Facebook. Keep your kids away from this shitbag!
You are NOT responsible for your father’s bad behavior so quit apologizing for him already. That’s not ‘mental illness’. That is pure narcissism. Stop making excuses for him too.
Looks like the steroids are working great !
I see his daughter’s been posting in the comments. I feel bad for her if it is actually her. Possible it’s him though. Child, public shaming works. Tough to recover from this. I guarantee he’ll do something positive because of this. Turtleboy probably saved countless women and maybe his life with this one.
No this is truly his daughter and what I’m writing comes from my heart there will never be enough times I can apologize for his actions
Madison, you don’t have to apologize for your dad’s actions. They are not a reflection on you. What he is doing is harming you the most, mental illness is real and the affects it has on family members is terrible. I’m so glad you have a good mom. I suggest finding a therapist so that you don’t have to bear this burden alone. Best of luck to you Madi.
Past 2 days. 22+3+10
I’m no math whiz you fucking skinner, but how many women did you rape with your dick pics during that time traveling 2 days?
Unsolicited dick picks are fucked up, no doubt, but are they actually “rape?”
I think calssifying that as rape is hyperbolic, and really doesn’t do any favors for actual rape survivors.
He’s got a weird nose.
That two seater shirt is awesome and I will be trying to find one. I can’t wait to wear it out with my wife.
just because you can lift weights doesn’t mean you can fight, he’s gonna learn that the hard way . . . .
This schmuck has a hole in his soul the size of Montana. If he’s serious about being sober than it’s not working, because that’s not how you treat people if you are.
Sad. Very very sad.
He must’ve taught his daughter everything he knows about punctuation and spelling. I bet he’s beaming with pride for that parenting ‘win’.
Hello everyone. This is Matthews daughter Madison Lynn brown. I wish I could put in a picture for proof but I am so embarrassed and want to apologize for my fathers actions and I wish I could change things. This is disgusting to me also but my father is very mentally ill and I try to tell him he needs help every day I can. If anyone is still receiving messages from him please block him or tell him you and his daughter want him to get help. Again I apologize for his actions and I am so very sorry. And for clarification yes I do live with my wonderful mother. Again I am so sorry for all the people my father has harassed – madison l brown
God bless you, child. Stay away from vice and your life will be bliss.
I feel bad for his daughter. What adult man acts like this? Grow up and be a parent asshole
I rarely use Facebook messenger, so I could be wrong, but aren’t you able to block someone from messaging you at all? Seems like a lot of these women keep letting him send messages for whatever reason. If I got those kinds of messages, after two or three of them, I would’ve blocked the person.
The point is – we shouldn’t have to. Never mind the fact that not all of us check messenger every single day. The first screenshots are mine and I opened the message to all of those. Glad we had them – If he wasn’t exposed like this he was just going to move onto the next girl (and still might) and this was the only way to get him to possibly cut the shit ♀️
Thank you for coming forward with this. I messaged on here earlier about him trying to pick up my 15 year old daughter on Facebook. She told me about it and blocked him. I threatened him through Facebook and called the police but seeing this today made my day! Thanks again:)
Exactly!!!! The biggest side of this story that everyone is missing is that girls love attention from blasting guys on Facebook. It has literally become an epidemic. They will even intentionally set guys up, then cut and past certain parts of the conversation and block the guy on Facebook and then post it like turtleboy so they have no recourse. It literally takes less than 3 seconds to block someone. This is a clear case of girls who want attention and to be glorified for thinking they are calling guys out.
And be glorified for calling them out? Do you see any girls’ names listed? I hope you never have a daughter who has some man much older than her send her pictures of his dick because she didn’t respond quick enough to his liking. And if it happens I hope you tell her that she just wants attention. Some might enjoy it but some might not enjoy being harassed and violated. Fuck right off.
What world do we live in? The only reason why I clicked on this was because I have a friend who recently posted what this guy sent her a couple weeks ago warning people to stay away from him. Her conversation is not in the article. Which makes me think that this has become a hobby of his. At first I took a liking to this and the fact that someone this sh!tty was getting exposed and getting what he deserved. But then I went to the comments. Who the hell cares what car he drives, how much money he has, how easy it is to hit the block button? Even if he has a private jet and 300 million in the bank its doesn’t give him the right to speak to women like this. The simple fact is he thought this behavior is okay and it made me understand we have a looooooong way to go as a society when it comes to respecting women. There are a million Matt Browns out there who think this is an acceptable way to treat and talk to women. And for the lady who is good friends with him who decided to defend him but air out names and dirty laundry of people involved in a much bigger personal situation that should have NEVER been spoken about here? What you just did to his daughter is repulsive. There is a poor, innocent teenage girl whose life is getting ruined by this. her name is out there. Both her parents names are out there. As children your parents are your heroes until a certain age. You love them regardless of what you hear about them. regardless of what people say about them. From the sounds of it, she has already experienced things in life that no child should ever have to. So Madison if you are reading this. Keep your head up kid. Know that there are people out there rooting for you.
LMAO this is soooo common. Every woman has at least 3-5 guys in her inbox having this conversation with themselves. If you get dead silence for 1-4 days. Give up. She’s not interested.
Someone please identify the gym. Me, some homeys and my Louisville Slugger (with my name embossed on it) want to meet this piece of work in the parking lot.
His screenshots w/his daughter show he goes to Planet Fitness. Google PF’s in the Gardner area, and you could probably find-out.
Hello. This is Matthews daughter. I know my father is a very horrible person but please do not harm him he is still my father
he reminds me of the guy who got his gf shot and killed.
can’t remember his name but both are dildos
Not being a narcissistic dick, bit i have way way more than 300k and i dont keep more thank 30k in checking for monthly bills and expenses. The rest is in higher yielding accounts and lot can be transferred if needed. That right there is proof he if an fucking liar. And per below, anyone with any money wouldnt let their wife drive a fucking C class. Let alone themselves. Plus a popus dick like that if he had the money would drive an escalade. His dick is so small me pees on his nuts.
“Not being a narcissistic dick” BUT if you keep $300,000 in “higher yielding accounts that you can get at quickly” you are a fool. Inflation is eating you alive, and you are too much of “narcissistic dick” to know it.
I am highly skeptical Tacky shirt “Adonis” has that amount in his bank account…
do you know how easy that would be to photoshop?
the only way he has that is through inheritance…….works at a chain tavern.?
he’s got a kid, live in MA—even if he had been “successful” before becoming “Manuel”, child support would have been astronomical…
doubt it-
just as I doubt anyone having that amount in their bank would be wasting their time on TB making comments-.unless daddy kicked it and left piles of $$ behind…see above…
“way more”…lol…
maybe KM or GC are posting..but thats about it as far moneybags on this site..ever..
This d_ckbag claims to have $400K in the bank and he flaunts his C class Mercedes on Facebook.
No rich dude drives a C class.
Wannabe’s and chicks drive C classes.
Clearly you buy a car you cant afford for the benefit of shitstain girls that would be impressed by a depreciating asset to cover up for you lack of penis size and forethought.
Somebody’s boyfriend is gonna cap him one of these days.